US Army

Armed Forces of the United States of America
zero Useful+1
synonym US military (US military) generally refers to the US military
The US military is United States of America The armed forces of the United States, commonly referred to as the United States Army, are collectively referred to as the armed forces owned by the United States federal government. They are the most powerful armed forces in the world today. The US military is composed of US Army America Navy US Air Force US Marine Corps US Coast Guard US Space Force [1] National Guard Constitute.
As a super military power, the US military expenditure is also very large. In 2012, the US military expenditure reached 711 billion US dollars, which is the sum of the second to twenty fourth largest military expenditure.
Chinese name
US Army
Foreign name
United States Armed Forces
US military
Supreme Commander
USA president
United States Army
Force composition
Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Corps [1]
Official name
Armed Forces of the United States of America


USA president Is the supreme commander of the US military, which is composed of US Secretary of Defense The military command is in the hands of the chiefs of staff of all services. Composed of them United States Joint Chiefs of Staff Formulate operational plans and organize their implementation.

Active forces

The United States is the world's largest military power, with about 1.4 million active troops, including land force 500000 people, navy and air force 350000 people each, Marine Corps 180000 people (and 700000 civilian employees).
The US military refers to the US military, which consists of seven headquarters (three group military headquarters and four military headquarters, one of which is airborne); 10 combat divisions (2 armored divisions, 4 mechanized divisions, 2 light infantry divisions, 1 air assault division, 1 airborne division), 13 brigades (7 aviation brigades, 6 artillery brigades); 3 armored cavalry regiments; 2 battalion groups (1 infantry battalion group, 1 airborne battalion group); 12 anti-aircraft missile battalions; There are also 2 integration divisions; The Navy is composed of 7 fleets, 10 active carrier battle groups (excluding the Ford being outfitted), 11 amphibious alert groups, 59 attack submarines, 117 warships and 10 carrier aircraft wings; The Air Force is composed of 20 flight wings (about 74 fighters per wing); The Marine Corps is composed of three divisions and three service support groups, equipped with three flight wings (about 21 squadrons, namely US Marine Corps Aviation )Another one Airborne division
The United States has hundreds of military bases in dozens of countries and regions around the world, with about 287800 troops stationed overseas. The overseas military bases of the United States are roughly divided into four strategic areas: Europe, the Asia Pacific and the Indian Ocean, the Middle East and North Africa, and the Americas.
The U.S. military has established the World War VI Command in the world, namely, the Northern Command Indian Ocean Pacific Command , Central Command, European Command, Southern Command and African Command, [2] Respectively responsible for global affairs in several regions.

Force composition

United States of America In accordance with the Constitution, the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces, National Security Council As the highest defense decision-making body, the Ministry of Defense is the highest organ for the President to lead and command the US military forces. On this basis, the US military force can be divided into the following parts: Joint meetings United States Joint Chiefs of Staff It belongs to the battle command system under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Defense or the joint commands and special commands under it. The joint meeting is not only the military advisory body of the President, the Minister of National Defense, and the National Security Council, but also the military command organ of the President and the Minister of National Defense to issue combat orders to the Joint Command and the Special Command) land force air force navy US Marine Corps National Guard US Coast Guard The Army, the Air Force, the Navy and the Marine Corps are under the leadership of three major military departments, namely, the Ministry of Land, the Ministry of Air Force and the Ministry of Navy. The Coast Guard is a part of the armed forces according to the law, and is maintained and used by the Ministry of Homeland Security in peacetime. Its military strength is not included in the reserve service of the three armed forces. The National Guard is within the scope of reserve service, and it governs the Army National Guard and the Air Force National Guard. The reserve forces of the three services plus the Marine Corps are selected reserve forces.

Institutional development

The active forces of the US military are divided into US Army US Air Force America Navy US Marine Corps and Coast Guard Five services Consisting of United States Department of the Army United States Air Force Department and United States Department of the Navy Under normal circumstances, the US Marine Corps is under the leadership of the Department of the Navy but only operates as a separate service.

Army establishment

The army forces are divided into a combination of various arms (corps) and independent arms (units).
The group army group is a synthetic corps set up by the US military in wartime, and there is no such force in peacetime. The number of wartime operations is determined according to the operational tasks and scope of the theater. In the Second World War, the US military once formed three army groups, and the 12th army group in Europe had four army groups. Army group It is the basic corps of the US military to carry out campaign operations. Its establishment is not fixed. It governs 3 corps, 9 to 15 divisions, and combat support and service support forces. It is the largest independent unit in the US army with combat, support, and logistics support responsibilities. It is not fixed organization Its composition is determined according to wartime combat tasks and possible military strength. In April 2016, there were five military headquarters, including two overseas and three in the United States. From 1979 to 1986, the US military reformed its military structure. The reorganized military was called "86 year military", which greatly improved its combat capability under modern conditions.
The division is the basic tactical corps of the combined forces of various arms of the US Army, with independent combat capability and sustained combat capability. The US Army has Mechanized Infantry Division Armored Division Airborne division . Light infantry division. The Army Division was formally established in 1916. During the initial construction, the system of three brigades and nine regiments was adopted, and later changed to the system of two brigades and four regiments. In order to meet the needs of mobile operations, it was changed to a three regiment structure in 1941. From 1956 to 1957, the five group system was implemented, that is, each division had five battle groups and each group had four companies. The US military believed that this reform could better meet the needs of operations under atomic conditions. However, in 1962, 5 groups of manufacturing divisions were reorganized into 3 brigade manufacturing divisions. The three brigades of the division are tactical command organizations, which do not govern troops in peacetime. In wartime, a certain number of combat battalions and necessary combat support teams are allocated according to the situation and tasks. Each brigade usually governs 2-5 battalions. In the mid-1980s, the US Army completed the reform of division organization. The establishment of the new type division has many advantages: it mainly improves the pertinence and can meet the needs of various tasks; Anti tank fire and air defense fire have been greatly strengthened; The lightening of the army has been improved to varying degrees, and the number of light army divisions has decreased by nearly 7000 compared with the original infantry divisions; The army aviation force has further developed; We have increased the cooperation between companies and arms to improve combat effectiveness; It is convenient for the commander to deal with the situation of aircraft interruption and command flexibly.

Air Force Organization

The US Air Force is composed of two major parts: the local air force and the overseas air force, which are respectively incorporated into the Air Force Command, the Air Force Education and Training Command, the Air Force Equipment Command, the Air Force Aerospace Command, the Air Force Special Operations Command, the Air Force Mobility Command, the European Air Force Command and the Pacific Air Force Command. In addition to the Air Force Equipment Command and the Special Operations Command, each command has its own aviation team: the Air Force Mobility Command governs the 1st, 8th, 9th and 12th aviation teams, the Air Force Education and Training Command governs the 2nd and 19th aviation teams, the Air Force Aerospace Command governs the 14th and 20th aviation teams, the Air Force Mobility Command governs the 15th and 21st aviation teams, and the Pacific Air Force Command governs the 5th, 7th and 7th aviation teams The 11th and 13th aviation fleets, the European Air Force Command governs the 3rd, 16th and 17th aviation fleets, with a total of 17 aviation fleets, of which the 1st aviation fleet is all formed by the Air National Guard. There are two headquarters that do not form an aviation team. The former does not have a research, development, test and logistics center or office, and the latter directly has a wing.
The aviation team is the combat corps of the US Air Force, which usually supports the army group army, and has no fixed formation. Except for the three air defense zones under the jurisdiction of the first aviation team, all the aviation teams under the current formation are directly under the control of the wing, with a small number of 2 and a large number of 10 (the 8th and 19th aviation teams).
The wing is the basic tactical unit of the US Air Force, which governs several squadrons and usually supports the first level operations of the land division. The existing wings are divided into missiles, space, bombers fighter , air transport, air mobility, special operations, training, bases, air refueling and other units.

