zero Useful+1

Luo Lixian

Chinese male stunt director and action director
Luo Lixian, Chinese male stunt director and action director.
Famous film and television personnel who once participated in production《 B Plan 》。 In 2014, he was selected by the famous American media Variety as one of the "50 most influential film elites behind the scenes" in the world. [1]
Representative works:《 Bloodthirsty couple 》《 Hard nosed detective 》Etc.
In December 2018, he won the Best Special Effect Director Award of the First Shaoxing Keqiao New Film Festival. [2]
True name
Luo Lixian
Foreign name
Bruce Law
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
168 cm
Director, action director
Key achievements
In 2014, he was selected by the famous American media Variety as one of the "50 most influential film elites behind the scenes" in the world [I]

Main works


Behind the scenes works

Main works
two thousand and twenty-four
seven hundred and thirty-one
Action director&blasting and special effect guidance
two thousand and twenty-four
Fast Life 2
Special thanks
two thousand and twenty-three
be as solid as rocks
Action instruction
two thousand and twenty-three
Furious sandstorm
Auto stunt director&blasting guide&on-site special effects
Mobile 2
Action director
Kunlun Return (TV)
Automobile stunt guidance
two thousand and twenty-three
Chinese table tennis
Action instruction
two thousand and twenty-three
Wandering Earth 2
Flying car guidance
two thousand and twenty-three
Sentencing (TV)
Automobile stunt guidance
two thousand and twenty-three
Trapped animal
Stunt consultant
two thousand and twenty-two
The most brilliant we (TV)
Flying car stunt director
two thousand and twenty-two
Shuimen Bridge of Changjin Lake
Action design&on-site special effects and blasting guidance
two thousand and twenty-one
Changjin Lake
Action design
two thousand and twenty-one
Embrace you through the cold winter
Stunt coordinator
two thousand and twenty-one
The years have come to an end
Action director
two thousand and twenty-one
Me and my parents
Stunt coordinator
two thousand and twenty-one
Peak burst
Action director
two thousand and twenty
Flying car guidance
two thousand and nineteen
Crazy alien
Action director&special effect blasting guide
two thousand and nineteen
Action director
two thousand and eighteen
Pieces of treasure
Action director
two thousand and eighteen
good prevails over evil
Stunt coordinator
two thousand and eighteen
Action Direction&Group B Director
two thousand and eighteen
Fast Youth (TV)
Action Director&Group B Director
two thousand and eighteen
Icebound Man: Time and Space Walker
Flying car guidance
two thousand and eighteen
Ultimate justice
Give thanks
two thousand and seventeen
Kung Fu Yoga
Coaching of galloping action
two thousand and seventeen
Action Direction&Group B Director
two thousand and seventeen
Chasing dragons
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and seventeen
Heroic Essence 2018
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and seventeen
Jieyou grocery store
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and seventeen
A fierce insect crosses the river
Flying car director
two thousand and seventeen
Little lover
Action instruction
two thousand and seventeen
Arrest a gun
Action director
two thousand and sixteen
Demon Robber Group 2 (America)
Action Instruction (Hong Kong)
two thousand and sixteen
Blood of Machine
Coaching of runaway action&blasting special effect
two thousand and sixteen
My agent grandpa
Flying car guidance
two thousand and sixteen
Big Bang of Lies
Action instruction
two thousand and sixteen
Traffic safety advertisement
Action director
two thousand and fifteen
Taiping Wheel (Part 2) - Faramita
The second group director&stunt director
two thousand and fifteen
Taoist descends the mountain
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and fifteen
The scorching sun burns the heart
Action director
two thousand and fifteen
Hacker Battle (America)
Action Instruction (Hong Kong)
two thousand and fifteen
Raid 2 thugs
Automobile stunt guidance
two thousand and fifteen
Old Paoer
Action director
two thousand and fifteen
The mast blossoms
Action director
two thousand and fifteen
Come down from the sky
Action director
two thousand and fifteen
Anti Corruption Storm 2
Action director
two thousand and fifteen
Save Mr. Wu
Flying car guidance
two thousand and fifteen
Don't have a motive
Action instruction
two thousand and fifteen
Log Out black and white (short film)
Action instruction
two thousand and fifteen
Moon Embracing Stars (TV)
Action instruction
two thousand and fourteen
Heart flower road release
Action instruction
two thousand and fourteen
One step away
Action director
two thousand and fourteen
Taiping Wheel (Part 1)
The second group director&stunt director
two thousand and fourteen
One man's Wulin
Flying stunts&actors
two thousand and fourteen
Transformers 4: Vanished and reborn
Action Instruction (Hong Kong)
two thousand and fourteen
Action instruction
two thousand and fourteen
Action director
two thousand and fourteen
Icebound: Gate of Rebirth
Flying car guidance
two thousand and thirteen
Fast car racing (short film)
Action instruction
two thousand and thirteen
Police Story 2013
Flying car stunt director&actor
two thousand and thirteen
No man's land
Action director
two thousand and thirteen
Weiying JM
Action instruction
two thousand and thirteen
Special status
Coaching&special effects of flying movements
two thousand and thirteen
in harness
Flying car director
two thousand and thirteen
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and thirteen
Action design
two thousand and twelve
Chinese Zodiac
Flying Directions&Special Effects
two thousand and twelve
follow like a shadow
Action instruction
two thousand and twelve
Four famous captors
Burning people
two thousand and twelve
Superenergy out of control
Stunt coordinator
two thousand and twelve
Extremely fast (micro film)
Action director
two thousand and twelve
Gu Yuzai: New Order in the Jianghu
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
two thousand and eleven
Jinling thirteen hairpins
Action instruction
two thousand and eleven
Racing legend
Action director
two thousand and eleven
the warring states
Action stunt director
two thousand and eleven
Universal gravitation
Flying car guidance
two thousand and eleven
Tough guy 2: stay with me to the end
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and eleven
Top Gear
External director
two thousand and ten
Stunt director
two thousand and ten
You deserve to be single
Action director
two thousand and ten
God of Wealth Arrives
Action director
two thousand and ten
The west wind is strong
Action director
two thousand and ten
People are in trouble
Automobile stunt guidance
two thousand and ten
My sassy girl
two thousand and nine
Action instruction
two thousand and nine
Follow the rain
Action instruction
two thousand and nine
First seven
Action stunt
two thousand and nine
Fast forward Season 14 (USA)
Action instruction
two thousand and nine
Power (USA)
Special Effects Supervisor
two thousand and nine
Death is stupid
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
two thousand and nine
Flying car guidance
two thousand and eight
Mummy 3 (United States)
Special Effects Supervisor (China)
two thousand and eight
A Big Deal (Brazil)
Action&Flying Directions
two thousand and eight
Flying Directions&Special Effects
two thousand and eight
The way home
Action instruction
two thousand and eight
Three neglect
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and eight
Half seawater, half flame
Action instruction
two thousand and eight
RTHK Dongcheng Road (TV)
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
two thousand and seven
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and seven
Mislove/Tsuka Love
Burning special effects&special effects guidance
two thousand and seven
Meritorious service (TV)
Action director
two thousand and seven
Return to glory (TV)
Action guidance&actors
two thousand and seven
Action instruction
two thousand and six
Black-and-white channel
Action instruction
two thousand and six
Crazy Stone
Action instruction
two thousand and six
Mission Impossible 3 (US)
Special Effects Supervisor (China)
two thousand and six
Radio Hong Kong (Iron Window Edge) Episode 3 (TV)
Action instruction
two thousand and six
Radio Hong Kong's Drug Control Archives Episode IV Drug Control Couples (TV)
Action instruction
two thousand and five
Burning people and special effect guidance
two thousand and five
Borrow troops
Action instruction
two thousand and four
Manhattan Midnight
Action instruction
two thousand and four
A-1 Headlines
Coaching of galloping action
two thousand and four
