Web page production

Infrastructure and information platform for enterprises to carry out e-commerce
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Webpage creation is a website Planner , Network programmer Web Designer And other posts, applying various network program development technologies and Web Design Technology for enterprises and institutions , companies or individuals in the world internet Build a site on and include Domain name registration query And hosting services.
Chinese name
Web page production
Foreign name
Web page creation


A website is a way for enterprises to provide information (including products and services) to users and netizens. Web page production is the infrastructure and information platform for enterprises to carry out e-commerce. It is impossible to talk about e-commerce without a website (or just use a third-party website). The website of an enterprise is called "network trademark", which is also an integral part of the intangible assets of the enterprise. The website is an important window to publicize and reflect the corporate image and culture on Internet. Web page production refers to the use of markup language (foreign language: M arkup L anguage)。

brief introduction

Web page production should be able to fully attract the attention of visitors, so that visitors have a sense of visual pleasure. Therefore, when creating web pages, we must closely combine the overall design of the website with the relevant principles of web page design. Website Design Yes will Planning case The content in, the theme mode of the website, and the combination of their own understanding through artistic techniques; Web page production is usually to Web Designer The designed design draft is used according to the W3C specification Html language Make it into web page format.


The following steps are for website creation:
  • Functional specifications to be evaluated;
  • Competition research;
  • Structure (tree) of development, Webpage Content and presentation of;
  • Create a web interface (also called web design);
  • Web site integration with different programming languages. Primary HTML Standard Universal Markup Language Next application), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS for short), JavaScript ,PHP, ASP.NET
  • Establish a website content management system (CMS);
  • Reservation and management of domain name (website address, website access);
  • Launch an FTP server to allow the hosted website to continuously connect to the web page files on the web server on the Internet;
  • Creating a website can be entrusted to a third party or produced by yourself. To build your own website, it can use a web editor.


Web page production
Web design refers to the use of markup language, through a series of design modeling The processes of,, and transmit information in electronic format through the Internet, and finally graphical user interface The form of GUI is browsed by users.
In short, the purpose of web design is to create a website. What is a website The server The combination of a series of web pages within, after the end user sends a request [[The server transmits the required information to the user through the transmission of specific web pages. Simple information such as text, pictures (GIF, JPEG, PNG) and tables can be placed on the website page by using HTML/XHTML/XML. More complex information such as vector graphics, animation, video and audio needs Plug ins For example, Flash, QuickTime, Java run-time environment, And so on. These plug-ins are also embedded into the web page through HTML/XHTML/XML.
With the browser and W3C standard Improvement of consistency, XHTML / XML Extensible Markup Language )And Cascading Style Sheets CSS has been widely accepted and used as the design of web content. The latest standards and suggestions are towards the expansion and improvement of browser capabilities, so that it can be transmitted to users without plug-in programs Multimedia information And more choices.


Generally, web pages can be divided into Static Web Page and Dynamic webpage
The content and format of static web pages generally do not change, and only the network administrator can update the pages as needed.
The content of dynamic web pages varies with user input and interaction, or changes with user, time, data modification, etc. The content on the web page can also be used by the user by using the client description language( JavaScript , JScript, Actionscript,). Of course, it is more common to use the server side description language (Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, And so on) to change the content of dynamic web pages. Both client and server changes require more complex application software.
With the more specialized information technology, more and more obvious trends show that web design and website development will gradually become two different fields.
Web pages are media that promote relevant information to the public by means of art composition, program interaction, animation, etc., so web page design includes several major parts:
Layout composition (see graphic design)
Program development (see web application)
Website content management (see Content management system Information Architecture).


