yelu chucai

Politician of Great Mongolia
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Yelu Chucai (1190-1244), known as Jin Qing, [58] number Zhanran Jushi , Yuquan Old Man, [59] Mongolian name Wutu Saheli (meaning long bearded man), Khitan nationality Liao Dongdan King The eighth grandson of sudden desire, Jin Shangshu, Youcheng Yelu shoes Son, [58] Great Mongolia Politicians, Tai Zu, Rui Zong and Tai Zong were the prime ministers. [58]
Yelu Chucai was born Peking (Today's Beijing), born in a noble family in Khitan, his father died when he was young. In the sixth year of Jintaihe's reign (1206), Yelu Chucai was called up and awarded the position of RUNE Kaizhou Tongzhi. In the second year of Jin Zhenyou (1214), he served as Wailang, the member of the left and right directors. In the 10th year of Genghis Khan in Mongolia (1215) Genghis Khan Move to the north of the desert and march west with Genghis Khan. In the third year of Wokuotai Khan (1231) Middle order [59] After Taizong died, Empress Ma Zhen Calling system, alienating Yelu Chucai. [58] Three years after Naima Zhen (1244), Yelu Chucai died because of exclusion. [59]
Yelu Chucai vigorously promoted the rule of literature and gradually constructed the strategy of "governing the country with Confucianism". The institutional measures he advocated are yuan dynasty The establishment laid the foundation for the establishment of the country, had a profound impact on the development and governance trend of the Yuan Dynasty, laid the basic blueprint for the feudal system of Great Mongolia, and promoted the integration and development of the national culture of Great Mongolia. [60] Deep research of Yelu Chucai Learning of Lao Zhuang , forming a unique literary ideological trend. His literary achievements had a significant impact on the literati of Mongolia. [59] Those who have complete surviving works《 Collected Works of Zhan Ran 》《 Journey to the West 》And others are scattered in《 Yongle Grand Ceremony 》There are 14 lost poems, 1 word, 2 lost articles in the remnants, local chronicles, stone carvings, calligraphy works and other documents, and only 7 poem titles remain. [60]
Yelv Wenzheng Wutu Saheli Long bearded man
Jin Qing
Yuquan Old Man, Zhanran Jushi
Jin Dynasty → Mongolian Yuan
Ethnic groups
Khitan nationality
one's native heath
date of birth
July 24, 1190
Date of death
June 20, 1244
Key achievements
Assist Genghis Khan And their descendants
Main works
Collected Works of Zhanran Jushi, etc
True name
yelu chucai
Official position
Middle order
Posthumous gift
Grand Master, Shangzhuguo, Guangning King, etc
Posthumous title
Wen Zheng

Character's Life


Aristocratic origin

Yelu Chucai is in Jin Zhangzong June 20, the first year of Mingchang [1] (July 24, 1190) was born in Yanjing (today's Beijing ), he was born Khitan Aristocratic family, the Emperor Taizu of the Liao Dynasty Yelu Abao machine King Dongdan, the ninth grandson of Yelv times Eighth grandson Jin Dynasty Shangshu Youcheng Yelu shoes Son of. Yelu Chucai was born in his father's 60s. His father once said, "I got this son when I was 60 years old. My family will become a great weapon someday and it will be used for foreign countries."《 Legend of Zuo Clan in Spring and Autumn Period 》The allusion of "although Chu is talented, Jin is practical" in, [3] [5] He named his son "Chucai". Yelu Chucai was tall and bearded, Genghis Khan He is called Wutu Saheli, which means "man with long beard".

Erudite and knowledgeable

Half length portrait of Yelu Chucai
In June of the second year of Mingchang (1191), Yelu Lu died, and Yelu Chucai was two years old at that time (in addition, the first year of Mingchang and the third year of Mingchang died) [6-8] [3] [9] , followed his mother, Yang, to settle down in Hongzheng, Yizhou (today Jinzhou Yixian County), received a comprehensive education from his mother, and joined Lushan Xianzhou Academy at the age of 12 [10] , learning at the age of 13 Poetry and calligraphy [11]
Since Yelu Chucai's grandfather, his family has served in the Jin Dynasty for generations and often lived in Yanjing. At that time, Yanjing had a deep foundation of Han culture, which made the Yelu family influenced by Han culture from generation to generation, and formed a family style of learning and etiquette. Yelu Chucai has been influenced by Confucianism since he was young, and his ideal is to govern the world according to Confucianism. Yelu Chucai, adhering to the family tradition, has learned Chinese books since childhood and is proficient Chinese He has "learned a lot of books and understood them at a young age Astronomy Geography Legal calendar fortune-telling As explained by the old doctor, writing is a text, if it is a structure.
Taihe Six years (1206), according to the system of the Jin Dynasty, the son of the prime minister could be granted Provincial rubber Yelu Chucai did not take the post. Want to participate imperial examination examination, Jin Zhangzong Ask the examiners about many things about the trial. At that time, there were 17 people participating in the exam, but only Yelu Chucai answered that he was excellent, so he was called up to be awarded the position of RUE Kaizhou Cognate
Zhenyou Two years (1214), Jin Xuanzong Move south to Bianjing , brother of Yelu Chucai Yelu distinguishes talents All the good talents of Yelu followed. And Yelu Chucai stayed Zhongdu , the prime minister left in Yanjing Wanyan Chenghui Appointed as Left and Right Division Yuanwailang

