American history

History of the United States of America
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The history of the United States is the development history of the United States of America. Full name of the United States United States of America (English: United States of America), formerly British colonies Later, due to various factors, it became a powerful country.
North America The original residents are Indian In the 16th and 18th centuries, the capital was being initially accumulated Western Europe Countries invaded North America one after another. here we are eighteenth century In the middle period, 13 colonies were established along the Atlantic coast of North America, and their economy, culture and politics were relatively mature. But there was a rift between the colonies and Britain, britain The continuation of the high-pressure policy towards North America has aroused strong dissatisfaction among residents in North America. From 1776 to 1783, the thirteen states of North America Washington Under the leadership war of independence The victory of. The United States was formally born, and has formulated a series of democratic political laws. It has gradually become a completely independent national sovereign state.
After independence, the United States actively expanded its territory, which gradually changed from Atlantic Coastal expansion to the pacific ocean coast. Significant changes have taken place in the economy, with the northern and southern economies developing in different directions. The contradiction between the North and the South has become increasingly serious. From April 1861 to April 1865, the war between the North and the South of the United States was also called American Civil War In the end, the bourgeoisie led by the north won and unified the country.
In 1865, the reconstruction period began and was gradually abolished Slavery In 1877, the South carried out democratic reconstruction and formulated a democratic progress decree, marking the end of democratic reconstruction. Later, the United States completed industrial revolution , economic strength has greatly increased, twice World War It has established the hegemonic position of the United States in the capitalist world. Cold War After Start and Soviet Union Divide the world equally.
After the Cold War, the United States became the only Superpower In the 1980s, the US economy was relatively stable.
In the 1990s, the United States Computer industry It develops rapidly and drives the global High-tech The information industry has developed a new generation of industrial revolution
Chinese name
American history

Pre founding period


Pre colonial era

Native American Portraits
More than 40000 years ago, a group of Asia By North America In Central and South America, these people are the ancestors of Indians. [37] When Columbus find New World Live in America About 20 million Indians, of which about 1 million live Canada and U.S.A North central, most of the rest live in today's Mexico And the southern United States. [1] Another group of Asians moved to North America North, this is later Eskimo The first white people who came to America were probably Vikings. They were a group of adventurous fishermen. Some people thought they had been there 1000 years ago North America East Coast.

Colonial era

In the 16th and 18th centuries, European powers established colonies in North America. The French established New France (including the spring tide area in the lower reaches of St. Lawrence River Basin, Mississippi River Basin, etc.); The Spanish established a new Spain (including Mexico and a large area of the southwestern United States).
At the beginning of the 17th century, britain Began to emigrate to North America. The first North American immigrants were mainly farmers who lost their land, workers who lived hard, and those who were persecuted by religion puritan [2]
"Mayflower" stamp
In 1607, a colonial group of about 100 people reached an estuary in Virginia and established Jamestown This is the first permanent colony built by Britain in North America [3-4] In the next 150 years, many Colonist , settled in coastal areas, most of which are from Britain, and some of which are from France Germany Netherlands Ireland And other countries. The majority of the people who arrived in the colonies were the poor working people of Western Europe, as well as the nobility, landlords and bourgeoisie, with the British, Irish, German and Dutch being the largest. Among immigrants, there are those who escape the scourge of war and religious persecution, voluntary and involuntary "indentured slaves", beggars and criminals; There are also black people trafficked from Africa.
In 1620, they took“ Mayflower (Mayflower) "went to North America and formulated on board《 Mayflower Convention 》。 On November 21, the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth and signed the Mayflower Convention with 41 free adult men. The content is organizing citizen groups; Draft regulations, etc. Lay the foundation for self-government.
stay colony Times, with North America aborigines Indian Long-term Warfare , serious labor shortage has produced slave The British government's laissez faire policy allowed the unique American spirit and culture to develop its uniqueness. Abominable slave trade It became popular in the 13 states of British North America.
From 1607 to 1733, British colonists successively established 13 colonies on the east coast of North America (the Atlantic coast). stay eighteenth century In the middle period, the economy, culture and politics of the colonies were relatively mature, and the colonial parliament still believed in the King George III , but they pursue British Parliament Equal status, do not want to be a second-class citizen of Britain, but at this time the British and French Seven Year War At the end, he was eager to consolidate the territory, so as to levy heavy taxes on the people of the North American colonies and the British monarch George III 1. Change the laissez faire policy and advocate high-pressure means. Therefore, the colonial people revolted, such as the declaration of "no tax without representatives"“ Boston massacre ”, "intolerable acts", etc. [5] In April 1775 Lexington Speak with Concord“ The shot of Lexington ”Uncover American Revolutionary War Prelude to. Later, these colonies became the first 13 states of the 13 independent states of North America.

