Old Turtle

A nourishing nutritional health product
zero Useful+1
Laobie is also called Turtle , rich in quality protein amino acid , minerals, microelements and vitamins A, B1, B2, etc., with the delicious taste of five kinds of meat, namely chicken, deer, cattle, pig, and fish, it is known as the "five delicious meat".
Chinese name
Old Turtle
Main nutrients
Unsaturated fatty acid
Main edible effects
Nourishing yin, nourishing and clearing heat
Suitable crowd
Suitable for all ages
side effect
People with weak gastrointestinal function and indigestion should eat carefully. Especially for patients with digestive system diseases such as gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, etc.
Edible method
Stewed soup

Introduction to Turtle

Turtle (old turtle)
Pharmacodynamic effect of turtle Turtle head Turtle meat , turtle gall Turtle fat Turtle shell gum All parts have medicinal value. Its main functions include: nourishing yin, improving hepatitis and abnormality Hyperfunction Have control function; Nourish, increase plasma protein content, promote hematopoietic function, and enhance physical strength; It can clear away heat, reduce abnormal body temperature and increase body temperature, and dissipate mass in the body.
Modern medical research shows that turtle meat contains an important substance that can resist the aging of human blood vessels. Regular eating can reduce Blood cholesterol It is beneficial to patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease. Eating proper amount of turtle is beneficial to the recovery of the mother's body and the improvement of the quality of breast milk. Japanese scientists also confirmed that the turtle has a certain anti-cancer effect and improves the immune function of the body. Turtle contains iron, folic acid, etc., which can enhance hematopoietic function and help athletes to improve endurance and recover fatigue.
When eating turtle, it should be noted that there are records in Chinese medicine. When eating turtle, it should not be mixed with eggs, rabbits, pigs, chickens, duck meat three-colored amaranth Eat the same, otherwise it will be useless. It should also be noted that live turtles must be slaughtered, not dead ones, because turtles contain more histamine, which is liable to decay after death. Histamine can be decomposed to produce toxic histamine substances, which will cause poisoning after eating.

Edible value

It has been recorded in China long ago that "soft shelled turtle can be replenished Consumptive injury , strong Yang qi Since ancient times, it has been regarded as a nutritional health product for nourishing yin. The nutritional value of soft shelled turtle is recognized by the world as a treasure of aquatic products, a delicacy of high-end wine and banquet, and a popular and favorite food. It is not only delicious, high protein, low fat, but also a nourishing treasure containing a variety of vitamins and trace elements. Because of the different species and living areas of soft shelled turtles, their nutritional components are not completely consistent. According to the analysis, per hundred grams of fresh turtle meat contains 73-83 grams of water, 15.3-17.3 grams of protein, 0.1-3.5 grams of fat, 1.6-1.49 grams of carbohydrates, 0.9-1 grams of ash, 3.9 mg of magnesium, 1-107 mg of calcium, 1.4-4.3 mg of iron, 0.54-430 mg of phosphorus, international units of vitamin A13-20, 0.02 mg of vitamin B1, 0.037-0.047 mg of vitamin B2, 3.7-7 mg of niacin, 0.62 mg of thiamine, Riboflavin 0.37 mg, heat 288-744 kJ. The fat of turtle Unsaturated fatty acid Mainly, accounting for 75.43%, of which Highly unsaturated fatty acids Accounting for 32.4%, 6.54 times that of beef, 2.54 times that of tilapia, and several times or even dozens of times that of other foods.