Kuanzuo Mongolia

Genghis Khan Ten years ago (1215), when the Mongol army captured Yanjing, Genghis Khan learned that he was talented and knowledgeable, so he sent someone to ask him about the strategy of governing the country. According to Gruse's Prairie Empire: "After occupying Beijing, Genghis Khan selected a Khitan prince, Yelu Chucai, among the prisoners who were willing to support the Mongolian rule. He won Genghis Khan's favor with his" eight feet long, beautiful beard and great voice " [12] , was appointed assistant minister.
yelu chucai
The 14th year of Genghis Khan (1219) [13] , marching west with Genghis Khan [12-13] , Chang Xiaoyi Crusade , the way of governing the country and pacifying the people. He has repeatedly made outstanding achievements and is highly valued.
In 1226, the 21st year of Genghis Khan Xixia The admonition forbids the state and county officials to levy killings without authorization, so as to curb the trend of greed.
ogodei After Khan ascended the throne, Yelu Chucai advocated the establishment of the court, and advised prince Chagatai (Brother Tai Zong) and others perform monarchical and official ceremonies to respect Khan's power [14] Since then, it has become increasingly important and known as the "minister of state" [14] First took charge of the Central Plains taxes Matters, proposed to be issued《 18 things cheaper [15] , set up prefectures and prefectures to separate the military from the civilian; Make a preliminary decree to oppose the conversion of Han land to pasture; Establish a tax system and set up ten tax collection offices in Yanjing and other places.
In the third year of Wokuotai Khan (1231) Middle order (Prime Minister). Since then, he has actively resumed the rule of literature and gradually implemented the plan of "governing the country with Confucianism" and "establishing systems" [15] , discussing etiquette and music, building a temple, building a palace, creating a school, setting an imperial examination, pulling out seclusion, visiting the elderly, selecting the talents, seeking justice, encouraging agriculture and mulberry production, curbing laziness, saving penalties, paying modest taxes, upholding honor, rejecting the vertical and horizontal, eliminating redundant staff, and expelling the redundant A cruel official Honoring filial piety and relieving the poor " [16] Political opinions. In political, economic and cultural aspects rack one 's brains There are many innovations. Mainly protected Agriculture Implement the feudal tax system; Reform the political system, promote and reuse Confucian officials [16] Oppose killing lives and protect people's lives; It is forbidden to plunder people for driving Household system Oppose the purchase of taxes and prohibit the use of power for personal gain; He advocated respecting Confucius and education, and sorting out Confucian classics. [17]

Arrive with grief and indignation

Statue of Yelu Chucai
Yelu Chucai has served in Genghis Khan and Wokuotai Khan for nearly 30 years, and he has helped a lot. queen Tregona When weighing, due to repeated reasons impeachment queen Favorite letter of Odurahiman , gradually being excluded.
Ma Zhenhou On May 14 (June 20) of the third year (1244), Yelu Chucai died of grief and indignation at the age of 55. "The pillar is broken, and the Tibetan boat is moved at midnight". When the news came out, many Mongolians cried bitterly, as if they had lost their relatives. The scholar bureaucrats of the Han nationality even shed tears to pay tribute to this outstanding Qidan politician. No music can be heard in Mongolia for several days. [2] Just like his contemporary Cao Zhiqian《 Eulogy of Yelu Gong in the middle book 》As the saying goes, "When I suddenly reported the news of a star turning on the platform, I still ended up with Xieluxin. Si Min felt the extreme of heaven and cried Cang Min."
After the death of Yelu Chucai, Empress Ma Zhen followed his will to transport his body back to Yanjing's hometown and bury it on the shore of Wengshanbo (today's Kunming Lake) at the foot of Yuquan Mountain, where Yelu Chucai was very fond of during his lifetime. He was buried with his wife who died before him. The ceremony was very grand.
Zhishun The first year (1330), Yuan Wenzong To posthumously bestow Yelu Chucai as a meritorious official, grand master, and Shangzhu State, who were discussed by the state Guangning Wang, Posthumous title Wen Zheng ”。 [18]

Historical achievements



Bust of Yelu Chucai [19]
At the beginning of the founding of Mongolia, the system of military and political integration was implemented. There were only officers commanding the army from ten thousand households, one thousand households and one hundred households, but no officers governing political affairs. In order to change this situation, Yelu Chucai put forward a proposal: "Local officials should be set up to rule the people, and another ten thousand households should be set up to take charge of the army, so that the military and the government can contain each other and prevent arbitrariness." Wokuotai adopted it. ogodei In accordance with his proposal, the central government set up the highest administrative body, Zhongshu Province, and appointed Yelu Chucai as the minister of Zhongshu. [20] In addition, Yelu Chucai also advocated that Confucius and Mencius should be used as the principle of governing the country and the people, and Confucian scholars should be selected as officials at all levels. [20]
Although Mongolia has the distinction between high and low, it has never had the strict distinction between monarch and subject like the feudal dynasties in the Central Plains. In the autumn of 1229, the patriarchal kings and ministers of Mongolia carved in Qulu Lianhe Ququ Alan Hulin Leta (General Assembly) was held in the local area. After Wokuotai was elected as the Great Khan, Yelu Chucai Chagatai He said, "Although you are the elder brother of Khan, from the perspective of your position, you are a minister and should bow down to him. If you take the lead in kneeling down, no one will dare not bow down." So Chagatai led the Golden Family and officials at all levels to bow down to Khan Wokutai. Since then, Mongolia has worshipped Khan. [20]
legal system
Genghis Khan There is no complete law, and "Zhasahe" is just a customary law applicable to the grassland. After the extension of Mongolian control to the Central Plains, the number of criminal cases increased greatly and the situation was much more complicated. Yelu Chucai proposed the Eighteen Cheap Things as a temporary law, which prohibited local officials from killing people without authorization, merchants and rich men from embezzlement of public property, cracked down on local ruffians and hooligans, killed people and stole, and prohibited landlords and rich men from seizing farmers' land. In this way, The social order gradually settled down. [20]