Naval establishment

The Navy is composed of surface forces , Navy submarine force naval air force The military transport force and the naval military area command force are composed. The Marine Corps is a combined force of various arms of the US military for overseas operations, with an independent organizational system.
Ship force is the main body of naval combat force, which is usually organized in two forms: ship type and mission. The formation by ship type is generally a fixed formation, which implements administrative management, training and support. Currently, there are two levels: brigade and squadron; Group by task is usually a mixed fleet formed to carry out combat tasks, tactical training and a specific task. It is divided into battle fleets task force Special agent team, special agent team and special agent detachment. The combat fleet is a naval strategic corps. The US Navy has five combat fleets.
The US Navy aviation is divided into fleet aviation and marine aviation according to the affiliation relationship. Fleet aviation is usually divided into three levels: regiment, squadron and detachment; The aviation of the Marine Corps consists of regiments, brigades and squadrons, and the Marine Corps has three aviation regiments.
The Marine Corps is a combined force of various arms. There are three marine divisions. The first division governs three infantry regiments (10 battalions), the second division governs three infantry regiments (8 battalions), and the third division governs two infantry regiments (6 battalions). Wartime Marine Corps ground forces usually US Marine Corps Aviation The troops form a land amphibious force as the landing assault force of the fleet.

Command organization and battle command system establishment

The commander in chief of the US military is composed of USA president National Security Council U.S. Department of Defense And belonging to Joint Chiefs of Staff And the army, navy and air force. according to Constitution of the United States of America The supreme commander of the three armed forces is the President of the United States.
The National Security Council is the highest decision-making body on national security issues in the United States, directly under the leadership of the President. By the President of the United States (Chairman of the Committee) Vice President of the United States US Secretary of State US Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Treasury They are composed of the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs, who presides over the daily work. The committee includes senior research group, crisis management group, verification group, vice minister committee, defense plan review committee, intelligence committee and other decision-making advisory bodies. CIA It is directly under the leadership of the National Security Council and has established a huge spy network in the world.
The Ministry of National Defense is the highest military administrative organ of the armed forces, which governs the Armed Forces Policy Committee, the General Office of the Minister of National Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the headquarters of the army, sea and air services. The Armed Forces Policy Committee is the advisory body of the Ministry of National Defense on policy Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , the ministers of the armed forces, the army chief of staff, the navy chief of operations, and the air force chief of staff, with the minister of defense as the chairman. The General Office of the Secretary of Defense has offices of the Minister, Deputy Ministers, Assistant Ministers, Assistant Ministers, General Counsel and Director of Planning Analysis and Identification, as well as several business bureaus.
Joint Chiefs of Staff It is the military advisory and operational command organization of the President, the National Security Council, and the Minister of National Defense. It is composed of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Staff of the Army, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, and the Commander of the Marine Corps. The military executive body of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the Joint Staff Headquarters, whose staffing is about 1/3 of that of the army, navy and air force respectively. There are human resources and personnel department, combat department, logistics department, planning and policy department, command and communication department and other organizations.
The headquarters of the three services is the highest administrative leading organ of the service, responsible for the administration, force building, strategic training, military mobilization, weapons and equipment development and procurement, and logistics support of the service. The ministers of the three services are civilian officials, who are nominated by the President United States Senate Appointed upon consent.
After the Second World War, the US military summarized the experience and lessons in the military command system during the war, and reformed the command and command system. The US military command organization has the following characteristics:
1. Civil officials control the military power, and the Ministry of National Defense is in charge of the three armed forces. Constitution of the United States of America 》And《 US National Security Act 》It is stipulated that the Secretary of National Defense, the Deputy Secretary of National Defense and the three armed forces services The head of the department must be a civilian. Therefore, the main members leading the National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the headquarters of the three military services are civilian. The implementation of the civil service system is mainly to strengthen the power of the Ministry of National Defense to centralize and unify the leadership of the three armed forces. The Ministry of National Defense is not only responsible for the operational command of the three armed forces and the formulation of the unified policies of the three armed forces, but also responsible for the formulation of the Military budget , identified as the military strength, and unified leadership of the three armed forces National defense science and technology And logistics supply.
2. Separation of command and management. The commander in chief of the US military implements a dual track system in operational and peacetime management, that is, a battle command system and a military management system. The combat system is conducted through the Ministry of Defense - Joint Chiefs of Staff - Joint Service Commands - Combat Forces Command. The military management system is carried out through the Ministry of National Defense -- various service departments -- combat force management agencies. At ordinary times, the battle command system is responsible for formulating operational plans for the combat forces, implementing operational guidance, and unifying the principles of combat training for the services and arms, but does not concern military management matters. Military management affairs are fully implemented by the army, navy and air force service departments and their relevant business departments, mainly including administrative management, troop formation, equipment, military training and logistics supply. The US military believes that the command mechanism of separation of operation and administration is conducive to the exertion and management efficiency, so it has always been used.
3. The command organization is lean and capable, and the management system is huge. The General Office of the Secretary of Defense, the main military management department of the Ministry of Defense, has 16 business bureaus and offices( Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , Ballistic Missile Defense Organization Bureau, National Defense Supplies Bureau, National Defense Contract Audit Bureau, National Defense Finance and Accounting Bureau, National Defense Information System Bureau, National Defense Intelligence Agency, National Defense Investigation Bureau, National Defense Legislative Service Bureau, National Defense Logistics Bureau, National Defense Surveying and Mapping Bureau, National Defense Nuclear Weapons Bureau, National Defense Security Assistance Bureau, On site Verification Bureau, Central Image Room, National Security Bureau and Central Security Administration), Among them, the National Defense Logistics Agency alone has more than 47000 personnel, the National Defense Surveying and Mapping Agency has more than 8400 personnel, and the National Defense Intelligence Agency has more than 4300 personnel. Each service department also has a general office of ministers and relevant business departments, whose responsibilities are similar to those of the general office of the Ministry of Defense, and has a large number of staff. For example, the Department of the Army has 31 business management departments with more than 4100 staff. The Ministry of the Navy has 59 administrative departments with more than 2800 staff. The Air Force Department has 23 management departments and more than 3400 staff. The Marine Corps has 33 management departments and more than 510 staff. The staffing of the staff offices of the various services is also relatively large. Compared with the General Office of the Ministry of National Defense and the three service departments, the battle command system, or the "Joint Chiefs of Staff", is relatively small. According to the establishment, there are about 1000 staff members, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the chief of staff of the army, the chief of naval operations, the chief of staff of the air force, and the commander in chief of the marine corps). Its main organizations include the Department of Human Resources and Personnel, the Department of Intelligence (National Defense Intelligence Agency), the Department of Operations, the Department of Logistics, the Department of Strategic Planning and Policy, the Department of Command and Control Communications and Planning Systems, the Department of Operational Planning and Planning, and the Department of Force Resources and Evaluation. The staff of the Joint Operations Command and the Single Service Command are also small, generally about 200 to 600.
