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National Association of Honorary High School Students

A national high school association in the United States
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a national high school association in the United States, which is intended to commend students in grades 11 to 12 who have outstanding academic performance, leadership, community service and moral character.
Chinese name
National Association of Honorary High School Students
Foreign name
National Honor Society
an association

Association History

In 1921, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP for short) officially founded this group, and the first branch was established in Pennsylvania State Pittsburgh So far, NHS has Columbia Puerto Rico Canada turkey Chile Other places have branches.

Founding purpose

According to the founding declaration of the association, all NHS branches should adhere to the following purposes:
  1. one
  2. two
    Encourage students' enthusiasm for learning
  3. three
    Stimulate students' willingness to serve the society
  4. four
    Cultivate students' leadership ability
  5. five
    Promote young students to form excellent moral character
These objectives are also the basis for the Association to determine membership criteria. Therefore, the selected students must Academic performance Leadership community service and character All aspects have developed comprehensively and performed well. The local branch organizations first select candidates based on the students' school performance, and then conduct a series of inspections and screening of these outstanding students in all aspects. Finally, a five member teacher panel of the branch will vote to decide whether to be selected. [1]

Famous member

Facts have proved that most of the members of the NHS have indeed become the pillars of the society after they grow up - the former members of the NHS can be seen among the cutting-edge people in all walks of life in the United States. Gerald R. Ford, former President of the United States, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former ambassador of the United Nations, Dan Jansen, gold medalist of Olympic men's speed skating, Alexander Lamar, former Secretary of Education, William Cohen, former Secretary of Defense, astronaut C Bolden、R. Cenker, Cindy Crawford, a famous model, as well as many famous athletes, actors, musicians, politicians, journalists... were members of the NHS. [1]

Relevant associations

The organization also has a sister association called NJHS (National Junior Honor Society), that is, the National Honorary Students Association of Junior High School, which is set up for junior high school students. [1]