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Online recruitment

Help enterprise managers recruit through technical means
Online recruitment, also known as e-recruitment, refers to the process of helping enterprise personnel managers complete recruitment through the use of technical means. That is, the enterprise uses its own website, a third party Recruitment website Stations and other organizations, using resume database or Search Engines And other tools to complete the recruitment process.
As of April 30, 2020, the special action of "One Hundred Days, Ten Million Online Recruitment" entered the sixth week, and all regions and market entities stepped up efforts to promote it. A total of 1.48 million employers issued 15.11 million job demands. [1]
From March 1, 2021《 Regulations on Online Recruitment Service Management 》Implementation. In March 2022, Xinhua News Agency reporters found that some online recruitment platforms had many problems such as "water content" of recruitment information, disorderly management of recruitment accounts, and even involved fraud and pornography, resulting in illegal infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of job seekers. [3]
Chinese name
Online recruitment
Help enterprise managers through technical means recruit
Main methods
Register as a member of the talent website
Current situation
stay U.S.A Countries such as
Wide coverage, strong timeliness and low cost
Low information authenticity

Main methods

Online recruitment
The concept that enterprises use information technology to help integrate resources has gradually been implemented in Chinese enterprises. Computer assisted production, marketing, finance, research and development and other aspects of management and operation have been practiced for many years, only the electronic human resource management( eHR ), is a hot topic in recent years. According to the practice of enterprises at home and abroad, the main forms of eHR include: electronic recruitment, electronic training E-learning , electronic communication and electronic evaluation, among which e-Recruiting has developed most rapidly. How to establish e-Recruiting to enable HR personnel to focus more on the core of the enterprise's competition - talent, so as to increase the overall competitiveness of the enterprise, and also improve the competitiveness of HR personnel within the enterprise is a new topic of concern for all HR personnel.
There are two main ways of online recruitment: one is to register as a member of a talent website, publish recruitment information on the talent website, collect information about job seekers, and inquire about suitable talents; First, publish recruitment information on the enterprise website to attract talents.

Advantage description


Wide coverage

The coverage of the Internet is unmatched by any previous media, and its tentacles can easily extend to every corner of the world. Relying on the characteristics of the Internet, online recruitment has achieved the effect that traditional recruitment methods cannot obtain. In 2000, IBM only posted posters in 14 schools in 7 cities across the country through online recruitment, and did not carry out any promotional activities on campus. Instead, it received more than 13000 resumes from overseas students in Britain, the United States, Japan, Australia and other places, and the number of schools far exceeded 14. The coverage of recruitment activities was beyond the company's own expectations.

Strong timeliness

Both parties of online recruitment complete information exchange through interactive online login and query. This method is different from the traditional recruitment method. It does not require absolute consistency in time and space, which facilitates the choice of time for both parties. The Internet itself is not limited by time, region, service cycle and distribution channels. It can not only transfer information quickly, but also update information instantly. This kind of online communication based on the initiative of both recruitment parties has completed timely and rapid interaction in silence.

Lower cost

Online recruitment has great advantages in cost saving. For graduates, the transmission of resumes can be completed with a click of the mouse. The information sorting and publishing work that was originally completed in one month may now be completed in half a day. This not only saves the cost of copying and printing, but also saves a lot of trouble. For employers, the cost of online recruitment is lower.

Strong pertinence

Online recruitment is an interactive process across time and space. It is an active behavior for both the supply and demand sides. Both employers and individuals can choose online according to their own conditions. This positive interaction reduces the blind behavior in the recruitment and application process. Some large talent recruitment websites provide personalized services, such as shortcut search methods, conditional search engines, etc., which further strengthen the pertinence of online recruitment.

Filtering function

The main body of "netizens" is a young, highly educated group yearning for the future. Through the Internet, the recruiters have had a preliminary understanding of the basic qualities of candidates, which is equivalent to a small computer and English test for them, and a preliminary screening of candidates.