Statue of Yelu Chucai
In terms of economy, Yelu Chucai advocated light corvee and light taxes, cherishing the people's strength and developing production in view of the fact that the hinterland of the Central Plains had suffered years of war damage, production was depressed and the people were suffering. At the suggestion of Yelu Chucai, Wokuotai changed the previous "split soil zoning" Enfeoffment system After Wokuotai ascended the throne, someone suggested that the Central Plains should be turned into a pasture. Yelu Chucai said that the army needed supplies to conquer the Southern Song Dynasty; If the average land tax, commercial tax, salt tax, iron smelting tax and other benefits of mountains and rivers were collected in the Central Plains, 500000 taels of silver, 80000 pieces of silk and more than 400000 stones of millet could be obtained every year, which would be enough for military supplies. ogodei After listening, he appointed Yelu Chucai to preside over the Central Plains tax. Therefore, Yelu Chucai set up ten tax commissioners in the Central Plains, all of whom appointed Confucian scholars, so that the Central Plains avoided a historical retrogression. [21]
Mongolia, based on nomadic economy, knows nothing about the agricultural economic system in the Central Plains, let alone management. In the beginning, the Central Plains was "just plundering after spring and autumn". After the Central Plains became an occupied area, there was no way to plunder it. At this time, the cities occupied were mainly under the jurisdiction of the surrendered generals and local tyrants in the Central Plains, and these officials collected them themselves and paid tribute to the Mongolian rulers. Before Wokuotai ascended the throne, there was no effective ruling order in the Central Plains. Historical records: In the era of Taizu, the Western Expedition to the Western Regions left no time to govern the Central Plains. The officials gathered more private wealth and huge amounts of goods, while the government did not have reserves. Canglin's treasury did not have a bucket of grain and a foot of silk. [22] The Khanate and the government had no income. Yelu Chucai timely proposed to set up ten tax collection offices and appoint Confucian scholars who know how to govern the Central Plains as officials. ogodei Agreed to the proposal of Yelu Chucai, and set up ten tax envoys. Each road appoints the chief and deputy tax assessors [23] , all of them were Confucian scholars. [23] Chen Shike and Zhao Fang sent envoys to Yanjing, Liu Zhong and Liu Huan sent envoys to Xuande, Zhou Lihe and Wang Zhen sent envoys to Xijing, Lu Zhen and Liu Zizhen sent envoys to Taiyuan, [24] Yang Jian and Gao Tingying sent envoys to Pingyang, Wang Jin and Jia Cong sent envoys to Zhending, Yu and Wang Rui sent envoys to Dongping, Wang Deheng and Hou Xian sent envoys to Beijing, Jiaguyong and Cheng Tai sent envoys to Pingzhou, and Tian Muxi and Li Tianyi sent envoys to Jinan. [22] The candidate of the Ten Route Tax Collection Envoy was the first time that officials were selected outside the Mongolian people and local local tyrants after the Mongol conquest of North China. It is known that all the chief and deputy officials were selected by the world. [25] The tax bureau has performed well in expanding the fiscal revenue of Mongolia. In the second year of the implementation of the tax office system, namely 1231, when Wokuotai went to Yunzhong, ten roads were devoted to grain, books and gold, which were put on display in the court. In one year, he got 500 thousand taels of silver, 80 thousand pieces of silk, and more than 400 thousand stones of millet. So Wokuotai was surprised to ask Yale Chucai: Don't you know that there are people like Aiqing in the South? [26] For the first time, the Mongolians experienced the sweetness of obtaining great wealth in the Central Plains without fighting. [27]


When the Mongolian army invaded Asian and European countries and conquered various ethnic groups in China, it was stipulated that whenever the enemy's cities and towns were attacked, as long as the other party resisted, once they were conquered, the old, the young, the poor, the rich, and the rebellious would not be asked. Except for craftsmen, most of them killed, and a few women and children became slaves. Yelu Chucai also firmly opposes brutal acts in the war [15] , Suggestion: All skilled craftsmen and wealthy families are concentrated in Bianjing City, and these people cannot be killed. The purpose of a country's war is to get land and people. What's the use of getting land without people! Wokuotai hesitates. Yelu Chucai said that all the wonderful craftsmen and rich families gathered in this city. If we kill them all, our army will get nothing in the city. ogodei I thought it was reasonable, and I adopted the advice of Yelu Chucai. [20] It was ordered that all but the Yan family would be pardoned, and 1.47 million people in Bianjing had to save their lives. After the fall of the Jin Dynasty, more than 20 states, including Qin (now Tianshui in Gansu Province) and Gong (now Longxi in Gansu Province), refused to surrender because they were afraid of slaughtering the city, and Yelu Chucai intervened in the middle and ordered Wokuo not to kill them, so Qin, Long and other places were under the jurisdiction of the emperor. Later, the Mongol army captured the cities of Huai and Han, and it was also handled according to this, so it became a rule. [28]


