Beauty Palace

Austrian tourist attractions
zero Useful+1
The Beauty Palace is located in Austria Vienna Historic building complex, consisting of two Baroque Palaces (upper and lower beauty palaces) Orange orchard And the palace stable form. The building is located in a baroque park landscape in the third district in the southeast of the city center. The beautiful palace includes sterreichische Galerie Belvedere The courtyard is built on a gentle slope, including fountains, waterfalls, Baroque style sculptures and magnificent iron gates. This baroque palace was used as Prinz Eugen Our summer residence.
The Palace of Scenery was built during the large-scale construction of Vienna, which was both the capital of the empire and the orthodox government at that time Habsburg Dynasty Where the family is located. This period of prosperity is based on the fact that Prince Ogen, as a marshal Ottoman Empire Formed after a series of successful wars.
Chinese name
Beauty Palace
Foreign name
Schloss Belvedere
geographical position
Prinz Eugen Street 27,1030 Vienna [3]
Opening Hours
9:00-18:00 [3]


Today, the Beauty Palace is also the Austrian National Art Museum and one of the world's most important art collection museums. It is divided into upper and lower parts. Xiajing Palace is a museum of medieval art and baroque art.

Shangmeijing Palace

Klimt's Kiss
Shangjing Palace is an art museum of the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly collecting Bidmaya Biedermeier artists Ferdinand Georg Waldm ü ller, Jakob Alt, France impressionism painter Claude Monet Pierre Auguste Renoir and Gustav Klimt Egon Schiller (Egon Schiele) and Kokoschka (Oskar Kokoschka). The most popular collection is Klimt And the most famous of them is《 kiss 》。
Shanggong has the most complete Klimt and Kokoschka Works, and Schiller And the great works of French impressionism, and Vienna Bidmaya The most important works of the period (Waldm ü ller, Amerling, Fendi). There are also paintings by Gemolde Romako, Makart, Boeckl, Wotruba, Hausner, Anton Lehmden and Hundertwasser. Among them, the most striking ones are Klimt's "Gold", "Painting"《 kiss 》And Judith.

Unteres Belvedere

Xiajing Palace is a museum of medieval art and baroque art. The Baroque Museum has the most abundant Franz Anton Maulbertsch Messerschmitt Messerschmidt and Donner. The Medieval Museum is located in the Baroque of Xiagong Flower hall Among them, the most noteworthy one is Michele, the post Gothic master under the Romantic and Altar portraits· Pahel (Michael Pacher), Rueland Frueauf and Conrad· Leib (Conraid Laib). [1]

Development history

Prinz Eugen
Meijing Palace was translated into Baile Palace according to its transliteration. The Latin name Belvedere originally means beautiful scenery. Fairview Palace is one of the most famous Baroque palaces in Vienna. and Hofburg Palace and Meiquan Palace The difference is that the owner of this palace is not the emperor, but a military marshal. He is Prinz Eugen
Prince Eugen is a very important person in Austrian history. He was originally from France and was rejected by the French army because of his short stature. In 1683, Prince Eugen joined Habsburg Dynasty As a messenger between the front line and the imperial palace. This year, Ottoman Empire Of turkey The soldiers came back and once again surrounded the city of Vienna. At the age of 20, Prince Eugen took part in the decisive battle to liberate Vienna and showed amazing courage and wisdom. Ten years later, Prince Eugen was appointed Marshal. In 1697, Prince Eugen established his commanding position in the army in the contest with the Turks. Later, whether in the war of succession to the Spanish throne or with France Louis XIV During the negotiations, they all made great contributions to the Habsburg Dynasty. In the Turkish War of 1714-1718, the experienced marshal always beat the Turks to balkan Of Belgrade Prince Eugen served three emperors in Habsburg and established Habsburg Dynasty The sun never sets Has made indelible contributions.
Prince Eugene is not only a politician and strategist, but also always holds a tolerant and supportive attitude towards science and art. In 1700, Prince Eugene ordered Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt to Palais de Versailles Build a summer palace for him. The construction of this beautiful palace took twenty-four years. According to the terrain from bottom to top, Hildebrand designed two palaces, including the Lower Beauty Palace, which was completed in 1716 for Prince Eugene's own living. The inauguration ceremony of Shangjing Palace was in 1724. It was the place where Prince Eugen hosted the banquet. While building the Summer Palace, Prince Eugen still remembered that he was a military leader. The address of the Beauty Palace itself was on the military site where the Turks marched into Vienna in 1683. In the design of the Shangjing Palace, Prince Eugen also put his own Headquarters barracks and post Symbolically designed on the roof of the palace. Connecting the two beauty palaces is a magnificent garden. The steps with symmetrical design and the fountain pool with axial setting are surrounded by grass and trees. The Statue of Poseidon in the fountain and the Statue of Sphinx in Baroque bring tourists into a fantastic world. Standing in the Shangjing Palace, you can overlook the inner city. The buildings in Vienna and the Vienna Forest complement each other, forming a unique and beautiful scenery.
After the death of Prince Eugene, who had never married in his life, his niece indulged in gambling and had to sell these palaces. In 1752, Habsburg Dynasty Redeem the palace. Since 1895, crown prince Ferdinand In 1914, Ferdinand and his wife set out from here to Sarajevo His assassination led to the First World War The explosion of. On May 15, 1955, the foreign ministers of the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union and Austria signed the Austrian State Treaty the Second World War Later Austria regained its independence.
Today, the Beauty Palace is also the Austrian National Art Museum and one of the world's most important art collection museums. [2]