
international non-government organization
zero Useful+1
Greenpeace, International Non governmental organizations Formerly founded on September 15, 1971 Canada "Non show of hands committee", changed to Greenpeace in 1979, headquartered in the Netherlands Amsterdam [1]
Declared mission: protect the earth, the environment and the safety and sustainable development of all kinds of creatures, and make positive changes through action. Advocate solutions conducive to environmental protection, whether in scientific research or scientific and technological inventions. The purpose is to promote a more green, peaceful and sustainable future. [2]
On November 9, 2023, it was reported that Shell was suing the environmental protection organization Greenpeace for compensation of at least 21 US $0 million. [11]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Date of establishment
September 15, 1971
Amsterdam, Netherlands
International non-governmental organizations
More than 2.8 million supporters
Protecting the environment and maintaining peace
Official website

Organization Profile

Greenpeace is an international organization Environmental protection organizations , aiming to find ways to prevent pollution and protect nature bio-diversity and atmosphere , and the pursuit of a nuclear free( nuclear weapon )The world of.
In 1971, 12 people with a common dream Canada Vancouver Set sail and sail to Amchitka to stop the US nuclear test there. They hung a banner on the fishing boat, which read "Greenpeace". Although they were blocked by the US military halfway, their actions were supported by public opinion and the public.
In 1972, the United States gave up its nuclear test on the island of Anchika. Over the next 30 years, Greenpeace has gradually developed into one of the most influential environmental protection organizations in the world. They have inherited the brave and independent spirit of the founders and firmly believe in protecting with action Earth environment At the same time, through research, education and lobbying, the government, enterprises and the public are encouraged to jointly seek solutions to environmental problems.
Greenpeace in the world environmental protection They have contributed a lot. In some links, it plays a key role: prohibit output Toxic Substances reach developing country Stop commercial whaling; Develop a the United Nations Convention to provide a better environment for the development of world fisheries; stay South Pacific Establish a no whaling zone; Prohibited for 50 years Antarctica Mining minerals; Prohibit Ocean dumping Radioactive material Industrial waste And abandoned oil production equipment; Stop using large trawl fishing Total ban on nuclear weapon test ——This is the earliest and eternal goal of Greenpeace.

Organization purpose

protect Species diversity To avoid pollution and over utilization of sea, land, air and fresh water. Respond to the nuclear threat, promote world peace, global disarmament and the non use of violence.
I Reduce marine pollution
at sea Dumping Not only is it seriously toxic marine animal And plants, and pollute the decreasing seafood in the world. At the beginning of the 1990s, about 80% to 90% of the dumped waste came from the pollutants in the excavated ports. Other sources of pollution included industrial waste, sewer Dirt, radioactive substances and Incinerator Particles. Ten percent of the sludge is polluted by heavy metals, which flow into the sea from land, and some of them also come from tanker , industrial and household waste, and even if non polluting substances are dumped into the sea Marine ecology Cause potential threats. Marine pollution is definitely not the way to deal with sludge and other wastes. Once the marine ecology is damaged, it will be difficult to restore its original appearance. In addition, the organization is also actively protecting whale To avoid hunting.
II Reduce the harm of genetic engineering
Greenpeace said anxiously: "If we do not act now to stop genetic modification, in a few years, most of our food will be genetically modified 'scientific monsters'". In 2007, in the United States supermarket There are already thousands of genetically engineered( GE )The product of is on the shelf. However, these ingredients in the experiment are likely to cause irreparable Biological pollution Moreover, it may endanger our health. development Genetic modification Technical Multinational enterprises We hope to convince the public that these foods are strictly tested, not only safe, but also nutritious.
However, independent scientists have warned that human understanding of genes is extremely limited, so they believe that this technology is full of flaws and dangers. The impact of genetically modified organisms on the environment and human health is not yet known. Therefore, Greenpeace believes that planting any genetically modified organism in the natural environment will lead to irreducible changes, which is extremely irresponsible.
III Reduce the pollution of toxic substances
The economy of modern society is often driven by consumption consumerism In the boom years, Overconsumption It is inevitable to bring huge waste to the society, which cannot be ignored.
Waste incineration is to produce dioxin And heavy metals. Dioxin has been confirmed as Carcinogen , which seriously affects the human body immune system reproductive system And interfere hormone Secretion. It can enter through air diffusion food chain among. In fact, 90% of dioxins are produced through food such as meat, dairy products, eggs and Fresh fish Etc. into the human body. dioxin Will accumulate in Human fat And female breast breast milk It is easily passed on to babies, which seriously threatens their health. Moreover, waste incineration is expensive and scarce social results Waste of processing method The construction cost is billions, and the annual operating cost is expensive. After operation, it will absorb a lot of waste, including recyclable products, and waste precious resources. Greenpeace urges the government to immediately cancel the plan to build incinerators, fully implement the waste recycling system, and implement the commitment to sustainable development.
4、 Protect the original forest
On Earth forest Absorbable carbon dioxide , produce oxygen, fix the soil, adjust the climate, Equilibrium water Of circulatory system And provide animals and plants with an ideal Habitat However, in the past 40 years, nearly half of the earth's original forests, about 3 billion hectares, have been destroyed; The remaining 20% are not disturbed by human beings. Primitive forest contains rich Biological resources , for ecological equilibrium It plays an extremely important role. The loss of precious primitive forests is like the loss of beautiful natural environment, future economic development opportunities, and animals that have been friends with us for generations. What's more, it will lead to global climate change, and then the earth environment will enter an irreversible vicious circle.
5、 No war
Greenpeace opposes war and supports Israel Non violence Ways to resolve conflicts. He also advocates the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction possessed by any country. Since the establishment of Greenpeace in 1971, it has been trying to prevent all kinds of Nuclear weapon R&D and use, but also continue to move towards the direction of zero core.
All countries in the world, whether advanced or not, are faced with the problem of "sustainable development". One of the topics is how to properly dispose of waste. The predecessor of most wastes is the limited resources on the earth. Over the past hundred years, the West Of Development mode They are all based on excessive consumption of the earth's resources. This way of life is unlikely to change significantly in the short term, but it is worrying that Asia Such developing countries have also gradually embarked on the path of high consumption. This can't help worrying: how long can a life like this waste of resources last, even if it is rich?

