Nie Haisheng

Chinese heroic astronauts, super astronauts, Shenzhou VI, 10 and 12 astronauts
zero Useful+1
Nie Haisheng, male, Han nationality Native place Hubei Zaoyang CPC member doctorate Born on October 13, 1964 [42-43] , June 1983 Air Force Changchun Flight Academy Joined the army in December 1986 Communist Party of China He once served as the navigation director of the headquarters of a certain division and a certain regiment of the air force aviation, and was rated as a first-class pilot of the air force after 1480 hours of safe flight. Now Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps Super astronaut, professional technology Rank of major general [13]
In January 1998, it was selected as one of the first batch in China astronaut In September 2003, he was elected Shenzhou V Backup astronauts for flight mission. In October 2005, he carried out the Shenzhou VI flight mission and was CPC Central Committee the state council Awarded by the Central Military Commission“ Heroic astronaut ”Honorary title, and won“ Aerospace Meritorious Medal ”。 In May 2008, he was selected as a backup astronaut for the Shenzhou VII mission. In March 2012, he was selected as a backup astronaut for the Shenzhou 9 mission. In June 2013, he carried out the Shenzhou 10 flight mission and served as the commander. In July of the same year, he was awarded the "Second Class Aerospace Merit Medal" by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission. In June 2014, he served as the captain of the Chinese People's Liberation Army astronaut team. In December 2019, he was selected as the commander of the Shenzhou 12 flight mission crew. [12] In June 2021, Shenzhou 12 will be implemented Flight mission Command length. [17-18] At 18:48 on June 17, astronaut Nie Haisheng entered Tianhe Core Module , marking the first time that Chinese people have entered their own space station. [21] On August 20, the second extravehicular activity of astronaut Nie Haisheng was a complete success. [25]
From June 17, 2021, Nie Haisheng will carry out the Shenzhou 12 manned flight mission. As of September 6, Beijing time, Nie Haisheng became the first Chinese astronaut in orbit for 100 days. [28] At about 13:30 on September 17, the return capsule of Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft landed safely in the predetermined area of Dongfeng landing site. [30-31]
On November 23, 2021, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission awarded Nie Haisheng“ First class Aerospace Merit Medal ”。 [33]
Chinese name
Nie Haisheng
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
Native place
Zaoyang, Hubei
one's native heath
Zaoyang, Hubei
date of birth
October 13, 1964 [42-43]
University one is graduated from
Air Force Aviation University Shanghai Jiaotong University [15]
Political outlook
CPC member
Key achievements
Shenzhou VI flight mission members
Commander of Shenshi Astronaut Crew
Commander of the crew of Shenzhou 12 astronauts [17-18]
The first Chinese astronaut in orbit for 100 days [27]
First class Aerospace Merit Medal Winner
Military rank
Major General
Affiliated unit
Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps


