
Ethnic group
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The history of the Romans Italy Midland Tiber River Start: Contemporary historian infer Rome The founding of the country was around 600 BC, and Rome formed a real Urban form It was in the 6th century BC. Rome, as a city, must solve the flood problem of Tiber River if it wants to develop. When it comes to Ancient Rome Its excellent civil engineering technology is often mentioned, which may be related to solving the flood problem.
Chinese name
Rome was exiled Idalaria people
Proposed time
The Tiber River in central Italy began in the 6th century BC
From Roman City Country to Imperium Romanum

brief introduction

from Rome city state reach Imperium Romanum At the end of the 6th century BC, Rome was exiled Edalarian , established a republic, and gradually conquered the neighboring areas. The Roman city-state stands above other autonomous countries as City Alliance The tradition of ruling by the leader of Rome expanded to mediterranean sea In the history of the whole region, Rome is not only the capital of the Roman Empire, but also the fact that it was the Roman city that established the Roman Empire.
The Age of the Emperors: Founding Emperor Gaius Octavian Augustus, the conductor of Rome urban renewal The emperor of China was proud to change the brick Rome into the marble Rome. During the reign of the emperor arena A large-scale Construction project For the emperors of past dynasties, building large-scale buildings can not only show their prestige to the world, but also enable many people to get jobs and achieve the goal of wealth redistribution.
As the capital of the church country: in the era of prosperity and development of Rome as the capital of a huge empire, various foreign sects spread to Rome, originating in the East Palestine Christianity is one of these pagans. Frank king Piping The beginning of papal territory in 756. From then on, Rome acted as Italy As the capital of the central church country, his fate was linked with the rise and fall of the papal power. The Regeneration of Rome: Rome Becomes The Renaissance It was in the second half of the 15th century that the center of China began to prosper again. In the Holy Year of 1450, a large number of pilgrims poured into Rome, bringing great wealth to the church and Rome. Rome was once again prosperous and strong.
Papal era: Cicostos IV, who took office as Pope in 1471, implemented the coercive policy of strengthening the church state, which led to the war in Italy. Aleku Sandel VI and Julius II These two young popes and artists brought the Renaissance of Rome to its climax.
Roman warrior
This is different from any other nation in the world. Whether it's Greek Athens , China, India Egypt ... Most of these nations take it for granted that only people of the same ancestry are the best. The result of this thought is that Athens only grants "people whose parents are citizens of Athens" Citizenship (In late Athens, it was even stipulated that both parents were Athenians); India divides people into four grades; There is also widespread discrimination against foreigners in China and Egypt. What is amazing is that the Romans seemed to be born without such thoughts. Allies of Rome or people in conquered areas can enjoy equality as long as they want Municipal civil rights (Of course, this only refers to the most relaxed period of the system). Slaves can also regain their freedom through "redemption", although they are "liberated Free people ”Do not own elections and Right to be elected But their children do. The children of slaves are not necessarily slaves, which is probably the most different from other Romans Slave state The place.
Although the Greeks made more achievements in democracy, philosophy and mathematics than the Romans, the Romans made more achievements in military affairs, law, architecture and transportation. Compared with Athens in Greece, you will find a big difference. That is, although the Romans adopted republic , but the nobility still existed until Octavian To put an end to republicanism, this should not belong to“ democratic system ”There is no sign of the demise of the class. On the one hand, it must be recognized that the Romans were not as strong as the Athenians in democratic spirit and desire for "absolute freedom". But on the other hand, patrician "Model performance" has become the basis for civilians to accept them.