sense of worth

Non violent direct action , which is 40 years since the establishment of Greenpeace Core values
"Non violent direct action" refers to the direct action taken by the public through peaceful means to express Social fairness and justice Or to achieve the purpose of promoting social change. This is usually the last choice when other "normal" channels are "blocked" everywhere.
Non violence means not using violence, No harm The body of another person does not resist the violence used by the other party or law enforcement personnel in the process of expressing their will, and does not fight back or scold back; The so-called direct action means that we must be faithful in our words and resolute in our actions, and change injustice with practical actions. The action goals are usually very clear and clear, and take achieving the goals as the criterion of action, so they are similar to the general demonstration There are differences.
The conduct of nonviolent direct action, sometimes Daily operation It constitutes a temporary obstacle, so it may be considered radical and irrational. But the purpose of the obstacles is to hope that more Public participation , or prevent injustice from continuing, not to destroy Social order In addition, the whole process of action is based on the principle that no one is injured by the action. The requirements of both parties can still be communicated through dialogue and even solved. More importantly, the ultimate purpose of these actions is to highlight the injustice of relevant policies or behaviors, give the powerful party great public pressure, force it to make concessions, and meet the requirements of ordinary citizens.

Key achievements

Greenpeace International is composed of chapters around the world, with its headquarters located in Netherlands Of Amsterdam (Amsterdam), with more than 1330 staff, distributed in 43 branches in 30 countries. The main personnel come from various fields appeal And suggestions reliability These professionals include environmental problems Its own experts, media professionals in the field of communication, veterans in political and economic units, and people from the UK and Ukraine Staff of two scientific laboratories, etc. Green Mir sails between countries and regions to highlight local environmental problems. The purpose of Greenpeace International is to ensure that our planet can permanently nourish thousands of species on it.
Continuous achievement I : Successfully lobbied China's largest Home building materials retailer B&Q Promise not to sell anything that may come from illegal logging And ensure that all wood products sold in China by 2010 are from certified sustainable Forest resources
Continuous achievement 2 : After three pairs Mount Everest and Headwaters of the Yellow River regional on-the-spot investigation , Greenpeace announced Qinghai Tibet Plateau Glacial ablation And call on the world to take action to control Greenhouse gas emissions
Continuous achievement 3 : We successfully pushed the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to pass a bill by a large proportion to strictly regulate pesticide residues in food. The Hong Kong government promised to establish pesticide residue standards, establish the Food Safety Law and regulate vegetable & fruit Is the priority item.
Continuous achievement 4 : Expose a large number of environmentally harmful“ Foreign garbage ”Exports from the UK to China. China's State Environmental Protection Administration said it would strictly control the import of "foreign garbage" harmful to the environment.
Continuous achievement 5 : For the Chinese market Baby Food Detect and find Heinz Rice Noodles It contains illegal genetically modified rice without safety test. Through efforts, whether China will plant genetically modified rice has become a public concern, and the Chinese government still does not approve commercial planting GM rice
Continuous achievement 6 : Expose the illegal timber imported from Paradise Rainforest by Chinese and European timber enterprises. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that China would work with other countries to crack down on illegal timber trade Belgium And companies from France and other countries promised not to buy illegal wood products from the Paradise Rainforest.
Continuous achievement 7 : For sale in Guangzhou and Hong Kong Vegetables and fruits Detect and find illegal pesticides and pesticide residue Such problems as exceeding the standard prompted supermarkets in both places to commit to adopting stricter monitoring systems, and successfully promoted the Hong Kong SAR government to strengthen supervision of imported vegetables and fruits.
Continuous achievement 8 : After three years of efforts Dell (Dell)、 Acer (Acer) and association (Lenovo) Three major computer product companies promise to gradually stop using in products Toxic chemicals Raw materials. These three companies account for more than 30% of the world's computers market share