4. Large use of civilian personnel. The US military believes that the use of civilian personnel can enable technical personnel with expertise and familiarity with business, operational training, engineering technology and automation processing to play a backbone role in the military for a long time, which is conducive to the construction of the military, especially the command and technical business departments, and can save a lot of management and training funds. According to the 1996 Secretary of Defense《 Defense Report 》According to the published figures, the number of civilian personnel (including direct and indirect employees) in 1996 was 828600 (including 257100 in the army, 240700 in the navy and 184400 in the air force). Statistics show that the US military civilian post With the exception of the Air Force, the proportion of civilian personnel and active forces in other services is close to that of the three services. It can be seen that the commander and management department of the US military rely on a large number of civilian personnel to work. Even in the battle command system, there are also a considerable number of civilian personnel working to ensure command and management of combat organizations under non combat conditions.
(5) In the future, the US military has been discussing and studying the adjustment of the US military strength under the new situation, and a reasonable adjustment of the military structure must first clarify the tasks of the military. US FY1996《 Defense Report 》At that time, the main tasks of the US military under the new historical conditions were: to win two large-scale regional conflicts that occurred almost simultaneously; Maintain military presence in major overseas areas; Dealing with smaller conflicts and crises, including enforcing peace and intervention; Containment against the United States and its ally Attacks carried out using weapons of mass destruction. For this reason, the US military has proposed the reform concept of military system and staffing in the next 10 years or even longer.
1. The size of the military will continue to shrink. The US military believes that due to the change of the US military strategy and the development of military technology, the relationship between the quantity, quality and combat effectiveness of the military will undergo a series of changes. Quantity will take a back seat and quality will take a leading position. The US military began to disarm in 1987, and in 1995 made a large reduction in its three major components. By 2000, the US military will Active service The military strength was reduced from 1485200 to 1.4 million, Reserve service Personnel and civilian personnel will also be cut accordingly, estimated at about 5 per cent. After 2000, the number of active troops of the US military may be reduced to 1 million. With the reduction of the size and audit of the military, the US military will close and adjust 146 military bases and facilities, which is the fourth time since 1987 that the US military has closed and adjusted on a large scale military base
2. Further adjust the military structure. In order to carry out military tasks, the U.S. military plans to reorganize the original 10 major headquarters into 8, namely, the Atlantic Force Command, the Pacific Force Command, the Strategic Force Command, the Emergency Force Command, the Reorganized Force Command, the Space Command, the Military Transportation Command, and the Research and Development Command. The first four headquarters have several units under their command. In the future, it may be composed of strategic forces, Atlantic forces, Pacific forces and emergency forces. The proportion of the internal structure of the armed forces will also change significantly. The proportion of reserve forces has increased, while the proportion of active forces has decreased; The status of conventional forces has risen, while that of nuclear forces has declined; The proportion of naval forces and combat forces increased, and the proportion of support forces increased; The technical support force is increased and the service support force is reduced; The proportion of light troops increased, while the proportion of heavy troops decreased; The proportion of officers increases and that of soldiers decreases; The proportion of technical officers increased, while the proportion of command officers and general staff officers decreased. services Internal synthesis will be valued. For example, the US military has established three mixed wings in the air force, each of which is composed of various aircraft, emphasizing the integrated combat capability of two mixed ground/air wings and the previously deployed army forces; One interdiction wing has more independent fire delivery capability; The two special operations hybrid wings should also have the ability to respond quickly. The US military believes that the hybrid wing has improved the actual combat capability of the air force.
3. The command mechanism will undergo major reform. In order to meet the needs of the US military strategy, the US military is considering changing the longitudinal "tree" command system to the flat "network" piggyback command system. This requires reducing the command level, shortening the information process, giving full play to the role of the horizontal network, and connecting as many combat units as possible. The US military believes that the key facility for achieving horizontal integration of command is computers. Through computer networking, computers are being equipped not only for command centers and network nodes, but also for every weapon and soldier, in an effort to "make the whole battlefield like a large computer platform", to optimize information processes, and to integrate information collection, transmission, processing, storage and use.
4. Troop establishment is developing towards small size and multi capability.
The newly formed infantry division has only about 10000 people, about 6000 fewer than the general infantry division.
By the beginning of the next century, if the intelligent tanks can equip the troops as planned, the strength of the American armored divisions can be reduced by 30-50%, or 5000-7000 people. Since the US military has strengthened the construction of military equipment, even if the scale is reduced, the combat effectiveness will not be reduced.
It is estimated that the combat capability of the Army will be equivalent to one Army group The US military also strives to make the adjusted forces adapt to various conditions and different intensities of war, and achieve the goal of carrying out multiple tasks, including war operations and non war operations. The combat forces of the land, sea and air forces can break the traditional service boundaries and conduct operations. as naval vessels Launch missiles to hit tanks, land force Destroy air and sea targets with high-tech weapons, etc. Build digital troops. The digital force is the product of the US military information warfare theory. After entering the 1990s, the US military is summarizing Persian Gulf War On the basis of experience and lessons, this paper puts forward the theory of information warfare. The essence of information warfare is to force the other party to give up the will to fight by taking information energy as the main means of action and finally attacking the other party's understanding and belief. Therefore, the US military proposes to establish an information-based army and a new type of army based on information, which requires its operational theory, system establishment, personnel quality, and weapons and equipment to fully meet the needs of the information battlefield. The construction of the US digital force is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the Army has established a digital battalion in 1995, a digital brigade in 1996, a digital division in 1997 and 1998, a digital army in 1999, and a digital army in 2010. Together with the Navy and Air Force, the Army will become an information-based army. However, due to various factors, it is expected that the Army will not fully realize informatization until 2040. After that, it will take 10 years for the whole army to conduct digital networking. The US military still faces some problems in establishing a digital force. If the understanding is not unified, some people in the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States Congress hold different opinions on the establishment of a digital force, and some people also believe that the Army relies too much on digitization, and once the digital network is destroyed, it will be unable to carry out other tasks. At the same time, there are also financial and technical problems. Although there are still some problems at present and it may be a long process to achieve the goal, it shows a development trend of the future military construction of the border defense army.

