Roman numerals

A kind of digital
zero Useful+1
Roman numerals are European in Arabic numerals It is a kind of number used before it is imported, but now it is less used. It came into being later than China Oracle Chinese digital, later than Egyptian digital decimal system Number. However, its emergence marks a ancient civilization Progress. But there is no number 0.
In July 2015, Italy Rome Indicates that the Roman numerals will be abandoned and the street indicator . The official document is changed to Italian Writing.
Chinese name
Roman numerals
Foreign name
Roman numerals
Main applications
Clock counting, chapter classification, periodic table of elements, and acoustics

Historical origin

Roman numeral ratio Arabic numerals As early as 2000 years ago, it originated from Ancient Rome
About 2500 years ago, the Romans were still Cultural development In the early days of computing equipment In order to represent one, two, three and four objects, put out one, two, three and four fingers respectively; It means that one hand is extended from five objects; It means that two hands are stretched out for ten objects. This habit is still in use today. In conversation, people often use such gestures to express numbers.
At that time, in order to record these figures, the Romans Sheepskin I, II and III are drawn on it to replace the number of fingers; If you want to represent a hand, write it as "V", which means the shape of the big finger and index finger opening; When two hands are used, they are drawn in the shape of "ⅤⅤ". Later, they are written as "X" with one hand up and one hand down, which is the embryonic form of Roman numerals.
Later, in order to represent a larger number, the Romans used the symbol C to represent 100. C is the first letter of the Latin word "centum", which means one hundred. The symbol M represents a thousand. M is the first letter of the Latin word "mille", which means one thousand. Take half of the letter C as the symbol L, representing fifty. Use the letter D for five hundred. If you draw a horizontal line on the number, the number will be expanded a thousand times. Thus, Roman numerals have the following seven Basic symbol :I(1)、V(5)、X(10)、L(50)、C(100)、D(500)、 M(1000)。 Roman numerals and Decimal The meaning of a number is different. It has no number representing zero Carry system irrelevant. So people at that time expressed 0 as a space.

Development and change

Roman numerals are Arabic numerals A number used before it is passed in. It uses seven Roman alphabet As numbers, I (1), X (10), C (100), M (1000), V (5), L (50), D (500). Counting method:
  1. one
    If the same number is concatenated, the number represented is equal to the number obtained by the addition of these numbers, such as Ⅲ=3;
  2. two
    The small number is on the right of the large number, and the number represented is equal to the number obtained by adding these numbers, such as Ⅷ=8, XII=12;
  3. three
    Small numbers (limited to I, X and C) are on the left of large numbers, and the number represented is equal to the number obtained by subtracting the decimal from the large number, such as Ⅳ=4, Ⅸ=9;
  4. four
    Draw a horizontal line on a number to indicate that the number increases by 1000 times, such as
It came into being later than China Oracle Digital in, later than Egyptian The decimal number of. However, its emergence marks a ancient civilization Progress.
Issued in the 1960s and 1970s in China The third set of RMB Roman numerals are also used in the prefix numbers. In addition, in the manuscript chapter and Scientific classification Roman numerals are sometimes used.
In the 21st century, Roman numerals have become a less widely used quantitative representation. Roman numerals are mainly used for some code , such as Product model Etc. Some clocks and watches still use it to express the hours. computer Unicode code Roman numerals 1-12 and 50, 100, 500 and 1000 are included. Because of the difficulty of writing, it is seldom used by later generations.

Fatal Frame

Unfortunately, there is no 0 in the Roman numerals. such Numeration It's very inconvenient. If it represents the number 8732, it must be written as
, 0 is more convenient. 0 was introduced in the Middle Ages, when European Church The power of is very strong. They try their best to stop the spread of 0, and some people are even killed to spread 0.
Roman numerals Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, among the original nine Roman numerals, there is no 0. Rome the pontiff They even announced to the outside world that "Roman numerals were invented by God, and from now on, people are not allowed to add or reduce another number at will." 0 is prohibited by people.
Once, a Roman scholar saw the introduction of 0 in the manual, and he thought that 0 was very useful for counting. So he ignored the Pope's injunction, secretly recorded some usage of 0 in his book, and secretly spread some knowledge about 0 and its role in computing. When the Pope knew about this, he immediately sent someone to imprison him and put him in prison. The Pope also lost his temper and said, "Holy numbers are inviolable lord The evil thing 0 is not allowed to be added to the created ones, which will pollute the holy number! "
Later, the scholar was tortured and could no longer write with a pen. But darkness can't defeat light after all. Once people realize the important role of 0, they will break through the shackles of the church and use it boldly.
In 725 AD, Peter and his colleagues had used zero and the letter N (N is the abbreviation of null, Latin The definition is zero) represents zero.