The founding period


Independent movement

  • Background of North American Independence Movement
Signing the Declaration of Independence
Britain and France fought for maritime hegemony and plundered colonies Seven Year War And ended in British victory. Britain in North America Take over Canada , controlled Mississippi River Easterly New France , comprehensively strengthened control over the North American colonies, declared Appalachian Mountains The west is the royal industry, and the colonial people are forbidden to touch it; It also imposed heavy taxes, severely suppressed smuggling and restricted economic activities, which seriously damaged the economic interests of the people of all strata in the colonies. From 1619 Virginia Since the establishment of parliament, the colonies have successively established parliaments, and britain In 1765, nine colonies protested against each other stamp duty The meeting set off an upsurge of resistance.
In the middle of the 18th century America There has been a rift between the British colony and the British colony. The expansion of the colonies made them have a certain consciousness. They were conscious of the persecution of Britain and had the idea of independence. [6]
In the 1870s, Britain further implemented the high-pressure policy, in 1770 Boston massacre happen. Passed in 1773 Tea Tax Law , causing Boston Tea Event In 1774, five intolerable laws were issued (such as closing Boston Harbor, sending more British troops, canceling Massachusetts autonomy, establishing British jurisdiction over the colony, etc.) to tighten political and military control and suppression of the colony. In 1772-1774, communication committees were established in all colonies to lead the anti British struggle.
On September 5, 1774, representatives of all colonies except Georgia held the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia, which passed a resolution to sever all trade relations with Britain, and then passed the "Declaration on Colonial Rights and Resentment", presenting a petition to the British King. However, the King insisted that the colonies must unconditionally submit to King of England , and accept punishment.
  • Issued the Declaration of Independence
Statue of the Militia at the Revolutionary War Memorial in Boston
On April 18, 1775 boston In nearby Lexington and Concord, the colonial patriots fired rebel shots, opening the prelude to the War of Independence. In May, the Second Continental Conference was held, which strengthened the determination of war and independence and drafted《 Declaration of Independence 》Put forward sufficient reasons to fight this war, which is also the element of final victory. On July 4, 1776, Philadelphia George Washington The Declaration of Independence was issued at the Continental Congress, declaring the independence of the United States.
The Declaration of Independence was signed by Thomas Gefferson It was drafted and approved by the special committee of the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, and signed by John Hancock, chairman of the Continental Congress. The Declaration of Independence clearly stated that all human beings are equal and have the natural right to pursue happiness and freedom; It vividly recounts the British colonialists America Crimes committed by the mainland; Solemn declaration at last United States of America be divorced from britain Independence (July 4 was designated by the United States as Independence Day )。 The Declaration of Independence has World history A great document of meaning. Via《 Declaration of Independence 》This day has also become a permanent commemoration of the American people's holiday, as the United States Independence Day. Complete disengagement britain The purpose is to achieve "survival, freedom and happiness" enlightenment campaign The ideal of. [5]
  • war of independence
At the beginning of the War of Independence, there was a great disparity in strength between the two sides. The war lasted for eight years.
war of independence
From August 1776 to September 1777, under the leadership of General Washington, the American people bravely fought against Britain and defended the New World. And later Battle of Saratoga The United States and France concluded an alliance in 1778. Spain and Netherlands They also joined the ranks of the Anti British War, weakening Britain's ability to blockade the coast of North America. Britain and the United States are in balance. H. Clinton, who succeeded Howe as commander of the British army in 1778, launched an offensive in the south. Charleston was captured in May 1780. Clinton thought that the victory of the South was over, led the army back to New York, and sent Cornwallis to defend Charleston. However, the North American guerrillas cooperated with the Continental Army and inflicted heavy losses on the British army in the Jinshan area, Cowpens and Gilford.
In April 1781, the Continental Army began its strategic counter offensive. Green led the Continental Army south to South Carolina, forcing the British army to retreat to the coastline. Cornwallis went north to Virginia on April 25 to pursue an army led by Marquis Lafayette. Lafayette was free from British pursuit. Cornwallis moved to Yorktown. Washington Making use of Cornwallis's tactical mistakes, we formulated a plan to encircle and annihilate the British army from land and sea. Washington persuaded the French naval commander, Count de Grass, to transfer 28 French warships from the West Indies into the Chesapeake Bay. The French troops of Washington and Rochamborg joined forces with Lafayette in Virginia and surrounded Yorktown.
By October 1781, the United States and France had captured the last British stronghold Yorktown 8000 British troops surrendered. The US military won a decisive victory, the British Parliament was forced to endorse peace, and the war actually stopped. In 1783, Britain and the United States signed the Paris Peace Treaty, and Britain officially recognized the independence of the United States. It also fully demonstrates American people Courage and wisdom in the face of colonial rule.

