Civil War

A large-scale civil war in American history
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synonym American Civil War (American Civil War) generally refers to the Civil War (a large-scale civil war in American history)
Civil War (American Civil War, i.e American Civil War ), Yes U.S.A The largest civil war in history, involving the north United States of America And southern United States of America The Southern Alliance shelling in the war fort sumter Is the starting point [1] And finally ended in the victory of the Northern Federation. At the beginning of the war, the north fought to maintain the national unity, which later evolved into an elimination Slavery The revolutionary war. [2]
The Civil War is industrial revolution During this period, the first large-scale war after the war established the standards of modern war such as tactics, strategic thinking and battlefield medical treatment. The number of participants in the war reached 3.5 million, most of whom were volunteers. A total of 620000 people died in the battlefield, more than the total number of wars in the United States. [7]
The Civil War left a deep impression on European observers at that time. Lenin believed that the Civil War had "great, historic, progressive and revolutionary significance in the world". [8]
Civil War
Time of occurrence
April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865
Across the United States, mostly in southern states
United States of America (Northern Army), United States of America (Southern Army)
United States of America Winning and abolishing slavery
Forces of the participating parties
2200000 people of the Northern Army
Forces of the participating parties
1064000 Confederates
A total of 620000 people died [7]
The second bourgeois revolution in American history (the only civil war in American history)
Outbreak causes
Inconsistency between the two economic systems
American Civil War

War background


American industrialization process

In the early 19th century, the United States won complete political and economic independence through the War of 1812. [9] During the war, the demand for materials and the British blockade stimulated the development of American national industry; [10] A large amount of idle capital was also forced to invest in China because it could not be exported, pushing the United States to start a new era of industry; This has attracted a lot of American capital abroad to return to the domestic manufacturing industry, which has expanded industrial capital. [11] The transportation revolution after the war, in turn, promoted the development of industry and commerce and the development of the western territories. [12] At the same time, the United States canceled the policy of restricting immigration, and a large number of immigrants were attracted to the west. By 1820, the population west of the Appalachian Mountains had more than doubled compared with that before the war, and Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama and other vast western regions had been incorporated into the territory of the United States. Foreign immigrants also began to enter the United States. Among them, British immigrants brought mature technologies in textile, printing and dyeing, mining, smelting and other industries to the United States. British capital also came to the United States. The United States began the process of industrialization. [13]


By the 1850s, the textile industry in the northern region had basically realized mechanization and formed a factory system, which marked the completion of the industrial revolution in the northern region. [14] Driven by industrial capital, the United States launched a war of aggression against Mexico and acquired about 2.45 million square kilometers of land from Mexico. [15] The Mexican American War began with the expansion of Mexican territory by slave owners of American southern plantations. [16] In the first half of the 19th century, with the deepening of the British Industrial Revolution, the demand for cotton continued to increase. The slave owners of plantations in the southern United States then tried to expand cotton production, and then sold it to Britain in exchange for most of the industrial products needed. As a result, slavery in the southern United States was largely separated from its own market and became a vassal of Europe's major industries. The contradiction between the capitalist economy in the north and the slave planting economy in the south has become increasingly acute. This conflict is mainly reflected in the struggle for land in the west and the preservation or abolition of black slavery. [21]
In the decades before the American Mexican War, the South had been trying to balance the population growth of the North by increasing the number of slave states, but the North opposed it. At the Constitutional Assembly, the issue of slavery almost led to the division of the Union. Finally, after the northern states made greater concessions, the two sides reached three compromise clauses to protect slavery - the Missouri compromise in 1820, the Wilmore compromise in 1850, and the Kansas Nebraska compromise in 1854. However, with the expansion of the US Mexico War, the North and the South fought more fiercely for the new territory and focused more on the preservation and abolition of slavery. [17]

South North contradiction intensifies

American churches were also involved in the debate on slavery. The Northern Church defended the liberation of slaves through the interpretation of the Bible, while the Southern Church leaders used the concept of Calvinism to provide a theoretical basis for the maintenance of slavery. The American Presbyterian Church split in 1837, and the Methodist Church and the Baptist Church also had serious differences. [17-18] On the other hand, the northern people also launched a massive“ Abolition Movement ”, which led to the continuous riots of black slaves in the south. The northern bourgeoisie was founded in 1854 republican party And began to advocate the abolition of slavery; In the same year, the southern slave owners used force to promote slavery, and in Kansas, they encountered armed resistance from western farmers and free state immigrants. This Bleeding Kansas It lasted until 1859. [4]
November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States from 1860 to 1865) After being elected as President, the North and the South began to split: South Carolina announced its withdrawal from the Union, and then six southern states withdrew and began to seize northern assets (including military facilities). On February 18, 1861, the southern states were established“ United States of America ”(the Confederate States of America, abbreviated as CSA), and elect Jefferson Davis (Jefferson Davis) as President, Davis sent a special mission to Washington to receive military facilities, and the conflict between the North and the South became increasingly intense. [17-18]