Hypertext Markup Language( Standard Universal Markup Language There is more and more information on the network, and the website must have an attractive appearance to increase the number of visitors and achieve the purpose of publicity. People began to pay attention to the appearance of web pages, and HTML became more complex and flexible. Forms, originally a tool for presenting data more neatly, have become adobe pagemaker The appearance of CSS makes the table based design look outdated. The server technology has also changed the structure of the network. Users can choose their browsing mode and appearance. The emergence of Flash has opened a new way for designers and media creators. In addition to attractive appearance, there is also an important consideration: Network accessibility That is, whether the user can easily read the information.
because XML Standard Universal Markup Language The next subset). XHTML 1.0 became a W3C recommendation on January 26, 2000, that is, HTML will become obsolete over time.


Liquidity vs. fixed typesetting
Web page production
gross Website designer There was an absolute limit in every place Graphic designer But in Web browser , but cannot control some factors, especially the width of the browser.
Some designers define their web pages in fixed size tables, and the width of each part has accurate data. Generally, they use a certain value, which is called fixed layout. However, some people think this is not good because of this design Neglect Users' settings, they use flow typesetting, and the width of the web page is defined by percentage, so the web page will change according to the browser's screen resolution. However, the mobile typesetting is not necessarily suitable for the growing screen, because when people's eyes read horizontally, too long words will increase the difficulty of reading. On the contrary, about a dozen words, that is, new lines, will be better absorbed by visitors. Flash
Adobe Flash software can easily achieve some gorgeous image effects and can also be programmed, so it has appeared on many websites in recent years. Some websites completely replace HTML with Flash. [1]
However, Flash brings many problems:
Search Engines Unable to record Flash content
Blind people can't get their content through text reading software
So most people will not take Flash as the main design. Flash usually becomes the opening screen on the home page or a small game on the website.


Web page production
In the past, most web pages used tables for layout design. The advantage of this method is that it is fast in design and production. Especially in visual web page editors, such as Microsoft FrontPage, this design is intuitive and convenient. However, this makes more and more complex layouts require many nested table designs, resulting in Web page code It becomes lengthy and complex, which increases the size of the file and is not easy to be searched by search engines. At the same time, this is not conducive to the revision of large websites.
So as mainstream web browsers CSS In recent years, a new web design model has emerged with the increasing support of. The core of the revolution called "web page reconstruction" by the industry lies in separation Webpage The style and content of the page (foreign language: Separation of style and content), and the index language (such as HTML, XML) are responsible for defining the content of the page, but can not define anything related to the appearance (style) of the website. The style of the website is in the charge of another CSS file. In terms of typesetting, the new mode advocates the use of DIV defined by CSS for page typesetting, while restoring tables to the original function of arranging data. This mode has many advantages, for example, it can help search engines find web pages, reduce file references and improve browsing speed, and because one CSS file can control multiple pages, it also brings great convenience to the revision.
Since W3C is a strong advocate of this model, the industry can automatically detect the situation of the website on the W3C website after identifying whether the webpage conforms to the W3C standard.
This mode also has disadvantages, one of which is that the effect will be different in different browsers, but this situation is mainly due to the many defects in Microsoft's Internet Explorer's support for CSS documents. on the other hand, Start design In CSS, the target cannot be clearly seen, so it is not intuitive.
A web page is actually a file, which is stored in a computer somewhere in the world, and this computer must be connected to the Internet. Web pages are identified and accessed through the web address (URL). When we enter the web address in the browser, through a complex and fast program, the web file will be sent to your computer, and then the content of the web page will be explained through the browser, and then displayed to your eyes.

