Notre Dame University

American private comprehensive university
zero Useful+1
synonym Notre Dame University (Notre Dame University of America) generally refers to Notre Dame University
The University of Notre Dame, or Notre Dame for short, was founded in 1842 and is located in U.S.A Indiana lake michigan Riverside South Bend City, with Catholicism Established as a private school Research University [25] , 25 universities in the United States“ New Ivy ”One of the famous schools.
Notre Dame University has eight schools, namely, the School of Architecture, the School of Arts, the School of Business, the School of Engineering, the School of Global Affairs, and the Graduate School, the School of Law and the School of Science [31] There are clear spring lakes in the campus, Also stands the famous golden dome main building Sacred Heart Cathedral , the Notre Dame Grottoes in Lourdes, and the murals with the story of Christ painted on the exterior wall The Hesburg Library, which contains about 3 million volumes. [28-30] So far, Notre Dame University has produced 2 Nobel Prize 20 winners are honored as "Global Undergraduate" Nobel Prize ”Of Rhodes Scholar , 25 American Academy of Humanities and Sciences academician. [1-3]
Since 1999, Notre Dame University has been a national humanities National Endowment for the Humanities fellowships American University [4] As a representative of the elite small class university Teacher student ratio At 1:10, 90% of the classes have less than 50 students.
Over the years, the school has ranked among the top 20 universities in the United States. 2022 U.S. News Ranking of America's Best Universities nineteenth [23] 2019 Forbes American University Rankings Middle ranked 18th.
Chinese name
Notre Dame University
Foreign name
The University of Notre Dame
Time of establishment
November 26, 1842
Nature of running a school
private Catholicism university
School characteristics
New Ivy
Ten alliances associate member state
Current leaders
John Jenkins President
School setting
Mendoza School of Business, School of Literature and Arts, School of Law, School of Engineering, School of Architecture, School of Science, School of Keo International Affairs
School motto
Vita, Dulcedo, Spes (Life, Sweetness and Hope; Life, sweetness and hope)
School song
Our home
Notre Dame, IN 46556(574) 631-5000
major awards
2 bits Nobel Prize [5]
University of Notre Dame
US Ranking
two thousand and twenty-two U.S. News Ranking of America's Best Universities nineteenth [23]
World ranking
two thousand and twenty-two Academic Ranking of Soft Science World Universities 301-400 [22] two thousand and twenty-two QS World University Ranking two hundred and twenty-two [21] two thousand and twenty-two The World University Ranking 183。 [24]
Representative color
Blue and gold [26]
Name of school team
Fighting Irish [27]

History of school running

Notre Dame University was founded in 1842.
On the occasion of the 167 birthday of Notre Dame University, President Obama of the United States, as a guest speaker, also came to deliver a speech. President Obama also succeeded Eisenhower, Carter Reagan Bush Sr and George W. Bush Later, the sixth American president addressed the commencement ceremony of Notre Dame University.
In May 2016, Vice President of the United States Biden, former US House Speaker John Boehner and four-star general United States Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Martin Dempsey (Martin Dempsey) also attended the graduation ceremony of the school.
Taiwan leader Ma Ying jeou also delivered a speech at Notre Dame University in November 2016 after leaving office.

academic research

The seminary of Notre Dame University is one of the important places for American theological research. Although the University Theological Seminary mainly conducts teaching and research on Roman Catholicism, it still attracts many learners from other churches around the United States to come here for research and study. The seminary has more than 100 faculty members engaged in theological education. The theology college of the university carries out more comprehensive and profound research and teaching on theology, adhering to the purpose of college Catholicism.
The university also has graduate schools such as School of Arts, School of Arts, School of Law, School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Architecture, School of Science, and hundreds of research institutes and laboratories, including the famous radiation laboratory, Institute of International Affairs Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Materials Scientific laboratory , Anthropology Research Center, Contemporary Society Research Center, Urban Research Institute, etc scientific research institution Notre Dame University pioneered Glider , on aerodynamics Radio communication synthetic material and Nanotechnology And other research fields.
Notre Dame University

School running conditions



25 under Notre Dame University Doctoral specialty , 46 Master's degree And more than 60 undergraduate majors, which are divided into 7 colleges, including the School of Science, the School of Business, the School of Engineering, the School of Arts, the School of Law, the Graduate School, and the School of Architecture. Among the 7 colleges, the Business School is the largest, with more than 2300 students on campus, covering undergraduate majors such as management and management information systems, as well as MBA Non profit organization Master degree in management.
List of colleges
College of Science
Business School
engineering institute
College of Arts
law school
graduate school
College of Architecture
  • Professional settings
Notre Dame University has dozens of Discipline It covers a wide range of fields, including architecture, physiology, biology, biomedicine, biomedical engineering, biochemistry, biophysics molecular biology Sociology inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Although the number of disciplines is not very large, most of them have strong academic strength in scientific research and can be awarded master's and doctor's degrees. Some disciplines, such as chemical engineering, business management, accounting, history, philosophy, government science, English and pre medical science, have great influence in corresponding fields. The school also has a school of arts, art, business management, engineering, architecture, science and other graduate students and radiation laboratories Institute of International Affairs Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , Materials Scientific laboratory Anthropology Research Center, Contemporary Social Research Center, Urban Research Institute, etc scientific research institution


Notre Dame University has more than 800 in-service faculty and staff. Paul Ryan, the former President of the House of Representatives of the United States, will start teaching at Notre Dame University for one year in the 2019 academic year, teaching political science and economics courses.

