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Green New Deal

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The Green New Deal was launched by the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki moon A new concept proposed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference on December 11, 2008 is a general term for environment-friendly policies, which mainly involves environmental protection, pollution prevention, energy conservation and emission reduction, climate change and other major issues related to the sustainable development of human and nature. Ban Ki moon called on global leaders to turn to environmental projects that can create more jobs in terms of investment, invest in tackling climate change, promote green economic growth and employment, and repair the natural ecosystem supporting the global economy. In the face of the new trends and new trends of the world economic development and the new pattern and new changes of world competition, China must seize this once-in-a-lifetime "green" opportunity to seize the "commanding heights" of a new round of global competition to face the global green competition that will determine the future national destiny.
Chinese name
Green New Deal
Foreign name
Green New Deal
Ban Ki moon
Environmentally friendly
Proposed time
December 11, 2008

brief introduction

The low-carbon and green economic reform originated in Europe, represented by the new, has quickly become the world's favorite since the outbreak of the "once-in-a-century" global financial crisis in mid to late September 2008. At present, major developed countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and many developing countries are trying to take advantage of the opportunities in the multiple global crises to formulate and promote green development plans that stimulate economic recovery in the short term, and transform from climate change to a low-carbon economy in the medium and long term, and try to adopt green economy and green new policies, In the new round of economic development, we should promote economic transformation to achieve sustainable development.
(1) Britain, Germany and France lead the green trend
Britain puts green development at the top of its green economic policy. On July 15, 2009, the UK released the Low Carbon Conversion Plan and the Renewable Strategy national strategy document, which is another new action of the British government's green new policy after the introduction of the Climate Change Act, and is the most systematic government white paper to deal with climate change in developed countries so far, It also marks that the UK has become the first country in the world to set up a carbon emission management plan within the framework of government budget. According to the plan of the British government, by 2020, renewable energy will account for 15% of the supply, and 40% of the electricity will come from renewable energy, nuclear energy, clean coal and other low-carbon green fields. This includes not only the "green transformation" of coal-fired power plants, but also the development of wind power and other green fields. The goal is to build the UK into a cleaner, greener and more prosperous country.
The key point of developing green economy in Germany is to develop ecological industry. In June 2009, Germany released a strategic document aimed at promoting the modernization of the German economy. In this document, the German government stressed that the eco industrial policy should become the guiding principle of the German economy. Germany's eco industrial policy mainly includes six aspects: strict implementation of environmental protection policies; Formulate effective utilization strategies for various industries; Expand the scope of renewable use; Sustainable use of biological intelligence; We will introduce measures to stimulate reform and innovation in the automotive industry and implement environmental education, qualification certification and other measures.
France's green economy policy focuses on the development of nuclear energy and renewable energy. In December 2008, the French Ministry of Environment announced a package of plans aimed at developing renewable energy. This plan has 50 measures, covering many fields such as biology, wind energy, geothermal energy, solar energy and hydropower. In addition to vigorously developing renewable energy, the French government also invested 400 million euros in the research and development of clean cars and "low-carbon cars" in 2009. In addition, nuclear energy has always been a pillar of French policy and a focus of French green economy.
(2) The United States, Japan and South Korea push green new policies
The "Green New Deal" of the United States can be divided into energy conservation and efficiency enhancement, new development, climate change and other aspects. Among them, new development is the core of its green new policy. On February 15, 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, with a total amount of $787 billion, will develop new as one of the main areas of attack, focusing on the development of high-efficiency batteries, smart grids, carbon storage and carbon capture, renewable energy such as wind and solar energy. At the same time, the United States also vigorously promotes the development of energy-saving cars, green buildings, etc.
In April 2009, the Japanese government released a draft policy entitled "Green Economy and Social Change", which aims to strengthen Japan's green economy by implementing measures such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The focus is to support the government's current environmental and measures to stimulate the economy. For the medium and long term, it has put forward the social goal of achieving a low-carbon society and living in harmony with nature. In May 2009, Japan officially launched the system of environmental protection points to support energy-saving household appliances, which focuses on demonstrating the social influence of green economy by fixing daily consumption behavior as the mainstream consciousness of society. At the same time, Japan took the lead in proposing to build a low-carbon society, claiming to lead the world's low-carbon economic revolution, and proposing to build Japan into the world's first green low-carbon society.