Common use

Common use
The most common Roman numeral is the dial symbol of a clock
periodic table of ele ments
mode Sound level High and low ordinal numbers are called tone level marks, also called "series" or "number of signs". Roman numerals Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ are used from the tonic upward.
In harmony acoustics, the use of Roman numerals to mark harmonic series
I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII correspond to Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV, Level V, Level VI, and Level VII respectively.
corresponding Arabic numerals (International figures)
It means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12... (Note: Arabic numerals are actually ancient an indian It was invented, later introduced into Europe by Arabs, and mistakenly called Arabic numerals by Europeans.)
The year of TV program production
©MMXXI、 ©MMXX、 ©MMXIX、 ©MMXVIII、 ©MMXVII、 © MMXVI...... Corresponds to 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

Number Style

Basic Symbols of Ancient Roman Numbers
Basic characters
The corresponding Arabic numerals are expressed as
one hundred
five hundred
one thousand
  1. one
    If the same numbers are connected, the number represented is equal to the number obtained by the addition of these numbers, such as: Ⅲ=3;
  2. two
    The small number is on the right of the large number, and the number represented is equal to the number obtained by adding these numbers, such as Ⅷ=8, XII=12;
  3. three
    Small numbers (limited to I, X and C) are on the left of large numbers, and the number represented is equal to the number obtained by subtracting the decimal from the large number, such as IV=4, Ⅸ=9;
  4. four
    In normal use, the consecutive numbers shall not be repeated more than three times;
  5. five
    Draw a horizontal line on a number to indicate that the number is expanded 1000 times.

Number of groups rule

There are two points to be noted:
  1. one
    Any one of the basic numbers I, X, and C can be used together to form a number, or placed on the right side of a large number can not be used together to form a number more than three; Only one can be used on the left of the large number;
  2. two
    It is not allowed to place any of the basic digits V, L, D as a decimal on the left of the large number and use the method of subtraction to form the number; Put it on the right side of a large number to form a number by adding, and only one can be used.

Control example

Control example
give an example
Single digit
Ⅹ-10、Ⅺ-11、Ⅻ-12、XIII-13、XIV-14、XV-15、XVI-16、XVII-17、XVIII-18、XIX-19、XX-20、XXI-21、XXII-22、XXIX-29、XXX-30、XXXIV-34、XXXV-35、XXXIX-39、XL-40、XLV-45、XLIX(IL)-49、 L-50、LI-51、LV-55、LX-60、LXV-65、LXXX-80、XC-90、XCIII-93、XCV-95、XCVIII-98、XCIX(IC)-99
C-100、CC-200、CCC-300、CD-400、CDXC(XD)-490、 CDXCV-495、CDXCIX-499、D-500、DC-600、DCC-700、DCCC-800、CM-900、CMXCIX-999
More than 1000 digits

C++code implementation

ten Base Conversion of numbers to Roman numerals from 0 to 3999:
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Solution { public:     string intToRoman(int num) {         const char* c[4][10]={             {"","I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX"},             {"","X","XX","XXX","XL","L","LX","LXX","LXXX","XC"},             {"","C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM"},             {"","M","MM","MMM"}         };         string roman;         roman.append(c[3][num / 1000 % 10]);         roman.append(c[2][num / 100 % 10]);         roman.append(c[1][num / 10 % 10]);         roman.append(c[0][num % 10]);                  return roman;     } };  

Record changes

The mark "III" was unique in the 14th century, because the French charles v , ordered not to use "IV", which he thought was Jupiter Jupiter Abbreviation of name (in classical Latin J and I are the same as I, U and V are the same as V, so IV is JU, the abbreviation of Jupiter). Therefore, they do not want the name of God to look like a number, that is, "taboo". From then on, "IV" must be written as "III"

Development prospect

public Memorial building , clocks and watches calendar , TV program production year, English French Etc latin alphabet Chapter number of books and documents written in capital )For example, Chapter XXIV (Chapter 24), Section VI.3 (the third section of the sixth paragraph).
Number of ordered list (multi-purpose) Lowercase letters )For example, I (the first item), II (the second item), III (the third item), IV (the fourth item), V (the fifth item), VI (the sixth item).
In July 2015, Italy Rome Indicates that the use of Roman numerals will be abandoned because modern It's too complicated. The council has ordered that the street indicator . The official document is changed to Italian Writing. Rome City Council Adoption of the Act , indoor street signs, identity documents bills And official documents will be written in Italian. For example, the Roman numeral "II" of the number 2 will be changed to "secondo" in Italian.
Italy According to the National Bureau of Statistics, only the capital remains in Italy Rome Using Roman numerals, the official hopes that the same digital system Although the street Signboard Or official documents will not be changed immediately, ID And other documents will be released.
After Rome announced this new measure, it was criticized as a "cultural suicide". The official took the lead in destroying the precious Cultural assets , and it is not easy to write in Italian. The cultural circle also said that the preservation of Roman numerals not only Cultural values , is a kind of Identity , influence the education of the new generation in the future, and call on relevant departments to think twice.
Later, the Rome Municipal Government came forward to refute the rumor that this decree was only issued in accordance with Italy National Bureau of Statistics Requirements for relevant data base It was just a standardized treatment: "I can assure Roman citizens that no road sign will be replaced, and the city government has no intention of abolishing Roman numerals". [1]