Continuous achievement 9 : The National People's Congress adopted the Renewable energy The utilization law encourages the application of renewable energy in China. Greenpeace as the only Non governmental organizations Was invited to participate in the consultation process of the law.
Continuous achievements 10 : by《 South Weekend 》And《 Southern Window 》The magazine was elected as "NGO of the Year" and "Organization of the Year Award" respectively.
Continuous achievements 11 : Greenpeace and scientists in Qinghai Tibet Plateau Conduct investigation and publish《 Yellow River The source of danger "report, pointing out that climate warming Headwaters of the Yellow River Regional ecological deterioration, including water and soil loss Vegetation coverage Lower and lake dried up.
Continuous achievements 12 : Publish《 Wind 12 in China 》, is the first time for China to Wind power Blueprint report of development.
Continuous achievements 13 : The flagship of Greenpeace“ Rainbow Warrior ”Access Hong Kong , launch promotion Wind power generation Activities of. The event successfully invited 10 celebrities to join“ Wind messenger ”, including Hong Kong SAR Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Director Liao Xiudong
Continuous achievements 14 : Yes Jinguang Group (APP) Hainan Investigate illegal deforestation in the province and issue a report. Under the pressure of public opinion, Golden Light Group sent a letter to the Chinese government promising to abide by Chinese laws and stop illegal deforestation.
Continuous achievements 15 : Revealing Hong Kong New Territories Multiple open air electrons exist Waste disposal site conduct E-waste Transit trade. After the event was exposed, it attracted extensive attention from the public and the media, and promoted Special Zone Government Revise relevant laws.
Continuous achievements 16 : Five of the world's largest Krill Fishing enterprises promise to voluntarily stop at multiple fishing sites in 2020 antarctic Fishing in ecologically sensitive areas, and support the establishment of a large-scale Marine reserve Network. [3]
Continuous achievements 17 : Greenpeace combines desktop and Field investigation , with Jiangsu Province as an example for China Coastal wetland The current situation is analyzed. Discovery enclosure Reclamation Too fast is the primary threat to coastal wetlands, and after reclamation land use Poor supervision will pose a further threat to coastal wetlands. It is also suggested that the government should punish the suspected violations of laws and regulations in the reclamation project, and formulate as soon as possible ecological red line Regulatory mechanism. [4]
Continuous achievements 18 : Released two reports, Bottled World and Coca Cola's Happiness and Failure. According to the report, the world's largest soft drink company Coca Cola Annual output of more than 110 billion Plastic bottle , but no clear measures to deal with it Plastic pollution Greenpeace hopes Coca Cola can face up to its own Environmental responsibility , greatly reducing the use of disposable Plastic packaging , give priority to the use of reusable packaging and reform the beverage delivery system. For disposable plastic packaging, recycled plastic after consumption should be used as the source of raw materials to replace the original materials. [5]
Continuous achievements 19 : Released Green Water and Green Mountains or Gold and Silver Mountains Yunnan Green peafowl Habitat Change Research, pointing out that there are a series of Mineral development And hydropower construction activities. The Environmental Protection Department of Yunnan Province, local governments and forestry departments attach great importance to the destruction and threat of the green peacock habitat, and will carry out special supervision. [6]
Continuous achievements 20 : Discover China under global warming Cryosphere It is strongly reflected that 82% of glaciers are in retreat. It is of great significance for people living in the cryosphere to call for the temperature rise to be controlled within 1.5 ℃. [7]
Continuous achievements 21 : Greenpeace released its report, which is the first report on the "12th Five Year Plan" of 31 provinces in China water environment Improve the situation and make independent Third party evaluation The report found that nearly half of the provinces failed to achieve the surface water environment improvement goal of the 12th Five Year Plan, Local areas Water quality deteriorates or improves slowly. Greenpeace calls on all provinces to actively assume the responsibility of water environment management and implement Water quality planning The goal is to provide better surface water environment for the public.
Continuous achievements 22 : Release the report on Synergistic Benefits of Wind Power PV Power Generation in China to promote China's energy structure Accelerate transformation. [8]
Continuous achievements 23 : Call for attention to the surface of China Water environment quality To reduce the discharge of waste water and pollutants and accelerate the protection of water environment from“ Total emission reduction From "primary" to "secondary" environmental quality "For the core".


