programing language

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Programming language can be simply understood as a kind of language that can be recognized by computers and people language one kind computer language It enables programmers to accurately define the data needed by the computer and precisely define the actions that should be taken in different situations. [1]
The programming language is in constant development and change machine language Up to now, there are more than 2500 kinds of high-level language Each language has its specific purpose and different development trajectory. Programming languages are not like human nature language development The change is slow and lasting, and its development is quite fast, mainly including computer hardware, Internet and IT The development of industry promotes the development of programming language. [1]
Chinese name
programing language
Foreign name
programming language
computer language
Machine language, assembly language and high-level language

content validity

Computer programming language It can realize the communication between people and machines, and computer programming languages mainly include assembly language machine language And high-level language, as follows: [2]
assembly language
The language is mainly written with abbreviated English as the symbol, and uses assembly language They are generally concise Applet , which is more convenient in execution, but assembly language is more lengthy in program, so it has a higher Error rate [2]
machine language
This language mainly uses Binary encoding The sending of instructions can be quickly recognized by the computer, and its flexibility is relatively high, and the execution speed is considerable Similarity It is relatively high, but due to its limitations, it has certain constraints in use. [2]
high-level language
The so-called high-level language is actually the general name of the combination of multiple programming languages. It can integrate multiple instructions and turn them into a single instruction to complete the transmission. It has been properly simplified in terms of operating detailed instructions and intermediate processes. Therefore, the whole process is more simple and has strong operability Coding method With the simplification of, the requirements of computer programming for the professional level of relevant staff are constantly relaxed. [2]

Development history

The first computer was invented in the 1940s. At that time, various computer controls were mainly controlled by manual operation To achieve, but in Convenience There are serious deficiencies. After years of development, relevant personnel put forward the idea of using programming language to control computers. Although the programming mode at that time was not perfect, it had a huge role in promoting the development of computer programming language. And the computer programming language was gradually perfected in the half century after that. With the development of society, the technical requirements in various fields are constantly improving, which makes the development of computer programming more and more complex and diversified. In this case, some visual and integrated Language environment Gradually began to emerge, just press a simple key, you can complete a section of code writing, greatly reducing the computer programming Cost of capital and Time cost Plus the emergence of some high-level languages, such as Pascal fortran as well as C language As a result, computer control no longer requires a lot of capital and labor. Until the 1990s, the field of computer programming developed rapidly, and some object-oriented high-level languages were gradually born, such as Java So that the computer program gradually changes from the original communication and calculation to video analysis image transmission , intelligent simulation and knowledge processing In other words, through computer network technology data acquisition , analysis, management, and intelligent operation. With the continuous development of modern civilization, computer programming language has been able to meet the information needs of various fields. [2]

Experience the times

Programming languages are generally divided into: low-level languages high-level language and object-oriented Times. [1]

Low level language era

The era of low-level language (1946-1953) mainly included the "Heavenly Book" machine language as well as assembly language [1]
Computer work based on Binary Basically, computers can only recognize and accept instructions composed of 0 and 1. The set of these instructions is the machine language of the computer. The disadvantages of machine language include: difficult to learn, difficult to write, difficult to remember, difficult to check, difficult to modify, difficult to promote and use. So at the beginning, only a few computer professionals could write computers program [1]
Assembly language is difficult to understand because of machine language, Mochle and others began to think of using Mnemonic To replace 0, 1 code, so assembly language appeared. [1]

High level language era

High level language era (1954 to present) - With the emergence of fortran, the first high level language in the world, new programming languages began to emerge. Over the past few decades, more than 2500 high-level languages have emerged in the world, some of which have become popular today, while others have gradually disappeared. [1]
The first high-level language Fortran
In order to overcome the shortcomings of low-level languages, John Backus of the United States created the first computer in the 1950s high-level language —— FORTRAN Language It is very close to what people are used to natural language and Mathematical language Used in the program operator Sum operation expression It is easy to understand and use. also FORTRAN It plays an important role in numerical, scientific and engineering calculation fields with its unique functions. [1]
This is the first high-level language clearly defined in the history of computer development Europe and America The joint conference of computer scientists is still Transistor computer The popular International Computer Society developed in the 1950s( ACM )List ALGOL mode as Algorithm description Standard of ALGOL, inspiring modern languages like ALGOL Pascal , Ada, C, etc. [1]
The simplest language - BASIC
1964 BASIC The language is officially released. Is created by Dartmouth College It was jointly developed by John G. Kemeny, the dean and Hungarian, and Thomas E. Kurtz, a teacher of the Department of Mathematics. The language has only 26 variable names, 17 statements, 12 functions and 3 commands. This language is called "beginner General symbols Command code [1]
An Important Milestone in Programming Language Pascal
This is based on ALGOL Programming language, in memory of French mathematicians, philosophers and computer pioneers Blaise Pascal And named. It is composed of Switzerland Professor Niklaus Wirth designed and founded it in the late 1960s. Pascal With strict grammar Well organized It is the first structured programming language, known as "an important milestone in programming language". [1]
modern programming language The Starting Point of Revolution -- C Language
The ancestor of C language is BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) language Bell Lab Ken Thompson of BCPL Based on the language Language B Then, between 1972 and 1973, Dennis M. Ritchie of Bell Laboratories in the United States designed C language [1]