Great dad/This dad really explodes
Action guidance&actors
two thousand and four
Love and Dream Flying (TV)
two thousand and three
Cold heart
Action instruction
two thousand and three
Loyal Guard (TV)
Action instruction&flying stunt
two thousand and three
China Criminal Police September Storm (TV)
Action instruction&flying stunt
two thousand and three
RTHK TV Department (Iron Window Edge) (TV)
Action instruction
two thousand and three
Discovery Tour Program
Action instruction
two thousand and two
Want to fly
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and two
Fighting to Survive
Action instruction
two thousand and two
Top Danger
Action guidance&flying car&blasting&fire&effect
two thousand and two
Honors (TV)
Action instruction&flying stunt
two thousand and one
Ghost World
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and one
Beautiful Girl's Pavilion
Special blasting effect
two thousand and one
Women in the Courtyard (American film)
Action director
two thousand and one
Is setting
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand and one
Trapped animal
Flying car stunt guidance
two thousand
Roaring Wheels
Flying car stunt director
two thousand
Hot Spring
Flying car stunt director
two thousand
Street girl
Flying car stunt director
two thousand
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
two thousand
Life and Death Fist Speed
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
two thousand
Stunt Raptor
Supervised by
two thousand
Gambling Saint 3: Unknown Boy
two thousand
True love
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
two thousand
Riding Spy
Action instruction
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Flaming chariot 2: legend of extreme speed
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Hong Kong Nightclub (Japan)
Action director&flying car guide&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Yin Yang Road 6: Evil Weekly
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Gambler vs Las Vegas
Action instruction&flying stunt&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Special police new human
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
King of Comedy
Action guidance&blasting special effects&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Glass bottle
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Yin Yang Road 5: Get rich at first sight
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Secret Order for Chasing Murderers
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Death to those who oppose us
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Plan B
Director&Flying Car&Blasting Director&Actor
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
The eleventh child (France)
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Murders Made To Order
Special effects director&actor
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Special Flying Tiger
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Heroic feelings cover the sky
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Best Partner: Drunken Street Partner
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Action guidance&flying car&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
World ambition
Action guidance&flying car&blasting special effect guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Yinyang Road
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
Pornographic men and women
Fire effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
Flying Tiger
Action guidance&blasting special effects
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
The new Shanghai Bund
Special skill instruction for burning people&special effect of fire scene
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
Big three yuan
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
China's Oji: Bloody Lover
Action guidance&flying car&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
Internal spies are sporadic
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
Killer three minutes
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Fire Fighting Vehicle
Flying car action guidance&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Thunderbolt fire
Flying car stunt director&blasting&actor
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Explosion order
Blasting special effect guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Shocking scandal/hot line pursuit
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Tricycle driver (French film)
Action guidance&flying car&burning people
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Legendary Couple
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Midnight singing
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Chasing Girl 95
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
The sky in Mongkok
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Peter Pan
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Old Mud Sister
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Letter to Dad
Flying car special skill guidance&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
gold and jade fill the hall -- abundant wealth or many children in the family
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Neighborhood messenger
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
One Thousand and One Nights of Dreamer
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting special effects&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Pointing at the Young Soldiers
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Silent girl
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Killer's Fairy Tale
Special skill instruction for burning people&fire scene&blasting special effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
bright future
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Waiting for you to come back
Fire&Blasting Special Effect Guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Provincial Hong Kong No.1 wanted criminal
Action Instruction&Blasting&Actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
New wind and cloud of dragon and tiger
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Lethal contact
Action instruction&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Seven Vajra
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Flying Tiger Ambition
Action guidance&stunts&blasting&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
heavy metal
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Drunken Fist 2
Special skill guidance&effects of burning people
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
The Underground Banker
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Transboundary Weilong
Action director&stunt&fire&explosion&actor
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
God of Gambling 2
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
one 's clothes were covered all over with jewels and valuable buttons
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
White haired witch 2
Special skill instruction for burning people&special effect of fire scene
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Laughing Eight Immortals
Fire scene special effect&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Modern Girls
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Chasing boys
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Sun Yat sen, the invincible iron fist of the five tigers in Guangdong
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Super school overlord
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Chasing after the soul again
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Serious case team
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Love in Heaven 2: everlasting
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Holy Weapon
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Human Pork Barbecued Bun in Baxian Hotel
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
The Incorruptible
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Confidential Records Fire Butterfly
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Crazy Youth/Road Angel
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
The First Strike of Integrity
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
The Three Eastern Heroes
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Go away, Weilong
Action guidance&stunts&blasting&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Daughter should be self-improvement
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Super plan
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting guidance&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Yuan Zhenxia