Form a new government

See: Jefferson, Bill of Rights The Second American War of Independence
During the war, the Continental Congress formulated the Confederation Regulations. From 1781 to 1787, 13 states formed the Confederate Congress and announced the establishment of the United States. In 1787 Philadelphia When a constitutional convention was convened, representatives of large and small states, after debate, agreed that each state should elect two senators; On the issue of slavery, the north made a major compromise with the south, acquiesced Slavery Yes, in terms of taxation and allocation of House seats, the southern black slaves are calculated by 3/5 of the population. [7] At the end of the meeting, the draft constitution was formulated. This is the first written constitution in the world. It was ratified by nine states in June 1788. According to the Constitution, the United States has established a system of separation and mutual checks and balances among legislative, executive and judicial powers federalism country. Later, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution were added (later“ Bill of Rights ”Famous). The Act came into force in December 1791 and was approved by 11 states.
Thomas Jefferson, the Third President of the United States
In 1789, the federal government was established. In April, Washington He became the first president of the United States (re elected in 1792). In the process of differences in domestic and foreign policies, the Finance Minister Hamilton sent a group to organize the Federal Party, advocating centralization, being friendly to Britain in diplomacy, and controlling the power of the federal government. The Jefferson School of Secretary of State advocates safeguarding the democratic rights of the domestic people and sympathizes French Revolution , organized Democratic Republican Party [7] In 1793, when European powers jointly intervened in the French Revolution, Washington adopted policy of neutrality In November of the next year, the federal government and the United Kingdom signed a contract《 Jay treaty 》。 Pro British and pro French Federalist Party and Democratic Republican Party The division in foreign policy. In terms of internal affairs, the federal government formulated tariff regulations, established banks and stabilized the economy.
In 1801, Jefferson, the Democratic Republican Party, became president. Jefferson's government abolished the above four decrees, cut spending, reduced taxes, abolished alcohol taxes, and encouraged the export of agricultural products. In 1803, it purchased from France an area of more than 2 million square kilometers Louisiana Britain has been unwilling to lose its North American colonies. British ships continued to intercept American ships on the high seas and forcibly requisitioned American sailors. In order to maintain the freedom of navigation, the United States carried out the second war against Britain from 1812 to 1814. Apart from the naval battle, the advantage lies in the British army. In August 1814, the British army captured Washington The capital, burning the presidential palace and congress But then the United States won. [8] In December 1814, Britain and America Belgium Of Ghent Sign a peace treaty. The war enabled the United States to break away from British political control and economic penetration and become a completely independent national sovereign state.

Civil War

See: Civil War

The Westward Movement and the North South Conflict

westward movement
In the first half of the 19th century, the territory of the United States gradually changed from Atlantic The coast extends to the Pacific coast. Thousands of people, over Appalachian Mountains , moving westward, some pioneers migrated to the border of the United States, and even deeply belonged to Mexico 's territory, and between Alaska And California Of Oregon The United States has gradually changed from resisting colonial aggression to new colonialists encroaching on the surrounding areas, which has brought heavy suffering and long lasting wounds to neighboring countries. During this period, Americans and Americans Indian There were many wars between them, but Indian We have to retreat to the west in the end.
While expanding the territory, the economy has undergone significant changes. The economy in the north and south has developed in different directions. North China will develop maritime trade and expand the shipping industry. Carry out a large amount of primitive capital accumulation. As early as 1790, the first cotton mill was established in Rhode Island. Since then, other factories have emerged. Since the early 19th century, a large amount of money has been invested in industry and commerce, and industrial production has developed. While vigorously introducing science and technology from Western Europe, we should encourage creativity and invention. In the 1850s, industrialization advanced rapidly. In 1860, American industrial production ranked fourth in the world. Two thirds of the manufactured products are produced in the Northeast. [9] Western European immigrants poured in and moved westward, providing free employment for economic development. However, in the south, the economy of cotton plantations based on slave labor continued to expand, from the Atlantic coastal states to Texas Domestic. In the newly opened areas in the west, should we promote the free labor system or Slavery The spokesmen of the south and the north argued endlessly, which became the theme of the national political struggle. In 1820, the north made concessions to the south《 missouri compromise 》The dispute between the two sides was temporarily settled.