Respect Confucius and Confucianism
Culturally, Yelu Chucai vigorously advocates Confucianism Confucius After the demise of Jin Dynasty, he sent people into the city to look for the descendants of Confucius, and won Kong Yuanxi, the 51 generation grandson. At the suggestion of Yelu Chucai, Kong Yuancuo granted the title of Yansheng Duke in 1233, and returned to Qufu, Shandong Province to worship, so that the title of Yansheng Duke could be continued in the new dynasty since the Song and Jin Dynasties. [27] With the consent of Taizong, he repaired Confucian Temple , preferential treatment for descendants of Confucius, established Guozi Studies Educate the people with feudal culture. In 1237 AD, Yelu Chucai proposed to resume the imperial examination. The second year, yuan dynasty For the first time, more than 4000 people were recruited. [27]
Protect talents
In order to make the upper class of Mongolia accept the Chinese culture, Yelu Chucai [23] , using the pragmatism thought of the Mongolian nobility, called "rule by custom", mainly from the protection and appointment of Confucian talent, the spread of Confucian ethics, but basically not adopted. Yelu Chucai knew that it was necessary to use the system of the Central Plains to rule the Central Plains, and it was Han Confucians who were familiar with the rule of Han law [16] As an old minister of the Jin Dynasty, Yelu Chucai, who was relied on by Wokuotai, was very clear that most of the top officials, officials, students and celebrities in the wilderness of the Jin Dynasty were gathered in Jueliang City. In March, when Jueliang was not occupied by the Mongolian army, he wrote "Shusuo Hanlin Scholars Zhao Bingwen 27 families of Yansheng Duke Kongyuancuo, and "called famous Confucians Liang Xian, Wang Wanqing, Zhao Zhu, etc.". It also includes Minister of Finance Wai Lang Liu Ruyi Miao Xiushi, a famous zither player, and his son Miao Lan. After Zhiliang City came down, Yelu Chucai and Zheng Jingxian, the doctor of Wokuotai, advised against killing the city. He also went to the city in person to deal with the aftermath of various affairs. While relieving relatives, he was also very concerned about the fate of the city sergeants and officials. Yelu Chucai did his best to protect the literati and officials. At that time, there were 1.47 million people in Bianliang to avoid the military disaster. "Yelu Chucai suggested choosing craftsmen, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, medicine, divination and other people to live scattered in Hebei, where officials would give special care to support them. In the War of the Fall of Jin Dynasty, special talents such as Confucians were recruited and given special care. This measure continued to be implemented in the later Mongolian war against the Song Dynasty and became a rule. [27] So when he was in power, he vigorously protected Han Confucians and recommended them to enter official career , exterminated in Mongolia Jin State Tubo Dali And conquest Southern Song Dynasty Many celebrities such as Yuan Haowen Zhao Fu Doumo , Wang Pan and others were protected and used. This has a great impact on the prosperity of the style of study in the north. 1237 With the demise of the Jin Dynasty and the expansion of the ruling region, the country needed a large number of talents to rule the country. Yelu Chucai said: "Those who make weapons must use good labor, and those who keep achievements must use Confucian officials.". ogodei Followed his advice and ordered Xuandezhou Propaganda envoy Liu Zhong The examination in Suijun was divided into three subjects, namely, Confucian classics, poems and essays. If the Confucian people were captured as slaves, they were also ordered to take the examination and their masters were put to death without being dismissed. The number of intellectuals reached 4300, and one fourth of them were freed from slavery. [29]
Protecting culture
Statue of Yelu Chucai
In June 1236, Yelu Chucai requested to set up an editorial office in Yanjing and a book office in Pingyang to compile the history of the classics, and Liang Lu, a Confucian scholar, was appointed as the chief Wang Wanqing Zhao Zhu is the Deputy Chief. Yanjing Compilation Institute and Pingyang Scripture Institute were important institutions for editing and printing books in the period of Great Mongolia. Yanjing Compilation Institute is responsible for compiling and publishing books, and Pingyang Scripture and Book Institute is mainly responsible for printing books. On the one hand, the establishment of the editorial office and the scriptures and records office provided a shelter for the scholar officials to continue to study knowledge, on the other hand, it also contributed to the preservation and restoration of the traditional culture of the Central Plains. [27]
Wuxu Election
After the great Mongolia first appointed Confucian scholars to govern the Central Plains and achieved some success, Yelu Chucai timely pointed out to Wokuotai that the cause of Confucian officials is not easy to achieve without decades of accumulation, so they should be protected and used like monks and Taoists. Wokuotai agreed with his proposal and could appoint Confucian scholars as officials. He also agreed with the method proposed by Yelu Chucai to "test" the Confucian scholars in the Central Plains in the year of Dingyou (1237), ogodei The imperial edict for the trial selection of Confucian scholars was issued. The examination was mainly held in the following year, 1238 (the year of Wuxu), known as the Wuxu Elective Examination. [27] Please hold Confucian examinations in all roads in the Central Plains and select 4030 Confucian scholars. Many of these selected Confucian scholars later became the Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai khan Famous courtiers. [30] So we have to say that the imperial examination system of the Yuan Dynasty was just a form, and did not go far on the basis of Yelu Chucai.