Greenpeace volunteers
The purpose of Greenpeace volunteers is to protect the environment And world peace, those who participate in the free work of Greenpeace. The volunteer team is a supporter of Greenpeace and the most valuable resource of Greenpeace. These volunteers come from all walks of life, have various skills, expertise and experience, and support Greenpeace in various ways. Globally, in China, there are a large number of volunteers who selflessly contribute their time and energy to help and participate in the work of Greenpeace, contributing to the achievement of Greenpeace's goals and achievements.
Action brings change. Non violence Direct action "is the most well-known and distinctive way of action of Greenpeace. Behind every meticulous and effective action, there are a lot of planning and Organization On the stage of every action, there are brave figures of our action members. From all over the world, he has been engaged in all walks of life before, and has entered into Greenpeace for the same dream - on the road of environmental protection, each member is writing the wonderful team in his own position.




The Rainbow Warrior
English name: The Rainbow Warrior
The name "Rainbow Warrior" has a touching story behind it.
In 1971, when the first group of Greenpeace members went to Anchika Island, the accompanying journalists Robert Hunter Flip through a small book about Indian myths and legends. He saw such an amazing prophecy: the old woman of Cree told her great grandson a story: the people predicted that the world would be plundered by white people Earth resources The period of. Before everything can be saved, the great Indian warriors will be reborn and teach the white people how to treat the earth well - these warriors are honored as "Rainbow Warriors". So the first ship Greenpeace bought later was called "Rainbow Warrior".
Hope number
English name: The Esperanza
The Hope was launched in 2002. The first action it participated in was to promote the project of "Primitive Forest: Protection or Disappearance" in 2002. It is the latest and largest ship in the Greenpeace fleet. It took over the service of MV Greenpeace. Hope is the first ship named by the visitors of Greenpeace website.
Arctic Sunrise
Before Greenpeace rented the Polar Dawn, it was once a hunting ship Seals Ship. Greenpeace used to ship to France for construction in Antarctica Airstrip I stopped it when building this runway because it would destroy the habitat of penguins.
Polar Dawn began its green peace career in the "Brent Spar" project, where it prevented the scrapped drilling platform The "Brent Spar" sank into the North Sea. In 1997, Polar Dawn became Human history The first ship successfully sailed around James Ross Island in the Antarctic. The reason for the success of this voyage is that it originally connected James Ross Island with Antarctic continent A 200 meter thick ice block collapsed due to climate change.
Greenpeace confronts whaling ships
Since then, this ship has helped Greenpeace witness the destruction of climate change on the survival homes of human and animals for many times. Polar Dawn returned several times later arctic , to oppose BP Opening new offshore wells“ Northstar ”Plan for. This plan is likely to cause oil leakage in this vulnerable area, and further global warming stay Antarctic Ocean At last, Polar Dawn opposed Japan's so-called "scientific" whaling plan and tracked pirate ships illegally catching Patagonian toothfish to Mauritius, the largest pirate port. In order to prevent the United States from testing the "Star Wars" defense system in 2000, the Polar Dawn launched into the orbit of the missile, but the blocking action was unsuccessful. This defense system may lead to new nuclear weapon arms race Fortunately, the Polar Dawn survived under the missile, and it continued since 1998 Argentina Sailing Latin America A non-toxic journey.
Argus is the smallest motor ship of Greenpeace, which is basically only Rotterdam (Netherlands) port or North Sea coastal activities. In 1977, Sweden The Navy built the Argus, which was then named MS Trymbergen. Greenpeace bought it from a Norwegian company in 2000. Norwegians use it for short distance fishing and naval training. Later, the ship was renamed Agus, and its registered port was Luff Bay in Rotterdam.
Argus is mainly engaged in combating toxic chemistry material Production, use and dumping projects. The ship itself uses TBT free paint. TBT is a highly toxic chemical used to prevent algae from attaching to the hull. The first action of Argus was in September 2000, when the staff stuck a huge sign "Stop TBT" on the hanger of the ship using TBT paint, marking the ship using TBT with a stigma. In February 2001, when a ship called Saga Tide carried Canada The timber cut from the original forest tries to enter Netherlands At Flushing Port, Argus Appear and block it. In May 2001, the Argus helped seal the heavily polluted Rotterdam Chemical Port. Greenpeace requires Aksu Shell And Shin Vietnam to clean up the chemical port. At the end of July 2001, journalists took the Argus to the North Sea to visit the first offshore built by Greenpeace Windmill , which happens to be Clyde A place where oil companies intend to drill for oil.