Pre war situation


Rebellion in 7 southern states

On March 6, 1861, Davis ordered the conscription of 100000 volunteers. As a result, 286 of the 1080 officers in active service in the United States Standing Army resigned or were dismissed and joined the Confederate Army, West Point 184 of the 824 graduates in active service and 99 of the 900 retired have joined the southern army. After careful consideration, Lincoln decided to send an expedition by sea on March 29. On April 8, the commander of the Southern Army in South Carolina Pierre Borregarde (Pierre Gustav Tutante de Borregard) Brigadier general begins to attack Sumter Castle, the commander of the garrison Robert Anderson (Robert Anderson) Major General refused to surrender. The southern army started a 34 hour continuous shelling at 4:30 a.m. on the 12th. Anderson led 90 defenders to fight back. It was not until April 14th that he led his troops to leave and retreat to New York. The next day, Lincoln issued a written statement declaring that seven southern states had launched a rebellion in violation of the laws of the United States. On the 19th, he ordered the blockade of South Carolina to Texas 75000 militiamen were recruited from the northern states along the coastline. Among the eight slave holding states still in the Northern Commonwealth, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas subsequently joined the South, while Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware did not take action. [5]

Comparison of strength between the two sides

Before the war, the strength of the North exceeded that of the South on the whole. In addition to the data in the table below, the number and resources of infantry and artillery, as well as the equipment and supplies of soldiers in the north are obviously better than those in the south. The arsenal at Habers Ferry in the north has been able to produce Minni rifles with a range of more than 1000 yards, replacing the traditional musket operations. However, the southern army had high quality, experienced commanders, and the support of the Confederate guerrillas; He is also familiar with the terrain, transportation, information network and other conditions in the south, and has received assistance from Britain, France and other countries. [19-20]
Comparison of strength between North and South before the American Civil War
explain [19-20]
Number of states
22 million 340 thousand
9 million 100 thousand
More than 3.8 million of them are black slaves
Proportion of population in the country
Data in 1860
Number of conscripts
2 million 100 thousand
800 thousand
Northern white adults are more than three times as old as southern whites
Number of workers
1 million 300 thousand
110 thousand
Industrial output value
US $1.5 billion
US $15.5 million
Railway mileage
22000 miles
9000 miles
Proportion of factories in China
Data in 1860
Proportion of urban population
Data in 1860
American political forms before and after the Civil War