starting point

● Design website logo. LOGO refers to the logo of the website, which can be Chinese, English letters, symbols, patterns, etc. The design creativity of the logo should come from the name and content of the website. For example, the representative characters, animals and plants in the website can be used as the blueprint for design, and can be carded or artistic; A professional website can be marked with representative items of its own specialty. Most commonly used and The simplest way It is called the logo by the English name of your website. It is easy to make your own logo by using different fonts, letter deformations, and letter combinations.
● Design website colors. The first impression of the website comes from the visual impact. Different color combinations have different effects and may affect the mood of visitors. "Standard color" refers to the color that can reflect the image of the website and extend the connotation, and is used for the logo, title, main menu and main color block of the website. It gives people a sense of unity. As for other colors, they can also be used, but they should only be used as embellishment and foil, and must not dominate. Generally speaking, the standard colors of a website are no more than 3, and too many are dazzling. The colors suitable for web page standard colors are: blue, yellow/orange, black/gray/white.
● Design website fonts. Like standard colors, standard fonts refer to unique fonts used for signs, titles, and main menus. The default font for general web pages is Tahoma In order to reflect the "distinctive" and unique style of the site, you can choose some special fonts as needed. Producers can choose more appropriate fonts according to the connotation expressed on their websites. It should be noted that the use of non default fonts can only be in the form of pictures, because it is likely that there is no special font installed in the browser's computer, so hard design and production may be in vain.
● Design website slogan. It can also be said that the spirit, theme and center of the website, or the goal of the website, can be summarized in a sentence or a word. Summarize the website with powerful words or words and carry out external publicity, which can receive better results.

Main point 1

Determine site theme
Web page production
To build a website, the first thing that must be solved is the content of the website, that is, to determine the theme of the website. PC Magazine of the United States ranked the top 100 well-known websites in the United States in 1999 in ten categories: Category 1: online job hunting; Category 2: Online chat / Instant messaging /ICQ; Category 3: Online community/discussion/ mailing list Category 4: computer technology Category 5: Web pages/ Website development Category 6: Entertainment websites; Category 7: Travel; Category 8: Reference/information; Category 9: family/education; Category 10: life/fashion. We can refer to the above classification and continue to subdivide. If you are interested in some aspects or have more information, you can also do something you are interested in. On the one hand, you can have your own opinions and make your own characteristics; On the other hand, you won't feel bored or powerless when making websites. Interest is the power to create websites. Without enthusiasm for creation, it is difficult to design and produce excellent works
The selection of content theme should be small and refined, the theme orientation should be small, and the content should be refined. Don't try to create an all embracing website. This will often lose the characteristics of the website, and will also bring about high intensity labor, which will make it difficult to update the website in a timely manner. Remember: there is only the first, no second on the Internet!

Main point 2

Select a domain name
Web page production
Domain name is the name of a website on the Internet. The value of a pure information service website that is not a product promotion lies in its Site Domain Name above. If you lose this domain name, you will turn all the previous labour to nothing
do Personal website Many of them rely on free personal space, and their domain names also depend on Free domain name Pointing, such as Netease In fact, the virtual domain name service of the Internet is very harmful to the promotion and development of personal websites. Not only does its "timely" window hinder the sight and goodwill of visitors, which makes people know that it is a personal website at a glance, but also hinders the transmission speed of web pages. So, from my personal point of view, first of all, spend some money to register a domain name. An independent domain name is the first wealth of a personal website. It should be vivid, simple and easy to remember.