Rubber dinghy

Rubber dinghy
Rubber dinghy Although not the largest vessels of Greenpeace, they are the most effective fighting weapons for maritime operations. Intercept and kill on the way whale While stopping dumping into the sea Toxic waste They all play an important role in combating illegal fishing vessels, which is unmatched by other types of vessels.
Greenpeace's use of rubber boats is a very accidental start. In 1972, when the Vega, the Greenpeace speedboat, was carrying out a nuclear test to prevent France, France Commandos The crew boarded the Vega in a rubber boat and beat the captain hard. The fighting effectiveness of the French commando rubber boats left a legacy for Bob Hunter, the "brain" of Greenpeace at that time Impressive ——Since rubber boats can play such a good role, we should make good use of them.
The rubber boats have their own personalities. All of them have their own names. Some of them simply follow the color or Manufacturer Naming; Some leave people rich imagination space. There is a rubber boat on the Hope, nicknamed "African Queen", which was carried in the film of the same name Film star Humphrey Bogart and Kathryn Hepburn went to Congo. The rubber dinghy Billy G is for commemoration die young 's filmmakers Billy Greene After he was shot and killed, his mother Robin Davey hoped that Greenpeace's brave rubber boat could be engraved with his son's name to witness and protect the earth he respected and loved.
In the past decades, many rubber boats have had unusual experiences. Some have been filled with whole barrels radioactivity Rubbish has been smashed, some have been squeezed by illegal timber transport vessels, some have been detained by the police, and some have been worn and scrapped. It is with people like Billy G, people who write to us and support us, wherever you are, our fleet will go all out to create a better world with action. Please don't underestimate the power you bring.

Hot Air Balloon

Greenpeace Hot Air Balloon It can carry three people: one pilot and two passengers, such as project director, photographer or skydiver. In addition, 3 ground personnel are required. This balloon can only be used when the wind speed is not high (10 knots at most). In many parts of the world, Greenpeace hot air balloons can only be used two hours before sunrise or two hours after sunset. This is because the daytime sun will raise the atmospheric temperature and generate heat, making the flight of balloons dangerous. In winter, the sun is not so hot, so balloons have more opportunities to fly in the daytime.
Under normal conditions (low temperature at 2000 meters above sea level), the balloon can stay in the air for up to two hours. There are two kinds of balloon flight: free flight or rope flight. In free flight, the balloon will follow the wind. The pilot can use the wind direction at different heights to control the direction of the balloon to some extent. During rope pulling flight, the wind speed (about 8 knots) is smaller than that during free flight, because the balloon is resisting the wind, and hot air is more likely to blow the balloon out, causing the balloon to fall. Greenpeace uses balloons to accomplish many things Project activities , such as hanging Banner A platform for taking photos of polluted environment, detecting air pollution and skydiving.
The most famous Greenpeace hot-air balloon voyage in history includes: Flying over Germany in 1983 Berlin Wall, leap over Nevada nuclear test site in 1987, leap over India in 1998 Taj Mahal Protest against the nuclear test.