The course of the war


Phase I

In April 1861, Lincoln sent Irvin McDowell Irvin McDowell attacked Richmond, the southern capital 160 kilometers south of Washington. McDowell led 35000 Northeast Virginia Corps to march to Richmond, and sent 18000 Pennsylvania Corps of Robert Patterson about 100 kilometers northwest of Manassas railway hub, and Joseph Johnston (Joseph Eggleston Johnston)'s Shenandoah Legion confronted with the intention of cutting off the transportation supply line of the Southern Army and opening the road to Richmond. At that time, the 22000 Potomac Corps led by Confederate General Borregarde was stationed at the strategic Manassas railway hub. [22]
  • Manassas Junction
Centrville pre war deployment
On July 16, 1861, Borregarde learned that McDowell led his troops to Manassas Railway Terminal, and immediately deployed troops along the 10 km battle line on the south bank of the Benniu River, Yuningmills Railway Bridge, and Stone Bridge on the Warren Road. At the same time, he requested the southern government to send troops to reinforce Manassas. After McDowell and his troops arrived at Centrville in 1861, they sent the Taylor Division to scout the enemy and gather troops to attack the right wing of the Confederate army as planned. However, the Taylor Division sent troops without authorization and was repulsed by the Confederate army twice in Blackburn Shoal. So McDowell worked out a new battle plan. He sent the Taylor Division to feint attack on the left wing of the Confederate army while the main force attacked the flank. Soon, Johnston led the Southern reinforcements to quickly reach the Manassas railway hub when Patterson of the Northern Army was unprepared, and joined with Borregarde to form a force of about 34000 people. McDowell chose to attack the left wing after knowing the deployment of the Confederate army, and invited politicians, journalists and civilians from Washington to gather in Centrville to watch the battle. [23-24]
The Northern Army captured Mount Matthew
At 2:30 a.m. on July 21, 1861, General McDowell ordered Myers Division to stay in Senteville, and led Tyler Division's Schenker Brigade, Case Brigade, Sherman Brigade, Hunter Division and Heinzelman Division to cross the Beast River Bridge and reach the Stone Bridge. After that, Tyler Division began to feign attack on Evans Brigade's 4th South Carolina Infantry Regiment, 1st Louisiana Infantry Battalion Lynchburg artillery team. Borregarde sent the Hampton Legion to reinforce the Evans Brigade, while Johnston ordered the Bator Brigade and Belgium Brigade to support the Evans Brigade, and Jackson Brigade to prepare to support the Cork Brigade and Bonham Brigade. After learning about the movement of the Northern Army through the flag language, Evans led 900 people to Matthew Hill and left 200 people to defend the stone bridge. The Burnside Brigade of the Northern Army was attacked by the Evans Brigade when it was approaching Mathieu Mountain. At the same time, the repeated attacks of the Bator Brigade and the Belgian Brigade of the Southern Army were also repulsed by the Northern Army. Shortly after McDowell arrived at Matthew Hill to take command, the Union army occupied Matthew Hill, and the Confederate army was forced to retreat to Henry Hill. [24]
The Northern Army's Mount Henry was defeated
When McDowell led the northern troops to rest at Matthew Hill, the Thomas Jackson Brigade of the southern troops who arrived at Henry Hill also rested while deploying five regiments in the forest more than 100 meters behind Henry Hill to wait for the opportunity to attack the northern troops and prepare for the implementation of the anti slope tactics. Borregard and Johnston deployed their cannons in front of Jackson's front and sent reinforcements to Henry Hill. At 2:00 p.m. on July 21, 1861, McDowell ordered his troops to attack Henry Hill, and the two armies began a fierce battle. The Ricketts artillery team deployed by the Northern Army on the south side of Henry Mountain was attacked, and all the guns of the Kits artillery team and the Griffin artillery team were captured by the Southern Army. The Northern Army tried to recapture the guns but failed; The Wilcox Brigade and Franklin Brigade that came to support were also repulsed by the Confederate army; The Howard Brigade and Sherman Brigade of the Northern Army were ordered to launch attacks, but both retreated after encountering stubborn counterattacks. After the arrival of the Cork Brigade of the Southern Army, it joined forces with Borregarde and other departments to fight hand to hand with the Northern Army. The Southern Army lost two generals in the battle. The battle of Manassas finally ended in the victory of the Confederate army. The Union army lost about 2896 people and the Confederate army lost about 1982 people. [23-24]
  • Battle of New Orleans
The north formulates the battle plan
On November 4, 1861, Gideon Wells, the minister of the Northern Navy, put forward a new battle plan: the Northern Navy closed the rebellious ports on the 3000 mile coastline, strictly blockaded them and established the Northern Blockade Committee, and captured the strategic seaport New Orleans. On November 15, President Lincoln, Secretary of the Navy Wells, the new Commander in Chief of the Army George B. McClellan and others held a secret meeting and finally decided to send troops to attack New Orleans. The Northern Navy is commanded by General David Farragut; The army was commanded by General Benjamin Butler. Under his leadership, 15000 soldiers gathered on Hipp Island and landed at the lower reaches of New Orleans after the sea battle was successful. [25-26]
The Union Army Recovers New Orleans
In early April 1862, Farragut led an assault fleet of 17 warships to attack Jackson Fortress and St. Philip Fortress; David Dior Porter led 22 mortar ships to suppress the fortress's fire and support Farragut's attack. On April 18, Porter divided 21 mortar ships under his command into three groups. The first and third groups were located on the south bank of China, and the second group was located on the north bank of China. They entered the shelling position at a distance of 2850-3600 yards. From April 18 to 23, Porter's mortar ship fired more than 10000 shells at Jackson Fortress and its surrounding areas, which severely damaged the morale of the defenders. Under the cover of Porter, Farragut sent two boats to blow up the obstacles in the middle of the river, and divided the fleet into three groups to attack the fortress. The first group of eight gunboats and warships is responsible for attacking the St. Philip Fortress on the east side of the river, the second group of three warships (including Farragut's flagship "Hadford") and the third group of six gunboats are responsible for attacking Jackson Fortress. At 2:00 a.m. on the 23rd, under the cover of coastal artillery, the warships of the Northern Army approached the enemy fortress and engaged in artillery battle with three small fleets of the Southern Army. Due to the lack of unified command of the Confederate army, other warships except the Manassas and McRae fled or were sunk. At dawn on the 24th, 13 northern warships broke through the blockade of the fortress at the cost of minor casualties, and arrived in New Orleans at 11:00 the next morning. 3000 New Orleans defenders finally retreated due to their inability to resist. The warehouses in the city have also been burned by the citizens. On the 28th, when the defenders of Jackson Fortress learned that New Orleans had been lost, they began to mutiny and finally surrendered. On May 1, General Butler led the landing troops into New Orleans, and New Orleans returned to the northern control of the United States. [25-26]