Object oriented era

Object oriented era (early 1990s to present)—— object-oriented Object Oriented Programming OOP )Now it is very important in the whole program design, and its most prominent characteristics are encapsulation Inheritance and Polymorphism [1]
Java It is a high-level programming language launched by Sun Microsystem in 1995. In the 21st century, Java enterprise applications have developed rapidly, and are mainly used in the construction of information platforms in telecommunications, finance, transportation and other industries. Java is a universally applicable software platform, which is easy to learn and use, platform independent, portable Multithreading , robust, dynamic, safe and other main features. [1]
In recent years, Python Language is rising rapidly, which is mainly due to the development of big data and artificial intelligence Industrial Internet The future development space of Python language will be further expanded. Python is a high-level scripting language , currently applied to Web and Internet Development Scientific computing And statistics, education software development And back-end development, and has the advantages of simplicity, portability, scalability, embeddability, etc. [1]

Selection principle

(1) Comprehensively consider the hardware environment in which the software runs. If in the hardware environment. The update efficiency is relatively high. Once the hardware environment changes to a certain extent, the computer programming budget will not meet the hardware environment quickly. bring Programming Bring about certain impact. Therefore, programmers need to think comprehensively about the content of software adjustment in the process of programming. And pay attention to properly reduce the difficulty of software adjustment. [3]
(2) Comprehensive thinking platform Supportability In the process of program programming, we should consider the impact of application platforms on programming languages, and combine the characteristics of programming languages on application platforms Implementing science Adjust to achieve Working level The improvement of the programming language will give full play to its own role. [3]
(3) Think about practical problems in programming. In the process of programming, when considering the above two issues comprehensively. It is also necessary to comprehensively consider the actual situation of programming. Therefore, in the process of computer programming language selection Programmer Knowledge of programming language features. Programmers are concerned about the particularity Software development process Medium. Professional computer programming languages should be used. Professional programming languages can effectively improve the standardization of software development. [3]

Selection skills

In the development of computer software, the key is to ensure the computer program Under normal operation. This requires a computer programmer Procedures should be investigated in detail. After the investigation, random sampling Integrate computer related data information to select the most appropriate Computer programming language The type of Error rate Under selection computer language Computer programmers should fully consider the advantages and characteristics of computer programming language, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and reasonably control the development of computer language actual cost The problem can maximize the effect of computer programming language. [4]
(1) Before selecting the programming language, the overall framework of the project should be fully considered to determine the distribution of programming languages. Because all parts of the whole project are written in one language. In addition, the connection and decomposition of components are closely related to the selection of programming languages. In some projects, it is relatively simple to choose the best programming language, but the programming process is flexible. optimum Language selection It needs to be changed according to the procedure requirements. [5]
(2) Under the scientific and reasonable principle, we should choose the most familiar programming language. Because developers are familiar with a certain language, they can greatly help them predict the development time, process and other contents, which can be well avoided Big changes To improve programming efficiency. [5]
(3) For high cost operations such as encryption, graphics rendering video processing And other contents shall be fully considered. For these high cost operation modules, developers should choose the static language to be compiled. JAVA and C # are the best choices. [5]
(4) At present, the development environment No longer limited to computers hardware environment The hardware environment is sufficient for software development , but for some special application software or serious cases, Programming environment Not just the hardware environment. Therefore, scientific and reasonable choices should be made to make their programs work well in this environment. [5]
(5) Support platform It is an important basis for selecting programming languages. For example, the code needs to run in the client's browser, which results in fewer programming languages to choose from. [5]
(6) The use of any programming language needs to ensure that the written program can be adjusted in time according to actual needs. Therefore, rapid prototyping The development environment is very important. In this environment, Dynamic language The combination with related libraries can greatly enhance its advantages. [5]