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Kidnapping Huang Qihui
Flying car stunt director&actor
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Love Like Nature II
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
City Hunter
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Police Story 3: Super Police
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Legend of God of War
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Wesley's Old Cat
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Jiu'er Divine Sculpture's Infatuation Sword
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Temple Street Twelve Youngsters
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Full Contact
Blasting special effect guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Dangerous lover
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Xiaoao Jianghu 2: Asia the Invincible
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Jiqi Mary
Blasting special effect guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Lanjiang Chuanzhi Anti flight Group
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Grass Mangrove Female
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Hard nosed detective
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Ghost Tour
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Fellow lucky star
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Infatuated son-in-law
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Liaozhai Yantan Dengcao Monk
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
I love twisted wood
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Double Dragon Association
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Tibetan boy
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Wife's lover
Action instruction&flying stunt
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Fierce love and hatred
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Truant Heroes
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Play truant
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two
Scorpion's Counteraction
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Jiuyi Condor Heroes
Special skill of burning people&blasting&special effect guidance of fire scene
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Expose people
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Today's Hero
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Deadly Deal
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Hot prodigal son
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
huang feihong
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Qiannu Ghost 3: Tao Tao
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Ghost catching store
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Vulture archives
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Hemoptysis margin
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Blue Thunderbolt Fire
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Female robot
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Zhong Kui in jeans
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Under the True Red Flag
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Lame tyrant
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
New Jingwu Gate 1991
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Central Hero
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Across the world
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Brother, give way
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Red Pink Supreme
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Heaven and Earth Xuanmen
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Stunt duo
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance&blasting guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Cousin, I'm here
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one
Flying Eagle Program
Rider stunt
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Wife, you are good!
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Dragon and Phoenix Thieves Catch Thieves
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Brave in the world
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Urban evil star
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Royal Boat Gambling
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
The Big Score
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Millennium banshee
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
undeclared war
Blasting special effect guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
New Half Weight
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
One bite OK
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Bloodthirsty street
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
If there is love in heaven
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Happy Chicken
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Nameless family
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Wind and rain go the same way
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Tiger Watching 2
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
A comic book goes far
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Ghost Catching and Family Reunion/Yin Yang Duel
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Smile in the Jianghu
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Smiling Star Saves the Earth
Blasting special effect guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Ghost Overlord Flower
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
strike first to gain the initiative
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Tiger gall daughter red
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting&actors
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
China Japan North South Harmony
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Invincible lucky star
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
Modern lining house
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Frozen Hero
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
ambush on all sides
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Lover Comrade
Blasting&Flying car stunt&Burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Eight liang gold
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Ghost Mountain Grave
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Fiery streets
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Princess Madam
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Both sexes are hot
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Seven Warriors
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Super Shooter
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Happy Big Mac
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Bloodthirsty couple
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Fly over dangerous wall
Flying car stunt guidance&blasting
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Black luck star
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
King of Fighting
Flying stunt
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Killer Butterfly Dream
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
The battle of dragons
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Best boyfriend
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Tiger out of prison
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine
Ghost Building
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Trap edge
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Angel in blood
Flying car stunt guidance&burning man stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Chicken talks with duck
Special effect of fire scene
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Lady Vampire
Deputy Martial Arts Instructor&Flying Car Instructor&Burning People&Actors
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Falcon Program
Flying car stunt director&actor
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Daughter should be self-improvement
Special blasting effect
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
nets above and snares below
Special Skill Instruction of Burning Man
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Modern lining house
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Love of killing
Flying car stunt guidance
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight
Kill Hong Kong
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
Iron blooded Mounted Police
Flying car stunt guidance