personal works


Legal calendar

"Mileage difference" refers to the time difference caused by different geographical longitudes of two places, which is used to correct the time when astronomical phenomena occur. "Li difference" was first introduced into the calendar "Western Expedition Geng Wu Yuan Calendar" by Yelu Chucai. Yelu Chucai dedicated this calendar to Genghis Khan, and said in the Calendar of Marching West to the Geng Wu Yuan Dynasty that in 1220, he followed Genghis Khan to the west and stationed in Xunskang City (Samarkand). In the hope of May (June 17 in the Gregorian calendar), there was a lunar eclipse. According to the Recuperation of the Daming Calendar, which was popular in the Jin Dynasty at that time, this eclipse should be divided into two parts, and the time of "eating heavily" should be midnight. However, when he observed in Samarkand, he found that the eclipse had already occurred before the end of the first lunar month. Therefore, Yale Chucai noticed that there was a difference between the time observed in Central China and the time observed in Samarkand when the lunar eclipse occurred at the same time in the sky. He called the time correction caused by this geographical difference "li difference". [31]


He wrote The Jade Key and The Sword Inserted in the Mud, on the basis of which later generations wrote The Complete Secrets of Jade Letter Geoscience (also known as《 Jade Letter to Secret 》), [32] It plays an important role in the development history of geomantic omen, and is the source of later generations' Xuankong Flying Star geomantic omen.


He loves poetry and has written many poems《 Collected Works of Zhan Ran 》A total of 14 volumes. [24]
He was once a follower Genghis Khan and ogodei He wrote a large number of poems during his expedition to all directions, and his Collected Works of Zhanran Jushi included more than 660 poems. There are many works of his poetry entertainment, which are often easy and lack of tempering. Its rhythm is smooth and steady, vigorous and bold, broad and desolate. Wang Shizhen in《 Talking about Chi Bei Couple 》It is said in the middle of the book that "there are many Zen words. His poems are also of high quality and can be adopted from time to time." It is also said that "there are several works on the list, such as" Give Li Jun Wang Pen "," Send to Pingyang Jingming Courtyard to Run the Elderly ", and" Pass through Wuchuan to Send Servants to Scatter People ". They are all from the western regions." [25]
Some works of Yelu Chucai
Go to Pei Mansion in Jiyuan 》"Partridge Heaven, the Decadent of the Flower World Has Moved", "Partridge Heaven Title Qizhen Cave Poetry Collection Volume 33"《 Gift to Elder Wutai 》《 Gengchen Qingming Festival in Western Regions 》《 Xin'an County, Guo Xia State 》《 Guo Yinshan and Human Charm 》《 Go to Pei Mansion in Jiyuan and use the idle old rhyme

history and geography

Yelu Chucai wrote "Journey to the West" when he marched west with Genghis Khan, recording what he saw and heard about the Western Regions. [33]


It is said in the original "History of the Yuan Dynasty" that, "good at calligraphy, the calligraphy and painting in his later years are particularly vigorous, like cast iron, and the spirit of determination will never fade into old age Huangshan Valley [34] His calligraphy inherited that of Yan Zhenqing in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Huang Tingjian The style of calligraphy is bold and vigorous, stiff and upright. It is famous for its strict and forceful style. It has "Heshuo Weiqi", which is different from the charm of Jin people advocated by Zhao Mengfu later. Song Lian, a native of the Ming Dynasty, said: "Yelu Wenzheng's calligraphy and paintings in his later years are particularly vigorous, like cast iron, and have the fortitude to age." Yelu Chucai was deeply influenced by the culture of the Jin Dynasty when he was a teenager Zhao Mengfu Before reversing the trend of calligraphy in Jin Dynasty and the late Southern Song Dynasty, his calligraphy had a certain representativeness.

Character evaluation


General comments

Yelu Chucai was a great statesman and scholar in China in the 13th century. In terms of his political activities, during the Wokuotai period, he presided over the governance of the Great Mongolia over the Central Plains, which made the Mongolian nomadic nobles make a great progress in adapting to the feudal civilization of the Central Plains. With his active activities, he made the places inside and outside Juyongguan Pass of Great Mongolia connected with each other in a distinctive way. His career suffered setbacks in his later years, but then Kublai khan The period has been restored and developed. Yelu Chucai's activities were adapted to the historical trend at that time, so he was a worthy person in history. [35]
Many of his actions made the emerging Mongolian nobles gradually give up the backward nomadic lifestyle and adopt the traditional thoughts and systems of the Han nationality centered on Confucianism to govern the Central Plains. It turned the turbulent times of war into the prosperous times of peace, so that the advanced feudal agricultural civilization in the Central Plains could be preserved and continued to develop Kublai khan establish yuan dynasty Laid the foundation. [17]
The imperial examination The restoration of the Confucian scholars in the Central Plains improved their status and attracted a large number of talents for the national discovery, such as Yang Huan Zhang Wenqian Zhao Liangbi Dong Wenyong Later, they were all famous ministers in the Kublai Khan era, and made great contributions to the completion of the sinicization of Mongolia. This examination made a large number of Confucian scholars get the status improvement and preferential treatment in class service, and played an important role in culture, education, politics and economy. The period of Kublai Khan Mongol Empire Its development and prosperity have accumulated strength and laid a foundation. [27]


