Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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Pseudomonas aeruginosa, also known as Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Scientific name: Pseudomonas aeruginosa), first isolated from wound pus by Gersard in 1882, is a Gram negative bacteria Aerobic, long rod shaped bacteria only have one-way mobility. It is a kind of Opportunistic infection Bacteria are also opportunistic infection to plants. After infection, the disease materials such as pus and exudate are green, so it is named.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, widely distributed in nature and normal human skin, intestines and respiratory tract, is more common in clinic Conditional pathogen one of.
Chinese name
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Latin name
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacterial kingdom
Gamma Proteobacteria
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

brief introduction

Pseudomonas aeruginosa under electron microscope
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the scientific name of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas is composed of pseudo and monas in Greek, which means false unit, and is used to describe bacteria in early microbiology. Aeruginosa is copper green (that is, copper and oxygen , carbon dioxide and water Copper rust chemical formula Cu2 (OH) 2CO3), which just expresses the cyan pigment produced by this bacterium. Pyocyanin The biosynthesis of Group effect To regulate, as if full of Cystic fibrosis The biofilm of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the patient's lung is the same.

Morphological and cultural characteristics

The length is about 1.5~3.0 × the width is 0.5~0.8umg. Single, in pairs or occasionally in short chains, filaments can be seen in broth cultures. The mycelium has 1-3 flagella and is active in movement. No spore, capable of forming Capsule It is easy to be dyed by ordinary dyes, gram-negative
This bacterium is an aerobic bacterium culture medium It is easy to grow, and the suitable temperature for culture is 35 ℃, PH value 7.2.
ordinary agar Form a smooth, slightly raised, medium and large with regular and wavy edges colony of bacteria Due to the production of water-soluble Pyocyanin (blue-green) and fluorescein (yellow green), so it can infiltrate into the culture medium and make the culture medium yellow green. After a few days, the green color of the culture medium gradually darkens, and the colony surface appears Metallic luster
Ordinary broth is even and turbid, and is yellow green. The bacteria in the upper part of the liquid develop more vigorously and form a thick membrane on the surface of the culture medium. However, the mutant strains screened after widely using effective antibiotics often lose their synthetic ability.
Blood agar can be produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyocyanase , can dissolve red blood cells, so there is a hemolytic ring around the colony. [1]

Biochemical characteristics

The ability to decompose protein is very strong, but the ability to ferment sugar is low. It can decompose glucose, gum sugar, milk sugar and mannose without gas or decomposition malt dust Inulin and Raffinose Mannitol, lactose and sucrose can liquefy gelatin. Decomposition of urea without formation indole Oxidase test Positive, available Citric acid Salt. No H2S generation, MR test and VP test All are negative.

Antigenic structure

Pseudomonas aeruginosa has cell o antigen and flagella h antigen. One is that o antigen contains endotoxin And protoendotoxin protein. Protoendotoxin protein is a high polymer Low toxicity and strong immunogenicity Protective antigen , not only exist in different Serotype Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas Other bacteria of the genus and Pneumonia Escherichia coli Vibrio cholerae Iso-g-bacteria is a good cross protection antigen. The second is lipopolysaccharide, which is closely related to specificity.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa can produce a variety of substances related to toxicity, such as endotoxin Exotoxin a、 elastase collagenase Pancreatic peptidase Among them, exotoxin a is the most important. Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin a is a heat labile single chain polypeptide molecular weight About 66000, which can be detoxified into toxoid after formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde treatment, and neutralized by specific antitoxin. The toxicity is strong. After injection into animals, the main target organ liver may have cell swelling, steatosis and necrosis; Other organ diseases include pulmonary hemorrhage and renal necrosis. Mechanism of exotoxin a and Diphtheria toxin Some are similar, that is, eventually ribosome upper Elongation factor 2 (ef-2) inactivation, inhibition host cell Of protein synthesis , but the specific process is different. In addition, exotoxin a and diphtheria toxin protein structure , immunogenicity, flagellar cells and sensitive animals.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection can occur in any part and tissue of the human body, and is commonly found in burns or wounds middle ear Corneal urethra And respiratory tract. Can also cause endocarditis , gastroenteritis, empyema and even septicemia The patient can produce specific antibody after infection, which has certain anti infection effect. The use of anti Pseudomonas aeruginosa immune serum can reduce the incidence and mortality of secondary sepsis.
Specimens can be taken from wound exudates Abscesses , urine, blood, etc. Isolation culture According to colony characteristics, pigments and biochemical reaction To be identified. If necessary, serological test can be used for diagnosis.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa breeding in some people will make the urine green.


