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Good Friday

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A Christian festival commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is called Good Friday, Holy Friday and Silence Friday, and the Catholic Church is also called the Passion of Jesus.
Chinese name
Good Friday
Festival type
Christian festivals



According to the New Testament, Jesus died on the cross three days before his resurrection. According to this, the church stipulates Friday before Easter as the festival period. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant Episcopal, Lutheran and other sects all have worship services. In some places, different sects jointly hold worship on this day to show unity and unity. In the western Christian world, many countries have designated this day as a public holiday, including 12 states of the United States.


The commemoration ceremony of the Good Friday of Jesus is called Mass Sacrament or Thanksgiving Sacrifice in Catholicism and Holy Communion in Episcopal Church. This ceremony originated from the "Last Supper" that Jesus and his disciples had together. Through this ceremony, believers remember Jesus Christ and his words and deeds. The cognition and details of receiving the Eucharist vary from sect to sect. Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Church regard the pastry after the consecration and the sacrament ceremony as the real presence of Jesus, and believe that eating the following cake and wine will be integrated with Jesus, so they need to confess before receiving the sacrament to obtain forgiveness. After Martin Luther split from Catholicism, some new sects even cancelled the Eucharist rites. However, it is also believed that participation in the Eucharist ritual can enhance and strengthen the relationship between believers and Christ. The Holy Communion of the Eastern Orthodox Church uses leavened bread, while the Catholic Church uses unleavened bread. Most Protestant sects changed wine to grape juice. Some sects require that believers receiving Holy Communion must be confirmed.
In addition, Catholicism also has activities such as worshipping the image of suffering and worshipping the path of suffering again.