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One of the three major schools of Christianity
synonym Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Church) generally refers to the Catholic
The full name of Catholicism is "Roman Catholic Church", also known as "Roman Catholic Church", or "Catholic Church" for short. It was also transliterated into "Gatelism" before. Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox Church and Protestantism are the three major sects of Christianity, which are commonly referred to as "Christian religion" in Chinese academic circles.
Christian religion is a religious system that believes in Jesus Christ as the savior, believing that God is the trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the resurrection of people after death and the final judgment, as well as the return of Christ and the salvation of the world. It originated in the ancient Palestinian region, matured in the ancient Roman Empire, was established as the representative of the western religious ideology in the Middle Ages in Europe, and has gained its global development since modern times. [1] At present, Christianity has developed into the largest religion in the world according to its number of believers and geographical distribution. Its total number of believers is said to be 2.3 billion, accounting for 31.2% of the world population and 44% of the total number of religious believers in the world. It has a broad and profound impact on human society, thought, culture, politics, economy, etc. Catholics claim that there are 1.313 billion Catholics in the world, accounting for 17.7% of the world's total population. The proportion of Catholics in each continent is 48.5% in America, 21.8% in Europe, 17.8% in Africa, 11.1% in Asia and 0.8% in Oceania.
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government staffs of public schools Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church
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Roman Catholic Church

Introduced into Chinese history

Christianity originated from Judaism, and inherited some religious concepts and myths from Judaism, which originated from ancient Hebrew civilization and related civilizations such as ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient Persia, ancient Greece and Rome. These religious ideological and cultural factors were inherited and carried forward by Christianity, and were transformed and innovated in its historical development, thus forming some basic concepts embodied in its ideology, theology, etiquette and religious life. For example, the creation myth, Eden and flood legend in the Christian religious tradition are all influenced by the ancient Babylonian religion, and their materials are directly from the ancient Babylonian civilization. In addition, his talk about the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, as well as the Virgin, also has some traces of the legend of ancient Babylon.
The word "Catholicism" originates from Greek, meaning "worldwide" and "universal". The word "God" in Chinese is a translation of the original Chinese name for the gods that Catholic missionaries believed in after they entered China in the late Ming Dynasty. It means the supremacy of the supremacy, so it is different from the gods that China believes in, so its religion is called Catholicism.
The process of the introduction of Catholicism into China was tortuous and changeable. In the Yuan Dynasty, Catholicism was once introduced into China, and was interrupted by the death of the Yuan Dynasty. In the 16th century, Catholicism was introduced into China again. Missionaries from the Jesuits, Franciscans and Dominicans came to China to preach, among which the Jesuits sent by Portugal were the most influential. Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit scholar, took the dissemination of scientific knowledge as the medium, and the integration of Catholic doctrine and Confucian ethics as the missionary policy. He actively participated in the Chinese intellectual class, laying the foundation for the wide spread of Catholicism in China. From the 17th century to the 18th century, there was an internal debate among Catholics on the attitude to Chinese etiquette, which was called "the debate on Chinese etiquette". Since 1700, the dispute has developed into an open conflict between the Pope of Rome and the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The Holy See issued the "prohibition" edict, and sent envoys to China to prohibit Catholics from offering sacrifices to Confucius. The behavior of the Holy See angered Emperor Kangxi, who believed that it was interference in China's internal affairs, so he arrested missionaries and banned Catholicism from preaching in China. In the first year of Yongzheng's reign (1723), the Libu petition was approved to ban religion throughout the country. Except for a few missionaries who served in the imperial court, others were expelled from China. After the 12th year of Qianlong's reign (1747), the Qing government repeatedly arrested and suppressed missionaries who had illegally entered the mainland, and the Catholic missionary activities in China suffered serious setbacks. After the Opium War, China opened its doors. Under the protection of unequal treaties and western powers, Catholic forces went deep into China by virtue of their privileges and achieved rapid development. In 1900, the number of Catholics in China reached 720000, 1921 reached more than 2 million, and 1945 increased to more than 3 million. After the founding of New China, in order to eliminate the imperialists in the Chinese Catholic community and their influence, and change the colonial status of Chinese Catholicism, the patriots in the Chinese Catholic community first came forward, angrily condemned the Roman Catholic Church's various acts of using Chinese Catholicism as an instrument of imperialism to subvert New China, and called on the vast number of Catholics in China to take action, The realization of the self-reliance and innovation of Chinese Catholicism has received a warm response from the majority of Catholics in China, which has set off an anti imperialist patriotic movement, transforming Chinese Catholicism, which has long been manipulated by foreign forces, into a religious cause run by the Chinese Catholic community. At present, China's Catholicism has 98 parishes, about 6000 churches and activity sites, about 8000 teaching staff, 9 theological and philosophical colleges, and more than 6 million believers. [2]

