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American Geophysical Society

American Geophysical Science Organization
synonym American Geophysical Union (American Geophysical Union) generally refers to the American Geophysical Society
American Geophysical Union AGU , Yes U.S.A about geophysics Academic research organizations in the field. It was founded in 1919 as National Academy of Sciences A branch of the National Research Council, it operated independently until 1972. The American Geophysical Society is an international non-profit research institution with more than 58000 members from 135 countries around the world. [1]
The American Geophysical Society is also responsible for publishing 19 Academic journals , including famous《 Journal of Geophysical Research 》(Journal of Geophysical Research) series. [2]
Chinese name
American Geophysical Society
Foreign name
American Geophysical Union, AGU
Date of establishment
National Academy of Sciences National Research Council
Nature of organization
International non-profit research institutions

brief introduction

American Geophysical Society
The American Geophysical Society was National Academy of Sciences It is now an independent non-profit academic organization with 58000 members. It is committed to promoting the development of geophysical science through the efforts of its members and cooperation with other scientific organizations, and to achieving its goals by publishing scientific journals, holding scientific conferences and various educational and scientific activities. [3]
Through publishing scientific journals, holding conferences, e-mail, newspapers, various activities of the Science and Technology Commission and a large number of online data information and other services, the Association is committed to promoting the further development of earth physical science by combining the personal efforts of its members and cooperation with other countries and international scientific organizations.


Journal of Geophysical Research
Published by the American Geophysical Society Academic journals There are 19 kinds, including famous《 Journal of Geophysical Research 》(Journal of Geophysical Research) series, covering Atmospheric science oceanography space science Earth science , planetary research, etc. These academic publications have a high reputation and influence in the field. stay Earth science (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary) Influencing factors Among the top 10 journals, the academic journals of the American Geophysical Society occupy two seats. [2]