From April 1861 to September 1862“ Limited war ”Phase. Both sides concentrated their forces on the eastern battlefield to fight for each other's capital.
The commander of the southern army is an outstanding strategist Robert Lee According to the situation of great disparity between the two sides, he formulated a strategy of "attack for defense", concentrated his forces to find the main force of the Northern Army and forced the North to sign an alliance under the city. However, the North was not prepared enough for the war, so it adopted the so-called "Big Snake Plan" to spread its forces on the 8000 mile long battle line. In addition, the commander McClellan, who sympathized with the slave owners, adopted negative tactics, which made the North army frustrated again and again.
In the early days of the Civil War, the Lincoln government fought for the purpose of restoring the unity of the North and the South. It was worried that touching the slavery system would push some border slave states to the southern rebel side, thus losing the important strategic area of border states. Because the northern government refused to declare the liberation of slaves. Therefore, in the first stage of the civil war, the North suffered repeated military failures. [3]
  • Manassas Battle
In July 1861, the Manassas Battle was held in the Eastern Battlefield. On July 21, the north launched an attack on Richmond, the capital of the south. 35000 northern troops marched into Richmond with military music in neat formation. Because the North had made a big noise in advance, thinking that the Confederate army was vulnerable to attack. In addition, this day was Saturday, so many Washington citizens, members of Congress, journalists and others came to the battlefield for sightseeing and entertainment, dressed in their best clothes, carrying their wives and belts, carrying baskets containing picnics, some in carriages, some on foot with the army, like a holiday. [3]
The 22000 southern troops were arrayed at Manassas, the railway hub. The northern army attacked the southern army in the cheers of the audience, and heavy artillery covered the positions of the southern army in smoke. The Union army then crossed the Bull River and attacked the opposite bank. Who wants the commander of the Southern Army to be a famous general Thomas Jackson He commanded calmly and repelled five charges of the Northern Army, so he gained the reputation of "stone wall". The battle was very fierce. Because the military uniforms of both sides were almost the same, it was difficult to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves at the moment, and the battlefield was in chaos. Soon, 9000 reinforcements from the southern army arrived and launched a counter attack. The untrained Union army was ready to collapse, leaving a large number of guns and ammunition to flee back to Washington. In this battle, the Northern Army lost 3000 soldiers and the Southern Army lost less than 2000.
  • peninsular campaign
In 1862, the war was more intense. Lincoln ordered 500000 troops to launch a general attack on February 22. The Union army won victories on the western front, almost opening the Mississippi River, the main artery of the north and south. The navy also captured the largest port in the south New Orleans However, in the eastern battlefield, the Northern Army suffered another disastrous defeat. McClellan, the commander of the Northern Army, had 100000 troops, but he held his ground for several months because he regarded the 50000 troops of the enemy as 150000. It was launched at the urging of Lincoln“ peninsular campaign ”, attempting to capture Richmond.
Robert Lee Urgently attack the Confederate army. From June 25 to July 1, Li's 90000 troops launched a "seven day battle" with 100000 people of the Northern Army. Li used his mobility to find war planes, mobilize the Northern Army, and then find the weak links of the Northern Army to launch an attack. He drove the Northern Army out of the peninsula near Richmond, causing the loss of 16500 people of the Northern Army and 20000 people of the Southern Army, but he won a strategic victory in defending the capital.
Li Chengsheng moved northward, and at the end of August, he fought with the Northern Army in Manassas for the second time. There are 54000 South troops and 80000 North troops. Li Gaochao gave full play to his art of conducting. He drew the main force of the Northern Army to the position with a small force, and the main force moved to attack from the flank and rear, and then attacked from the front and side, crushing the Northern Army at one stroke. The Northern Army suffered 14000 casualties and 7000 prisoners. The Confederate Army is approaching Washington Downtown. In September, the Northern Army Antietam Battle Zhongcai withstood the attack of the Confederate army. [6]
In terms of naval warfare, although the Northern Navy had an overwhelming advantage, the armored warships in the South also brought great trouble to the North. [3]
  • proclamation of emancipation
Scenarios of North South talks
Although the Northern Army made a series of brilliant achievements on the western front and captured several important strategic strongholds from the Southern Army, these achievements were offset by the disastrous defeat on the eastern front. In the case of repeated military failures in the North, the radicals within the Republican Party and the abolitionists in society put forward the idea of liberating slaves and arming blacks. Lincoln also realized the necessity of liberating slaves.
In 1862, the Northern Army launched an attack Grant The command went well. Fort Henri and Fort Donaldson were captured in February, the Confederate army was defeated in the Battle of Charlotte in April 1862, and Corinth and Memphis were captured in May 1862, liberating Kentucky and Tennessee. The Northern Army on the eastern front made slow progress, and in July 1862 was Robert Lee The southern army commanded by Li Chengsheng was defeated, and Li Chengsheng moved northward. In August 1862, he defeated the northern army again at the Bull River, and attacked Washington. In September 1862, the two armies fought in Antietam, and Li was defeated. In December, the Northern Army Battle of Fredericksburg China was defeated by Li again.
On September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued a preliminary declaration of liberation. It was announced that if the southern rebels did not lay down their arms before January 1, 1863, the slaves in the rebel states would be free from that day. When the news reached the south, thousands of slaves fled to the north. The British working class also launched a movement to support the north, forcing the British government to abandon the original intervention plan. [3]