Medicinal value

Turtle is a treasure all over. Its head, nail, bone, meat, egg, gall and fat can be used as medicine. In the Record of Famous Doctors, turtle meat is said to have the effect of tonifying the middle and supplementing qi. According to《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》It is recorded that turtle meat has many effects, such as nourishing yin and kidney, clearing heat and removing stasis, strengthening spleen and stomach, etc. It can cure fatigue and night sweats, yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity, waist soreness and leg pain, chronic disease diarrhea, children's convulsions, women's amenorrhea, dystocia and other symptoms. The Daily Materia Medica believes that external application of turtle blood can treat facial nerve, besides apoplexy, thirst, fatigue and hot flashes, and can treat bone tuberculosis. The turtle blood contains animal glue, keratin, iodine, vitamin D and other ingredients, which can nourish the latent yang, enrich the blood, diminish swelling, calm the liver fire, and treat liver cirrhosis and Hepatosplenomegaly To treat amenorrhea, menstrual leakage and infantile ulnar epilepsy. Turtle gall can cure hemorrhoids and leakage. Turtle eggs can cure chronic dysentery. The turtle's head is dried and ground into powder. It can be taken with rice wine to cure anal prolapse. The fat of turtle can nourish yin and yang, and treat white hair. Modern science believes that soft shelled turtle is rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, collagen, multiple amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements, which can improve the immune function of human body, promote metabolism, enhance the disease resistance of human body, and have the effect of beauty and anti-aging.

Not suitable for people

The digestion and absorption function of hepatitis patients is greatly weakened due to the edema of gastric mucosa, the thickening and shortening of small intestinal villi, the imbalance of bile secretion and other factors. Turtle is rich in protein, which is not only difficult for patients to absorb after eating, but will increase the burden on the liver. In severe cases, liver cells will also be necrotic, serum bilirubin Sharp increase, plasma concentration rise, induce liver coma.
Weak gastrointestinal function indigestion People should eat carefully. Especially for patients with digestive system diseases such as gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, etc.
Insomnia, pregnant women and postpartum diarrhea should not be eaten.

Stewing method

1. Black bone chicken and turtle soup
Raw material: 1 live turtle (about 1kg) from the lake. Take half of black bone chicken (about 200g), a little scallion, ginger and garlic slices as ingredients. Prepare 50 grams of clear soup, 10 grams of cooking wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 30 grams of peanut oil, 5 grams of sesame oil, and 2 pieces of star anise as seasonings.
Method: Chop the head of live turtle, control the blood, wash it, put it in boiling water and slightly scald it out, scrape off the black skin, put it in boiling water and boil it for about 5 minutes, remove the hard cover, take out the five viscera, chop off the tips of the claws, chop the turtle and chicken into cubes, and boil for a short time in boiling water. Scrape off the thin skin of dirt on the hard cover. Put peanut oil in the spoon, heat it with high heat, add onion, ginger, garlic slices, and star anise pan, cook clear soup, cooking wine, add turtle and chicken pieces, boil them to remove foam, and use medium heat for about 45 minutes until the turtle and chicken pieces are ripe and the soup is milky white, move to high heat, add refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, and mix the taste
2. Stewed Turtle with Astragalus and Wolfberry
Ingredients: 50g astragalus, 30g medlar, 500g turtle, 10g ginger, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, scallion, and monosodium glutamate.
1. Soak Astragalus membranaceus with clean water and slice cloth; Chinese wolfberry cleaning; Cut turtle into pieces after eviscerating; Rinse ginger and slice it.
2. Put the above materials into a casserole, add some water and stew them. First boil them with a fire, then slowly cook them with a slow fire. After they are cooked and rotten, remove the medicine bag and season them.
How to eat: Eat turtle and drink soup. Take one dose every other day, and take three to five doses consecutively.
Efficacy: Tonify spleen and kidney, replenish qi and nourish yin. Nasopharyngeal cancer with qi deficiency and yang deficiency.
3. Turtle soup
Ingredients: 1 live turtle (weighing about 1000 grams), 500 grams of chicken, 1000 grams of clear soup, 50 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of spring onion and pepper cooking wine, 10 grams of spring onion, 5 grams of ginger, 3 grams of garlic, and 100 grams of oil.
1. Cut off the head of the turtle, drain the blood, put 1000 ml of water into the pot and boil it, remove the black skin, remove the hard cover, take out the viscera, chop off the claws, and chop it into 1.8cm square pieces. Chicken is also chopped into 1.8cm square pieces. Chop onion, ginger and garlic and set aside.
2. Put the clean pot on the fire, add oil and heat it up. Stir fry the turtle, chicken and soy sauce for 3 minutes in a pan with scallion, ginger and garlic. Add the clear soup and simmer for 1 and a half hours. Then boil it with high heat, remove the foam, pour in the spring onion and pepper cooking wine, and put it in a basin.
Operation key: remove all blood stains from the turtle so as not to affect the soup. It is better to choose tender chicken, which is easy to be cooked with turtle.
Note: Chinese prickly ash and green onion white are wrapped in gauze and soaked in cooking wine for 1 hour.
4. Chicken turkey turtle soup
Main ingredient: 1 turtle (about 750g)
Accessories: 10g chicken slices, 10g ham, 1500g clear soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, yellow rice wine, onion knots, ginger slices;
(1) After the turtle is slaughtered, remove its internal organs, clean it, cut it into pieces, put it into the boiling water pot to blanch the blood, remove the butter, wash the blood foam, put it into the tasting pot, pour in the clear soup, add chicken slices, ham, salt, rice wine, onion knots, ginger slices and other spices;
(2) Steam the well seasoned turtle in a cage for about half an hour, leave the fire, take out the onion and ginger slices, and serve.
5. Stewed Turtle Soup
Ingredients: a turtle (about 500g is the best), ham, mushrooms (dry, more fragrant), ginger, garlic, scallions, Shaoxing wine, salt, MSG
Preparation method: ⑴ Turn the turtle over, with its back to the ground and belly to the sky. When it turns over and stretches its neck to the maximum length, quickly chop the neck with a sharp knife, and then lift it to control the blood. Then, put the turtle into the water at a temperature of about 70~80 degrees. Put the slaughtered turtle in hot water and scald it for 2~5 minutes (the specific time and temperature depend on the age and season of the turtle)
(2) After cooling (those who can't wait can soak in cold water to cool down), use scissors or sharp knives to cut a cross cut in the belly of the turtle, dig out the viscera, kill the limbs and tail bits, and the key is to remove the butter from the legs
(3) Gently scrape off the black skin of the turtle. Pay attention not to scratch or scrape off the skirt (also called flash, located around the turtle, which is the most delicious part of the turtle). After scraping off the black skin, clean it. Even if the cleaning is basically completed
⑷ After the processing of turtle, put it in a bowl, spread the sliced ham, add mushrooms, ginger, garlic and scallions together, and finally add cooking wine
(5) Then I will spend time to stew. Depending on the size of the turtle, one hour is enough for the smaller one, and 60 minutes for the larger one.