Discipline construction

More than 10000 students from Notre Dame University come from all over the United States and more than 100 countries around the world. Some disciplines have strong scientific research and academic strength. Such as politics, sociology political economics Business ethics logic Business accounting , history, philosophy, English and medicine have great influence in corresponding fields. Graduate law schools ranked among the top 20 in the United States, and business schools ranked among the top 25.
Notre Dame University
The business school of the university is large, with 2300 students, including accounting, finance, management, information system, master of accounting, master of finance Non profit organization Management and Marketing. university EMBA No. 20 in the world.

Teaching construction

Medical Sciences of Notre Dame University preparatory class (Predictive Science Studies) is also very famous. More than 80% of the graduates can enter medical schools of other American universities. The School of Business, the School of Law and the School of Architecture are also its strengths London There is a course center, and the architecture institute also has a course center in Rome, so that students can have both International perspective
according to pay According to the scale website, the median annual salary of graduates of Notre Dame University in the middle of their career is about $121000, ranking eighth among all universities in the United States.

Social evaluation

Notre Dame University has a strong religious and Upper class society Color, in the history of the university, has produced many celebrities and government officials, 190000 alumni, 275 alumni clubs, and has universities in the United States and alumni networks all over the world. The annual donation amount from alumni and Harvard University Juxtaposition Second in the world Notre Dame University was listed as 25 universities in the United States in 2006“ New Ivy ”One of the famous schools.
Notre Dame University in 2015《 American News and World Report 》Ranked 16th in the National University Ranking, and 122013 in the 2012 Forbes American University Ranking Mendoza Mendoza College of Business was awarded the title of《 Business Week 》It is the fourth consecutive year that we were elected the first undergraduate in the United States. [7-8] According to the Princeton Review, the American authority, Notre Dame University is the fifth "dream university" in the United States, second only to Harvard Yale Other top universities in the world; Times Higher Education 》She was elected the first Catholic University in the world; And《 Wall Street Journal 》Notre Dame University won the sixth place in the selection of the best EMBA program; Her assisted employment center ranked second in the 2008 Princeton Review; As for the ranking of university professors《 American News and World Report 》Ranked fourth.
US Ranking
  • Undergraduate ranking of US news and world report
15th in 2017 US Undergraduate Ranking [10]
18th in 2016 American University Undergraduate Ranking
16th in 2015 US undergraduate ranking
  • Forbes American University Rankings
Global ranking
  • Soft Branch
  • THE
  • QS
Professional ranking
1st US Business Week 2010-2014 National Undergraduate Business School Ranking [17]
4th American University Accounting Postgraduate major ranking
Ranking 4th in Accounting Major of American Universities [18]
8th U.S. News 2012 U.S. Undergraduate Teaching Ranking [19]
12th Forbes 2012 American University Rankings [20]
22nd U.S. News 2012 Ranking of Law Schools of American Universities
25th U.S. News 2012 U.S. MBA Ranking
30th American University in 2010 Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Ranking
38th American University in 2010 Electronic Engineering Postgraduate Ranking
41st American University in 2010 civil engineering Professional Postgraduate Ranking
44th American University in 2010 Mathematics Postgraduate Ranking
56th American University in 2010 physics Professional Postgraduate Ranking
Athletes and crazy fans

Cultural tradition


School motto

Latin :Vita,Dulcedo,Spes
English translation: Life, Sweetness,and Hope
Life, sweetness, and hope.
 Notre Dame University Emblem Notre Dame University Emblem
Notre Dame University Emblem

sense of worth

Notre Dame University is intended to foster a student society Service awareness And Social responsibility And encourage students to care about and serve the society. 80% of students have participated in various forms of community service In the event, 10% of the graduates will volunteer to work in the United States or in poorer places around the world for one year or even more, which makes Notre Dame University students recognized by all walks of life in the United States and enjoy high reputation. [9] The cultivation and guidance of Notre Dame University on students' values are mainly reflected in the series of short films "What Would You Fight For?". These 2-3 minute short films condensed the unremitting efforts made by the students, faculty and alumni of Notre Dame University for human welfare in the year, including scientific research , academic achievements Social services And global impact.

Outstanding alumni

Notre Dame University has the largest alumni network in the United States, with 275 alumni clubs and 190000 alumni all over the world. The university has a special organization to help graduates establish contacts. Alumni associations are very active around the world. Graduates of all ages support each other in life and career. They all regard themselves as permanent "family" members of the university. Notre Dame endowment fund Total assets About 42 billion RMB Of which the donation amount in 2011 reached 6383344000 US dollars. [6]
Like many ancient universities in the West, Notre Dame University has a strong religious and Upper class society Color depends on powerful The Alumni Association , and has maintained countless ties with the government and some prominent business consortia. Its alumni include the former Secretary of State of the United States Rice , famous writer Nicholas Sparks Etc. Among the CEOs of the top 100 financial institutions in the United States, the number of graduates from Notre Dame University is the largest, ranking first among all universities in the United States.