Private property

Greenpeace claimed that it "adheres to nonviolent means and peacefully engages in the ideal environmental protection under the principle of not infringing on the person and property". But their words and deeds are not consistent.
On April 7, 1997 Atlantic In the northeast waters, Greenpeace members destroyed a ship Oil and gas exploration Marine equipment of the ship. A Greenpeace member who took part in the action said: "It is dangerous to damage the exploration equipment, but the oil companies have not put the climate issue above commercial interests, so we should do it for them."
On March 23, 2000, Greenpeace protesters broke into Hong Kong Island West Waste Transfer station About 30 people climbed on a ship carrying waste Container ship , launched a sit in to protest Hong Kong's Kennedy Town Burn waste and garbage. However, the incinerator they protested against was closed in 1994, and Hong Kong did not use incineration at all in 2000 Municipal domestic waste The ship "Rainbow Warrior", which was shipped to Hong Kong by Greenpeace, also brought about 10 tons Waste oil And three cubic meters of ordinary garbage, it is up to Hong Kong taxpayers to pay the Hong Kong government to dispose of them.
On February 11, 2011, Greenpeace demonstrators destroyed Spain One nuclear power plant And climb onto the cooling tower of the nuclear power plant, forcing the power plant Emergency stop operate. This kind of emergency suspension will bring disaster to nuclear power plants if they are not careful. Greenpeace, regardless of the safety of local people and power plant staff, has taken them as hostages to threaten the shutdown of the power plant Government funding Other new energy programs promoted by it.
On July 14, 2011, Greenpeace demonstrators broke into a Canberra The pilot farm. This farm has planted half a hectare of wheat that can reduce blood sugar coefficient, improve intestinal health and improve nutritional value. Because these wheat are genetically modified experimental wheat seeds, Greenpeace demonstrators ignored the self claimed principle of "not infringing on property" and crossed the fence of the farm to destroy them.
June 10, 2011, Netherlands Amsterdam local court Make a judgment, issue an injunction to Greenpeace members, and require them not to apply to Cairn Energy Co., Ltd Greenland Legitimate business on the coast. Previously, Greenpeace's small boat had arrived at the company's Offshore drilling platform And prevent the normal operation of the drilling platform. All this is because Greenpeace believes that "once there is an oil leak in the Arctic, it will be impossible to clean up", while Cairn Energy has not announced the oil leak Emergency plan
On July 21, 2011, members of Greenpeace were suspected of illegal destruction CSIRO Property, Australia The police raided and blocked Greenpeace's Sydney Headquarters, but no one was arrested. The International Plant Protection Association (CropLife) condemned the attack and sabotage of "Greenpeace", saying that they were obstructing valuable scientific research.


In 1995, Greenpeace learned that Shell Brandt Spaer approved to be abolished Oil storage platform Deep buried in the North Sea. That summer, Greenpeace members occupied this Oil platform The goal is to prevent Shell from burying or moving it. Greenpeace's German branch also proposed to extend the occupation period from several weeks to several months. From May to June of that year, the movement formed considerable momentum in Europe, especially in Germany. The local Shell gas station was even set on fire by demonstrators encouraged by Greenpeace.
In June, under great pressure, Shell announced that it would abandon the deepwater treatment scheme for the platform. The subsequent independent investigation found that the Brent Spaer oil storage platform had been thoroughly cleaned before being abandoned. Except for a pile of scrap iron, there was no toxic and Radioactive waste Although Greenpeace admitted its mistake, it still publicly stated that it would not change its position against Shell's deep sea burial scheme. As early as 1987, the original "Rainbow Warrior" ship that Greenpeace could not repair was sunk New Zealand The bay has become a man-made reef. It is also a lot of scrap iron. When the Brent Spaer oil storage platform was buried, Greenpeace said that "Shell regards the North Sea as its own home Landfill ”; When the Rainbow Warrior was buried, Greenpeace claimed that it was "an artificial island reef conducive to marine ecology".
Greenpeace is not Terrorist organizations However, the ideological resources of eco terrorist organizations are only 50 steps and 100 steps different from the extreme trend of thought of Greenpeace that "human beings are dispensable on the earth". In Peter Liszt's research work Radical Environmentalism: Philosophy and Strategies, it is mentioned that the films shot by Greenpeace have softened the public's moral attitude towards extreme environmental protection behaviors and increased their acceptance of 'unconventional' environmental protection strategies. "Greenpeace believers who accept this concept are more likely to believe that the eco terrorist organization" is for the highest wild animal And the life of vegetation, setting fire and throwing bombs is nothing ". In Ecological Terrorism: Extreme Environmental Protection and Animal Liberation Movement, published by Preg Press in 2006, it was mentioned that those eco terrorists who are keen on arson, smashing and violence are "often recruited from people who share the same ideas with Greenpeace".