Development status

It is very common for Americans to find jobs online
Online recruitment has become popular in the United States and other countries, and has become the preferred way for college graduates and staff to find jobs. In the United States, finding jobs online has become a commonplace. On the contrary, few people are looking for jobs in newspapers. Microsoft is also the leader of E-management. When they conduct online recruitment, online recruitment information is not only published externally, but also internally. Any vacancy in Microsoft's companies in various countries around the world is posted online, and Microsoft employees can apply across borders. If you are interested in the vacant position in a country and are willing to move there for a long time, you can send an application letter to that country Microsoft Human Resources Department Will have an impact on your skills achievement Do some research, and then conduct an online evaluation. If you think you are competent, you will be lucky to become an employee of Microsoft in that country. All your relationships (including insurance pay , welfare, etc.) will be transferred. Many Microsoft employees have gone to work in the countries and positions they aspire to through this way.
Due to Network development Due to the influence of popularity, online recruitment in China is still in its infancy. Beijing people have the highest proportion of online job hunting in China, followed by Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. In more inland areas, the proportion of online job hunting is lower, and more people still recognize the print media employment ad However, opportunities and challenges coexist. The high speed and huge amount of information of the network give the network recruitment unique advantages.
Implemented on March 1, 2021《 Regulations on Online Recruitment Service Management 》The platform and its operating agencies have made provisions on the obligations of compliance, authenticity, user information review and personal information protection when engaging in information release activities,. [2-3]
In March 2022, Xinhua News Agency reporters found that some online recruitment platforms had many problems such as "water content" of recruitment information, disorderly management of recruitment accounts, and even involved fraud and pornography, resulting in illegal infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of job seekers. [3]

Existing problems


Low information authenticity

Online recruitment faces the same problem as traditional recruitment, that is, the authenticity of information. How to conduct online identity authentication to avoid the intrusion of false information and non serious behavior is the biggest problem that puzzles the development of online recruitment. The untrue information in online recruitment comes from employers, recruitment websites and individuals.
Some recruitment websites adopt the practice of "stealing" information from well-known recruitment websites because they do not have sufficient information sources. In this way, it is clear that the recruitment of a company has ended, but the expired recruitment information and the invalid E-mail mailbox are still hung on the website that the company has not officially entrusted, becoming invalid information garbage and misleading candidates. At the same time, due to the limitation of technical capacity, most recruitment websites in China are unable to distinguish the authenticity of each information one by one. The registration of website members has not really implemented the "real name system", nor has there been any mandatory verification and punishment measures. Therefore, enterprises can publish false information at will to defraud registration fees and training fees, and individuals can also fill in false resumes and information at will.

Narrow application scope

The overall network environment in China is not yet mature, and network technology is not popular among domestic enterprises and ordinary people. The jobs suitable for online recruitment are relatively simple. Those enterprises that may employ online recruitment are mostly limited to industries with high penetration rate of computer applications, and the recruitment targets are mostly limited to some people with high cultural level. In addition, among the existing population, young people are more likely to use the Internet, or are engaged in High tech industry This restricts the number of applicants. For those who do not access the Internet or use the Internet less, the role of online recruitment is not obvious.

Weak basic environment

The weak basic network environment in China is also an important reason for restricting the development of online recruitment. On the one hand, due to limited computer resources, there are relatively few groups with Internet access conditions; On the other hand, China's mesh belt width is limited and the speed of Internet access is relatively slow. Therefore, at the technical level, it is difficult to collect job information through the network, carry out electronic evaluation and electronic interview, etc. (for example, some electronic interviews cannot be guaranteed in confidence, and the cost is high).

Poor service system

Online recruitment is not simply to move the recruitment information online and "hang up". In addition to having the necessary technical strength, recruitment websites must also have a deep understanding of human resources and strong market planning and promotion capabilities to attract more applicants. However, most recruitment websites are still weak in deep level services, and their consulting services on talent market analysis, market supply and demand trends, salary levels, and changes in relevant personnel systems are also very limited. The service system of online recruitment is still in the initial stage of development and needs further development and improvement.
In addition, the software version is different or incompatible Garbled code The virus widely spread on the Internet also limits the development of online recruitment. At the same time, online job hunting involves privacy issues. Information input by individuals or enterprises on the Internet may be stolen and used by others, resulting in reputation and economic losses. Although we have some network management organizations, there is no department responsible for online recruitment, and there are no policies and regulations regulating online recruitment. Therefore, the online recruitment market is in chaos, and malicious acts occur from time to time. The victims have nowhere to complain online, let alone how to appeal to the law.