National history

A nation whose honor is paramount
Roman aristocracy only means having honor, but it has nothing to do with having wealth.
In the 1980s BC, Pyrrhus When the Great Emperor received the Roman mission, he learned that the head of the mission, Phibrisia, was powerful in Rome but very poor. He jokingly said that if Phibrisia was willing, he would take him to Ibirus to share the glory and wealth. Instead, Felicia replied solemnly, "King, neither your friends nor yourself can take away my independence. I think my poverty is happier than all the wealth of your worried kings."( Appian History of Rome (Volume I)
At the same time, the nobility had no ambition to seize power.
In the early days of the Republic, there was an invasion by a foreign nationality. Due to the emergency situation, according to the system of Rome at that time, Senate Decide to elect one Dictator (The term of office is 6 months, during which time he has the supreme power in Rome), the noble Kenchenatus took this burden. It took him 16 days to defeat the enemy, and then he returned home. even Engels They all praised him as a "real civic virtue and an example of unusually simple and noble selflessness"(《 Selected Works of Marx and Engels 》)
The Romans attach great importance to "integrity". Maybe when power cannot be directly transformed into wealth, people's pursuit of power will be greatly reduced.
On the other hand, although the early Roman republicanism had great "preferences" for the nobility (which was gradually improved in the later years), it also undertook great obligations. Maybe it was Roman civilians Instead, it can be said to be "light without official".
Class rights and obligations
Rome divided citizens (whether aristocrats or civilians) into seven grades. Although this distinction is based on personal property, it is completely different from the practice of other countries that the status is determined by the amount of property. This division method is similar to that in modern society“ Gold collar white collar Blue collar ”Similarly, there is no element of disdain for the poor. According to the Roman system, the higher the property, the heavier the military service. For example, the richest first class should provide 1800 cavalry and 8000 soldiers Heavy infantry (Self provided weapons); The poorest level 7 provides only 500 people Reserve service OK. (The above data are from the beginning of the Republic of China, and will be changed later according to the specific situation). In Rome, more than 55% of soldiers came from the first and second ranks. When fighting, they should be ready to sacrifice; Even if there is no war, we should also build public welfare facilities for the city of Rome. Irrigation in early Rome drainage system The arena and theater were built by soldiers. It can be said that in Rome at that time, the rich people had power, but they also had to do more obligations; The duty of the poor is to "get rich".
Let's look at some examples.
The famousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfamousfam Lineal kinship More than 400 people! The whole family was basically left with old and weak women and children after the war.
The Second Punic War In the middle and later period, this can be said to be the successor of Rome Canny The most difficult period after the First World War. In 211 BC, Sipio The brothers were defeated in Spain, and the Roman army was almost completely destroyed; On the Italian battlefield, Hannibal The invasion has lasted for more than 10 years, but the war situation has never been clear. In 212 BC, Hannibal annihilated more than three Roman legions in northern Lukania and Apulia. As Rome has maintained a total force of nearly 200000 troops in various battlefields for more than 10 years in a row (and must constantly supplement the consumption in the war), the Roman's economic capacity has obviously reached the limit. Maybe in the history of other countries, this is the only way to raise taxes in wartime. But the Romans seemed more "creative" - giving. What's more interesting is that this kind of donation does not mean that rulers shout "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" and then plunder people. The scope of donation is limited to these rulers. "All senators should provide their own surplus gold, silver and jewelry. Each senator can only leave one ring for himself, his wife and son, and one for his wife and daughter ounce And 5000 as copper coins for each person. All other property should be provided as war costs. " (Strive for the Mediterranean)
"Generally speaking, from the beginning of the Roman Republic (509 BC) to Punic wars At the end of the period (146 BC), during the 400 years or so, the Romans were full of vitality "(World Cultural History). At that time, the whole society advocated simplicity, citizens' patriotism and Brave spirit It has been fully developed and effectively promoted the progress of Roman society. Followed by republic The end of, especially Imperial system Although the establishment of hedonism Influence of lifestyle (hedonism here is not an early stage ancient Greek The pursuit of simple hedonism of "no pain in body, no interference in mind"), plus Slavery The transformation of social relations caused by economic growth, "the trend of extravagance is growing, the pursuit of wealth is growing day by day, morality begins to decline, and the world style deteriorates. We attach importance to the rule of law and law-abiding traditional ideas It is also trampled ", which is really the so-called" material desires cross current, people are not old ".
People often say "brilliant Greece, great Rome". Rome in the republican period is really a fascinating era.
Tumensonian《 History of Rome 》The Romans did not conquer Italy, but unified all the nationalities in Italy into one country. The Romans were indeed the most powerful of these nations, but they were just one. Monsen's statement affirms that the Romans were one of the various ethnic groups in ancient Italy, but before the unification of all Italians, were the Romans a mixed ethnic group?
Ancient Greece According to Gu Zhun's view, the three major human groups of Iolian And Doris. Among them, Ioris is in the north of Greece, Iolia is in the middle, and Doris is in the south. These three groups are almost distributed on the entire Greek peninsula. In addition to establishing their own city states in the Greek mainland, they also have their own overseas colonies.
according to Herodotus Said that all the Ionians originated in Athens, and they established 12 cities in Asia; The Ioris also have 12 cities in Asia. according to Thucydides The Athenians colonized Iolia and most of the islands, Peloponnese The people (i.e. the Dorians) established most colonies in Italy and Sicily. Compared with the Greeks, the primitive population of ancient Italy seems to be more and more complex, but it can also be divided into three human groups. According to Monson, these three groups or races refer to Latino , Sabers and Etruscan These three groups basically settled in Italian Peninsula In the middle of, or in Tiber River And its surrounding areas. Among them, the Latin people in the Tiber River Latium In the region, the Saber people (or translated Sabelian people) are in the south east of the Tiber River, and the Etruscan people (or translated Idalarian people) are in the north west of the Tiber River.