In addition to frequently destroying others' private property by violence, Greenpeace is also often exposed to lie. Greenpeace has always claimed that in the first 50 to 75 years of the 21st century, more than half of the species on the earth will be extinct. However, Bjorn Lomborg, a scientist who has devoted himself to environmental protection for many years, mentioned in his book The Suspicious Environmentalist that he had publicly pointed out the mistake of this conclusion to Greenpeace for many times: the most pessimistic estimation data that can stand up in science is only 0.7% of the earth's species will disappear in five or ten years, compared with half of the proportion is very different. Greenpeace Denmark The head of the branch had to admit that the organization accepted the correction of Bjorn Lomborg, but the official biodiversity report of Greenpeace Headquarters still insisted on the original wrong argument. After the Norwegian media publicly questioned Greenpeace's Norwegian branch, the head of Greenpeace Norway had to hold Press conference , accepted the criticism and declared "the data before re evaluation", but said: "If most people do not believe that the world will face Ecological disaster Then they will not take environmental protection organizations seriously. " That is to say, Greenpeace lies for the fate of the earth. Don't be too critical of their views.

Important events

On November 9, 2023, it was reported that Shell was suing the environmental protection organization Greenpeace for compensation of at least 21 US $0 million. [11]

Honors won

1. Greenpeace was《 South Weekend 》And《 Southern Window 》The magazine was elected as "NGO of the Year" and "Organization of the Year Award" respectively.
2. Obtained China Beijing International Science and Technology Industry Expo Awarding the exhibition of audience selection Ten hot spots Most environmental awareness Exhibition Hall Award.
Greenpeace Himalayan Glacier Survey won the 2007“ China Outdoor Annual Golden Rhino Award ”"Best environmental protection" Spirit Award ”。 This award was awarded to defend with practical actions in 2007 natural rights Environmental events that awaken people's awareness of environmental protection.
1. October 20, 2008 Ninth session OCOG (i.e BOCOG )Issue Greenpeace“ Certificate of honor ”, commend Greenpeace for Olympic The successful holding of the conference made outstanding contributions. Greenpeace Yes 2008 Beijing Olympic Games And released the "Beyond Beijing, Beyond 2008 - Beijing Olympic Games Environmental Assessment Report, which objectively evaluates Beijing's environmental efforts for the Olympic Games and what needs to be improved environmental policy , appeal international olympic committee Develop a set of guidelines for future host cities binding force Of Environmental standards To ensure that the host city Planning process Environmental protection is the primary consideration in. The International Olympic Organizing Committee gave a clear response, saying that it would incorporate the recommendations of Greenpeace into the future continuous evaluation system.
2. Deputy Director of Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission at the 2008 World Wind Energy Conference Li Junfeng The "Special Contribution Award" was awarded to Greenpeace to commend Greenpeace's contribution to promoting the development of China's renewable energy industry.
3. Greenpeace was selected and awarded by Chinese media for the first time Ecological and environmental protection Award, which is awarded by《 DEEP China Science Expedition 》It was launched by the magazine and reviewed by readers, netizens and experts to commend the environmental protection organizations that have made contributions to promoting the sustainable development of China's folk ecological environmental protection cause.
1. Greenpeace won the "2009 Phoenix Baidu Current Affairs Boiling Point" Current Affairs Witness Award, which was awarded by And Baidu announced that in 2009 Hot Events And characters, based entirely on netizens' Baidu Search The result is the benchmark judgment basis of the event influence, in which“ Copenhagen China's commitment to reduce emissions at the Climate Summit became a special event in 2009. Greenpeace was awarded the Witness of Current Affairs Award for its participation in and coverage of the Copenhagen Conference.
2. Greenpeace's "book lovers love forests" project won the "green publishing" award issued by the non-state-owned book industry working committee, which recognizes the promotion of Greenpeace Beijing Hongwen Museum Publishing Planning Co., Ltd. and Beijing Prophet Book distribution The Company took the lead in signing the "Letter of Commitment for Green Publishing", printing books on forest friendly paper, and promised to print all appropriate publications with recycled paper within three years. Up to that year, Greenpeace had successfully promoted 10 books with a total of 340000 volumes to be printed on 100% recycled paper, reducing a total of 750 tons of carbon dioxide Emissions. The award affirmed the project's contribution to promoting domestic green Publishing Contributions made.
3. Greenpeace "Olympic Project" won the third session in 2009 SEE TNC The third prize of ecological award and environmental protection project award. The award passed Online voting And experts to commend the efforts of Greenpeace Olympic projects in ecological and environmental protection Chinese society And the contribution of citizens.
1. Greenpeace launched the website "Coal has problems" in the 17th session China Advertising Festival Get "China Interaction" on Network advertising creativity Bonus ". China International Advertising Festival It is the most authoritative, professional, large-scale and influential advertising event in China.
2. For the second time, Greenpeace's "book lovers love forests" project won the "green publishing" award issued by the non-state-owned book industry working committee, which affirmed the contribution of the project to promoting domestic green publishing.
3. 2010 China Wiki Industry Summit and the 3rd Interactive Encyclopedia User Conference Issued in 2010 Interactive Encyclopedia Outstanding Public Welfare Partner Award to commend Greenpeace in inheriting and promoting environmental protection scientific knowledge The contribution made by.
Greenpeace was founded in 1971, and more than 40 countries and regions It has a branch with more than 3 million supporters. To keep fairness And independence, Greenpeace does not accept any government, enterprise or Political groups We only accept direct donations from citizens and independent funds.
Tide • Sewage Flow -- Record of Pollution in Famous Textile Cities
Project introduction:
Greenpeace announced in July 2011 investigation report The Poison of Fashion - China Water Pollution Survey of Global Clothing Brands. The report states that, Adidas Nike Li Ning And other well-known international and domestic clothing brands in China industrial waste water Medium, containing environment that can interfere with endocrine and affect reproductive system Hormones Substance. In August 2011, Greenpeace released another report, "Poison Hidden in Clothes - Global Brand Clothing Toxic and harmful substances Residue Investigation pointed out that the products of these international and domestic well-known brands contain“ Environmental hormone NPE Based on the investigation and test results of these two reports, Greenpeace requires these brands to immediately commit to eliminate and eliminate toxic and harmful substances used and discharged in their supply chain and disclose them environmental information
On August 31, 2011, Adidas, Nike Puma Li Ning H&M and C&A Six major clothing brands have made a "non-toxic" commitment to the public, and recently jointly released the Common Roadmap, which describes how to eliminate all toxic and harmful substances in their supply chain and products by 2020 with specific actions. [2]
At the end of September 2015, Ricardo Baitelo, the climate and energy supervisor of Greenpeace, also said that in order to reach an agreement in the United Nations in New York Sustainable development The Brazilian government must also implement the public policy of the energy industry investment policy Can be expanded Renewable energy and ethanol etc. Biofuels On the whole energy production Ratio of. [9]