Nie Haisheng successfully passed the recruitment of air force pilots when he graduated from high school. In June 1983, he joined the Changchun Flight Academy of the Air Force (Today Air Force Aviation University Enlistment.
Former Air Force Aviation Division and Regiment Pilotage Director, fly over J-5, J-6 F-7 aircraft And other aircraft types, safely flying for 1480 hours super pilot
In 1996, Nie Haisheng actively responded to the call of the Party and resolutely signed up to participate in the selection of astronauts. He was selected from more than 1500 outstanding air force pilots and stood out from the crowd. In January 1998, he officially became the first batch of astronauts in China. After years of astronaut training, we have completed the training tasks of eight categories and dozens of subjects, including basic theory, aerospace environment adaptability, and professional technology, and passed the comprehensive assessment of astronaut professional technology with excellent results. He was selected into China's first manned space flight astronaut echelon. [5] [38]
October 2005, and Fei Junlong implement Shenzhou VI The manned flight mission was a complete success.
Selected in April 2013 Tiangong No.1 And Shenzhou 10 Crew for manned missions. [5]
June 11-26, 2013, with astronauts Zhang Xiaoguang Wang Yaping (Female) boarding Shenzhou 10 Execute the Shenzhou 10 manned flight mission Tiangong No.1 And Shenzhou 10 manned Rendezvous and docking The mission was a complete success. [5]
Served in February 2016 Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps Captain. [7]
In December 2019, he was selected as the commander of the Shenzhou 12 flight mission crew.
In the spring of 2021, Nie Haisheng won School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiaotong University Doctoral research Health degree. [15-16]
On June 16, 2021, the flight crew of Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft announced that Nie Haisheng was the commander [12]
June 17, 2021, with astronauts Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo Take Shenzhou 12 to carry out Shenzhou 12 Human flight mission. [19]
At 9:00 on June 17, 2021, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft successfully separated from the rocket and entered the scheduled orbit, successfully bringing three astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo Go into space. [20]
At 18:48 on June 17, 2021, after the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft successfully achieved autonomous and rapid rendezvous and docking with Tianhe core module, astronaut Nie Haisheng entered Tianhe Core Module , marking the first time that Chinese people have entered their own space station. [21] On the morning of June 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Beijing Space Flight Control Center, and at about 9:30, together with the Shenzhou XII astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo Words. [23]
At 8:38 on August 20, 2021, astronaut Nie Haisheng successfully opened the exit door of the node module of Tianhe core module. By 10:12, wearing a new generation of "Feitian" extravehicular spacesuit independently developed by China, astronaut Nie Haisheng and astronaut Liu Boming had successfully exited the module from the node module of Tianhe core module, and had completed the installation of foot limiter and extravehicular workbench on the mechanical arm, In the future, with the support of the manipulator, they will cooperate with each other to carry out the installation of relevant equipment outside the space station. [24]
At 14:33 on August 20, 2021, Beijing time, after about 6 hours of extravehicular activities, the crew of Shenzhou 12 astronauts worked closely together to successfully complete all the scheduled tasks during the extravehicular activities. Astronauts Nie Haisheng and Liu Boming had returned to the core module safely, about an hour earlier than the original plan. The second extravehicular activity of astronauts in the space station stage was a complete success. [25]
On August 21, 2021, the three astronauts of Shenzhou 12, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, will have a real-time "heaven and earth dialogue" with Hong Kong teenagers at the space station on September 3, and lead Hong Kong citizens to visit the space station's Tianhe core module to answer the questions of Hong Kong citizens. [26]
At 13:38 on September 16, 2021, Beijing time, the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft completed the round flight and radial rendezvous test, and the three astronauts were about to leave and return. [29] At about 13:30 on September 17, after the successful ignition of the reverse thrust engine of the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft's return capsule, it landed safely in the predetermined area of the Dongfeng landing site. This is the first time that Shenzhou spacecraft landed at Dongfeng landing site. [30] On November 5, according to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, three people, including Nie Haisheng, a member of the Shenzhou XII crew, who carried out the first manned flight mission in China's space station phase, have completed isolation and recovery, and are currently recuperating in a resting place. [32]
Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft flight crew [14]

Early experience

Nie Haisheng was born in Zaoyang, Hubei in 1964 Yangdang Town In a small village. The poor life in childhood often made parents worried about the tuition fees of only a few yuan, so they had to borrow money from other places. Sometimes, instead of tuition fees, a rabbit was handed over to the teacher. [3] Nie Haisheng's sister and brother are 8 in total, and he is the sixth in line. [44] Parents rely on farming to make a living. They have a large family and a large mouth. When I was a child, I didn't have enough food. The most I could find in my mind were black doughnuts and mixed flour cakes made of sweet potato noodles. Dried turnips, pickles and soy sauce were the main dishes on the table at home. So Nie Haisheng has smelled Sauce The smell is disgusting.
Nie Haisheng treats study conscientiously and diligently. Although he didn't have money to buy learning materials, he was clear about the contents of the textbook, on which page and where. When he was in primary school, he often wore his sister's old cloth shirt and went barefoot, but he studied very hard, especially in mathematics, and often got full marks. Nie Haisheng was admitted to the key high school of the county in the junior high school graduation examination. That holiday, he moved wood and worked on the ground, earning the tuition for high school. Only two students in Yangdang Town passed the exam. The school learned of his family's difficulties and subsidized him with relief money. Every holiday, he also goes to his cousin's home more than ten miles away to help move wood, pack tea, and work in the field. He can earn more than ten yuan a holiday. In this way, he earned the tuition for high school by his own hands. [4]