Turtle shell

Category: tonic
Pinyin: BIE JIA
Latin: Carapax Trionycis
Alias: Shangjia, Turtle Shell, Turtle Turtle lid
Medicinal part: dorsal armor
Traits of medicinal materials: the product is oval or ovoid, with protruding mouth, 10~15cm long and 9~14cm wide. The outer surface is dark brown or dark green. Slightly glossy, with fine reticular wrinkles and grayish yellow or grayish white spots, a longitudinal ridge in the middle, and 8 symmetrical transverse concave lines on both sides. After the skin falls off, serrated inlay joints can be seen. The inner surface is off white, and there is a protruding spine bone in the middle. The neck bone curls inward, and there are 8 ribs on both sides, protruding from the edge. It is hard. It is slightly fishy and tastes light.
Origin: Hebei, Hunan, Anhui
Harvesting and processing: It can be caught all year round, mostly in autumn and winter. Kill after capture. When the hard skin on the back armor can be peeled off after being scalded in boiling water, take it out, peel the back armor, remove the residual meat, and dry it in the sun.
Tunnel evolution:
Key cultivation points:
Meridian tropism: slightly cold; Salty; Liver and Kidney Meridians
Functions and indications: nourishing yin Latent yang , soft and firm, dispelling heat and steam. It is used for fever due to yin deficiency, bone steaming due to fatigue, Virtual wind moving inward , amenorrhea, abdominal mass?, Plasmodium vivax.
Usage and dosage: oral administration: decoction, 10~30g, first decoction; Or extract; Or into pills, powder. External use: appropriate amount, burning powder mixed or applied.
Taboos: Deficiency cold of spleen and stomach Eating less, loose stools and pregnant women should not take it.