Military establishment


Army size

The armed forces of the United States are mainly composed of active forces, reserve forces and civilian personnel. Cold War After that, the United States made a substantial reduction in the number of military posts. At the end of last century, the total active military strength of the US Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps), Air Force and Coast Guard was 1395800; The total number of reserve forces including the Army National Guard, the Army Reserve, the Navy Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, the Air Force National Guard, and the Air Force Reserve is 877100; The total number of various civilian personnel is 746500.
Active forces
The active forces of the US Army are composed of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. It is the backbone of the US armed forces and the basic combat force at the beginning of the war. Most of these troops are fully equipped, combat readiness High degree.
The United States Army is "a joint force capable of meeting any challenge in the world today, a decisive force of the United States, a well-trained all-around team capable of responding to any crisis, from large-scale theater war to peacekeeping, humanitarian relief or domestic disaster relief, and the main force in implementing the military strategy of" shaping, responding and preparing ". The United States demands that the United States land force Five full divisions, including support troops, can be delivered to any part of the world within 75 days. The US Army has become a powerful tool for the US to maintain its hegemony in the world.
At the end of the last century, the United States Army had 488000 active troops. The main combat forces are 10 divisions and 4 brigade forming an independent fighting unit and armored cavalry regiment , 1 special operations command and 5 special operations teams.
The US Navy is a service that mainly carries out maritime combat tasks and has the ability to fight on the surface, underwater and in the air. It can not only fight at sea, but also cooperate with the army and air force. Under the requirements of the US Navy's "sea to land" strategy, the US Navy is strengthening its ability to send military forces overseas and provide overseas military presence. Several Games Joined by the United States after the Cold War local war Medium, such as Persian Gulf War Kosovo War The US Navy has fully demonstrated its ability to attack land and played an important role in the US military victory.
The United States Navy has 372700 posts and is divided into five fleets: the Atlantic 2nd Fleet, the Pacific 3rd Fleet, the Indian Ocean and Crimson Sea The 5th Fleet, the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean and the 7th Fleet in the Western Pacific. 11 in service Aircraft carrier battle group 12 amphibious alert groups, 57 attack submarines, 116 surface operations naval vessels And 10 carrier aircraft wings (about 500 F-15 fighter F/A-18 combat attack aircraft Main mission aircraft).
The US Air Force is the main component of the US air force and also a branch of the US strategic nuclear force. Its organization includes two parts: strategic air strike force and conventional air force. The main task of the US Air Force is to conduct air operations, air to ground operations and coordinated operations with other services.
In April 2016, the USAF had 370900 active personnel and 20 active air force units (about 72 combat aircraft per unit). After the Cold War, the US Air Force has performed well in all previous local wars, and has increasingly become the preferred service for US military intervention. In some cases, the US Air Force can even achieve the goal of war independently.
The US Marine Corps is a combat force that has been on alert for a long time, is good at landing operations and has a high degree of mobility, and is a means to respond quickly and effectively to the crisis that breaks out instantly. The number of US Marines is 172200, consisting of three divisions and three service support teams, equipped with three aircraft wings (about 21 squadrons, namely US Marine Corps Aviation )。