Main point 4

Determine the website interface
Web page production
The interface is the first impression of the website to the visitors, which often determines the viewability of the website. When determining the interface of the website, the following three points should be paid attention to:
① Column and plate arrangement
Building a website is like writing a paper. You need to list an outline first, so that you can have a clear theme and level. For beginners of website construction, the most common mistake is to start production immediately after determining the theme, without reasonable planning. Resulting in Site Structure Unclear, complicated and disordered catalogue, and disordered plate arrangement. As a result, not only did the viewers get confused, but the producers themselves also had great difficulty in expanding and maintaining the website. Therefore, we must consider the arrangement of columns and plates before we start to make web pages. After the theme of the website is determined, it is necessary to make a reasonable arrangement of the information collected. For example, put some of the most attractive content in the most prominent position or occupy a dominant position in the layout. The essence of a column is an outline index of a website, and the index should clearly show the main body of the website. When formulating columns, we should carefully consider and make reasonable arrangements. In column arrangement, attention should be paid to:
● Delete columns irrelevant to the theme as far as possible;
● List the most valuable content in the website on the column as far as possible;
● Arrange columns from the perspective of visitors as far as possible to facilitate visitors' browsing and inquiry; Auxiliary content, such as site introduction, copyright information and personal information, need not be placed in the main column to avoid diluting the theme.
In addition, the arrangement of plates should also be reasonably arranged and divided. The concept of plates is larger than that of columns. Each plate has its own columns. For example: ENET Silicon Valley Power's website is divided into news, products, games, colleges and other sections, and each section has its own main column below. Generally speaking, there is less content on personal websites, so it is enough to divide them into columns, and there is no need to set plates. If it is necessary to set plates, attention should be paid to:
● Each plate shall be relatively independent;
● Each plate shall be interrelated;
● The content of each module should focus on the site theme;
② Directory structure and link structure
The directory of a website refers to the directory created when a website is created. For example, when you create a website with Frontpage, it is created by default root directory And Images Subdirectory The structure of the directory is easy to ignore stationmaster All subdirectories are created without planning. The quality of the directory structure does not give much impression to the visitors, but it has an important impact on the maintenance of the site itself, the expansion and migration of the content in the future. Therefore, the directory structure should also be carefully arranged, such as:
● Do not store all files in the root directory. yes Website production For convenience, all files are placed in the root directory. This can easily lead to: disordered file management, confusion about which files need to be edited and updated, which useless files can be deleted, and which are associated files, affecting work efficiency; The upload speed is slow, and the server usually root directory Create a file index. If all files are placed in the root directory, even if only one file is uploaded and updated, the server needs to retrieve all files again to create a new one Index file It is obvious that the larger the number of files, the longer the waiting time will be.
Web page production
● Set up according to column content Subdirectory To create a subdirectory, first create it according to the main column. There are many content of friendship connection, and independent subdirectories can be established for those that need to be updated frequently. Some columns that are highly relevant and do not need to be updated frequently, such as website introduction and webmaster information, can be merged into a unified directory. All programs are generally stored in a specific directory. For example, CGI programs are stored in the cgi bin directory, and all downloaded content should also be stored in a directory for easy maintenance and management. ● Create an independent Images directory under each main directory. Generally speaking, a site root directory There is a default Images directory under. It is inconvenient to store all pictures in this directory. For example, when deleting a column, the management of pictures is quite troublesome. Therefore, it is convenient to establish an independent Images directory for each main column. The reason is simple. It is convenient for maintenance and management.
Other things to note are: the level of the directory should not be too deep, not more than three levels; Do not use a Chinese directory, which may cause difficulties for the correct display of the website; Do not use too long directory names, which are not easy to remember; Try to use a meaningful directory to facilitate memory and management.
The link structure of a website refers to the topological structure of links between pages. It is based on the directory structure, but can span directories. Figuratively, every page is a fixed point, and a link is a line between two fixed points. A point can be connected to one point or multiple points. More importantly, these points are not distributed in a plane, but exist in a three-dimensional space. Generally, there are two basic ways to establish the link structure of a website:
● The tree link structure (one-to-one) is similar to the directory structure of DOS. The first page link points to the first level page, and the first level page link points to the second level page. When browsing such a link structure, it is clear to enter and exit at one level, and visitors know exactly where they are and will not get lost. The disadvantage is that the browsing efficiency is low. When a sub page under one column goes to a sub page under another column, it must go around the home page.
● Star link structure (one to many), similar network service Each page has a link to each other. This is convenient for browsing, and you can reach your favorite page at any time. However, because there are too many links, it is easy to make the visitors lose their way, and they can't figure out where they are and how much they have seen.
Therefore, in actual website design, these two structures are always mixed together. The website hopes that the visitors can reach the page they need quickly and easily, and can clearly know their location. Therefore, the best way is to use a star link structure between the first page and the first page, and a tree link structure between the first page and the second page. The design of link structure is very important in the actual web page production. What kind of link structure is used directly affects the layout of the layout.

