
A subfamily of Indo European languages
zero Useful+1
Romance Languages, also known as the Latin language family, belong to Indo European , mainly including French Italian Spanish Portuguese Catalan Galician romanian Romance Etc.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Romance Languages
Latin languages
A subfamily of Indo European languages

brief introduction

The Roman language family mainly includes the languages of the Roman language family. People who speak Roman languages mainly include "Europeans" in the traditional sense. After the collapse of European countries around the era, European languages also produced various languages with different regions. These languages are Romance languages Language. There are great differences among the languages of the Roman family as languages. For example, Romanian article And preposition substitution grammatical complex case changes; Roman pragmatics auxiliary verb To form the compound tense, which is not available in other languages.
There are significant differences between Roman languages. The reasons for these differences include: isolation of historical traditions, European Regionality The influence of archaisms, frequent wars in Europe and social change , and The Renaissance Various periods Regional culture Conflict and integration between them, etc.

Historical evolution

Romance is the word romanice in European language. In this language, the word is an adverb of romanicus, meaning "in the Roman way".


The main differences between the two are:
except romanian In addition, there is no case change in other languages. In Roman languages, nouns usually have only two grammaticalities, while in grammar, nouns have three grammaticalities. Of course, there are special cases. For example, Romanian and Italian have some neutral nouns, while Spanish, German and Catalan have some neutral pronouns.
The demonstrative word in grammar is an article in Roman, which has a different form of future tense in Roman, and combines the "conditional" form. In classical language, the word "habere" (equivalent to "to have" in English) has become an important auxiliary verb to form tenses. Many important tenses are formed by the perfect aspect or incomplete aspect of the word and the corresponding transformation of the verb.
In grammar, the "comprehensive perfect tense" in Roman is a composite tense of auxiliary verbs with the meaning equivalent to English to be or to have and past participles of verbs. However, in Portuguese and French, there are "past perfect tenses", while in Romanian, there are two kinds of perfect tenses, and their meanings are basically the same. There is also the "past perfect tense" in Romanian, which is only used in the direct form and is reflected by the verb affix - se. In grammar, this affix is an affix - isse of the virtual past perfect tense.

present situation

The five most widely used Roman languages are: Spanish (352 million), Portuguese (more than 200 million), French (190 million), Italian (nearly 150 million), Romanian (26 million).
In Roman languages, grammatically complex Inflectional change And grammatical structures are greatly simplified. Italian Sardinian It is closest to language.
The languages within the Roman language family share the same pronunciation with each other Similarity , geographically close languages usually have common parts. Portuguese, French and Romanian are the most unique languages in the Romanian language family Three languages And their uniqueness is different. Sardinia is the most isolated and conservative language in the Roman language family. Access to Southern France Languedoc is regarded as the most typical western Romanian language.
In Romance language development In its history, Sardinia was the first language to split into independent languages, followed by Romanian in the east. The third important process is Italian and Gaul -The separation of Iberian languages. At this time, France and Iberian Peninsula The languages of various countries are still highly consistent. The fourth major change in Roman language is Iberian Peninsula The language of Spanish and Portuguese separated from French and gradually formed two very similar modern languages: Spanish and Portuguese.
Catalan, which is spoken in eastern Spain, is considered to be French and Iberian Intermediate product , because of this hybridization It has many characteristics of French, Spanish and Portuguese. For example, the word "fear" in English is medo in Portuguese, miedo in Spanish, por in Catalan, and pear in French.
There are many dialects in Roman languages, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish which are "dialects" and which are independent languages. The reason why many languages have relatively prominent status is that they are government, media and Schooling The language used, such as French, Spanish, Italian, etc.
And many languages Local schools There are also professors with certain official status, but they are much weaker, such as Sardinian and Romance Etc. Some languages have long been ignored by the authorities, such as those in southern France Provence Language Italy Domestic Venetian wait. If these languages still have some vitality, others are more vulnerable, such as Asturian Aragon The future is even bleaker, and we are in danger of extinction at any time. These languages (or dialects) are only used in a very narrow range and are gradually shrinking.

Common characteristics

Romance languages As the same language family, they have a lot in common in linguistics. Its common features mainly include:

General changes

The grammatical changes of Roman languages mainly depend on the verb Inflection , rather than relying on adhesive ingredients. This means that the description of action depends more on the change of the verb itself than on the "verb+preposition" structure like go in in English. This is also the Roman language Word formation Important features of.
Roman languages often use two auxiliary verb To form tenses from the perspective of grammar Infinitive One is used to describe the essence and the other is used to describe the state.
The verbs in Romance should be transposed according to the different persons and numbers. third person There are usually grammatical differences between the first and Second person None. This and Hebrew Similarly, the difference is that all Hebrew people have sex and number changes.
Almost all Roman languages still have Honorific words For example, in French, "you" is Tu, and "you" is Vous. This feature is called the "T-V difference" of Roman language.
All Roman language nouns have grammatical differences, but usually the nouns themselves are not inflected, although Latin Chinese nouns have case variations.
In terms of pronunciation, Roman languages usually translate stress Put it on the penultimate syllable (in French, the stress is placed on the last syllable, because most French words abandon the last vowel of the language vocabulary), and Roman language usually has some special provisions to eliminate glottalic , blocking consonants, etc. on the overall aesthetic feeling of the language (for example, there is a provision of "joint recitation" in French). These characteristics make all Roman languages have morpheme Fast and fluent intonation.