South Korea wants to use the green growth strategy to create the "Hanjiang miracle" again. this Global financial crisis At the beginning, South Korea put forward the economic revitalization strategy of "low-carbon and green promotion", relying on the development of green environmental protection technology and new regeneration to achieve policy goals such as energy conservation and emission reduction, increasing employment, and creating new impetus for economic development. In July 2009, South Korea announced its national strategy for green growth and five-year plan, which defined a series of indicators for the development of "green". It plans to establish "environmental cities" and "green villages". In the next five years, South Korea will invest an accumulated 107 trillion won to develop a green economy, striving to make South Korea rank among the seven "green powers" in the world by the end of 2020.

strategic target

At present, the "Green New Deal" vigorously implemented by major economies is a new round of technological revolution at the core industrial revolution , which has significant strategic significance: on the one hand, it takes the development of green economy as a new growth engine to try to stimulate economic recovery and get rid of the current economic recession; On the other hand, it seeks to establish a new economic development model with a long-term stable growth and a "green" relationship between resource consumption and environmental protection; The third is to strive to occupy the commanding heights of the new round of green industrial revolution and the dominance of the global economy.
(1) Cultivate new economic growth engines
In the past 20 years, western developed countries have mainly focused on the development of virtual economy represented by information service industry and modern financial industry, and have transferred the real economy with manufacturing industry as the core to developing countries international financial crisis The outbreak of shows that the virtual economy, which is separated from the support of the real economy, is only a beautiful bubble in the end. After the collapse of the bubble, it will be difficult for the virtual economy to reproduce its former prosperity for a long time in the future. Therefore, the current global economy, which is deeply impacted by the international financial crisis, urgently needs to find a breakthrough for a new round of growth.
Every economic crisis in history has seen some new industries drive a new round of economic growth of the world economy. Green and low-carbon economy New technologies to effectively control greenhouse gas emissions are involved in power, transportation, construction, metallurgy, chemical industry, petrochemical and other sectors, as well as in renewable and new, clean and efficient utilization of coal, exploration and development of oil and gas resources and coal-bed methane, carbon dioxide capture and storage and other fields. "If relevant technologies and products are widely used under the guidance of the government, the world will form a new real economy industry with a scale of tens of trillions of dollars driven by investment, which will not only drive the world economy out of difficulties, but also become the 'leader' of a new round of growth cycle." Once major breakthroughs are made in technology, the new green industry is likely to be like the last century's information-technology industry It has also developed rapidly and become a growth point of the world economy.
In fact, some developed countries have adopted the "green new policy" to develop new and green economy Global financial crisis The main driving force and new growth pole of the country's economy will be revitalized later. For example, after years of continuous promotion, the green economy industry is one of the few areas of economic growth in the UK during the recession. It is estimated that the annual growth rate from now on to 2015 will exceed 4%. The green industry will create 400000 jobs, and this number will continue to rise. By 2020, 1.2 million people will be engaged in green jobs. In addition, in the long run, green economy can also enhance the core competitiveness of UK countries and enterprises in the future. In recent years, the renewable industry in Germany has developed rapidly. The proportion of renewable energy in Germany's total consumption has exceeded 15%, which has become a new economic growth point. At present, the number of employees in this industry is about 280000. In 2008, the sales of renewable energy in Germany reached 29 billion euros. German Environment Minister Gabriel pointed out that if the German economy can complete ecological transformation, it will create 1 million new jobs by 2020. The French government expects that the implementation of the new renewable plan will create 200000 to 300000 jobs for France by 2020. The United States also takes the development of new and green economy as the main driving force to revitalize the U.S. economy after the global financial crisis. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, with a total amount of $787 billion, will develop new areas as one of its main areas of attack. Its short-term goal is to promote employment and economic recovery, and plans to invest $15 billion annually in 10 years, It will create 5 million new, energy-saving and cleaner production jobs, and ultimately create a "house on rock" for the American economy. The draft policy of Japan's Green Economy and Social Change will also increase the market size of Japan's environmental sector from 70 trillion yen in 2006 to 120 trillion yen in 2020, and the related jobs will also increase significantly. In accordance with the "low-carbon green promotion" economic revitalization strategy, South Korea will make 107 trillion won of "green investment" by 2013, and will build 1.56 million to 1.81 million job booths to stimulate the domestic economy and provide new growth impetus for South Korea's future development.