Basic Beliefs and Classics

Catholicism believes in God and Jesus Christ, and respects Mary, the birth mother of Jesus, as the "Holy Mother". The "Belief Sutra" is an authoritative outline of the Catholic faith, and it is also a scripture that must be read by believers when they are baptized. Among them, the Apostle's Creed is one of the oldest Creed, with 12 articles in total, which has the theory of "twelve ends of the faith", including the main thrust of the Catholic faith, mainly including three parts: 1. Believe in the almighty Father God (God). He turned into heaven and earth and created human beings. 2. Believe in the Son of God (Jesus Christ). Jesus was born as a man, saved mankind, suffered (was executed), resurrected, ascended to heaven, and will come again at the end of the judgment. 3. Believe in the Holy Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit), the Holy Church, the resurrection of the flesh, etc.
The Holy Spirit is a more complex concept, and there have been heated debates within the Christian religion because of it. In the Christian religious concept, there is only one God, but it includes the Father, the Son, Christ and the Holy God. The three are the same "one true God", not three gods. Catholicism believes that the Holy Father and the Holy Son love each other and share the "Holy Spirit", which can "consecrate mankind". The "Church of Saints" was founded by Jesus Christ. It is "the most holy, the most holy, the most public, and handed down from the apostles". It has "the right to forgive sins". "Physical resurrection" means that the human body will be resurrected at the end of the world and accept the judgment of Christ. The Bible is the religious classic of all people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior, and is considered as the general outline of Christian religious belief. The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament, which are collectively called the Old and New Testaments. The Catholic Church believes that God is the primary author of the Bible. The Bible records God's "words" and "holy words", and is the source and foundation of the church's theological doctrines, beliefs, rules, ethics and systems. God entrusts the Bible to the church for safekeeping. Only the church has the privilege to interpret the Bible, and believers should accept the guidance of the church. The Bible adopted by the Catholic Church has 73 volumes, including 46 volumes of the Old Testament and 27 volumes of the New Testament. The Chinese Bible adopted by Chinese Catholicism is mainly the 1968 Chinese version translated under the auspices of the Catholic Scott Bible Society. In addition, the Catholic Church also compiled the doctrine into the Catholic Doctrine and the canon into the Catholic Code.

Educational system

Catholicism has a hierarchy system with clear hierarchy, centralized power and level by level management, which is the so-called "holy control". This set of clergy rank and educational administration management system sprouted in the 2-3 centuries A.D., and became the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century A.D., gradually completed by referring to the imperial official rank system, and was finalized in the European Middle Ages. The main body of the "priesthood rank" of the system consists of three grades, namely, bishop, priest (the official grade in the church is "priest", and the priest is the honorific title), and assistant priest (deacon). It is considered to be "the grade established by the gods". The bishop must perform "divine sacraments" for ordination. The clergy of different grades have different levels of "divine rights" when holding ceremonies and "holy things". However, the "governance hierarchy" of the system means that bishops are divided into multiple levels according to the hierarchy formed by church governance and jurisdiction as well as certain specific division of labor. Among them, the pope (currently translated as "the pope") is the highest leader, and the Holy See, as the central administrative organ, assists him in his work. The two are currently located in the Vatican City State, which covers an area of 0.44 square kilometers, in the northwest of Rome, Italy. Beneath it are cardinals (commonly known as "cardinals", who have the right to elect popes), archbishops (archbishops), diocesan bishops, etc. Among the bishops, there are also orthodox bishops, assistant bishops (when the bishop of the parish is vacant, he will automatically succeed as the bishop), and assistant bishops (without automatic inheritance). Catholicism attaches great importance to this hierarchy system, and believes that only believers without hierarchy can not become "churches". According to the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association and the Chinese Catholic Bishop Corps, the Chinese Catholic clergy "refers to bishops, assistant bishops, assistant bishops, priests (priests), deacons and nuns". Among them, nuns are female believers who leave their homes to join the monastery, and usually need to make "three great wishes": no money (no private property), no beauty (no marriage), no will (no private will, only the order of the monastery is from), and engage in prayer or social services, which used to be called "Mumu". Catholic clergy are unmarried. Inquiring about their marriage or children is a sign of a lack of basic understanding of Catholicism, which is inappropriate.

Main ceremonies

The main religious activity of Catholicism is "Mass". Mass is a repetition of the last supper of Jesus and his disciples. The central part is "Holy Body" and "Holy Blood". At this time, believers will kneel down and bow their heads to show their highest respect. Catholicism believes that formal and complete ceremonies must be carried out in the church, and only bishops and priests have the "divine right" to preside over mass. The participation of believers is called "Hope Mass". Mass used to be held in Latin. After the 1960s, Catholicism began its ritual reform, and now it has mostly adopted national languages. In a church with priests, mass is held every day. There is often more than one Sunday Mass on weekends, with more believers attending. In the big festival, there is also a grand "Ritual Mass" and a "Midnight Mass" on Christmas Eve. Since the 11th century, the Catholic Church has gradually identified seven "sacraments". The Catholic Church believes that, different from such acts as prayer, the sacraments are set up by Christ and are the work of the Holy Spirit to "sanctify" the souls of believers, and bestow "grace" on recipients. Therefore, the Catholic Church attaches great importance to these sacraments.
These sacraments are: 1. Baptism. Baptism is a ceremony of initiation, which is usually performed by clergy in the church. 2. Firm vibration. That is to say, Fu Youli, which can be accepted by anyone who has been baptized, indicating firm belief. Generally, it is implemented by the bishop, and in special cases, it can also be implemented by priests appointed by the bishop. 3. Confession. Also known as confession, "doing divine work", also known as "reconciliation sacrament", is a kind of "forgiveness of sins" ceremony. The believers tell the clergy of their "sins", obtain "forgiveness" and make certain "atonement". 4. Holy Communion. The Eucharist part of Mass. Catholicism believes that receiving the Holy Communion is the combination with Christ, and the Holy Communion is the source and peak of church life. 5. Final Fu. The priest or bishop shall anoint the sick or dying believers and chant scriptures to bless them. 6. Miracle. The ceremony for a monk to become a clergyman is performed by the bishop. 7. Marriage. A religious marriage ceremony presided over by a priest.