China Branch

Greenpeace China Branch was established in Hong Kong in 1997 and has a project liaison office in Beijing. As a major developing country, China global environment The impact of is critical. For more than 20 years, China's development has attracted worldwide attention, but environmental crisis But with each passing day. Greenpeace believes that economic development should not be at the cost of destroying the environment. They have a foothold in China and a global perspective, and are committed to opening up a green development path with practical actions.
Environmental protection projects in China
Climate and energy
Greenpeace Climate and Energy Project is committed to mitigating the impact of coal, oil and natural gas fossil fuel Caused by climate change.
1. Promote the energy revolution, promote the development of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency;
2. Call on the government and enterprises to take effective measures to improve energy-resource structure Addressing climate change
3. Investigate and expose the hazards of burning fossil fuels to climate, environment and human beings;
4. Encourage everyone energy conservation , make use of renewable energy and jointly participate in the energy revolution.
Greenpeace pollution prevention project is committed to eliminating Toxic pollutants
1. Push cleaner production , advocating the elimination of all kinds of toxic pollutants from the source, so that the next generation does not have to be poisoned by pollutants;
2. Require enterprises to bear environmental protection responsibilities Production process Replace potentially hazardous chemicals with the safest and cleanest substances;
3. Call on the government to pass legislation to require enterprises to reduce the use of toxic substances, bear the consequences of pollution, and let the public know and supervise the Environmental behavior
4. Investigate and disclose developed country Trade in dumping toxic substances into developing countries.
Food and Agriculture
The Greenpeace Food and Agriculture Project is committed to promoting agriculture that is conducive to the environment, farmers and consumers, so that all people can have adequate, safe and healthy food.
1. Investigate and expose the impact of industrial agriculture on natural environment And threats to food security;
2. Promote the government and enterprises to Policy measures Support environmental and farmer friendly ecological agriculture
3. Advocate those beneficial to the environment and farmers scientific research And its promotion in agriculture;
4. Encourage consumers to buy food that is beneficial to the environment and health.
The Greenpeace Forest Protection Project is committed to protecting the only remaining primeval forests on the earth and the people, animals and plants living in Sri Lanka.
1. Investigate and expose deforestation and timber trade;
2. Call on the government to set up protected areas and establish corresponding laws and regulations to prohibit all destructive logging of forests;
3. Promote the purchase of environmentally friendly products, such as Recycled paper And through Forest Management Committee FSC )Certified wood products;
4. Support the rights and interests of forest residents and protect their homes.

Unwelcome list

On May 30, 2023, Russia Satellite News Agency reported that the Russian Legal Department said on its website that Greenpeace was included in the list of unwelcome organizations in Russia. [10]