Reserve forces

The US military reserve is an important part of the US armed forces, the primary source of expanding active forces in wartime, and an important force to safeguard the US homeland security in peacetime.
The US military reserve force is divided into the National Guard and the Federal Reserve, which are composed of the Army National Guard, the Army Reserve, the Navy Reserve and the Marine Reserve. The Air National Guard, the Air Reserve and the Coast Guard are composed. Among them, the National Guard is from each state local forces However, the President of the United States has the right to solicit and make him perform federal tasks; The Federal Reserve is under the leadership of each service. In wartime, it is collectively or individually incorporated into the active force. In wartime, the Coast Guard Reserve is under the leadership of the Navy together with the active force of the Coast Guard.
The U.S. Army Reserve has 208000 personnel, the Army National Guard 357000, the Navy Reserve 90800, the Marine Corps Reserve 40000, the Air Force Reserve 74200, and the Air National Guard 107000.
civilian staff
American civilian personnel are US Federal Government Part of a civilian employee. With the improvement of the modernization of the U.S. military, the military administration, service support, logistics supply and military scientific research tasks are becoming increasingly onerous. For this reason, the United States has adopted the method of employing a large number of civilian personnel to achieve the goal of widely absorbing social talents and labor to serve the military without increasing the size of the military. The source of US civilian personnel is qualified soldiers who are recruited directly from local areas and serve out their service period. Civil servants are divided into direct employees and indirect employees according to nationality. Direct employees are American nationality Indirect employees are local people employed in foreign locations. American civil servants are mainly engaged in professional and technical work. They are concentrated in the Ministry of National Defense, various service organs, logistics support bases and military academies.
At present, the United States has 746600 civilian personnel, including 240300 in the Army, 212000 in the Navy, 169600 in the Air Force, and 124700 in various departments of the Ministry of Defense.

Preparation overview

The armed forces of the United States are mainly composed of four major services: land, air, navy and marines. 4 Service units are subordinate to the leadership of the Ministry of the Army, the Ministry of the Air Force and the Ministry of the Navy. Although belonging to the Navy system, the Marine Corps has been basically called a service. The armed forces of the United States are divided into local forces and overseas forces. The local forces are integrated into the local service headquarters; The overseas forces are assigned to the Service Headquarters under the Joint Command of each overseas theater. The US military has overseas troops deployed with the joint headquarters in the five major war zones: the European headquarters, the Southern headquarters, the Atlantic headquarters, the Pacific headquarters and the central headquarters. According to the latest data, in order to strengthen the joint training of troops to meet the operational needs of the 21st century, the US military has made new structural adjustments to the current joint headquarters: the former Atlantic headquarters has been abolished and the joint force headquarters has been established; The operational sea area under the former Atlantic Headquarters will be transferred to the European Headquarters, and the area east of Africa under the former Pacific Headquarters will be included in the European Headquarters, so that the mission area of the European Headquarters includes not only land but also relevant sea areas. Under the headquarters of the 5th World War Zone, there are army force headquarters, air force headquarters and naval force headquarters. After the end of the Cold War, the US Army reformed the structure of its forces according to the changes in military situation, the adjustment of military strategy, and the development of operational theory. At the same time of reducing the size of the army, strengthen the aviation and air force, air defense artillery and EW Force Proportion of; In the new organization system, more attention is paid to the overall effect of firepower, mobility, support capability and survivability and the formation of comprehensive synthetic combat capability, while improving the expansion mechanism and increasing the flexibility of the new organization system. The U.S. Army's organizational structure is still in the process of reform and adjustment, and some units are still in the experimental and pilot stages, and have not yet been finalized.