The three groups of Greeks are distributed on almost the entire Greek peninsula, which may be an important feature of them. On the contrary, the three major groups in ancient Italy were mainly concentrated in the middle of the Italian peninsula, which is probably an important feature of ancient Italians. At least Monsen believes that, in ancient times, the Latham Plain was the greatest place of struggle in nature, and this land is the key place to solve who will dominate Italy in the future. There is no doubt that the Romans belong to the Latin people. However, the origin of the Romans is actually different. The question involved is whether the Romans were a pure nation or a mixed nation. Specifically, whether the Romans were composed of the three human groups in ancient Italy.
Rome was originally just a city-state, or a city-state under the rule of kings. There should be no doubt that Rome was founded in 753 BC. Therefore, even if the Romans were composed of the three human groups in ancient Italy, it means that the Romans came from these three groups, not that the city of Rome contained all three groups. But the question is, did the Romans mix these different groups? Among the three major groups in ancient Italy, the consensus was that the Latinos and the Sabres belonged to different branches of the same nation. Or rather, they belong to the same family Indo European Immigrants, although they have different branches. For example, among the Sabers, the most powerful one is Samonese As for the Etruscans, they are regarded as the older non Indo European people, and their development and expansion may be earlier. No matter where the Etruscans come from, Monsen seems to have accepted that the Etruscans are different from the Italians of Latin and Saber nationalities.
However, Monson himself was particularly opposed to the view that the Romans were a mixed race. He said that the Romans were regarded as people of mixed nationalities, and used various methods to prove that ancient Rome was composed of three races in Italy. As a result, the Romans were changed into a mixture of Etruscans, Sabines, Greeks and other nationalities. Monsen acknowledged that there was indeed a mixture of different nationalities here, but he stressed that the Romans could not be said to be a mixed nationality because they included other nationalities. This view of Monsen seems to have not been accepted. Scholars after him do not think that the Romans are pure, even if they do not say that the Romans are mixed nations. Morgan On《 Ancient society 》According to the Chinese, the Roman tribes contain alien elements, while the Greek tribes are pure races. Morgen mainly refers to the Etruscans when he talks about aliens. In his view, the Latin clans have the same blood lineage, while Sabin and other clans have relatives with Latin people, except Etruscans Consanguinity Among the three tribes of the Romans, 100 clans of the first tribe are all Latins, 100 clans of the second tribe are mostly Sabins, and the third tribe is composed of foreigners, including Etruscans.
According to Morgan, the three tribes of the Romans were gradually formed after the establishment of the city of Rome in 753 BC. The sixth king of Rome Spurius Servilius (About 576-533 BC) When the reform began, these three tribes already existed. In other words, before the Romans formed a country or entered their own political society, they had mixed different human groups in ancient Italy. Morgan's view that the three tribes of Rome included aliens seems to have not been accepted by other scholars, at least Engels This issue is not particularly emphasized when quoting Morgan's works. Nevertheless, other scholars almost mentioned the combination of the Romans and Sabines, and even the Etruscans. What the hell is going on here? Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome (his name has many translations), is naturally Latin. Rome was originally a center of migration for Latin people, or the colony of Alba, the earliest capital city of Latin people. This means that Rome first belongs to Latin cities or one of Latin cities, and the Romans first belong to Latin people. In addition, the founder of the city of Rome was also the first king of Rome, so the first king must also be a Latin.
It seems that the problem was mainly caused by the kings who later ruled Rome. It is said that there were seven kings in Rome. Except the first king, other kings may not be all Latin. The author of A Brief History of Italy said that some people believed that Rome was once ruled by Sabines and Etruses respectively. During the reign of the Sabines, the third king, Rome destroyed the Latin capital Alba and replaced it; Under the Etruses, Rome Latium It has established the supreme domination. According to this statement, the Romans who originally belonged to the Latin people, even if they were not a mixed nation, were not impossible to integrate with other ancient Italians.
No matter whether the Romans were a mixed nation or not, it is probably certain that the Romans could integrate or assimilate other different nations. If, as Morgan said, the Roman tribes contain ethnic elements, while the Greek tribes are pure, it can be considered that, no matter where the original reason comes from, the Romans must have long had the experience and consciousness of accommodating other nations. On the other hand, this seems to be an important difference between Greeks and Romans. at least Yoshimoto Of《 History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire 》I believe that the policy of preserving the pure blood of ancient citizens and not allowing any foreign blood to be mixed in has prevented Athens And Sparta And accelerated their demise. It is a wiser and more glorious act for the Romans to take all the noble virtues and advantages found anywhere, from slaves or foreigners, from enemies or barbarians, as their own.

roman law

The Romans left human civilization Many precious treasures, among which the most valuable legacy is roman law It is famous for its rich content and complete system.
By structure: civil law
During the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, Roman law played a positive role in maintaining the lasting social rule.
The Citizenship Law has stimulated and mobilized the patriotic enthusiasm and political participation enthusiasm of civilians.
The law of the people, the law of the people, to the maximum extent, conforms to various complicated Interests Which helped consolidate the Roman regime and promoted social stability and common development
Engels Said: "Roman law is the first worldwide law", which "fully anticipates the modern times private ownership Law of the People's Republic of China ".
Modern Europe, based on Roman law, developed its own legal system , such as《 German Civil Code 》、《 Napoleonic Code 》All of them are based on Roman law.
Many countries in the world jury system Lawyer system Litigation principle Both originated from Roman law. World recognized Legal Theory Legal system Democratic principles They also originate from roman law
Everyone is equal before the law ”Justice first Legal concept And become the eternal values of the rule of law.