Main point 5

Determine website style
"Style" is abstract, which refers to the comprehensive feeling of the overall image of the site to the visitors. This "overall image" includes CI (logo, color, font, slogan), layout, browsing method, interactivity, text, tone, content value and many other factors of the site. The website can be approachable, lively, or professional and serious. Whether it's color, technology, text, layout, or interaction mode, as long as you can make the viewer clearly distinguish that this is unique to your website, it forms the "style" of the website.
The style is human. Through the website's color, technology, text, layout, and interaction mode, the personality of a website can be summarized: it is rough and unconstrained, or fresh and beautiful; Is it gentle and elegant, or persistent and enthusiastic; Is it lively and changeable, or is it stereotypical.
In short, the difference between a styled website and an ordinary website is that what you see on an ordinary website is just information piled up together, and you can only describe it with rational feelings, such as the amount of information, the speed of browsing, etc; On a styled website, you can get more perceptual knowledge besides content, such as the site's taste, attitude to visitors, etc.
After making clear what impression you want to give, you should find out the most distinctive thing in the website, which is the thing that best reflects the style of the website. And take it as the characteristics of the website to focus on strengthening and publicity. In short, the formation of style is not a one-time positioning, you can constantly strengthen, adjust and improve in practice.

Main point 6

Creative content selection
Good content selection requires good creativity. As a web design producer, the most troublesome thing is that there is no good content creativity. The most creative ideas on the Internet come from the combination of virtual and reality. The purpose of creativity is to better publicize and promote the website. If the creativity is good, but it is meaningless for the website development, then the website design producer should also give up this creativity. In addition, the home page content is the root of the website. If the content is empty, even if the page is no more beautiful, there will not be many users. Fundamentally, website content still dominates Website traffic Content Is King is still the key to the success of personal websites.

Essentials 7

Promote your website
The marketing promotion of websites also plays an important role in the operation of personal websites. Before promoting personal websites, please ensure that the following contents have been done well: rich, accurate and timely website information; The website technology has a certain professional level, and the website interaction is good. Generally speaking, there are several ways to promote websites:
(1) Search engine registration And search directory login skills
Registering a famous search engine site is the first step in promoting the website technically. There are certain skills in registering search engines. Search engines such as AltaVista and searchers automatically include submitted URLs. In addition, pay attention to the use of Meta. Do not submit a columnar Frame page. Most search engines do not recognize Frame, so you must submit a Main page with content.
While search directory websites such as Yahoo and Sohu use manual methods to include URLs to ensure the quality of the included websites. The information obtained in classified queries is more relevant than that of search engine sites (which are automatically searched by Spider). Due to search directory Website inclusion There are relatively many human factors on the website, so you should pay attention to the rules when submitting the website. For example, Yahoo requires that the description of the registered site should not exceed 25 words. Note here: submit the website to the most appropriate directory, carefully introduce the website in detail, and do not have false and exaggerated elements.
(2) Advertising exchange skills
Many personal websites put forward several conditions when exchanging advertisements with each other: first, the number of visitors is equal; Second, home page exchange. Obviously, this is to make full use of advertising exchange. With the experience of many personal websites, when working with a personal website Exchange Links When the other party put the website logo on the friendship link page instead of the home page, few visitors will come from there. Usually on the home page, advertising exchange will have a good effect.
(3) Target Email Promotion
When using e-mail to promote the website, the main skills are as follows: you can use the free mailing list as long as you apply for free Mailing List Service , you can use the mailing list to promote your website; You can send information to specific network groups by collecting specific email addresses to promote your website in specific network groups; Sending an email in HTML format, even if its content has little to do with the recipient, will not be deleted as spam immediately. People will at least pay attention to the sender's address. However, we should pay attention to network ethics when promoting email.