Civil war broke out

Civil War Situation Map
With the intensification of the struggle between the two different social and economic systems in the south and the north and the continuous rise of black slave resistance, the mass anti slavery movement was widely carried out. In 1840, the "Liberal Party" advocating the abolitionist movement was founded. In 1848, abolitionists, the Democratic Party of the United States and Whig Party Those who opposed slavery in Inner Mongolia organized the Free Soil Party with the aim of establishing a free state in the western region. [7] In 1850, after a dispute, the two sides reached a compromise, and the Congress passed a severe law on the pursuit of fugitive slaves. In 1854, Congress passed the Kansas Nebraska Act, which abolished the geographical boundary between the slave state and the free state, thus abolishing the Missouri Compromise, which was strongly opposed by the northern industrial bourgeoisie. In 1854, the Republican Party was founded to oppose slavery. 1856. the Democratic Party of the United States Buchanan When he was elected president, the Democratic Party had actually become a party representing the interests of slave owners. In 1857, the Supreme Court made Scott Judgment, which means that Slavery The scale of. [10] In 1859, the armed uprising against slavery led by Brown was suppressed. In the 1860 presidential election, the Republican candidate Lincoln win victory. The Southern Slave Owners Group, which had been plotting rebellion for a long time, decided to secede from the Union, and in February 1861, another Southern Alliance was established to defend slavery.
In April 1861, 11 southern states seceded from the Union, fought undeclared wars, and occupied the Sumter Battery. The Civil War broke out. [11] The north said that it would pay any price for reunification.
In the early days of the war, in terms of population, industry, railway network and food, the strength of the north was much greater than that of the south, which had almost no industry and few railways. However, the South has sufficient military preparations, and has well-equipped and trained troops. Moreover, on the eve of the civil war Buchanan The president (the slave owner's agent) tried to send a large amount of weapons and money to the south. In the first stage of the civil war, north Suffered repeated military defeats. In the Manassas Campaign in July 1861 and the Peninsula Campaign in the summer of 1862, the Northern Army suffered heavy losses. Although the Northern Army made a series of brilliant achievements on the western front and captured several important strategic strongholds from the Southern Army, these achievements were offset by the disastrous defeat on the eastern front. In the case of repeated military failures in the North, republican party The internal radicals and abolitionists in the society put forward the idea of liberating slaves and arming blacks. Lincoln also realized the necessity of liberating slaves.

Promulgate the Emancipation Declaration

American President Lincoln during the Civil War [11]
In May 1862, Lincoln promulgated《 homestead law 》The farmers who were allowed to cultivate the land in the west for five years were granted the right to use 160 acres of land after paying a certificate fee of 10 dollars, which made the farmers who cultivated in the west stand on the side of the abolitionists and isolate the Southern Alliance. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued《 proclamation of emancipation 》In effect, the black slaves in the rebel states were regarded as free men and allowed to join the army. In a short period of time, 186000 blacks joined the federal army. [10]
In 1863, there was a military turnaround in the north. The victory at Gettysburg on July 1 of the same year became a turning point in the civil war. The initiative in the battlefield was transferred to the northern army. In 1864, the Supreme Commander of the North adopted a new strategic policy: to launch a strong offensive on both the eastern and western fronts at the same time. In the east, the main goal is to consume the enemy's strength; On the western front, use powerful forces to penetrate into the enemy's hinterland and cut off the connection between the northeast and southwest of the "Southern Alliance".
In September 1864, Sherman The Northern Army under the general's command captured Atlanta at one fell swoop, and two months later began the famous "march to the sea". During the march, it completely destroyed the enemy's various military facilities, hit the enemy's economic force heavily, and paralyzed the southern economy. On the eastern front, General Grant commanded the Northern army to drive the enemy to the rebel "capital" near Richmond. At the beginning of 1865, slaves fled one after another, and the plantation economy was on the verge of collapse. The naval blockade imposed by the Northern Navy almost cut off the trade between the South and Europe. At the same time, there also appeared opposition in the south, and many small farmers joined the "federalists" to engage in anti war activities. The deserters in the south are increasing day by day. Food and daily necessities are scarce. On April 9, 1865, General Li, commander in chief of the Confederate Army, surrendered. The Civil War ended with a federal victory.
The war lasted four years and caused serious damage to the south. From then on, the United States was reunified, and slavery was no longer practised throughout the country.

Reconstruction period

The Civil War ended with a federal victory. April 14, 1865; Lincoln assassinated, Vice President Johnson Succession of President. The reconstruction period began.
The reconstruction period refers to the general term of the period of transformation and reconstruction of social, political, economic and social life in the south after the Civil War. Its historical task is to consolidate and expand the achievements of the civil war by political and legislative means, re-establish state power loyal to the Union in the southern rebel states, restore the normal relations between the southern states and the Union, and rebuild and consolidate the unity of the Union. Lincoln put forward the reconstruction program of leniency and reconciliation in the Declaration of Amnesty and Reconstruction as early as December 8, 1863, and between the spring of 1864 and the spring of 1865 Louisiana Virginia , Arkansas and Tennessee Four states began to implement it.