Chinese alumni

Shi Changxu Metallurgy Doctor, China National Highest Science and Technology Award Winner, former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Academician of CAS
Gu Yijian : Master of Science, former Secretary General of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
He Guozhu : Doctor of Physics, China Nuclear physical scientist
Kevin P. Reilly: Bachelor, former University of Wisconsin System Chairman
Edward Malloy: Bachelor of English, Master of English, Master of Theology, and the 16th President of Notre Dame University
Eric F. Wieschaus: Biologist, 1995 Nobel Prize winner
Saskia Sassen: Doctor of Sociology, Professor Robert S. Lind and London School of Economics and Political Science Visiting Professor
Hanyi in summer : Bachelor of Arts, University of Chicago Professor, famous sinologist
Ming Juzheng: Doctor of Political Science, National Taiwan University Professor and former dean of the Department of Political Science

American alumni

Rice (Condoleezza Rice): Master of Political Science, former American secretary of state National Security Adviser Stanford University professor
Bob McDonnell: The 71st American Virginia Governor
Edward P. Carville: Nevada senator
Joe Donnelly: Indiana senator
Jeffrey Chiesa: New Jersey senator
Brendan F. Boyle: Representative of Virginia
Joe Kernan: Front Governor of Indiana
Thomas Lee Judge: journalism Bachelor, former Montana Governor
William A. Allain: Front Mississippi Governor
Bruce Babbitt: Front Arizona Governor, United States Department of the Interior minister
Timothy John Roemer: former governor of Indiana, former US ambassador to India, former director of the US National Policy Center
Ernesto Pérez Balladares: Panama ex-president
Pedro Rosselio: Puerto Rico 7th Governor
Brian Moynihan: Bank of America Chairman and CEO
Philip J. Purcell: Morgan Stanley Former Chairman and CEO
Keith Sherin: General Electric Company front Chief Financial Officer , CEO of GE Capital
James Berges: former CEO of Emerson Electronics
Edward J. DeBartolo Jr.: entrepreneur, former NFL San Francisco 49ers boss
Ted Phillips: entrepreneur, former NFL Chicago Bears boss
Daniel R. Hesse: Former United States Sprint CEO of Communication Company
Diane Gulyas: Vice President of DuPont Group
Andrew J. McKenna: former president of McDonald's Group
Steve Odland: former President of Office Depot
James E. Rohr: former chairman and CEO of PNC Bank, the fifth largest bank in the United States, now Carnegie Mellon University Chairman of the Board
John A. Schneider: former United States CBS CEO
Joe Montana : The greatest in NFL history quarterback one of
Michael Haywood: University of Miami rugby Team coach
Dava J. Newman: USA Aerospace Bureau( NASA )Director
Thomas McMurtry: NASA test pilot, Lockheed adviser
Kevin A. Ford: USA astronaut
Michael T. Good : American astronaut
Stephen McFeely: English Bachelor of Arts Captain America Series movies and The Avengers series Film writer

Campus environment

Notre Dame University is located in the United States Indiana South Bend , Distance Illinois Chicago It's an hour and a half by car. There are two clear lakes and a large forest in the campus. Squirrels and other small animals can be seen from time to time in the green and wooded campus. There are 200 buildings in the school, which are invaluable. The three famous buildings are Golden Dome Building and Sacred Heart Roman Cathedral And the Heisberg Library with murals depicting the story of Christ. Most of the university buildings are classical Byzantine Western style buildings. The buildings in the campus are scattered, hidden in tall cedars maple trees in The huge round stadium can accommodate 100000 spectators, and there are golf courses specially available for competition. [28-29]
Address: 220 Main Building Notre Dame, IN 46556-5602

Application information

  • Application materials
(1) SAT school report
(2) TOEFL Transcript
(3) General Application - Future Plan
(4) General Application - Application Form
(5) Art or architecture Supplementary materials
(6) School Supplementary Application Form
(8) General Application - Referrer Information Form
(10) High School Transcript
(11) Grade Three Transcript
(12) High school diploma
(13) Financial Certification Form
  • Admission requirements
Although it is missionary school However, most Chinese students in school are non Catholic.
The stadium of Notre Dame University with 100000 people was full
Undergraduate application: IELTS 7.0, SAT 2150+,TOFEL 100+。
Graduate application: IELTS 7.0, TOFEL100+
Mendoza College of Business MBA: GMAT average 683
  • Tuition&Scholarship
Whether international students can apply for scholarships
Whether international students can apply for needed based scholarships
Book fees:
Whether applying for a needed based scholarship affects admission:
Personal living expenses:
Number of international students receiving scholarships:
Overall annual cost:
Overall award probability of international students:
Security deposit (valuation):
RMB 1.3 million
Average amount of scholarship for international students:
Whether SAT/ACT scores are required for scholarship application: