
Polypeptide hormone
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synonym Cholecystokinin (Cholecystokinin) Generally refers to cholecystokinin
Cholecystokinin, Polypeptide hormone 33 amino acid composition whole biological activity Octapeptide fragments present at the c-terminal. It was originally extracted from the upper intestine of animals and later found Cerebral cortex , hippocampus amygdala hypothalamus And other parts. Its peripheral effect is clear, which can stimulate gastric secretion gastric acid , liver secretion bile , suppression ileum Absorbs sodium and water, stimulates Islets of langerhans release insulin and Glucagon The pivot function is not very clear, and some data show that it is related to Feeding behavior Related to obesity It is also relevant. Also involved sense of pain Adjust. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name

Pharmacology and toxicology

Cholecystokinin (CCK, PZ)
It was proved and purified in 1928 and 1943. Natural CCK Chemical structure There are many kinds, including CCK-33, CCK-39, CCK-58, and an 8-peptide CCK isolated from goat and human cerebellum. CCK containing cells exist in mammal duodenum and jejunum The cells of mucosa are the same as those of human intestinal I cells. In 1978, it was found that CCK still existed in central nervous system And its content is larger than that of small intestine Internal content , present in cortex frontal lobe , piriform cortex, caudate nucleus, hippocampus thalamus hypothalamus cerebellum and Diencephalon CCK degrades quickly in blood, and its half-life is about 3 minutes. It has a variety of biological effects, mainly stimulating Pancreatin Secretion and synthesis, enhance pancreatic bicarbonate secretion, stimulate gallbladder contraction and Odie's physiological sphincter Relaxation can also excite the liver Bile secretion It can regulate the movement of the small intestine and colon, and can also be used as a satiety factor to regulate food intake.


A study published in AJP - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (American Journal of Gastroenterology and Liver Physiology) in January 2004 showed that cholecystokinin plays a role in regulating and coordinating gastrointestinal activities and is an important medium for food intake control.
Johns Hopkins medical college Dr. Moran TH of Nutrients It gathers in the stomach and gradually enters the small intestine. The intake of nutrients will cause a series of Physiological response So as to promote the overall digestion process.
Researchers pointed out that during the process of eating, various kinds of neuropeptide and Neurotransmitter , further coordinate the secretion and movement of gastrointestinal tract, and finally lead to Satiety And stop eating. Cholecystokinin is a brain/intestinal hormone, and food intake promotes its secretion.
Dr. Moran believes that cholecystokinin plays a variety of roles in regulating and coordinating gastrointestinal activities and is an important medium for food intake control.


Cholecystokinin (CCK) It is released by intestinal mucosa I cells Peptide hormone Its main function is to promote the secretion of various pancreatic acini digestive enzyme Promote gallbladder contraction and discharge bile , promoting water and HCO3 - Secretory action Weak. CCK can also act on vagus Afferent fibers, stimulated by vagal vagal reflex Pancreatin Secretion. CCK via activation phospholipid Acyl alcohol system plays a role in the pancreas under the mediation of Ca2+. CCK and Secretin have Synergy
After eating, Proteolysis The product can stimulate the intestinal mucosa to release a cholecystokinin Releasing peptide , stimulates small intestinal mucosa I Cell secretion CCK。 The factors that cause CCK secretion from strong to weak are: Proteolysis Products fatty acid Salt, HCl, fat and sugar have no effect. In addition, insulin It can enhance the amylase secretion effect of cholecystokinin.
Cholecystokinin releasing peptide secreted by small intestinal mucosa Trypsin Very sensitive, trypsin can make CCK release peptide Inactivation Therefore, CCK release and Pancreatin After the secretion increases, trypsin will make it lose its activity again, thus feedback inhibits the further secretion of CCK and trypsin. The physiological significance of feedback regulation of pancreatic enzyme secretion is to prevent excessive pancreatic enzyme secretion. I put gastrin The interactions of secretin, cholecystokinin and their roles in digestion are summarized in the following table:
Reduce the secretion of trypsin, that is to say, reduce the amount of food in the diet Dry Fruits And vegetables. That's why I like to eat Animal viscera The more people eat with dried fruits, the more they want to eat.


Through special food and various enzymes in the body Compound action Helps to decompose protein decomposition products, fatty acid salts, HCl, etc. to stimulate CCK( Cholecystokinin )Secreted decomposition factor, stimulating hypothalamus Inside, a large number of satiety signals are generated.
CCK is easily degraded in blood to lose its activity half life About 3 minutes. This needs to be suppressed Trypsin And continuously decompose CCK decomposition factor to stimulate CCK secretion, so that the satiety signal continues to be small thalamus And act on Feeding center (Feeding Center) Neuroinhibition Appetite generation.