Johnson's Reconstruction Program

In 1865, Johnson Incumbent President. In the same year, the Amnesty Declaration was issued, and later north carolina South Carolina Georgia Mississippi Alabama Texas and Florida And the reconstruction declaration of seven states. The provisional governors of each state were appointed, requiring the election of the Constituent Assembly, the amendment or formulation of the state constitution, the election of the state legislature, and the establishment of a new state government in accordance with the Electoral Law of 1860. According to the spirit of Johnson's Reconstruction Program, all southern states, except Texas, elected the Constituent Assembly and the State Assembly by white voters in the summer and autumn of 1865, established the state government, and elected members of the Senate and the House of Representatives to participate in the 39th Congress to be held on December 4, 1865. In the southern states, many officials of the former Union government re manipulated the state parliaments and government agencies, and took a series of reactionary measures to try to maintain and restore the rule of the slave owner class. The states have successively formulated《 Black code 》To deprive blacks of their right to vote.
Ku Klux Klan members are taking part in the cross lighting ceremony [12]
The defeated slave owners in the southern states organized one after another“ Ku Klux Klan ”, "White Knights", "White Brotherhood" and other organizations are specialized in various violent terrorist activities against blacks, radical Republicans and their supporters. The implementation of Johnson's Reconstruction Program caused the political reaction in the South and aroused strong opposition from the majority of blacks and the whole nation. republican party Radical leaders actively fought against Johnson's reconstruction program in Congress. [13] On December 18, 1865, the amendment to Article 13 of the Constitution was finally approved. On December 26 of the same year, the Congress established a joint reconstruction committee with the radical Republicans as the core. In 1866, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and the 14th Amendment to the Federal Constitution, which embodied the spirit of the Act.
On March 2, 1867, Congress passed the Republican Radical Reconstruction Act. In order to limit the power of the President, the Congress passed the "Term of Office Bill" and the "Amnesty Bill" at the same time. Johnson ignored the constraints of the "Official Term Act" and ordered the removal of Secretary Stanton, the supporter of the Congress Reconstruction Act, twice in August 1867 and February 1868. So radical Republicans launched a campaign to impeach President Johnson. The impeachment case failed by one vote, but Johnson and the conservative forces he represented were severely hit.

Democratic reconstruction stage

In March 1867, the reconstruction program of radical Republicans was formally implemented, and the South entered the stage of democratic reconstruction. Ten rebel states (Tennessee has been accepted by the Congress, not included) were divided into five military regions under the control of the Federation. Under the leadership of the federal military authorities, the southern states, from 1867 to 1870, on the basis of affirming the right of blacks to vote, reconvened the Constituent Assembly, formulated a new constitution and elected state parliaments, and established a mixed black and white democratic government with radical Republicans as the core. [14] The states announced the abolition of slavery; It recognized the unity of the Federation and successively approved the amendments to Articles 14 and 15 of the Federal Constitution, restoring its equal status in the Federation. The states have carried out a series of democratic reforms. In February 1877, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party reached the Tilton Hayes Agreement on the 1876 presidential election, and the democratic reconstruction ended with the compromise between the North and the South. It marks the end of democratic reconstruction.

US Domestic and Foreign Policies after Reconstruction

The United States held the Pan American Conference in 1889, and in 1898 Spanish American War The United States defeated Spain, captured Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean, Guam and the Philippines in the Pacific, and then merged hawaiian islands In 1903, the United States captured panama canal Zone. In the Far East, the United States proposed to China in 1899“ Open door ”Policy. The United States in 1904-1905 Russo Japanese War China supports Japan. After the Russo Japanese War, the United States and Japan signed the Lott Gauping Agreement in 1908 through negotiations. In the 1912 presidential election, the Democratic presidential candidate Wilson Go on stage. Wilson took the "new freedom" as a call to carry out reform, reduce tariffs, establish the Federal Reserve Bank system, and collect progressive income tax through the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914). During this period, the United States, in terms of foreign policy Mexico Nicaragua Other countries have carried out armed intervention.

During the two world wars


industrial revolution

In the early 19th century, the United States began to industrialize. After the civil war Maturity stage From the Civil War to the First World War In less than 50 years, the United States has changed from a rural republic to an urban country. [15] Machines have replaced manual work, and products have increased greatly. The nationwide railway network has improved the circulation of goods. In response to the needs of the masses, many new inventions have come to market. The banking industry provides loans to facilitate the expansion of industrial and commercial operations. So the nearly 30 years from 1890 to 1917 are called the so-called "progressive period". In 1914, the First World War In 1917, the United States was finally involved in the vortex of war and tried to play a new role in the world.
Atlas source: [16]

World War I

After the beginning of World War I, the United States declared its neutrality and provided arms to both warring parties Entente Make loans. In 1916, Wilson was re elected. In 1917, the United States Germany After sinking the American ship, the submarine declared war on Germany on April 6. During the war, due to the interruption of foreign immigration, a large number of black people moved north and joined the army to fight abroad, which broadened their horizons.
In November 1918, Wilson Sign the armistice agreement with Germany. World War I promoted the economic prosperity of the United States. After the war, the United States changed from a debtor country that owed $6 billion to a creditor country that lent $10 billion, and the United States became the richest country. [17] 1921 Republican Party Harding He was in power at a time when the United States was in a comprehensive economic depression. He put forward the policies of "industrial normalization" and "saving capitalism"; From 1923 to 1929, world capitalism entered a relatively stable period. In the United States, due to the renewal of fixed capital, the rise of the construction industry, the expansion of the automobile and steel industries, and the sharp increase in the export of goods and capital, a new upsurge occurred in American industry and commerce in 1923.
At the same time, the second wave of corporate "merger" (that is, further trust) in the United States spread throughout the banking and industrial sectors, especially water, electricity, gas utilities, and even the retail business sector. republican Coolidge The period of administration was a period of economic prosperity in the United States. Private monopoly capital has greatly developed. However, due to the abnormal development and overproduction of domestic emerging industries, the proportion of various sectors of the national economy was seriously unbalanced, production and consumption were disconnected, and agriculture was in a chronic crisis for a long time, which first broke out in the United States in October 1929 economic crisis Later, capitalist countries successively fell into the world economic crisis of 1929-1933.

the Great Depression

American President Franklin Roosevelt
The Great Depression was an unprecedented economic crisis in American history. The Great Depression affected not only the United States, but also all countries in the world. The economic panic caused millions of workers to lose their jobs, a large number of farmers were forced to abandon their farmland, factories and shops were closed, banks were closed, and there was a depression. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt After being elected as President, he advocated that the government should take action to end the great economic panic, and then introduced a series of policies to temporarily solve many difficulties, such as the extensive intervention and regulation of the state in the economy“ new policy ”, rectified finance, revived industry and agriculture, and launched relief undertakings, which saved the serious economic crisis in the United States and strengthened the state monopoly capitalism. [8] In November 1933, the United States established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and adopted“ Good neighborly policy ”。 In 1937, a new economic crisis reappeared. next year, Franklin Delano Roosevelt The crisis was eased by expanding deficit spending; From the end of autumn 1938, the economy began to recover. The Roosevelt administration passed the《 fair labor standard act 》。 [18] On February 16, 1938, the second agricultural adjustment law was passed to replace the first one that was found unconstitutional《 Agricultural Adjustment Law 》。 By 1939, the international situation was tense, and the focus of the country shifted to expanding the military and preparing for war. Roosevelt's attention was increasingly focused on international affairs, and the New Deal came to an end. After the outbreak of the Second World War, the United States revitalized its armaments, which enabled its economy to recover and become prosperous.

During World War II

September 1939 Germany attack poland the Second World War Full blown. Roosevelt signed it in March 1941《 Lending Act 》To provide materials to countries that fought against Germany, Italy and Japan. On August 14, Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued《 Atlantic Charter 》, September 24 Soviet Union The government stated that it agreed with its basic principles, and then held the Moscow Tri - lateral Meeting, which laid the foundation for cooperation between the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union during the war. On December 7, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which severely damaged the United States Pacific Fleet The next day, the United States and Britain declared war on Japan. Britain and the United States suffered a series of defeats at the beginning. In May 1942, the US defeated the Japanese in the Midway Sea Battle. From the end of the same year to the beginning of the next year, the United States Battle of Guadalcanal China defeated the Japanese army, and the US military turned from defensive to offensive, Pacific War There is a turning point.
The US military planted the national flag in the Pacific War [19]
On January 1, 1942, 26 countries including the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and the Middle East signed《 United Nations Declaration 》。 The victory of the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943 fundamentally changed the situation of the European Anti Fascist War.
In November 1943, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Churchill Stalin hold Tehran Conference On June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in Normandy, France [36] Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, Truman Succession of President. In May, Germany announced its unconditional surrender. In July, the heads of the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union held Potsdam Conference , the United States and Britain will deal with it Germany poland And reached an agreement with the Soviet Union. The United States, Britain and China published Potsdam Announcement And demanded that Japan surrender unconditionally. The United States and the Soviet Union reached an agreement on the Soviet army's war against Japan. On August 6, the US military dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima; On August 8, the Soviet Union announced the war against Japan, and on August 9, the US dropped a second one in Nagasaki Atomic bomb Japan surrendered and the Second World War ended. Truman appointment MacArthur As the supreme commander of the Allies in Japan, the U.S. military stationed in Japan, realizing the situation that the United States controlled Japan exclusively.

Cold War

After the Second World War the axis The defeat of Britain and France, U.S.A and Soviet Union Became Superpower The world is divided into two camps: East and West. The United States and the Soviet Union and their respective camps stepped up preparations in military, political, economic and propaganda aspects, just as in wartime. This state is called“ Cold War ”。

Bipolar pattern

US and Soviet leaders in the bipolar pattern
In the Second World War, due to the expansion of the military to participate in the war and the massive supply of arms and materials to the allies, the United States became the arms factory of the allies, and the wartime economic prosperity appeared, and the national monopoly capital had greater development. The United States took the opportunity to participate in the war, controlled many important strategic strongholds in the world, and established military bases; The Truman Administration pursued the Cold War policy and proposed Truman Doctrine , developed marshall plan , planned to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
In terms of internal affairs, Truman put forward the program of "fair governance", but with little effect. In June 1950, the Korean War broke out. In 1952, the Republican Eisenhower ended Korean War Was elected president of the United States. Signed in July 1953 Korea ceasefire entente
Under the attack of the 1953-1954 economic crisis, the Eisenhower government made adjustments in domestic and foreign affairs to ease the tension at home and abroad, expanded the implementation scope of the Social Insurance Law, strengthened the nationalization of scientific research, and further developed the aerospace industry. In July 1955, the summit meeting of the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union was held, which eased the international situation. In 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first Artificial earth satellite To challenge America's leading position in cutting-edge science. In 1958, the United States launched artificial earth satellites, which made the US Soviet arms race enter the space competition. On July 20, 1969, the American spaceship "Apollo 11" lunar module landed on the moon.

Black Civil Rights Movement and Slow Economic Development

Since 1960, many aspects of American history are still the continuation of post-war development. In addition to the cyclical recession, the economy is still expanding; The number of people moving from cities to suburbs has continued to increase. In 1970, the number of people living in suburbs exceeded the number of people living in cities. In the early 1960's, the black problem became the most important problem in the United States.
Martin Luther King, the leader of the black movement, gave a speech [20]
During the Second World War and the Korean War, because of the participation of blacks in the war, the apartheid system was abolished in the military, which promoted the struggle of black people for civil rights in China. In 1954, the Supreme Court made the "Brown v. Education Bureau Judgment", declaring the principle of "isolation but equality", which has long dominated the field of education, unconstitutional. In December 1955, black people in Montgomery, Alabama Martin Luther King The 381 day long anti apartheid movement against car riding was carried out under the leadership of the President of the People's Republic of China, and the black people launched a sit in movement in restaurants to protest against apartheid in this regard. The civil rights movement flourished. Democrats in the 1960s Kennedy And Johnson came into power one after another, implemented a long-term fiscal deficit policy, expanded military spending, increased welfare costs, and the economy continued to rise. At the same time, because they were involved in the Vietnam War, they paid huge amounts of military expenditure, consumed a lot of wealth of the United States, and greatly weakened the economic strength of the United States. The rapid economic development of the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan gradually became competitors of the United States.
In the 1960s, due to Vietnam war It is unpopular and the domestic society is unstable. In 1961, black and white citizens jointly launched the "free passenger" movement. In April 1963, Martin Luther King A large-scale march, petition, sit in and demonstration campaign was launched in Birmingham. In August, 250000 blacks and whites marched to Washington to protest against racial discrimination, Martin Luther King He delivered a speech of "I have a dream". Driven by the black civil rights movement, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in June 1964.

Normalization of China US relations

When Nixon visited China, the Chinese government held a reception dinner
1969 Nixon After coming to power, the United States was mired in the Vietnam War and was unable to extricate itself. The recurrent fiscal deficit and huge military expenditure increased inflation, and the United States was in a dilemma of internal and external exchanges. Since 1969, Nixon took "partnership, strength and negotiation" as the new strategy of American foreign policy. In 1972, President Nixon visited China and issued the Sino US Shanghai Communiqu é. On August 9, 1974, Nixon watergate event Forced to resign, Vice President Ford He became the 38th President. In May 1975, the Vietnam War was officially declared to be over.
The communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States came into force on January 1, 1979, realizing the normalization of bilateral relations. In terms of US Soviet relations, after Nixon put forward the new "peace" strategy, the two countries strengthened dialogue. [21] In May 1972, Nixon During his visit to the Soviet Union, he signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. In the 1980s, the US Soviet arms race shifted from quantity to quality. Since 1985, after continuous negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union, on June 1, 1988, the leaders of the two countries exchanged the instruments of ratification of the Intermediate Range Missile Treaty in Moscow. The US Soviet relations further tended to ease.

oil crisis

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union has not stopped until this period. During this period, the United States and the Soviet Union launched a series of Space race The Soviet Union sent the world's first astronaut Gagarin The United States sent astronauts to the moon for the first time. [22]
The picture of the Vietnam War in which the United States participated.
In the 1970s, the war broke out in Vietnam, and North Vietnam and South Vietnam fought. In order to prevent the expansion of the Soviet Union and Communist forces, the United States resolutely intervened in the Vietnam War. During this period, the number of casualties of the US military continued to increase, and finally North Vietnam unified Vietnam. The US attempt failed to realize. [23]
In the early 1970s, the economic depression caused by the energy crisis was the worst ever. In the mid-1970s, the US economy once recovered. But by the end of the 1970s, inflation had appeared again.
October 1973 Israel Relations with a series of countries in the Middle East deteriorated, triggering the Middle East war. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries In order to attack Israel, the opponent, and the country supporting Israel, the oil embargo was announced, and exports were suspended, causing the rise of oil prices. The price of crude oil once rose from less than $3 per barrel in 1973 to more than $13. In 1974, the United States also issued gasoline ration tickets. This is the first oil crisis. The soaring price of crude oil has caused economic recession in developed countries, including the United States. It is estimated that the GDP growth of the United States has declined by 4.7% during this period.
After a few years, Iran broke out Islamic Revolution Then Iran and Iraq started a war, the daily output of crude oil dropped sharply, and the price of the international oil market soared. The price of a barrel of crude oil rose from $14 to $35. The second oil crisis also caused economic recession in western industrial countries. It is estimated that the GDP of the United States fell by about 3%. [24]
In 1976, the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United States was celebrated throughout the country. The United States finally brought down the Soviet Union in the Cold War. On April 12, 1981, the United States successfully launched the Columbia Space Shuttle, bringing mankind into another new era of space.

Steady economic development

Reagan, the 40th president, gradually brought down the Soviet Union during his administration [25]
In terms of economy, the US economy suffered a severe recession in 1980. 1981 Reagan After assuming the presidency, he pursued a high deficit fiscal policy, used large-scale tax cuts and increased defense spending to stimulate the economy and encourage investment, while strictly controlling the amount of money issued. In 1982, the US economy began to recover and turned to low growth. Although the stock market plummeted in October 1987, the US economy was still relatively stable, but the fiscal deficit and foreign trade deficit were still the hidden worries of the US economy.
In November 1986, the "Iran Gate" incident broke out in the United States, revealing that the Reagan Administration (member) bypassed the State Department and concealed congress , secretly sold weapons to Iran from 1985 to 1986 in exchange for American hostages, and transferred the proceeds to the Nicaraguan rebels. In 1987, the United States sent military forces to protect the navigation of the Gulf gulf There have been many military conflicts with Iran. January 1989 Bush He became the 41st President of the United States.
Outbreak in 1990 Persian Gulf War The United States sent troops to Iraq. Forcing it to withdraw from Kuwait. [26] In 1992, Democrats Clinton the president elect. During this period, the United States and multinational forces repeatedly carried out air strikes against Iraq to stop it from developing nuclear weapons.

Post Cold War to the New Century


Sudden changes in eastern Jiangsu

In 1991, with The disintegration of the Soviet Union The United States is the only country in the world Superpower Between the two camps of the world ideology The barriers of.
In the 1990s, the computer industry in the United States has developed rapidly, driven the global high-tech information industry, and opened up a new generation of industrial revolution. In the late 1990s, under the leadership of the United States, NATO East expansion. In early 1999, the United States led NATO towards FRY Launch an air strike.

War on Terror

Bush in the War on Terror [27]
New York and Washington in 2001“ 9 · 11 Incident ”It has a huge impact on the United States and the world. This event is the most serious one in human history terrorist attack event. The incident prompted the US foreign policy to deal with terrorism Threat is one of the focuses. The US government started the war and action against terrorism—— Afghanistan War [28-29] Overthrow Afghanistan in October 2001 Taliban After taking power, the Afghan Interim Government was established in December of that year; Launched in 2003 Iraq War , overthrow Saddam Hussein The establishment of political power Interim Government of Iraq [30] Because the United States has an overly strong attitude towards the local government and military strength, people in the garrison area are worried. In the process of the anti-terrorism garrison of the United States, due to various opportunities, there have been some widespread prison abuse scandals and attacks on innocent civilians, such as Abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war by US forces [31] US military desecration of the Koran [32] Videos of US troops killing Iraqi civilians released by WikiLeaks, as well as US prisons around the world, [33-34] It was strongly condemned by local people and many countries around the world.
January 20, 2009 Obama He was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States and became the first African American president in American history.
Manufactured on May 1, 2011 9 · 11 Incident Of Bin Laden In the capital of Pakistan Islamabad By the US military Seals Kill.

financial tsunami

From the end of 2008 to 2012, the U.S. economy fell into the subprime crisis, which once hit the economy hard and has entered the recovery period. The unemployment rate has also declined from the peak of 10%. However, the impact of the whole subprime crisis on the World power The position remains unchanged. [35]