According to the prediction of relevant experts, by 2030, 20 million new jobs will be created in the renewable industry alone among the global "green economy" industries. In short, the green economy has become a new engine for countries to respond to the financial crisis and thus promote economic growth in all countries and the world.
(2) Establish a new economic development model
The traditional economic development model is characterized by measuring the achievements of production development and social progress from a simple economic goal only in an isolated economic system. In the process of economic growth, the environment is regarded as a carrier to provide resources and contain production waste. Resources are only the material conditions for economic growth, which is to destroy the ecological balance, consume a lot of resources The economy characterized by damage to human health is a kind of wasting economy. These behaviors are gradually destroying the original good ecology of the earth. The resulting environmental pollution, ecological imbalance, resource depletion and other contradictions are also increasingly threatening the harmonious development of human society.
The green economy is an economy characterized by maintaining the human living environment, reasonably protecting resources and benefiting human health. It is an economic development form centering on the overall development of people, taking the ecological environment capacity and resource carrying capacity as the premise, and realizing the sustainable use of natural resources, the sustainable improvement of the ecological environment, the continuous improvement of the quality of life, and the sustainable economic development. An important basis for the development of green economy to become a big country awareness and for countries around the world to pursue green economy is the reflection on the past development model. In the short term, the development of green economy can not only rapidly stimulate employment and boost the economy, but also effectively adjust the economic structure and straighten out the relationship between resources and environment and economic development; In the long run, it is more conducive to sustainable and extensive economic growth, avoiding the recurrence of the crisis, and achieving coordinated and sustainable development in the real sense. Changing the traditional mode of economic growth characterized by high energy consumption and high pollution and developing a "green economy" marked by low energy consumption, low pollution and low emissions has not only become an important choice for the global response to climate change, but also is considered an important way for human society to move towards ecological civilization following the original civilization, agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, It is becoming the same choice and action for the economic development of all countries in the world.
At present, the "green new policy" being implemented by governments all over the world is to strengthen the guidance and support for the green economy and actively promote investment to the "green economy" field. For example, the UK is inclined to low-carbon industries in terms of policies and funds, actively supports green manufacturing, and develops new green technologies; Germany plans to increase government investment in environmental technology innovation, encourage private investment through various policies and measures, and establish environmental protection and innovation funds by raising public and private funds to promote the development of green economy; The Japanese government also encourages enterprises to economize and vigorously develop and use new energy-saving products by reforming the tax system; The long-term goal of the "Green New Deal" of the United States is to make development one of the main areas of attack, so as to promote the strategic transformation of the American economy.
Obviously, the long-term goal of these countries' "green new policies" is to gradually transform the current "black" traditional economic development model with high energy consumption and high emissions into a "green" sustainable development model with low energy consumption and low emissions.
(3) Compete for dominance in global competition
Countries have launched a "green new deal" to develop green economy, which is not only a strategic consideration for countries to stimulate their economies out of the financial crisis and change the development model to protect the earth's environment, but also a strategic motivation to occupy the commanding heights of national economic competitiveness in the world and seize the dominant power of global competition in the future. As President Obama of the United States said, who controls cleanness and renewability will dominate the 21st century; Who is the leader in the new field will become the leader in the post oil economy era. At present, Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries have begun to build a new "competitive stage" and develop the game rules of the new "competitive stage" of green economy under the banner of tackling climate change and transforming to a green economy, and use their leading position in low-carbon green technology to re expand the competitive advantage of the real economy on the new platform and under the new game rules, It has become an ingenious strategy for western countries to seek international competitiveness and global dominance again.
First of all, developed countries regard innovation as the core of green economic development, and they hope that developing countries will also focus on innovation, so that they can take the initiative with their own technological and market advantages. For example, most EU countries are exporters of nuclear energy and clean technology, which not only incline to new and green technologies in terms of policies and funds, but also realize Europe's leading position in global efficiency and clean market by actively promoting international carbon tax mechanism, thus maintaining Europe's advantage and leading position in international economic competition. The United States is trying to take advantage of advanced technology to promote its technology, standards and products to the world, and once again dominate the commanding heights of the global economy and dominate the world economy. The UK also hopes to relive the glory and dream of the first industrial revolution in this green industry wave. The British government has earmarked 405 million pounds in this year's budget to support key enterprises to cope with climate change. These key enterprises come from competitive and comparative industries and regions in the UK, including offshore wind power, hydropower, carbon capture and storage, To ensure that the UK is in a leading position in new technologies such as carbon capture and clean coal. More importantly, developed countries continue to strengthen new development efforts, and solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, etc. continue to mature. Once established as a world standard, it will have a huge impact on developing countries that rely on traditional industrial routes.
Secondly, Western countries often restrict the development of other countries on the pretext of emission reduction and ecological protection, and promote trade protectionism through technical barriers. Now there is a new "moral card", green tariffs represented by carbon taxes Green trade barriers And so on. For example, the United States is trying to use climate change as a moral highland to "save the human homeland", making it a global leader committed to solving the problem of climate change, and mastering the power to formulate new international green rules. The strategic intention is clear.
In addition, in the current international political context, climate change has become an important topic in world politics after more than 10 years of development since the Kyoto Protocol, which was adopted in December 1997 to limit greenhouse gas emissions of developed countries to curb global warming《 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 》It has become the basic rule of the world. Climate change has become the central concept of environmental protection, so it has entered the diplomatic, trade and security policies of various countries. The establishment of an international intervention mechanism and the promotion of environmental justice advocated by western strategists have also gained practical "credibility" and formed new ideological weapons. For example, Germany is building environmentalism into a new universal value and international political discourse in addition to the traditional western power diplomacy and human rights diplomacy discourse to win greater international political dominance.
With the approaching of the World Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, developed countries are striving for the right to speak in this regard. Therefore, the implementation of the "green new policy" and the development of the "green economy" are also competing for the voice of the "green politics" and even the leading power of the global "green governance".


This year, major countries around the world have introduced major "green new policies", which shows that the atmosphere of global "green competition" has become increasingly fierce. In the face of a new round of green economic development opportunities, who has mastered the initiative, who has mastered the future. China must seize this once-in-a-lifetime "green" opportunity to seize the "commanding height" of a new round of "green" competition among major countries. In this regard, the "green new policy" of western countries undoubtedly has a strong reference significance for China's development of green economy.
(1) National power is the basic force for developing green economy. In the context of the current global green competition, green economy has become a national development strategy. To develop a green economy, we should not only seek solutions at the economic or cultural level, but also give it to the market to develop slowly. Instead, we must mobilize the overall strength of the country and form a strong national will at the political level.
(2) Policy support is an important driving force for the development of green economy. Policymakers should stand on a global level and formulate a long-term, national and highly operational "green development plan" to face the global green competition that will determine the future national transportation. Through the establishment of development plans and goals to guide, promote all parties to form a unified expectation and guide all parties to invest smoothly; We will encourage the inflow of social investment through mechanisms such as interest compensation, increase government investment, and encourage the inflow of social investment through various forms such as government subsidies, subsidies, and incentives.
(3) Green technology is an important support for green economy. The United Kingdom, the United States and other western countries maintain a leading edge in green technologies such as carbon capture, clean coal, smart grids, low-carbon cars and so on. Only by strengthening the research and development of green technology can the development of green economy have a solid foundation, and can green economy also play a driving role in economic development.
(4) Give play to national advantages and establish development priorities. For example, France's nuclear energy, Germany's solar energy, Brazil's biology, etc. are all the advantages of their own green economy, and are also the key development directions of their respective countries' green new policies. To develop green economy, we should combine our own advantages and establish the focus of development. Like China, with large demand and large population, we should develop green and promote Green lifestyle As the focus of development.
(5) Actively participate in global green governance and strive for the "voice" of global green politics. For China, the development of green economy is not only a new focus of competition among major countries, but also a new starting point for seeking the status of a major country. In the face of mankind Global environmental issues In front of us, China should not only be a passive stakeholder, but also a responsible participant and a leader in the formulation of international norms on global environmental issues. Only by actively responding to the green strategy represented by climate issues can we gain comprehensive economic, technological, moral and cultural advantages in international affairs.