land force

US Army The highest leading bodies of the Army are the Army Department and the Army Staff Department, under which there are theater army, group army group, field group army, army and division below troops or units. The theater army, group army group and field group army are advanced battle corps composed of various arms. The army is the highest tactical corps, and can sometimes carry out campaign tasks. The number of troops under its jurisdiction depends on needs. The division is a basic tactical corps composed of various army forces, and its establishment is relatively fixed. The non division independent force or unit refers to the unit below brigade level composed of a single branch or specialty.
The theater army refers to the army headquarters and subordinate forces in the theater joint command. The main responsibility of the Army Command is to command, control, manage and train the army forces under its jurisdiction, and provide them with all kinds of support they need. However, the command usually does not exercise the combat command authority over the troops, but transfers it to the joint or coalition command in the theater of operations. Due to the different tasks, enemy situation, geographical and political environment of each theater, the theater army has no unified formation, but it is usually composed of combat forces, functional headquarters, regional headquarters and other units carrying out special tasks. The military strength of the theater army is generally determined according to the nature of the theater, combat objects, combat tasks, combat purposes and other factors. At most times, there can be 4-5 group armies, and group army groups may be established. At least, there is only one group army, and sometimes only several armies.
Group Army Group
A group army group is a strategic corps formed by several field group armies in a large theater for the purpose of command in wartime. In peacetime, there is no such corps. The force required by the group army group depends on such factors as the basic tasks of the theater of operations, the scope of operations, the characteristics of the battle field, and the enemy situation. In addition to including various functional departments and directly subordinate units similar to those under the command of the theater army force, the organization is usually composed of 2-5 field group armies, several independent armies or divisions, and the combat support and combat service support departments and teams necessary according to the size of the group troops. However, the US military envisages that when the allied forces are engaged in coalition operations together, sometimes in order to maintain an equal position with the friendly forces at the command level and facilitate joint command and coordination, even if there is only one field group army, a command organization at the group army level may be temporarily established. The US military once formed three army groups in the Second World War, but has not deployed any army groups after the war.
field army
The field group army is the basic corps to realize the theater strategy and carry out the battle tasks. The formation of field army groups is not fixed. At ordinary times, it is only a level one command organization, and does not have jurisdiction over real soldiers or only a small number of real soldiers; Only in wartime can the superior assign troops at the army or division level to complete the task. According to the current organization plan, the field group army should be composed of two or more armies. However, in order to maintain an equal position with the friendly forces at the command level when the US allies fight together, sometimes a field group army headquarters is set up when there is only one army. In coalition operations and joint services operations, the headquarters is often responsible for commanding the armed forces of other services or allies. There are three active field group army headquarters of the US military: the 3rd group army headquarters is located at home; The headquarters of the 7th Group Army is located in Germany; The headquarters of the 8th Army Group is located in South Korea. The size of the headquarters and directly subordinate units of the field group army is usually different from the number of their posts, depending on the number of combat forces under their jurisdiction.
The military is the basic battle corps of the US military and the highest tactical unit. It can not only carry out campaigns and tactical tasks, but also complete strategic missions. The military has no fixed establishment, which is usually determined according to operational tasks, enemy situation, available forces, terrain and weather conditions in the operational area and other causes and effects. However, among the organic units of the U.S. military, the military is still the most complete, with a complete command and staff team battle Force, combat support force and combat Service support unit. Therefore, the combat effectiveness, endurance and self support ability of the army are the best of the army.
According to the proportion of its internal heavy division and light division, the US Army can be divided into two categories: heavy army and light army. However, the organizational structure of the two types of corps is basically the same, with one commander, one deputy commander and one chief of staff. The military headquarters have numerous and complicated staff offices. The combat forces of the PLA are usually composed of 2-5 combat divisions and 1-2 independent brigades. The combat division is generally light and heavy. In addition to the armored division and mechanized division infantry, there is usually a light infantry division (or airborne division and air assault division). Military independent brigades may have independent infantry brigades, mechanized infantry brigades, airborne brigades or independent armored brigades, which can carry out rear area defense and flank guard tasks, and can also be used to strengthen combat divisions in the main direction. However, in most cases, they are reserves of the army. Although the independent brigade has small units and few troops, it has a variety of combat capabilities and relatively durable self support capabilities, and can independently carry out a variety of combat tasks in a relatively long time. The combat support forces of the PLA include artillery armor Cavalry regiment, aviation brigade, air defense artillery engineer Troops, electronic warfare intelligence forces, etc. The United States Army has four active forces and three independent brigades. The first army is stationed in Lewisburg, the third army is stationed in Fort Hood, the 18th airborne army is stationed in Fort Bragg, and the fifth army is stationed in Europe. It is the only military headquarters of the army stationed overseas. The operational areas of the three armies stationed at home have clear directional division of labor: the first army is ready to be used in the Asia Pacific region; The 3rd Army is ready to reinforce Europe; The 18th Airborne Army is mobile or responsible for other areas.
The division is the basic tactical corps of the Army, which integrates command and administration, and has strong independent and sustained combat capabilities. There are 5 divisions of the US military, 10 active divisions in total: 2 armored divisions, 4 mechanized infantry divisions, 1 airborne division, 1 air assault division and 2 light infantry divisions. The US military also divided divisions into heavy divisions and light divisions on the basis of whether they have organic ground mobile tools. Among them, airborne division, air assault division and light infantry division are light divisions, mainly used in the Middle East, Asia and other battlefields; The Armored Division and Mechanized Infantry Division are heavy divisions, mainly used in European battlefields. Each division is composed of the command organization, troops directly under the division, combat forces, combat support forces and combat service support forces. The troops directly under the division have air defense , communications, military intelligence engineer Chemical prevention Military police , bands and other troops or units; The combat force governs 9-10 different types of combat arms battalions: combat support force manned division artillery and combat aviation brigade; The combat service support force is under the unified leadership of the support headquarters. The airborne division is the core force of the rapid deployment force of the United States. It can enter the enemy's territory at high speed with exceptional flexibility. The airborne division can not only fight alone, but also fight as part of the joint forces of the Qing army, which often has a decisive impact on combat operations. The United States Army has only one airborne division, the 82nd Airborne Division. The 82nd Airborne Division has strong strategic mobility, so it has been serving as a strategic reserve team in the United States. It is one of the four rapid response divisions of the Army under the jurisdiction of the United States Central Headquarters. It can implement rapid deployment to any region in the world, and can complete a variety of strategic, operational and tactical combat tasks. The staffing of the whole division is 14115.
The air assault division is mainly a force that carries out helicopter landing operations and is an important part of rapid deployment forces. air assault The integration of soldiers and air mobility enables them to quickly surpass distant distances, bypass terrain obstacles and enemy defensive positions, and operate in more than one direction at the same time. Section 101 Air Commando Division It is the only one of the US Army that mainly relies on helicopters for air maneuver operations Rapid reaction force The division has rapid air mobility and powerful firepower and assault power, and can surmount terrain obstacles from a long distance to carry out a sudden attack on the enemy. Its air "maneuver strike re maneuver re strike" combat mode is different from the one-time airborne attack of the 82nd Airborne Division, which is more flexible and has more assault power than the latter. The staffing of the whole division is 15296.
The light infantry division is an important part of the light division. It has light equipment, few personnel and special ability to fight under adverse weather and terrain conditions. Its main task is to deal with the enemy's light armed forces in the middle and low intensity conflicts, but it can also fight in the high-intensity war and in the residential areas, forests and other special terrain where tanks and mechanized infantry cannot move. The US military now has two light infantry divisions, namely the 10th Mountain Division and the 25th Light Infantry Division. The staffing of the whole division is 10916.
The Armored Division and the Mechanized Infantry Division are both heavy divisions. The armored division has amazing assault power and is suitable for Mobile warfare It can not only carry out deep breakthroughs, disintegrate the enemy's rear areas, but also participate in special operations. The mechanized infantry division has high-speed machine power, which focuses on fast pursuit and rapid mobility, and can be effectively used in close combat. The main difference between the two is the number of tank battalions and mechanized infantry battalions under their jurisdiction. The armored division has 6 tank battalions and 4 mechanized infantry battalions, while the mechanized infantry division has 5 tank battalions and 5 mechanized infantry battalions. The rest of the organization structure is basically the same. The armored division has 16970 personnel, while the mechanized infantry division has 17278 personnel.
In June 1998, the US Army officially introduced the new organization of the 21st Century Heavy Division and began to reorganize the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division. The purpose of the reorganization is to transform the army from a large and heavy division with the main objective of fighting against the Warsaw Pact Group into a new type of combat division with sophisticated equipment, quick response, rapid deployment and stronger survivability with the objective of fighting regional conflicts. "Flexibility is the most important criterion for the design of this' elite '". Compared with the current heavy division in the 21st century, the basic structure of the new heavy division has not changed much, but the total division posts have decreased by about 13%. The 4th Mechanized Infantry Division, which was the first to be reorganized according to the new organization, is still composed of the division's direct unit, 1 armored brigade, 2 mechanized infantry brigades, 1 aviation brigade, division artillery force and 1 support command. The total number of staff in the division is 15719, 2350 fewer than the current number of 18069.
In order to make up for the loss of combat effectiveness of the whole division caused by the reduction of personnel, the new establishment adopts the method of replacing manpower with high-tech equipment. The 21st century heavy division will use a new generation of equipment, including“ Comanche "- type helicopter," Crusader "type artillery system and future reconnaissance vehicle, etc., and the strength of the intelligence reconnaissance unit has been expanded. After the new division is under military status, the reported battalion size is 438, 49 more than the current division; the combat battalion is changed from four company system to three company system, and the number of tanks or armored vehicles is reduced. The number of tanks (or infantry combat vehicles) in the current tank battalion (or infantry battalion) is reduced to 45; Increased artillery firepower and reduced the strength of engineers. According to the needs of the future battlefield, the division artillery force will be increased from the original one multi barrel rocket company to two, and will be combined into one multi barrel rocket battalion. The multi barrel rocket company will adopt the nine door system, and the whole battalion will be equipped with 18 guns. Although other artillery units still have three battalions artillery The models and ammunition used will be greatly changed, which can greatly improve the battlefield mobility and firepower. The 21st Century Heavy Division also reorganized the division's engineering units into two battalions, which are responsible for supporting the tank brigade and the mechanized infantry brigade. The new engineering battalion is no longer a direct unit of the division, but directly incorporated into the mobile brigade.

air force

US Air Force The top leadership of the Air Force is the Air Force Department and the Air Force Staff. The Air Force Department is the administrative leading organ. The Secretary of the Air Force is responsible for leading the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and all major air force commands, units, reserves and other functional organizations. The Air Force Department consists of the Air Force Staff Office, which is the highest command organization of the Air Force. It is responsible for formulating the outline of the Air Force construction plan, conducting personnel supplementary training and technical equipment of the Air Force, formulating operational and mobilization plans, studying the organizational structure of the air force in peacetime and wartime, leading and directing the combat, training and reconnaissance activities of the air force, and formulating various rules and regulations. The Chief of Staff of the Air Force is the chief officer of the Staff Department, who is responsible for assisting the Secretary of the Air Force in leading and managing the air force. All major air force headquarters report to him. The US Air Force has nine first level commands, including Air Operations Command, Air Mobility Command, Air Equipment Command, Air Space Command, Air Special Operations Command, Air Training and Education Command, Air Intelligence Command, European Air Force Command and Pacific Air Force Command. Each command has a different number of air forces according to different tasks and nature.
The US Air Force is composed of strategic forces, tactical forces, space forces and special operations forces. The organization sequence is usually four levels: aviation team, wing, brigade and squadron. The aviation fleet has no fixed size, and the size of units below the wing is relatively fixed. In general, the US Air Force's establishment is aimed at adapting to operational needs, and is constantly adjusted with the change of strategic environment and tasks.
Air fleet
The aviation corps is the basic corps for the Air Force to realize theater strategy and carry out operational tasks, and is under the leadership and command of major headquarters. The aviation team adopts a flexible formation, which is generally organized according to the types of weapons and the tasks it undertakes. It has several wings under its jurisdiction. The minimum number is 2 teams, and the maximum number is 8 teams. In addition to several fighter wings, a typical combat aviation team usually has reconnaissance aircraft and air control wings or groups; In addition to several air transport or air maneuver teams, most of the air maneuver aviation teams are composed of tanker teams, air maneuver combat teams and air maneuver support teams. The United States Air Force tends to adopt a mixed formation of multi aircraft wings at the aviation team level. The US Air Force believes that this organization method is more conducive to the rapid response of troops to various crises.
The wing is the basic tactical corps of the US Air Force, and the selection of air bases is generally centered on the wing. There are flight wings, land-based intercontinental missile wings and other service and support wings. Due to different aircraft types and mission nature, the number of squadrons and aircrafts under its jurisdiction is not exactly the same. Although the formation of the wing is not fixed, it has a relatively sound administrative structure and combat and logistics support system. A typical aviation wing usually consists of a combat group (composed of pilots and intelligence units), a support group (mainly composed of security personnel and civilian aircraft technicians) and a logistics group (consisting of several maintenance squadrons and supply squadrons). Since the early 1990s, the US Air Force has taken the trial formation of mixed formations as an important part of its organizational reform, and has established three different types of mixed formations: "special emergency" type, "global rapid deployment" type and "multi mission" type. Mixed wing It provides a good opportunity for different types of aircraft to carry out synthetic training, but there are also many shortcomings, such as inflexibility and high cost in performing tasks. Neither the level of combat readiness nor the ability to respond to crises can meet the requirements of modern warfare. The United States Air Force decided to stop this test in early 1997, and only the 366th mixed wing was retained for the new air force expeditionary force test.
The brigade is the first level command and management organization between the regiment and the squadron, which is divided into three types: combat brigade, logistics brigade and support brigade. The combat brigade governs several combat squadrons and one support squadron. The logistics brigade has one squadron for maintenance, supply, transportation and logistics support. The support brigade has one squadron for mission support, one for security police, one for civil engineering, one for communications, one for military welfare and one for entertainment.
The squadron is the basic tactical unit of the air force, which is usually composed of (2-3) flight squadrons (i.e. flight formation), including flight squadrons, missile squadrons and other service support squadrons. The aircraft allocated by the squadron varies with different aircraft types. There are also differences in the number of aircraft in the same type of aircraft squadron. For example, B-1B bomber squadron has 11 aircraft, 12 or 16 aircraft and 17 aircraft. In addition, the number of aircraft allocated by squadrons deployed at home and overseas is also different. As of April 2016, there were 21 types and 213 squadrons of active air force.


After the end of the Cold War, the military strategy and maritime strategy of the United States have undergone major adjustments, and the size, structure and staffing system of the naval forces have also undergone a series of reforms. In September 1992, the Ministry of the Navy announced a new strategy of "from the sea...", emphasizing that the Navy should establish a maritime expeditionary force to ensure joint operations with the land and air forces; We will strengthen close cooperation between the Navy and the Marine Corps, and establish joint naval, land, and air detachments for coastal warfare and maritime maneuver. At the end of 1996, the Ministry of the Navy formulated the "Frontier Operations - From Sea to Land - Naval Strategy for the 21st Century", stressing that the Navy must be prepared to meet future challenges and enhance its ability to carry out multiple tasks. Under the guidance of the new strategy, America Navy The staffing system of is in the period of reorganization and adjustment. The top leadership of the United States Navy is the Department of the Navy and the Department of Naval Operations. The Ministry of the Navy is the highest administrative leading organ of the Navy, responsible for formulating policies, strategies, budgets, force planning, etc. of the Navy. The Naval Operations Department, subordinate to the Naval Ministry, is the highest command organization of the Navy, which is mainly responsible for the command, transfer or dispatch of the combat fleet and various special forces. The United States Navy consists of four arms: naval forces (including surface ship forces and submarine forces), naval aviation forces, maritime service forces and shore based forces. The main headquarters of the US Navy under preparation are: Atlantic Fleet Command, Pacific Fleet Command, European Navy Command, Military Maritime Command, Mine Operations Command, Navy Southern Command and Navy Special Operations Command.
Naval forces
The naval ship forces are organized in two forms: administration and mission. Administrative organization is organized according to the type of ships, which is divided into three levels: fleet (force) headquarters, brigade and squadron. Task group, also known as special mixed group, is a mixed group of ships according to the needs of combat tasks. All ships participating in the task group will return to organic system once they complete the task. The naval forces organized by task are usually divided into five levels: combat fleet, special task force fleet, special task force brigade, special task force team and special task force detachment.
Naval Aviation Force
Naval aviation forces include fleet aviation and US Marine Corps Aviation The Fleet Aviation Command is responsible for the administrative command, training and maintenance of the fleet aviation, and formulates the operational principles of aviation. It has jurisdiction over four aircraft carrier fleets, several fleet aviation units and carrier aircraft aviation units. The wing is the highest administrative and tactical unit of the aviation force, which governs (6-12) squadrons. The squadron is a basic administrative and tactical unit composed of aircraft of the same aircraft type.
The aircraft carrier fleet is mainly composed of 1 Aircraft carrier and Cruiser destroyer , Attack submarine Logistics supply ship frigate And 1-2 ships respectively. As of April 2016, the Navy has 11 active aircraft carriers, each of which has a carrier aircraft wing.
Carrier aircraft wing is an administrative and tactical unit based on aircraft carriers. The regiment consists of a regiment department with capable personnel and several squadrons. The typical carrier aircraft wing usually consists of 9 squadrons: 2 fighter squadrons, 2 combat attack aircraft squadrons, 1 anti submarine aircraft squadron, 1 anti submarine helicopter squadron, 1 tactical electronic warfare squadron, 1 airborne early warning aircraft squadron, and other tanker squadrons. When the carrier aircraft wing goes on duty with the aircraft carrier, it takes the aircraft carrier as the activity base. After the aircraft carrier returns, it will be transferred from the ship to the shore airport for rest and training. At that time, each squadron will return to its original organic wing on shore.
The fleet aviation wing is a naval aviation force based on coastal stations, also known as shore based aviation, which is mainly composed of naval shore based aircraft, (non aircraft carrier) carrier based aircraft and support forces. Common aviation units include patrol aircraft unit, attack aircraft unit, fighter aircraft unit, combat attack aircraft unit (also known as strike aircraft unit), etc.
Maritime Service Force
Maritime service forces include maritime support forces and maritime transport forces, whose main task is to provide maritime support and various service support for combat ships, amphibious ships and other naval combat forces.
Shore based force
Shore based forces mainly refer to naval base (including various ship bases and naval air stations) and their subordinate forces and institutions. The naval base is responsible for managing the naval stations, shipyards, communication stations, fuel depots, arsenals, degaussing stations, naval aviation stations, fleet training centers, schools and other institutions in the region. Its main task is to provide support, repair and maintenance for combat ships and aircraft. The US Navy base is under the leadership of the Ministry of the Navy, the Department of Naval Operations and other relevant organizations; Overseas naval bases are led by the headquarters of overseas bases set up by the two ocean fleets.
Marine Corps
US Marine Corps It is a force projection amphibious combat force under the Navy Department. The 1996 edition of the dictionary of the United States pointed out that the Marine Corps is one of the two major services (the Navy and the Marine Corps) under the leadership of the Department of the Navy, so it is usually called the fourth service of the United States armed forces, but so far the Marine Corps is still inseparable from the Marine Corps in various operations. In peacetime, the Marine Corps implements the rules and regulations of the Navy, while in wartime, the Minister of the Navy assigns the command and use of the two ocean fleets.
The Marine Corps consists of amphibious combat forces, guard forces US Marine Corps Aviation And service support forces, with complex arms and diverse organization. The combat forces alone include the Marine Corps, the Marine Corps and the guard units assigned to the headquarters, the naval shore infrastructure, the State Council and other departments, accounting for about 2/3 of the total number of the Marine Corps.
The fleet marine corps also adopts two organizing methods of administration and task. The administrative establishment is relatively fixed, which is divided into six levels: division, regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad.
The Marine Division is the highest administrative unit of the Marine Corps, with a total force of 18355 (including about 800 naval personnel). It is the division with the largest number of troops in the division level ground forces of the US military.
US Marine Corps Aviation The troops are basically shore based aviation, and most of them are based on coastal bases or naval air stations. However, in wartime, they can also be transferred to large ships such as aircraft carriers to carry out combat support tasks. The regiment is the highest formation unit of the marine aviation, which governs the battalion and squadron. As of April 2016, there were three marine aviation units, each with a staffing of 12000. The formation units of the wing mainly include the headquarters and the headquarters squadron, one aviation control group, one support group and four aviation groups, and the formation squadrons (28-31) are equipped with nearly 300 aircraft of all types.
The task organization of the fleet marines is a temporary combat organization based on the needs of the combat task. The combat forces are collectively referred to as the air ground task force of the marines. The task organization of the air ground task force is not fixed, but it can still be divided into three levels according to the size of its forces: land expeditionary force, land expeditionary unit and special purpose team. Each level of troops has a ground combat force, aviation force and service support force, which can basically carry out amphibious operations independently. They do not necessarily have a subordinate relationship.
Land Expeditionary Force It's at the military level Air ground task force It is generally used to deal with high and medium intensity regional conflicts. The US Marine Corps has three expeditionary units. The 1st Expeditionary Force is used to deal with emergencies around the world; The 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force belongs to the Atlantic Fleet and is mainly used to deal with NATO Regional needs; The 3rd Land Expeditionary Force belongs to the Pacific Fleet, which can be quickly delivered to the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The Marine Expeditionary Force has the largest force size, with a staffing of about 30000 to 60000, mainly composed of a strengthened Marine Division, a Marine Aviation Wing and a service support group.
The Marine Expeditionary Unit is a small-scale air ground task force used to deal with medium and low intensity regional conflicts. It is usually composed of 1 Marine Infantry Battalion, 1 Short range/Vertical Take off and Landing Aircraft/Helicopter Hybrid Squadron and 1 Marine Expeditionary Unit Service Support Brigade, with about 1000-4000 personnel. The core of the Marine Expeditionary Unit is the Marine Infantry Battalion, which can operate independently or in coordination with other arms.
The special purpose unit is the smallest unit in the air ground task force of the Marine Corps, which is composed of one infantry company and one aviation detachment. Sometimes, the "Seal" team of the navy is strengthened, with a force of about (100-1000) people. This team has strong special operations capability, and can project troops from the air, sea or underwater by using submarines. It is often used by the US military to carry out anti-terrorism tasks such as sneak attacks and hostage rescue.