Boerjijin Tie Muzhen : This man is a godsend to my family. In the future, all military and civilian affairs can be entrusted to him. [36]
Boer Yijin Wokuo Platform : If you are not Qing, there is no today in the Central Plains. I have the power to rest my head. [36]
Wansong Wild Old Man : Zhan Ran was a hermit in his twenties and seven years old. He was taught by Wansong and abandoned his study in the summer. He spent three years in the cold and summer; Even the retinue marched more than 60000 li to the west, endured hardships and dangers, and struggled to travel, and aspired to many ju; Cross the Kunlun Mountains and overlook the vast sea, but have no ambition. The guest asked why. He said, "The sea of foreign law is also the power of self-restraint." Every word comes from the source of myriad changes; For those who are superficial but not yet profound, they should exercise their voice puppets; Just like the reference to Muzhi in the enlightenment couplet, he looks at the history of Shaoling poetry. [4]
Li Wei: The world's writers are not uncommon, and their words are not unprofessional. They have made great contributions and determined careers. They are not like the people of the past, and the people they have nurtured are small. Today, I am Zhanran, a scholar and a commoner! When the imperial court was founded, he was appointed as the supervisor of Mei Dingnai, praised the Son of Heaven, Mao Hongde, a country he had never served in ancient times, and a place he had never served in Yu Gong. His achievements were seen in the world as bright as the sun. Although Yuezhi was very popular, he was far away from Man Jing, and admired his reputation. As he was engaged in the expedition and military affairs, he could not afford to pay attention to the words. However, there were many outstanding sentences scattered around the world. Or chant their feelings, or send their ideas to the mystery, and the myriad of shapes will be attributed to the right, all written in four strokes, if not intended to do. Although a man is convinced of his subtlety, what can he do with his will? However, it is not known that the public is good at cultivating its noble spirit. It is filled with it. It is shaped by words and deeds, and it is based on achievements. Some of them have to do so after reading the article. Confucius said, "He who has virtue must have words."! [37]
Song Zizhen : You are so handsome and heroic that you can return your watch. Although the paperwork is full, the left pay right answer, salt is appropriate. He can also be loyal and diligent, and taste the fortune of accounting for nine years. If there is any difference, he will stay up all night. Don't laugh when you live in peace. If you doubt it, it will be simple and arrogant. Once you are accepted, it will be warm and unforgettable. If you don't manage production in your life, you will never ask about your wealth Devoted to learning, devoted to day and night Their academic affairs should be discussed. All the books on astrology, medical divination, miscellaneous calculation, internal calculation, music, Confucianism and Buddhism, and foreign countries are well researched. [8] [38]
Portrait of Yelu Chucai [39]
Wang Lin: There are natural talents in Zhongshu Zhan, just like a treasure without dust and ice. [40]
Song Lian : ① He is long and knowledgeable, and understands astronomy, geography, legal calendar, number of operations, and the theory of explaining the old and medical divination. His writing is written as an article, if it is constructed. ② Chu materials have been in power for a long time. They have been paid by their relatives, and have never been private officials. [7] Only Chu has talent It is practical in Shanxi. The wise prophet said Qianliju A letter in the hall is the pivot of governance. I am the Emperor Taizong and Tuo Kai Hongji. Arch the Dragon Court, and go up to Chen Dimo. The three spirits are in harmony, and everything is shining. Shu Wuyang and Tuo were slaughtered. Humanities are clear, and people are willing to compete. At the time of change, Yong ascended Huangyu. What are your achievements? Please look at Ding Yi. [41]
Ni Qian : Can evil establish its country without Chu materials? Looking at his poem "Gift to Liu Yangmen", is it not a generation of good people who care about the country and people kindly, praise the good and envy the evil? [42]
Sun Chengen : Change the barbarians with Xia, and Fu Ren wins the battle. Seam chemical industry, washing the sun and the moon. The establishment of imperial system, the bottom Sui people's livelihood. The merit of benevolence is equal to that of Beijing. [43]
Wang Shizhen : I try to say that Yuan has three benevolences (Yelu Chucai Lian Xixian Bayan )How can Chu materials tame the baby tiger, so that China can not exhaust its blood teeth, but also use death to benefit Confucius. Its benevolence covers the world. [44]
Guo Zizhang : Yelu Chucai, the son of the Liao clan, died in the Jin Dynasty, but borrowed the Yuan Cu Jin, which is called complaining, chief counsellor of Liu Bang So are the disciples. [45]
Zhang Sui : At the beginning of the victory of the country, he wanted to wipe out the Chinese, but he was advised by Yelu Chucai. He also wanted to get rid of the five surnames Zhang, Wang, Zhao, Liu, and Li, and Chu Cai remonstrated against them. [46]