The stage of "revolutionary war"

The war entered the "revolutionary war stage" from September 1862.
The Lincoln Administration also implemented a series of revolutionary measures and policies:
From 1862 to 1863, the policy of arming blacks was implemented. Therefore, thousands of blacks signed up to join the northern army, mainly the southern fugitive slaves;
Issued in May 1862《 homestead law 》Regulations: All adults who are loyal to the federal government can receive 64.74 hectares of land in the west by paying a registration fee of 10 dollars. After five years of farming on the land, they can become the owners of the land. Lincoln government severely suppressed counter revolutionaries and purged southern agents in the army.
In 1863, the conscription law was implemented to replace the conscription system, which strengthened the military strength in the north. At the same time, Lincoln adjusted the military leadership, implemented unified command, and appointed people with outstanding military talents Grant He is the commander in chief of the whole army.
On New Year's Day in 1863, Lincoln issued《 proclamation of emancipation 》It announced the liberation of black slaves and allowed blacks to join the northern army. Later, it promulgated the Homestead Act, which allowed all Americans to get land in the west. In May of the same year, the Union army attacked Richmond again and was repulsed by Lee in Chesloville. On May 22, the Northern Army launched a general offensive and carried out artillery attacks for 47 days. In June, Li moved north again.
On July 1, 1863, the two armies Gettysburg The decisive battle was launched, and the Confederate army was defeated on July 3. The southern army lost 28000 people, which became the turning point of the civil war. The initiative on the battlefield was transferred to the northern army. While Li Beijin was advancing, Grant surrounded Vicksburg, the fortress of the southern army defending the Mississippi River, on the west line, and the southern army surrendered on July 4. On July 8, the Northern Army occupied Hudson Port, and the Southern Army was divided into east and west parts. In September, the Northern Army captured Chattanooga, and in November, repulsed the counterattack of the Southern Army.
In 1864, the Supreme Commander of the North adopted a new strategic policy and launched a strong offensive in the east and west at the same time. In the east, the main goal is to consume the enemy's strength; On the western front, use powerful forces to penetrate into the enemy's hinterland and cut off the connection between the northeast and southwest of the "Southern Alliance".
In September 1864, Sherman The Northern Army under the command of the general captured Atlanta at one fell swoop, and two months later began the famous "march to the sea". During the march, it completely destroyed the enemy's various military facilities, hit the enemy's economic force heavily, and paralyzed the southern economy. On the eastern front, General Grant commanded the Northern army to drive the enemy to the rebel "capital" near Richmond.
At the beginning of 1865, slaves fled one after another, and the plantation economy was on the verge of collapse. The naval blockade imposed by the Northern Navy almost cut off the trade between the South and Europe. At the same time, there was opposition in the south, and many small farmers joined the "federalists" to engage in anti war activities. The deserters in the south are increasing day by day. Food and daily necessities are scarce.
On April 9, 1865, Li's troops fell into the siege of the northern army and were forced to surrender to Grant. The Civil War ended. The United States was reunified. [3]
 Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War Civil War
Civil War