At the current stage, in order to improve the application quality of computer software technology and constantly improve the informatization level of all sectors of society Scientific researchers The computer programming language is being continuously improved and innovated to improve the computer programming language Intuitiveness And easy to learn, which enables programmers to acquire more convenient programming languages. At present, widely used programming languages include Python PHP Java ﹑C++﹑ VB As well as C language, different programming languages have different application advantages. Therefore, during the specific application period, we need to select a programming language with high adaptability and pertinence in combination with our own needs to ensure the advantages of the selected programming language. [2]
In essence, PHP The computer programming language is HTML One of the embedded languages that Dynamic website The programming language belongs to the mainstream programming language, but in specific applications, it needs effective cooperation with html css+div+js and other languages to build a more complete website. The main function of this language is to effectively implement HTML document information, and meet users' computer operation and control needs through effective integration with multiple programming languages, For example, Perd, Java, and C language. In addition, PHP can also be used to Dynamic webpage Effective construction of. [2]
Java is an object based programming language, which focuses on the specific algorithms of data application and manipulation. As one of the distributed languages, Java is an important part of the high-performance Internet architecture. It has many advantages, such as simple syntax, automatic memory management, and Cross platform Migration exception handling High reliability and Bytecode It has a perfect security mechanism information age With more extensive Scope of application , especially in the Internet, game control, personal PC As well as multimedia, which plays a vital role in software and Website construction It is also widely used, most typically in Android APP Application in. In addition, some Office software It is also written in the Java language, such as Excel And Word, but compared with C language, Java programming language Relatively low in mechanical efficiency, but its Economy and Portability It is one of its biggest advantages, so it is in the field of big data and Supercomputer There are also relatively many applications. With Java technology Government website For example, in the process of building government websites Site Architecture It is divided into three layers: Business layer Data layer And presentation layer. The data layer is mainly responsible for managing the mass data and providing convenient conditions for website services. Business layer, in which various Subsystem Of Business logic Through the intermediate support layer Data exchange Through the business layer, it can ensure the smooth implementation of website application functions, and provides a standardized development interface. The presentation layer is mainly responsible for Information interaction As well as data display, it is responsible for the technology of user related requests, combining the specific types of requests, transmitting them to the application server, and finally processing Result feedback To the user. In the process of building government websites, it is generally necessary to adopt distributed design, integrate relevant software at the corresponding level, and complete the development work with the help of product application development interface. Java technology can provide application development Programming interface And standardized components. Finally, functions can be reused according to different requirements, and can be combined at will. [2]
At present, most of the online games we are exposed to are based on C++ An operating system developed on the basis of and commonly used in computers kernel All are written in C language, such as Windows/Linux. The C++language, which is continuously optimized based on C language, has obvious advantages compared with C language during application. It can programming language Of running state Effective optimization, and C++has further improved the perfection of C language, especially its robustness and Simplicity , is favored by programmers, so it is widely used in programming. In addition, C++has strong drawing ability and data processing ability, and relatively strong migration flexibility, so it is widely used in Graphics Processing , system software, games and mobile phones, and Tetris, which is known to people, is a typical application of C++language. [2]


With the development and progress of science and technology, computers are constantly innovating in software and hardware technology, especially Multi-core era The development of Computer Architecture Gradual change. Affected by this form of development, computers should also make corresponding changes in programming language. Only in this way can the needs of information development of all sectors of society be better met, and we want to achieve optimization and innovation in programming language, We must start with programmer operation, programming language application, object-oriented space expansion and platform independence. [2]
(1) Ensure the convenience of users' operations. As far as the current computer program is concerned, its core thread is Data abstraction And object-oriented programming. In order to make the operation of the programming language more convenient, it is necessary to ensure that the programming language is simple and easy to learn, constantly reduce its professionalism, take the ease of use as the main development direction, and ensure that users can write some relatively simple programs only by mastering the basic concepts and operation methods, Ensure easy operation. [2]
(2) The programming language should be based on the object, realize the deepening development, and provide Dynamic Interface model and simple class mechanism. By using the inheritance mechanism, the subclass can apply the methods given by the parent class to realize code reuse. In addition, computer network It has strong Openness Therefore, in the process of future development of programming languages, security should be fully considered so that programming can obtain a more secure environment. Therefore safeguard The mechanism should be built, and the security system should be built in combination with the characteristics of program writing to ensure the harmony and security of the writing environment. And promote Platform independent Sex is mainly to write programs that can be transplanted between different platforms or machines to avoid being affected by the platform, which is also an important direction for the future development of programming languages Development mode Next, the application will be more convenient to write programs, which will enable it to obtain a broader range of applications. [2]
Declarative programming It tells the computer what to calculate instead of how to calculate. [1]
Simple code and fast development; Close to natural language, easy to understand; More convenient code management; Easy“ Concurrent programming ”; Hot upgrade of code. [1]
Dynamic language
Dynamic language means that the program Runtime It can change its structure, which represents the trend of faster and simpler technology, and will inevitably become the protagonist of building software and IT technology in the future. [1]
Concurrent programming
The inevitable requirement of the multi-core era. [1]