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American Physical Society

American Physics Organization
The American Physical Society (APS), founded in 1899, is the second largest physics organization in the world. It issues more than ten scientific journals, holds more than 20 academic conferences every year, and has about 40000 members.
Chinese name
American Physical Society
Foreign name
American Physical Society
Club address
U.S.A Maryland University Park City [6]
Date of establishment
May 20, 1899 [5]

Development history

On May 20, 1899, 36 physicists gathered at Columbia University to prepare for the establishment of the American Physical Society. They announced that the mission of the new society is to "promote and disseminate physical knowledge". Since then, the American Physical Society has been committed to advancing this task. [5]
In the early days, holding four academic conferences every year was almost the only activity of the American Physical Society. In 1913, the American Physical Society took over the journal Physical Review founded in 1893 at Cornell University( Physical Review )Since then, the publication of the journal has become the second largest activity of the American Physical Society. After taking over the Physical Review, the American Physical Society created the Modern Physical Review in 1929 and 1958( Reviews of Modern Physics )And Physical Review Letters( Physical Review Letters )。 Over the years, with the expansion of the field of physics and the growth of the number of contributions, Physical Review has been divided into five independent journals. [5]
In recent years, the scope of activities of the American Physical Society has been significantly expanded. Thanks to the stimulation of the increase of federal funds in the United States after the Second World War, as well as the increase of public participation of scientists in the 1960s, the American Physical Society has been actively active in public and government affairs and the international physics community. In addition, the Institute has also carried out a wide range of projects in education, public publicity and media relations. The branches and research groups of the American Physical Society cover all fields of physical research. [5]


Patron Pennsylvania Governor
Presidents : Clyde F. Barker (2011-2014)
Vice Presidents
John W. O'Malley (2013-2016)
Barbara J. Grosz (2011-2014)
Linda Greenhouse (2012~2015)
Curator :Henry A. Millon
Curator, Jefferson Garden William H. Frederick, Jr.
TreasurerGeorge B. Beitzel 2013-2016
Secretary: Carl F. Miller (2013-2016)
Executive Officer :Keith S. Thomson
Frances E. Allen
Charles P. Slichter
Jerrold Meinwald
David D. Sabatini
Lawrence H. Einhorn
Jack E. Dixon
Third class
Neil J. Smelser
Richard M. Shiffrin
Howard Gardner
Fourth class
Gloria F. Pinney
Jeremy A. Sabloff
Christoph Wolff
the five ranks of nobility
Joel E. Cohen
Patricia A. Graham
Conrad K. Harper
The Council is composed of the above elected administrators and members of parliament, as well as the President of the General Assembly responsible for auditing, budgeting, development, investment, libraries, museums, conferences, appointment of officials, publications, research, and funds of the American Physical Society. The members of the Council are as follows:
Michael I. Sovern; Mary Patterson McPherson; Paul F. Miller; Jr., Barbara B. Oberg; Henry A. Millon; Purnell W. Choppin; Hanna H. Gray and Barbara Grosz.
Arlin M. Adams; William B. Eagleson; and Frank H. T. Rhodes (invited to join)
Executive Committee
Clyde F. Barker;George B. Beitzel;Linda Greenhouse;
Barbara J. Grosz;John W. O’Malley;Keith S. Thomson [1]

Important meetings

APS March Meeting: annual, mainly focusing on condensed matter physics.
APS April Meeting: annual, mainly focusing on particle physics.


Physical Review Letters (Physics Review Letters)
Physics Review
Modern Physics Review (Review of Modern Physics)

Female President

In the position of president of the Physical Society, a female president was very attractive. In the American physics community, where there are many celebrities and talents in physics research, she has never won Nobel Prize in Physics , but supported by unknown laboratory work Li Zhengdao Yang Zhenning Award. She was once called by the physics community: the world's physics queen, the mother of the atomic bomb, the queen of nuclear physics, the first lady of physical science, the greatest experimental physicist, the Chinese Madame Curie, and an outstanding alumnus of Nanjing University Wu Jianxiong Doctor.

Elected list

On October 14, 2021, it was reported that the American Physical Society (APS) recently announced the list of newly elected APS Fellows in 2021, Department of Physics, Zhejiang University Yuan Huiqiu Professor was selected for his outstanding contributions to unconventional superconductivity, quantum phase transition, strongly correlated topological states and superconducting materials with time/space inversion symmetry breaking. [2]
In October 2023, the American Physical Society announced the list of APS Fellows newly elected in 2023. Among the 153 physicists elected, one Tsinghua teacher and six alumni are associate professors of the School of Cross Information, Tsinghua University Ma Xiongfeng Professor of Shanghai Jiaotong University He Hongjian (1981), Hu Guohan, a researcher of IBM Watson Research Center (1992), Xia Fengnian, an associate professor of Yale University (1993), Zhou Kun, a professor of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (1993), and a professor of Pennsylvania State University Liu Chaoxing (1999 Physics), Professor of University of Science and Technology of China Peng Chengzhi (2005-2007 Postdoctoral, Physics). [3]
On October 19, 2023, the American Physical Society announced the list of APS Fellows newly elected in 2022. 157 physicists were elected, including three Tsinghua people: Zhai Hui, Professor of the Institute of Advanced Studies of Tsinghua University, Zhang Gang, Professor of the Singapore Institute of High Performance Computing, and Zhang Weiping, Professor of the School of Physics and Astronomy of Shanghai Jiaotong University. [4]