War outcome

The Civil War is the only civil war in the history of the United States. The two sides involved in the war are the North United States of America And southern United States of America The war ended in federal victory. At the beginning of the war, it was a war to safeguard national unity, but later it evolved into a revolutionary war to fight for the rebirth of black slave freedom.
The Civil War was the first large-scale war after the Industrial Revolution, during which the standards of modern war such as tactics, strategic thinking and battlefield medical treatment were established. The overwhelming majority of the 3.5 million people who participated in the war were volunteers. A total of 620000 people died in the war between the North and the South, more than the total number of wars in the United States. [7] The number given by the US military history is [5] three hundred and one : 359528 people died in the Union, including 138154 killed in battle, 221374 killed and 280040 injured by other reasons (mainly diseases); The Confederation's death statistics were incomplete. At least 94000 people died in battle, 70000 died of other causes, and 30000 died in the Northern Army's prisoner of war camp.
The limitation of the Civil War was that Lincoln only abolished slavery in the southern rebel states. Although these blacks were liberated, they did not gain the same rights as whites. [3]

War Impact

The victory of the north in the war established the dominant position of the northern big bourgeoisie in the country while consolidating national unity. The civil war eliminated slavery, thus clearing the way for the rapid development of capitalism in the United States. homestead law 》The implementation of the policy accelerated the development of the west and contributed to the victory of the American way in the development of agricultural capitalism. Thus, at the end of the 19th century, the United States became the most advanced capitalist country in industry and agriculture in the world.
In the reconstruction period after the civil war, blacks were still subjected to various discrimination and exploitation by planters, but they gained civil rights and voting rights in politics and were liberated from the yoke of slaves. Therefore, the American Civil War has epoch-making influence in the development of American history. [7]

War evaluation

The Civil War destroyed slavery. The Civil War was the second bourgeois revolution in the history of the United States, but it better solved the land problem of farmers, maintained national unity, cleared the way for the accelerated development of American capitalism, and laid the foundation for the United States to become one of the world's powerful countries.
The industrial revolution in the Civil War brought great military progress. The two sides used metal cartridge cases and rear loaded rifles to fight, used railways and steam boats to achieve rapid force mobility and assembly, used steam armored warships for naval warfare, and mechanical rifles were put into practice for the first time. In particular, the North developed a production method of manufacturing standardized parts and assembling weapons, It has greatly improved the efficiency of industrial production and promoted the progress in American history.
In the history since the founding of the United States, the Civil War was the only civil war. After this war, the United States achieved real unity. Although the direct purpose of the war was not to safeguard the freedom of blacks, the black slavery finally collapsed in the process of fighting between the North and the South. Since then, the United States has established a relatively consistent economic pattern, which has removed obstacles for further economic development. After the implementation of the Homestead Act, the United States further accelerated the development of land and resources in the west. By the end of the 19th century, the United States had become the most advanced capitalist country in industry and agriculture in the world. In the reconstruction period after the civil war, although blacks were still subjected to various discrimination and exploitation by planters, they gradually gained civil rights and voting rights in politics and were liberated from the yoke of slaves. Therefore, this war is of great significance in the history of the United States and the history of human rights in the world.

War Memorial

On February 2, 2015, the United States celebrated the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery, and February 1 was the National Freedom Day of the United States to commemorate Lincoln's signing of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery.
These rare photos during the American Civil War 150 years ago reveal the tragedy of the bloody war at that time. The civil war took place between 1861 and 1865. The two sides involved in the war were the northern United States of America (short for Northern Army )And southern United States of America (Southern Army for short). The Northern Army was led by Lincoln Led by Jefferson Davis Lead. This undated photo is a group photo of the military commanders. During the Civil War, these men were responsible for commanding soldiers, maintaining public order and managing local order.
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