social activities

On April 23, 2019, the theme activity of 2019 "China Space Day" with the theme of "Building a Dream of a New Era, Manned Space Flight, Celebrating the 70th Birthday of New China" and the series of activities of "Youth Wisdom, Chinese Dream" Yunnan Youth Space Science Popularization Education Practice were held in Qujing Science and Technology Museum. Nie Haisheng, a super astronaut and leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Astronaut Corps, went to Qujing Science and Technology Museum to have face-to-face talks with more than 200 students. Nie Haisheng told more than 200 primary and secondary school teachers and students about the real space life with his own experience. He hoped to see more young friends devote themselves to China's space industry when they grow up. During the activity, 20 students in minority costumes presented the results of space planting to the main venue. Later, Nie Haisheng and his party sent space seeds to the 20 students, and together with the students, they went to the space seed planting base to plant space seeds. On the afternoon of April 23, 2019, Nie Haisheng and his party arrived again Qujing No. 2 Middle School Talk with students and present popular science books to the school. [2]
On October 16, 2022, the second season of the large-scale theme program Answers to Time was broadcast. [40]
In November 2022, it was selected as "Running into Space, Marching Ahead courageously" Award of the Space City Half Marathon Guest list [41]
On April 23, 2024, the 2024 "Space Culture and Arts Forum" was held in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Nie Haisheng, a super astronaut of China Astronaut Research and Training Center, attended the forum and made a keynote speech. [46]

family life

Nie Haisheng's wife is Nie Jielin [22] Nie Haisheng's younger brother is Nie Xinsheng [39]
In 2008, Nie Haisheng's daughter was 11 years old, and the couple named her Nie Tianxiang , is a full "aerospace" flavor of the name. On weekends, in addition to completing her own homework, she also served as her father's "English instructor". Nie Haisheng used to have a poor foundation in English, while her young daughter was quite talented in this regard. [4]
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Nie Haisheng, his wife and daughter

Character achievements

Nie Haisheng is the first Chinese astronaut to enter space as a general, and also the first Chinese astronaut to be in orbit for 100 days. [28]
In October 2005, he and Fei Junlong carried out the Shenzhou VI manned flight mission, which was a complete success. [2]
At 10:07 on June 23, 2013, with Nie Haisheng's precise control and the close cooperation of Zhang Xiaoguang and Wang Yaping, the Tiangong-1 target aircraft and Shenzhou-10 spacecraft successfully achieved manual rendezvous and docking. [8] Nie Haisheng becomes the successor Liu Wang After that, the second Chinese man manually piloted the Shenzhou spaceship. [2]
At 18:48 on June 17, 2021, astronaut Nie Haisheng entered Tianhe Core Module , marking the first time that Chinese people have entered their own space station. [21]
On September 6, 2021, Nie Haisheng became the first Chinese astronaut in orbit for 100 days. [27] Nie Haisheng carried out the Shenzhou VI manned flight mission from October 12 to 16, 2005, the Shenzhou X manned flight mission from June 11 to 26, 2013, and the Shenzhou XII manned flight mission from June 17, 2021 to September 17, 2021. [27] [30]
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Honors won

Nie Haisheng (photographed on July 25, 2022) [38]
On June 12, 1989, Nie Haisheng began to drive a certain model for the first time The fighter Fly solo. The next day, in case of an accident, the Party Committee of the army recorded a third class merit for him. [4]
In November 2005, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission decided to award Nie Haisheng“ Heroic astronaut ”Honorary title and award“ Aerospace Meritorious Medal ”。 [12]
In 2006, won the Moved the People of 2005 in China [9]
Selected on October 31, 2010《 2010 First Wang Shunli Centennial Chinese Character List 》。
Nie Haisheng Yang Liwei Fei Junlong Jing Haipeng Zhai Zhigang Liu Boming Chen Dong Deng Qingming Zhang Xiaoguang Liu Wang Liu Yang Wang Yaping 12 astronauts were awarded the astronaut group by the Central Propaganda Department“ A model of the times ”Honorary title. [1]
On November 23, 2021, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission awarded Nie Haisheng“ First class Aerospace Merit Medal ”。 [33]
2022 On July 27, Won“ August 1 Medal [34] [36-37]
On April 24, 2024, served as the public welfare image of China's aerospace industry in 2024 ambassador. [45]

Character evaluation

Senior Brother Nie seems to be in our group key stand He sets an example and is strict. He often tests us on some difficult questions anytime, anywhere. As long as we have him in our hearts, we are very secure and not afraid of anything. (commented by Wang Yaping) [10]
He has a calm personality and loves thinking. He never misses every training, and he often attends seminars for designers and technicians. Comments by Jiang Guohua, Chief Designer of Astronaut Training Center [11]
He is dedicated to flying to the sky and always writes his unlimited loyalty to the Party with the magnificent track of space travel. He is the representative of numerous strivers and climbers in China's space industry in the new era. (commented by the Central Military Commission) [35]