Written form

The letters W and K are rarely used, usually names and Loanwords Medium.
When the letters C and G precede the first vowel (such as i, e, etc.), they should be softened, and when the latter vowel (such as a, o, u), they should be pronounced harder Velar
In most Romanian languages, some adjectives representing nationality and nouns representing week, month and year usually do not need to be capitalized, which is different from Germanic languages. For example, in French, "Chinese" is written as chinois, not Chinois.



Plural noun

In some Romanian languages, Plural noun Is determined by the singular number of nouns Suffix It is formed by adding the letter s, which is from Latin Binge The plural form of nouns evolved. Roman languages that formed the plural form of nouns in this way include Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Provencal and French. However, in some languages, the plural of nouns is determined by the suffix vowel It is formed by changes, and this feature is derived from Latin nominative The plural form of nouns evolved. The languages in this category include Italian and Romanian.

Final vowel

Some Roman languages have abandoned the non stressed vowels at the end of words. For example, the word moon in European language is still Luna in Italian, but Lune in French. Languages that still retain final vowels include Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Romanian. French abandons final vowels.
Those languages that have abandoned the final vowels have also changed their lexical stress system, from the last syllable to the last syllable.

Constituent words

There are also two kinds of comparative words in Roman languages, one is the language word plus, the other is the word magis. The languages that adopt the former form include French (plus) and Italian (pi ù); The latter is used in Portuguese (mais), Spanish (m á s), Catalan (m é s), Provencal and Romanian (mai).

Digit 16

In Roman language, the number "16" plays a very special role in the counting system. In addition to Romanian, Roman languages generally use "1+10", "2+10"... structures to represent 11-15, "10+7", "10+8"... structures to represent 17-19. And 16 as the Dividing line , in each language Expression method Different, Catalan and Italian use "6+10"; Portuguese and Spanish use "10+6".

auxiliary verb

Some Romanian languages use auxiliary verbs (equivalent to English to have) to form compound tenses (such as French“ Past tense ”Some languages distinguish between verbs, some verbs are made with have, and some are made with be. The languages that only use have include Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, etc. The languages that mix the two auxiliary verbs include French, Italian and Provencal.
In the latter kind of Roman languages, the compound tense verbs formed by be are usually used intransitive verb , this Quasi verb It is usually described that Define goals Or indicate the state of the action. For example, "come", "go", "become", etc. However, most verbs still use "have" to form compound tenses.

language variety

the West The global activities of the Romanian language spread beyond Europe and spread to all parts of the world. Spanish, Portuguese and French are particularly influential. These languages spread overseas and hybridization Then various mixed languages and language variety Here are some important variants of the Roman language:

French variant


  • Angolar, Mainly used in Sao Tome
  • F á d'Amb ô, passing through Equatorial Guinea
  • Crioulo, Access to Cape Verde Bawenlanto Island.
  • Daman - India - Portuguese, widely used in Daman and Diu regions of India.
  • Diu - India - Portuguese, widely used in Dammam and Diu regions of India, is almost extinct.
  • Forro, It passes through Sao Tome Island.
  • Malay Portuguese, commonly used in some parts of Malaysia.
  • Kristi, It passes through some villages in Korre, India.
  • Lunguy ê, passing through Principe , almost extinct.
  • Patu á or Macanese, Macao Portuguese, is widely used in Macao, China.
  • Papiamento , access to Netherlands Andreas Islands and Aruba Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch are mixed languages.
  • Surinamese , used in South American countries Suriname , is a hybrid language of English and Portuguese.
  • Sri Lanka India Portuguese, commonly used in some coastal cities in Sri Lanka.
  • Guinean Portuguese It is widely used in African countries Guinea-Bissau and Senegal Mixed languages in some regions.


Artificial language

Various European and Roman languages have also promoted Artificial language Development of. For example, the famous Esperanto Latin International Artificial languages such as Lexical system


The following is a common Romantic language classification method
East Romanian Branch
  • Istra Romanian (Romanian, Istro)
  • Romanian Macedonian Romanian (Romanian, Macedo)
  • Megolino Romanian (Romanian, Megleno)
West Iberian
Pyrenean Mozarabic
Gallo- Italian
Gallo Romance
Ibero Romance
Italian Dalmatian Branch
Siloman Branch
South Romanian Branch (Island Language Branch)

Language List

Because the Roman language has undergone very complex changes in the process of historical development, there has always been controversy about the division of various language factions within the Roman language family, and many languages have not yet been conclusively concluded.
The following is a detailed list of the languages and dialects of the Roman language family:



Italian languages

East Romanian Branch