Difficulty in information processing

A great wealth of information
The great abundance of information also means the great overflow of information. Advanced network technology has greatly improved information transfer For a position There will be many job seekers at the same time. While recruitment organizations receive extremely rich resumes, the number of resumes is too large, and human resources departments have to spend a lot of time screening and are tired of dealing with it.

Low probability of success

In addition, a large amount of invalid information will also increase the possibility of missed election of truly qualified candidates. Statistics show that some large-scale enterprises engaged in online recruitment receive 500 to 1000 new resumes every week. In the face of so many resumes, human resource managers usually delete 80% of them after scanning them in a hurry. Generally, it takes no more than half a minute to browse each resume. It is conceivable how difficult it is for the company to become interested in the applicant through an e-mail within half a minute. 75% of the people who have applied online have experienced failure.


Online recruitment is such a new thing, which has great potential and obvious defects. We should not abandon it, but improve it.
The first is to improve legislation. The development of the Internet is changing with each passing day. However, in China's network legislation, the legislation at the national level is relatively lagging behind. There are almost no existing relevant laws for online recruitment and no relevant cases to learn from, so it is imperative to strengthen legislation. In this way, disputes in online recruitment can be arbitrated and victims' complaints can be heard, thus forming a standardized and orderly online talent market. Secondly, ideological and moral education should be carried out on recruitment websites, recruitment units and recruiters, so that they can use moral norms to restrict their own behavior, thus reducing false information and outdated information.
Thirdly, establish a standardized management system to clarify the responsibilities of websites, recruitment units and individuals for publishing false information. In particular, recruitment websites should have joint and several liabilities, which can urge them to supervise the information of recruitment units and individuals. All units participating in their online recruitment shall be provided with "qualification certificates", and the other party shall be required to show relevant certificates to determine their legitimacy. At the same time, their talent needs shall be investigated and verified accordingly to reduce false information.
Finally, it can also take the form of appropriate charging services. A large number of problems in online recruitment are caused by the careless behavior of the parties involved. From an economic perspective, if low-cost resources are not effectively controlled and managed, it will inevitably lead to inefficient allocation and waste of resources. In the case of imperfect legislation and difficult management, it is impossible to effectively supervise, manage and control low-cost online recruitment. In this case, online recruitment can be properly improved Behavioral cost To limit "negative candidates" and prevent serious behaviors.
For employers, online recruitment has the advantages of low fees, fast speed and strong pertinence; For applicants, they can deliver resumes to various companies without leaving home, saving time, effort and money. However, as online recruitment is just emerging in China, there are many problems in both technology and concept. The online recruitment mode in China is generally Advertising recruitment The mode is only an extension of the traditional professional recruitment newspaper. I believe that in the near future, with the improvement of China's network laws and regulations and the increase of enterprises' efforts to access the Internet, Online job fair With its unique advantages, it will stand out from many recruitment methods.

Development trend

Nowadays, the online recruitment market has been promoted by 51job China Talent Network as well as Zhaopin recruitment There are also other well-known recruitment websites in China and many regional recruitment websites following. The competition is becoming increasingly fierce and the market is changing. Recruitment of media talent pool group investment from Hong Kong listing 1010job Elite Recruitment Network The withdrawal from the mainland market in 2007, and two of the three giants of the domestic online recruitment market after, all expressed their losses in 2007. It can be seen that the homogenized products and services of domestic recruitment websites are increasingly running counter to user needs. Traffic is not equal to quality, market is not equal to revenue, and industry innovation is imminent.
Industry segmentation will be the future development trend.
The effect of online recruitment for high-level recruitment is not good, which is also the weakness of online recruitment headhunting The company comes to share the online recruitment, and most of the good headhunting companies are concentrated in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing. Second tier cities like Shandong have done well in beacon fire headhunting, elite headhunting and century talent headhunting.