Film participation

Police Story 2013 two thousand and thirteen
Ding Sheng
to star
Jackie Chan
Peer two thousand and nine
Qiu Litao
to star
Yu Wenle
Kimi wo wasurenai two thousand and four
Ye Weimin
to star
Ke Youlun
Zhang Min
to star
Zhang Jiahui
Plan B one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight
Luo Lixian
to star
Zhang Zhilin
Thunderbolt fire one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Chen Jiashang
to star
Jackie Chan
One Thousand and One Nights of Dreamer one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Lin Zihao
to star
Liang Jiahui
Transboundary Weilong one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Lan Zhiwei
to star
Wu Dairong
Flying Tiger Ambition one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four
Chen Jiashang
to star
Rong Jinchang
Super plan one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three
Tang Jili
to star
Michelle Yeoh
one /2
reference material: [6]
Luo Lixian
His name cards as action guide include: [5]
Director: director, action: action guidance, flying: flying car stunt guidance, explosion: blasting guidance, fire: fire man stunt guidance and fire scene special effects, acting: actor
Luo Lixian is a famous person in Hong Kong film special effects field. It is said that more than 70% of Hong Kong's film stunt work is arranged by him, and he has repeatedly acted as a stand in for Andy Lau, Chow Yun fat and Leslie Cheung. Leslie Cheung except for his last jump in life, all the previous volleys in the film were made by Luo Lixian. "Cheng Xiaodong for martial arts and Luo Lixian for action" is almost universally recognized in the Asian film world.