When personal websites reach a certain level, making money must be put on the agenda. Generally speaking, there are two channels for personal websites to obtain funds:
(1) Advertising space of sales website
To sell advertising space on websites, generally speaking, websites with less than 10000 daily traffic will not attract advertisers. The professional and commercial nature of the website, past advertising experience, technology and design requirements will also affect the sales of advertising.
Generally speaking, there are three ways to charge for web advertisements:
①CPM (Cost Per Million/Thousand)
Put an advertisement, which charges per 1000 person times to visit the site. This method is most suitable for website operators. As long as someone browses the page, they will get money, regardless of whether the visitors respond to the advertisement - whether they will read or click the advertisement.
② Click through
Through Banner advertising, we arrived advertiser This is what counts. Advertisers like this. They only "get money" for people who are interested in their own advertising. Website operators are not suitable. According to some survey data, only 3% of visitors will go to "CLICK" advertising.
③ Commission
According to the sales revenue generated by visitors clicking on the ads on your site, share it with the advertising manufacturers. This method is more risky for website operators than the above two methods.
Generally, the advertising charging method of personal websites is often a combination of the first and second methods Commercial capital Take fewer risks.
(2) Cooperation with large websites
In addition, by cooperating with large websites and obtaining funds, you can also maintain the daily operation of personal websites. However, personal websites can easily become commercial website Accessories of.
With time and abundant physical strength, plus the study and application of new technologies and techniques, you can build a home for yourself online.


1. Automatic focus of input control and switching input focus with keyboard
Use JavaScript to automatically focus to the first input control immediately after the page is loaded. The TAB key (IE default implementation) or the direction key can be used to switch the focus to the next input control.
2. You can press Enter (or Ctrl+Enter) to submit, ensuring the same effect as clicking Submit
Do not add JavaScript code such as onClick="..." on the submit button.
3. Mouse action prompt and response
For the user's mouse positioning operation, when moving to a responsive position, a visual or auditory prompt should be given.
4. Validate the validity of input data at the client as early as possible
The validity of input data should be verified by JavaScript on the client side. Unless the verification can only be completed on the server side, the verification should be carried out at the earliest possible time.
5. Decide whether to use the intermediate transition page between the form page and the returned page after submission according to the application scenario
According to the application scenario, decide whether to display the receiving form page (the intermediate transition page between the form page and the returned page after submission), and how to display the receiving form page.
6. Prevent repeated submission of forms
The submit button will be grayed out after being clicked to avoid users submitting the same form repeatedly when the network response is slow. Use page expiration to prevent users from back browsing and submitting forms repeatedly.
7. The principle of page link is to open a new window, use the original window or pop up window
In general, links on the home page can use the target="_blank" attribute to open a new window, while links on other pages should use the original window or pop-up window. If the content of the linked page is not important relative to the original page and is of an affiliated nature, you can use the pop-up window method.
8. Arrange as few options as possible and arrange as few operation steps as possible
Arrange as few operation menu options as possible according to user's operation habits, and ensure as few operation steps as possible.
9. There is no loophole in the operation logic to ensure that the data is safe for operation
The logical relationship between operations on multiple pages and multiple operations on the same page is safe and rigorous in design. Ensure that there will be no combination of user operations that are not allowed, or at least no error caused by improper user operations.

technological process

Web design is a very comprehensive work, involving business planning, graphic design, human-computer interface, programming language and database.
Web design is generally divided into three parts: planning, foreground and background. Generally, it is completed by the cooperation of three different professionals. It is difficult for a website completed by one person to be professional in all aspects. Therefore, website design is generally completed by the team.
Citation planning
The overall positioning, functional planning, application analysis, process design and content architecture organization of the website.
Design and production of website pages, including layout planning, color application, layout design, slice output, page integration, animation and Multimedia Design , interactive link design and page code writing. (From here, it can be seen that the task of front desk artists is very heavy, and also involves corporate image , labor capacity of potential image advertising. It has paid potential market value for the company as a whole. Alas, all industries do not attach importance to art, resulting in the emphasis on procedures. This is also the reason why many websites and software functions and effects are prone to errors)
Program design, data operation, function realization, management interface and management function design, etc.
The knowledge you need to learn varies according to the tasks you face. Focus Interface design Of, should be in graphic design Work hard on visual creativity, and be familiar with web standards Markup Language , embedded language, script language, database, etc.