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National Science Foundation

An independent federal agency in the United States
The National Science Foundation (United States) is an independent federal agency of the United States, equivalent to the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which was founded in 1950. The mission is to promote the development of science in the United States through funding basic scientific research programs, improving scientific education, developing scientific information, and enhancing international scientific cooperation. The National Science Foundation of the United States is composed of the National Science Council, one chairman, one vice chairman and five assistant chairmen. The members of the National Science Council are appointed by the President of the United States. Its main task is to determine the policies of the National Science Foundation.
At 9:00 on April 10, 2019 (21:00 on April 10, Beijing time), the homepage of the National Science Foundation“ Event horizon telescope ”The introduction of the press conference wrote: "Historic announcement about black holes." [1]
Chinese name
National Science Foundation
Foreign name
National Science Foundation,United States(NSF)
Organizational nature
Public welfare research institutions
Date of establishment
Member composition
Appointed by the President of the United States
Current leaders
Sethraman Panchaneson [2]

brief introduction

The National Science Commission establishes various committees according to disciplines, and some special committees according to the needs of studying certain special problems.
After 1968, the National Science Foundation submitted a report on the development of American science and its disciplines to the President (and to the Congress) through the National Science Council every year.
NSF programs are divided into basic research programs, science education programs, applied research programs, programs related to science policies, and international cooperation programs. It uses these plans to carry out its functions.
9:00 am, April 10, 2019 (21:00 pm, Beijing time, April 10, 2019), in the United States Washington , China Shanghai and Taipei Chile Santiago Belgium Brussels Denmark Lingbi and Japan Tokyo A press conference will be held at the same time, which will be released in English, Chinese, Spanish, Danish and Japanese“ Event horizon telescope ”This will be the first photo of a black hole in human history. Some important guests will attend the press conference held at the National Press Association in Washington, USA, including the project director of the "Event Horizon Telescope" Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Senior Astronomer Shepard Duleman President of the National Science Foundation France Cordova Etc. The introduction to the press conference on the home page of the National Science Foundation website wrote: "The historic announcement about black holes." [1]

Current leaders

Director of the National Science Foundation: Sethraman Panchaneson (Sethuraman Panchanathan)。 [2]

Achievement display

National Science Foundation
According to the report on the official website of the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the 28th, the best picture selection results of the 2007 "Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge" award of the National Science Foundation (NSF) have been released, which is the fifth time since the award was established in 2003. On September 28, Science magazine announced the selection results.
In the 2017 award results, the illustration category is vacant. The following are the winning pictures:
First place in picture category (tied): What's behind our nose?
This computer-generated CT photo was provided by Kai hong Fung, a radiologist at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in Hong Kong. It was a 33 year old Chinese woman suffering from thyroid disease. The author stacked 182 thin CT films to make a 3D picture, forming a magical effect of looking up at the sinuses from the back of the head. CT fluoroscopy is generally used to stack smooth planes, but Kai hung Fung created a topographic map of the nasal cavity using a technology called "rainbow technology".
National Science Foundation
First place in picture category (tied): Irish seaweed (Chondrus crispus)
At first glance, this picture looks like a piece of seaweed rushing onto the beach from a distant place. It is a picture of the Irish seaweed (Chondrus crispus) produced by Andre Otisson. Otisson is University of Maryland Botanist and molecular biologist. The value of this picture is that the seaweed will curl automatically once it is fished out of the water.
National Science Foundation
Honorary prize for pictures: micro metal circuit
Usually, there is not much chance to see a metal wire tied into a knot by itself. Of course, it is not easy to see a metal wire with a diameter of only 200 microns tied into such a knot. Adam Sergil and him Harvard University However, our colleagues used their invention to prove that the flexibility of metal wires is crucial for integrating microcircuits into a circuit network.
National Science Foundation
No. 1 in information mapping: simulating bat flight
Most of the short nosed fruit bats in the jungles of Southeast Asia spend the night in flight. However, these small animals weighing less than 50 grams after adulthood fly in wind tunnels. Brown University Kenneth Brauer, an engineer from the University of Science and Technology, used lasers and an advanced multi lens dynamic tracking system to record the changes of the wings and the air around the wings of fruit bats during flight.
National Science Foundation
No. 1 in information mapping: How do muscles work?
How are life linked together? This exhibition, called "Characteristics of Life", has been very popular since it was launched in 2003. It introduces many scientific knowledge related to life, such as "how muscles work".