Detailed introduction



Luo Lixian
Remember what you saw Lau Andy Do you drive your motorcycle over mountains? Take a closer look, it's not Andy Lau. Our heavenly king can only start the motorcycle, but can't fly with it.
Remember Zhou Runfa Does the flying car run in the hail of bullets? Be careful, it's not Chow Yun fat, it's just his back. It's not him in the past. Who is he? He was still acting as a double at that time, and now he is the best action director in Hong Kong - Luo Lixian.

The story of growth

When he was 10 years old, he ran up the mountain with his brother and a knife on his back, and encountered a forest fire. He called it "Huoshaoshan". "I tried hard to find a place with less grass. I was afraid at that time, and I would certainly run away, but if I could not take my brother home safely, I would be finished." When he grew up, he and his friends would ride bicycles to pass the police, and then make a circle in front of them to demonstrate to the police. Their bikes are faster than police bikes.

Walk into the stunt

When he was a teenager, his idol was Bruce Lee He started to learn Taekwondo at the age of 16, started to coach at the age of 17, and became the black belt champion of Taekwondo at the age of 18. Because he drove too fast, he was fined by the police. He went to see a lawyer. The lawyer smiled and said, "Do you remember me? When I was 12 years old, you taught me how to make explosives." It just so happened that the lawyer became a good friend of Luo Lixian, and continued to help him deal with the various situations he was constantly creating. In 1985, a chance, Jackie Chan The filming of "Police Story" requires a batch of motorcyclists. At the age of 24, Luo Lixian became a stuntman.

Breathtaking challenge

"In fact, I'm not a family class. I specialize in what they don't understand and fill their gaps." Flying cars, explosions and fires. He has been challenging what others cannot do. His recovery ability is very strong. His face has been injured twice and his body has been burned for 18% of the area. Injuries are often caused by handling explosives. "Now bungee jumping is popular in Hong Kong. I tie my feet and fly backwards. But several years ago, I jumped down from several floors naked with my whole body lit up. When I fell on the cardboard box, I could not show any discomfort, but also smile happily on the screen."

From double to guidance

Luo Lixian
"Why do people who know a little things control so many people who know Kung Fu? It's too dangerous. I used to be a double. The action guide said yes, you can do it! I know the danger, but I always do it. I said I would be injured. Nobody believed it. After I was burned, I stopped working. The director looked at me, 'If you say you can't do it, all my work will have to stop.' I have to say we can shoot again. Continue to do it. I burned twice in succession before going to hospital. Later, it came out in the circle that the man was very powerful, and he went to do it after being injured. " "Until now, I will still do it. In fact, sometimes I don't have to do it myself, but I will always do what is behind me and I don't know what is at the front. If I do something too comfortable, I will lose my fighting spirit."《 Bloodthirsty couple 》It was his first film as a special effects director. It was funny at that time. His film pay was the price of a stuntman, because he didn't know how much it would cost. At that time, I was in a hurry. I worked for one week and got a daily salary for one action instruction. He wanted to roll over to the bottom of the mountain. The mountain was very high, with an angle of 70 degrees, almost vertical. Director John Woo walked down the mountain and looked at the height of 10 meters. He asked, "Can you shoot me like this?" He said, "OK, but..." John Woo stared at him with his eyes and saw that he had a little hesitation. He said, "Is it too high?" "No, it's too low. I have climbed over 40 meters."“ John Woo Go to the United States to film, show my things to foreigners, and let them film like me. They said they couldn't do it. Fixed point blasting, making explosives is simple, and the process of detonating it is the most dangerous. Soldiers will detonate it no more than I do. "Hard Boiled Detective" tried the bomb, and tried to get to the hospital. Once, blow up the whole studio. "