Space Force

US Space Force The President of the United States Trump On June 18, 2018, the US Department of Defense ordered the US Department of Defense to immediately launch the military. The space force is independent of the air force and becomes the sixth service of the US armed forces. [1]
On May 16, 2020, President Trump of the United States and senior military officers of the United States announced the military flag of the US "Space Force" at the White House. [3]
US Coast Guard
US Coast Guard The armed forces of the United States are responsible for law enforcement in coastal waters and waterways, water safety, rescue of ships and aircraft in distress, pollution control and other tasks. It is part of the Department of Homeland Security and is committed to protecting the public, the environment and the economic interests of the United States, as well as national security in the sea. The Coast Guard adopted a logo in 1927 with the slogan "Semper Paratus", which means that it is ready to deal with any emergency and fulfill its many responsibilities. Always Be Ready is also a famous march of the Coast Guard. Its scope of work includes the United States coast, ports, inland waters and international waters. In case of national emergency, the command and control of the Coast Guard shall be under the control of the Navy.
From a fleet of only 10 small sailboats in 1790 to a force with modern ships and aircraft, the development of the Coast Guard is amazing. The Coast Guard has played a role in every major war in the United States, which makes the Coast Guard proud. The Coast Guard now has 36000 officers and recruiters. In addition, there are 8000 reserve teams and 34000 auxiliary Coast Guard Auxiliary teams composed of volunteers. The Coast Guard also has more than 5000 non military personnel. Connecticut New London The United States Coast Guard Academy is responsible for the training of Coast Guard officers. Applicants must have at least a high school education, be no older than 22, be unmarried, and meet strict physical standards. The applicant must also have good moral cultivation. Non commissioned officers graduated from the college are appointed annually according to nationwide competition.
The Coast Guard is a non military voluntary organization composed of thousands of volunteers to help people improve the safety and efficiency of small ship operations. It is responsible for inspecting the safety facilities on ships, assisting in rescue work, and carrying out courses on the safety of small boat driving.
The Coast Guard headquarters is located in Washington, D.C This is also the headquarters. The Coast Guard is commanded by the Coast Guard Commander, who is an admiral, and assisted by a deputy commander, a planning and control staff officer and various Coast Guard departments. The United States mainland and its possessions are divided into nine Coast Guard districts, which are commanded by regional commanders.
As one of the five major services of the United States, the Coast Guard plays a major role in defending the national defense of the United States. It works with the United States Navy in both wartime and peacetime. In case of war, the Coast Guard, as a part of the Navy, will participate in military missions together with the Navy and the forces of NATO member countries. It also escorts merchant ships and assists in the security of ports and the maritime routes of the United States and its allies. In addition, it also provides air and sea rescue services.
Special Operations Forces
The Special Operations Force is a commando force specially used by the US military to carry out irregular operations such as guerrilla warfare, intelligence warfare, psychological warfare and anti-terrorism activities. It plays a very important role in safeguarding the interests of the United States, realizing its will and promoting its foreign policy. The top leadership of the US special operations forces is the Special Operations Command. The headquarters was established in April 1987. It governs the special operations headquarters of the army, air force and navy. It commands the special operations forces of the whole army in a unified way. The commanders of the four services (including the marine corps) are general level officers in turn.
The Army Special Operations Force is an elite force that carries out special operations, also known as the "Green Berets" or "D" force. The Army Special Operations Force is the main force of the U.S. Special Operations Force, accounting for 67% of the total force. It is under the command and management of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command. The Air Force Special Operations Force is the elite force of the Air Force to carry out special operations tasks. Its main tasks include: using specially designed aircraft, within a specified time“ green beret "Troops") are sent to all parts of the world to carry out combat missions; provide air support for special operations forces; and evacuate special operations forces from mission areas. Air force special operations forces are under the leadership of the Air Force Special Operations Command. Naval special operations forces are elite forces specially used by the Navy to carry out irregular combat tasks, and their leading organization is the Navy Special Operations Command. The headquarters, established in 1988, has jurisdiction over two special operations teams, two light attack helicopter squadrons and seven "Seals" special operations teams.
The "Seals" team is the basic unit for organizing and implementing operations. Its main task in wartime is to go deep into the enemy's coastal areas and rear areas to carry out tactical reconnaissance, attack, destroy and control the enemy's vital targets. The US Navy Special Operations Force has seven "seal" teams. Among them, the 1st, 3rd and 5th teams are organized into the 1st Navy Special Operations Group; The 2nd, 4th and 8th teams are organized into the 2nd Navy Special Operations Group; In addition, there is a sixth team established in 1980 and dedicated to counter-terrorism. Although the team is administratively managed by the 1st Special Operations Brigade, it only accepts the orders of the Federation and the national command authority.
Development Trend of the US Military Organization System
In the past 10 years after the Cold War, the development of the US military establishment system has shown the characteristics of miniaturization, integration and versatility.
Military formation Miniaturization. The miniaturization of the military organization means that the overall size of the military organization is becoming smaller and smaller, and the number of subordinate units and the posts of organizational units at all levels are gradually reduced. Modern high technology has been widely used in weapons and equipment, greatly improving the operational efficiency of modern weapons, and creating favorable conditions for the development of small military units. The downsizing of the army is mainly reflected in three aspects: first, the overall size of the army is reduced.
internal structure
  • The army is integrated. The integration of military formation is to establish an integrated joint force with higher integration, more reasonable internal structure, stronger coordination and greater comprehensive combat capability by certain means and methods. The use of high-tech weapons requires that the troops must be a highly integrated and rigorous system to meet the needs of future operations. The development trend of the integration of the US military organization is mainly manifested in the following aspects: First, the integration of all services, that is, the combination of two or more services to form an integrated army. The 23rd Land and Air Combat Wing of the US Army, the proposed Land, Sea and Air Force Joint Service Test Force, and various mixed land, air and sea air multi service wings are all integrated joint forces of various services. The second is the integration of all arms. This trend of integration has developed from the army level to the grass-roots unit level. The US military has put forward the idea of replacing the division with a brigade, making the brigade a basic tactical unit with various combat and support units to carry out the functions of the division. In addition, the US military also envisages the formation of Armored force Artillery Mechanized infantry Missile soldier An integrated ground unit consisting of attack and transport helicopter units. The third is the integration of reserve forces and active forces. In the process of adjusting the organizational structure, the US military has increasingly emphasized the coordinated development of the reserve force and the active force, and has narrowed the equipment gap between the reserve force and the active force by strengthening the construction of the reserve force corresponding to the service types of the active force Realize the integration of the reserve and active forces in the organization and other means to improve the integration of the reserve and active forces. For the first time in the history of the US military, the newly released 21st Century Heavy Division has incorporated individual reservists into the active army division.
  • The army is versatile. The multi capability of the military is to enable the military to carry out various war operations, non war operations, emergency operations, etc. independently or jointly with other forces. After the Cold War, the complexity of the security environment has made the US military put forward higher requirements for the formation of the military: it can carry out both combat tasks and non war tasks; It can fight unconventional nuclear, biological and chemical wars as well as conventional wars under its threat; It can fight not only high and medium intensity conventional wars, but also low intensity guerrilla warfare and deal with other contingencies. The first is the ability to carry out war operations. The US military stipulates that its troops should have the ability to deal with large-scale regional conflicts, overseas military presence, stop small-scale conflicts or endanger and contain attacks of weapons of mass destruction, that is, have multiple operational capabilities. At the same time, its troops are required to be able to carry out both independent operations and joint operations. In particular, the basic tactical combat units should not only have combat capabilities, but also have strong combat support, combat service support, mobility, anti armor and night combat capabilities. The new heavy divisions, mixed brigades and task camps of the US military all reflect this requirement. The second is the ability to carry out non war operations.
The Development and Change of the United States Military Organization System in the Future
With the deepening of the new military revolution, the decision-making body of the US military has issued a series of important documents to guide the overall construction of the military at the beginning of the next century. Based on the 2010 Joint Operations Concept issued by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Four Year Defense Review Report issued by the US Department of Defense, the US army, navy and air force have formulated their own development plans.
November 1996. The US Army has issued the 2010 Army Vision as a strategic planning document for the development of the Army. The document defines seven types of tasks that the future army will undertake, namely, defending or liberating territory, implementing "punitive invasion", containing conflicts, maintaining technological advantages, fulfilling external commitments, safeguarding core security and humanitarian action.
Various reforms
In order to achieve the strategic objectives set out in Global Participation - Air Force Vision for the 21st Century, the US Air Force is taking various measures and carrying out various reforms. The first is to reform the organizational structure and optimize the military structure. In terms of force composition, the proportion of the air force in active service will decline, while the proportion of reserve forces will increase; The status of conventional forces will rise while that of nuclear forces will decline; The proportion of combat forces will decrease, and the support forces (especially technical support) will increase; The combat forces tend to be small, diversified and versatile. Non operational support tasks will rely more on civilian personnel or contractors of the Air Force, and more civilian personnel and reservists will be assigned to combat tasks. The second is to rationalize the command relationship and reduce the command links. The US Air Force is now implementing the "networked" command system reform, that is, replacing the hierarchical command structure with a new interconnected command structure, reducing and merging headquarters, and implementing centralized management of all types of forces, so as to completely break the "vertical and horizontal short" command structure, and gradually achieve the goal of horizontal connectivity and integration of command structure, thus reducing the command hierarchy and enhancing command flexibility.
development strategy
In order to implement the new navy development strategy and meet the operational needs of all aspects, the US Navy has formulated a military building policy of "building a powerful navy with small scale, balanced structure, rapid response, strong power projection and joint operation capability" by taking the new military revolution as an opportunity. The first is to further reduce the naval forces on the basis of maintaining an appropriate scale. By the beginning of the 21st century, the size of the US Navy will be further reduced, with about 340 ships. The basic combat force maintains 12 aircraft carrier formations, 12 amphibious combat brigades, 123 surface combat ships, 45 amphibious ships, more than 20 mine sweepers, 52 nuclear powered attack submarines, and 14 ballistic missile submarine , more than 50 Auxiliary ship The second is to reform the organizational structure. The principle of reforming the organizational structure of the US Navy is "centralization and unification, reduction of levels and strengthening of the grassroots". The specific measures are as follows: reorganize the Naval Operations Department, cancel the overlapping agencies, and make it closer to the Joint Staff; In the Marine Corps headquarters, establish a decision-making executive body, with the chief of the staff as the chief officer; Implement multiple combat formations for naval forces, except for the traditional Aircraft carrier battle group In addition to the amphibious operation brigade, the maritime task force consisting of the amphibious operation brigade and surface ships or submarines, and various joint task forces are also allocated; Reform the multi-level tree command system to make it flat.

Daily wastage

The US military is by far the most expensive and powerful military in the world, and also the single institution with the largest carbon dioxide emissions. According to scholars' statistics, in 2017 alone, the Pentagon purchased 43 million liters of fuel for all U.S. warships, transport planes, tanks, especially the fuel tanks of thousands of aircraft. [4]

US troops steal oil

The Syrian National News Agency announced on October 2 local time that in the past 24 hours, the US military has smuggled more than 95 trucks of oil from Syria to the US military bases in Iraq. [5]

captured weapons

According to the AFP report on February 15, 2024, the US military said the same day that they had intercepted a number of Iranian weapons in January, which were shipped to the Yemeni Husei armed forces.
The US Central Command said on social media that the US Navy "seized advanced conventional weapons and other weapons assistance from Iran on a cargo ship in the Arabian Sea on January 28 and transported them to the Husei armed control zone in Yemen". The cargo contained more than 200 boxes of missile parts, explosives and other devices.
Photos of "intercepting Iranian weapons" released by the US Central Command
Michael Curira, commander of the US Central Command, said: "This is another example of Iran's vicious activities in the region."
The Iranian side has not yet responded to the US side's statement. The United States has always accused Iran of supporting the Hussain armed forces, saying that the latter's recent actions in the Red Sea and other places have undermined the freedom of navigation.
The Hussain armed forces said that they attacked ships related to Israel in order to support the Palestinian people, and the United States and Britain would pay for their "aggression". [6]

Related news

On June 1, 2024, the Russian satellite news agency quoted the news from the website of the U.S. Government Reward Management System (SAM) that the U.S. Pentagon announced a bid to buy books for American pilots to learn. However, the list of bids listed by the U.S. side included five books written by western writers studying Russia's military strategy, as well as the translation of the ancient Chinese military script, the Seven Books of the Martial Arts. [7]