Gu Sili : According to the Zhongzhou Collection of Yuan Yu, it contains the official poems of Youxiang literature. It is also called Zhao Xianxian as our Taoist League, and Li Pingshan as a hero in Zhongzhou. I know that Jin Qing has a long history of learning. By understanding the extreme, we should return to the Confucian. Therefore, at the beginning of operation and creation, it is advisable to be as busy as writing. It is no accident that the magnificent articles and beautiful sentences, scattered in the world, were initiated by a generation of Ci ministers. [40]
Wang Youdun : Chu Cai worked as Taizu and Taizong for more than 30 years. It was careless at that time. He was the manager of his office, which set taxes, divided counties, registered permanent residence, and other soldiers and civilians. It is said that bow craftsmen are still needed to govern the bow, but can we govern the world without craftsmen? When things are inconvenient for the people, they will strive for many concessions, even those who are tired of crying for the people. Depend on his plan, the law is rough, and the people can rest. Therefore, when it comes to the famous appearance of the Yuan Dynasty, Chu materials must be the first. [47]
Cai Shiyuan : Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, talents have come forth in large numbers. After that, we should meet first, and make a brief summary of it As a founding hero, those who followed the outline of the minister Baidu were Xiao, Cao, Fang, Du, and Yelu Chucai. [48]
Aixin Jueluo Hongli : When a monarch starts a country and inherits his family, his business will be successful. There must be a minister who knows the way and has a large scale to legislate for him, so that his descendants can learn from him, become a constitution and hold it forever. It is also important to establish a country. Since the Emperor Taizong, Emperor Taizong and Emperor Shizu had the world at large in the Yuan Dynasty, they were all obedient, and they also relied on one or two famous officials to make use of their power and set up education. There was an outline for a generation, and then there were Yelu Chucai and Xu Heng. The two men set up a framework and set down a discipline to form the constitution of the country. He has both talent and intelligence. He manages common affairs and gives way to Chucai; However, if the Tao is clear and the classics are understood, the monarch is selected, the etiquette and music are clarified, and the scale of a country is established, then the Chu materials will give way to the value. [49]
Ji Yun According to the history, his understanding of astronomy, geography, number of operations, and the theory of Ershi and medical divination should be given full play. But the article ends here and is inferior to three or four poems. What's more, the meaning is still lost The Preface to the Collection, written by Kao Seng Xingxiu, is called the 27th year of Chu Cai. He was exposed to the secret of Wansong and abandoned his study. His addiction to Buddhist scriptures is also due to his practice Today, his poems are all true to nature. But what I intend to do is not to study and refine. Although we always go in and out of the Internal Code, the general purpose must be attributed to the wind education. It is almost impossible to get the truth from the neighbors. [50]
Ke Shaoyi : When Mongolia first entered the Central Plains, there was no discipline in its politics, and its adherents did not protect their lives. With the people's love for things, Yelu Chucai, in order to find out the wrong plan, appointed Chou Bang and did what he had learned, so that the people in the Central Plains would not cut down on the army and the army, all of which were the strength of his wife. It is said that the Chu people who belittle themselves to exercise power are few in number. [51]
Wang Guowei : ① Wenzheng, a teacher of Wansong, is called Congyuan, the successor disciple. He got the most from Zen, but all the people he used to help Mongolia settle down in heaven were Confucianism. To the Confucians, the public sang the saying of governing the country with Confucianism and governing the heart with Buddhism. And sending Wansong Old Man's Book also calls this phrase exercise of power. However, it is said that the book "To Wansong" has not yet begun to exercise its power in an unfair way. Although Gong was enlightened by Buddhism, his character was close to that of Confucianism. He resolutely took it as his duty to live in the world. Ancient scholars and officials who learned Buddhism never saw such a phenomenon. As the ancient saying goes, "Mo Ming is a scholar," what is the public saying! [6] ② Wenzheng led Zhongshu Province with Taizong Xinmao. Fourteen years after Hongfan, he was the expert of the monarch and had been in charge for a long time, which was the hope of the ancient and modern times. Although Taizong used the duke to carry out the order of Taizong, there was no gap between the monarch and his officials during the thirteen years. [6] ③ The system of Mongolia was slaughtered by those who attacked the city and resisted. Therefore, it is impossible for Mongolia to enter the Central Plains and slaughter famous cities. After the Jin State moved to the south, the threat could not go out of the country, so the bandits in Shandong and Hebei were caught up, and their disaster was worse than that of Mongolia When Mongolia became the ruler of the Middle Xia Dynasty, the military men were arbitrary, and their monarchs and officials never knew how to govern the people. If there were no decent people at this time, there would be people who did not know what to do. [6]
Qian Jibo : Yelu Chucai, whose poems were intended to be in the Tang Dynasty but were not among those who were familiar with them. [4]