The road to success

Luo Lixian
"Why do I want to make a movie? Because a movie can tell you what a person's growth path is. Maybe a movie does not have such great power, but I want to tell you some truth about life. I have seen some Japanese sports inspirational movies before, which have a great impact on my life. People have a lot of things to do. It's better to find something they like than something they don't. Now there are many people who don't do anything. Or when you are young, you are competitive and like to show yourself, but if you really keep doing it, it is not a game, but a career. If you want to be famous, you have to pay a price. No one beats you with a whip, but you must motivate yourself and go on. " Shoot《 Plan B 》At that time, Luo Lixian and his crew were on the front page of social news many times. They blew five cars into the sky at a time. At that time, Hong Kong laws did not allow shooting explosions in cities. "I secretly filmed, and others secretly filmed me, which made it on the front page of the social news. I was also taken to the police station." Others said that he pushed forward the plan of the Ministry of Political Science and Law for two years, and Hong Kong quickly formulated a law on shooting flying car explosions. It is precisely because it has produced too much news that the temporarily named Plan B is simply called Plan B. Later, Plan B went to Hokkaido Film Festival, and Luo Lixian was shortlisted for the youngest director award. "When I went to Japan in 1991, I saw people walking in a hurry, but I couldn't walk on the sidewalk. By 1998, Hong Kong people were just like the Japanese, even faster than the Japanese.". Now most action movies are kungfu, which is just an advantage compared with foreign countries, where there is no Chinese martial arts. What I did, 007 had done more than ten years ago. What I wanted to do was similar to him. I wanted to follow their lead. The movements are beyond martial arts. I can do things other than martial arts. " When the director Luo Lixian's staff commented on his film making, they lost their temper. Like a typhoon, he would not swear, but everyone knew his power. "When I'm angry, I usually don't talk and use my eyes to express my anger. I start from the most basic level. When I make a movie, I will be very clear about what goes wrong. Sometimes I can accept it. When I can't accept it, I will be fired." Just because he is at the forefront, he knows the power of a director, "that is a very important link, the implementation of the whole department. I usually take a more open attitude, integrate some good elements and combine good experience. Of course, we should have our own guiding ideology. " "I make movies with strong visual impact because I often see things from the inside. The explosion is very close to me, right beside me or on my body, and I know how it feels. These are not easy to do. When I drive a motorcycle, I fall once a month, and I know how far I can fall after falling." Referring to his ideal of directing, he said, "Let people know that I took it at a glance."

From film to life

Luo Lixian
"Making a movie requires a life experience. Even if you haven't really done it, you should have seen it. It's something that happened. I drove a fast car, flipped over quickly, stretched out my legs, and pulled them back by feeling. At that time, there was no time to think, and it was all driven by the instinctive sense of survival." Stunt is a very risky career, Life and death may be just a thought, and Luo Lixian, who is naturally active, may be more adventurous in life than in movies. "The sense of that kind of consciousness is like a slow motion camera. There were two or three times, both at the moment of life and death. One time, when I was almost drowned by water, I was able to save myself more clearly." "The other time, there was an accident. I drove my motorcycle into someone else's car, and both the motorcycle and I were hit into the sky. I felt myself getting up and down again. The people seemed very light. I watched the light getting closer to me. The speed was four to five times the usual speed. It was very slow. There was no sound‘ Where is this place? Am I going to die? ' I saw the pole and said, 'Wow, why is it so high?' Then he fell down and went farther and farther... "Will he let his children learn kungfu? He would say that it is useless to protect children now. There are rules of the game everywhere. You should understand this truth when you are young. "When I was young, my father wouldn't let me race cars or buy a car for me. I told them that I would ride very slowly. Once, when I was racing, they were surprised to see my parents passing by me. As for the future, it's not what I want my child to do, but what he wants. Many parents say that they want their children to do what they want, and no one listens to their children's own opinions. If you throw people into the water, they will die if they can't swim. The child may not engage in sports in the future, but sports are good for him. "For example, to participate in the Sanda competition, you can feel the law of the jungle in advance here. If you don't beat him, he will beat you. Some people say that it's better for me not to compare with others. Is it because you don't compare with others, they won't compare with you? It won't matter, you can't stop." "Now parents are a wall, blocking the flood, but the water will slowly come in. If you are strong enough, you can open the door and escape. If you are not strong enough, you will be gradually flooded. " Some people said that Luo Lixian was dancing on the edge of a knife, and their money was earned from blood. They are really close to death, but the truth is that Luo Lixian often said, "If you are not afraid after this pass, you can do anything. Like soldiers, you are different from those who have never been to the battlefield. Don't make yourself too comfortable, challenge yourself, and you will not be able to bear it for a long time. So, keep pace with the battle."

Award record

Hong Kong Film Awards
Award time Award Name award-winning work Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine The 18th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Action Guidance Award Plan B nomination
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven The 16th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Action Guidance Award [4] Flying Tiger nomination
Golden Horse Award
Award time Award Name award-winning work Award results
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six The 33rd Taiwan Film Golden Horse Award Best Action Guidance Award [4] Flying Tiger nomination