Anecdotes and allusions


A prophecy comes true

according to Song Zizhen It is recorded in the "Monument to Lord Yelu in the Middle Book": the father of Yelu Chucai Yelu shoes through numerology , especially proficient in Taixuan He once said privately to people, "This is a thousand li colt in my family. It will become a great weapon someday and will be used by other countries《 Legend of Zuo Clan in Spring and Autumn Period 》The allusion of "Although Chu has talent, Jin is practical" in is called Yelu Chucai. [8]

know without consulting an oracle

In the winter of the 15th year of Genghis Khan (1220), Genghis Khan wondered why it thundered in winter. After divining, Yelu Chucai told him that, Uighur Wang Solitan is going to die. Soon Solitan is dead.
In the summer and May of the seventeenth year of Genghis Khan (1222), Changxing was seen in the west. Genghis Khan asked Yelu Chucai, who said:“ Jurchen The country should change hands. " Less than a year later, Jin Xuanzong He died. [38]

return with kindness

A man named Shi Moxian Debu asked his uncle to write, saying that Yelu Chucai had made a middle school order, using relatives and the old days of the Jin Dynasty. It must be a plot to kill him. Wokuotai saw through it as a frame up and ignored it. Later, Shi Moxian Debu violated the law, ogodei Let Yelu Chucai arrest him. Yelu Chucai said that Shi Moxian Debu was rebellious and easy to be attacked; If the country is using troops against the South, let's not investigate. After listening to this, Wokuotai said to people around him that Yelu Chucai is really a generous elder who doesn't care about personal hatred. [21]

upright and outspoken

Once, Yelu Chucai decided a case impartially and detained Yang Weizhong, the favorite minister of Ogotai. Ogotai became angry and tied him up. After thinking about it carefully, I felt that it was not appropriate, so I hurried to deliver a decree. Yelu Chucai, however, refused to untie him and stubbornly asked Wokuotai to explain the matter: since he was arrested, he should make it clear that all officials should be appointed, and someone's crime was unforgivable; Now, he is released because he is innocent. It is so easy to repeat, like playing with babies, national affairs, how can it be so! All the officials in the court were shocked by what he said, but Yelu Chucai forced Wokuotai to admit his mistake: "Although I am the emperor, I would rather not make mistakes?" [28]

Collecting drugs to cure epidemic diseases

When the Mongols invaded the city, Yelu Chucai was collecting all kinds of books and looking for medicines to prevent and cure the epidemic diseases that might arise from the war. In 1226, when the Mongolian army attacked Xixia, Yelu Chucai took only a few books and two camels of Xixia medicinal materials. Soon, the plague spread in the army, and the medicinal materials of Yelu Chucai saved tens of thousands of people. [52]

Family members

full name
brief introduction
Family background
Eighth Patriarch
Liao King Dongdan, later posthumous title: Emperor Qinyi of Literature, temple name: Yizong.
Seventh Patriarch
Liao Yanjing stay behind political order.
Sixth ancestor
Yin of Yelu State
General Liao.
Fifth ancestor
Liao Grand Master
Gao Zu
Yelu Hudu
Grand Master Liao.
Great ancestor
Yelu Internal Stab
Yelu Deyuan
Official to Shangshu Youcheng , posthumous title: Literature.
Sealing water Madame of China
eldest brother
The official went to the general of Fengguo and the military temple to issue orders.
Second Brother
Yelu is good at talent
Separated from Yelu Chucai due to war.
Su Shi The fourth grandson, the daughter of Su Gongbi, the governor of Weizhou.
eldest son
The official went to the supervisor to open the position.
second son
Official Letter Prime Minister Zuo , was crowned King Yining, with the posthumous title of Wenzhong.
Table Reference: [7-8] [51]

Commemoration for future generations


Burial hall

Yelu Chucai Temple
Yelu Chucai was buried in Beijing after his death summer palace To the north of Wanshou Mountain Kunming The east bank of the lake. Empress Naima Zhen followed Yelu Chucai's will to transport the body back to Yanjing's hometown and bury it on the shore of Wengshanbo (today's Kunming Lake) at the foot of Yuquan Mountain, which he was very fond of during his lifetime. She was buried together with his wife who died earlier in the same year. In the 15th year of Qianlong's reign, the Emperor Qianlong, out of admiration, ordered the reconstruction of Yelu Chucai's tomb, the construction of three ancestral halls, the inscription of imperial poems and the erection of tombstones. In the inscription, Yelu Chucai's contribution to assisting Genghis Khan and Taizong Wokuotai in governing the country in peace was highly praised. [53]

Ancient Qixian Qin

The seven stringed zither collected in Sichuan Museum, namely "Shijian Knocking Ice", was once owned by Ye Lvchucai, the middle secretary of the Yuan Dynasty. On the back of the zither, there are four characters "Shijian Knocking Ice", and under Fengzhao, there is a square seal of "Yuquan". Zheng Minzhong, an expert in ancient zither research at the Palace Museum, went to Sichuan Museum to watch zither since the 1980s. After more than ten years of research, this "Jade Spring" seal is compared with the seal in the large character poem volume of Yale Chucai in the Metropolitan Museum of New York, the United States, and the conclusion that the ancient zither "Stone Stream Knocking on Ice" was once collected by Yale Chucai is reached. Yelu Chucai is particularly fond of ancient zither. He is not only good at playing Guangling San, claiming to have a "zither addiction", but also likes to collect famous zithers. His family's heritage is "only a few famous zithers, and hundreds of epigraphies". Yelu Chucai once lived in the Yuquan Villa in the western suburbs of Beijing, so he carved the "Yuquan" square seal on the guqin he collected. The "stone stream knocking on the ice" means that it can produce the sound of gold and stone. [54]

Artistic image


Literary image

Martial arts novels:《 Condor Heroes
Historical novels and biographies: The Past of the World Empire: The Yuan Dynasty and Yelu Chucai [55] , Commentary on Yelu Chucai [56]

Film and television image

particular year
Film and television types
TV play
TV play
TV play
TV play
TV play
TV play