The resistance of this bacterium to chemical drugs is more than ordinary Gram negative bacteria powerful. 1: 2000 Zebita, Dumifen and Bromogeramine The 1:5000 disinfectant can kill it within 5 minutes. 0.5-1% acetic acid can also quickly kill them. Some strains sulfa , streptomycin , chloramphenicol Sensitive, but easy to produce Drug resistance Penicillin has no effect on this bacterium, but gentamicin and Polymyxin B , E, aminoglycosides, the third and fourth generation cephalosporins (cefoperazone, ceftazidine Cefpirome , cefazolam, etc., the latter two are third line antibiotics, which should be used with caution) and other antibiotics have obvious effects, and some semi synthetic Penicillin antibiotics , such as Aloxicillin and Piperacillin It also has a strong antibacterial effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with an effective rate of about 80%. Fosfomycin It is also effective, but not as effective as the above antibiotics. Combined medication can reduce Drug resistant bacteria Generation of strains. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is Nosocomial infection Therefore, disinfection measures play an important role in preventing infection. As there are many types of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and many substances related to virulence, the ideal vaccine is still under development. [1]

Drug resistance mechanism

Pseudomonas aeruginosa There are four resistance mechanisms to antibiotics:
① Produce antibiotics Inactivation Enzymes or antibiotics Modifying enzyme
② Inhibits the penetration of drugs through the cell wall, thus reducing the concentration of drugs reaching the target
③ Change the target of antibacterial action, so as to avoid the antibacterial effect of antibacterial drugs.
④ Membrane barrier and active efflux limit the drug to reach its target.
⑤ It forms a biofilm, which is composed of polysaccharides. [2]


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a kind of immune damaging bacteria Opportunistic infection The pathogen generally affects the lungs and urinary tract, or causes burns, wounds and other blood infections, such as septicemia. Although rare, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can also cause pneumonia. stay contact lenses Incomplete cleaning may also cause corneal infection. In many studies of pneumonia related to respirators, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the bacteria that needs to be isolated. Pyocyanin - a toxic metabolite of blue-green, namely Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pathogenic factor And can make caenorhabditis elegans Death, but some studies indicate that salicylic acid can inhibit the production of pyocyanin. 10% at nosocomial infection All of the cases are caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The lungs of cystic fibrosis patients were the first group to be infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In the absence of proper treatment, it is also one of the bacteria that cause dermatitis. It also causes Burn infection The most common bacteria.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa can produce a variety of pathogenic substances, mainly endotoxin Exotoxin , proteolytic enzymes and leucostomide, etc. Its pathogenic characteristic is to cause Secondary infection , usually occurs when the body resistance is reduced, such as extensive burns, long-term use Immunosuppressant Etc. Common clinical infections are skin and subcutaneous tissue infections, tympanitis meningitis respiratory tract infection urinary-tract infection septicemia Etc.


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is naturally resistant to most antibiotics, and can quickly produce drug-resistant mutations. Generally combined with two antibiotics( Aminoglycoside antibiotics β - lactam antibiotics or Quinolones Antibiotics) use aggressive antimicrobial treatment. General treatment should be assisted by laboratory sensitivity, rather than selecting the type of antibiotics based on experience. If antibiotics have been used, their reproduction must be understood as much as possible and the effectiveness of antibiotics must be reviewed frequently.
Antibiotics that are effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa include:
Aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin Amikacin Tobramycin
Quinolone( ciprofloxacin And cola betal, but excluding Moxifloxacin
Piperacillin Ticarcillin (Pseudomonas aeruginosa is essentially resistant to all other penicillin)
Carbapenem (Donipenem Meropenem Ya'an Peinan , but not including Otapenem
Except fluoroquinolone, all the above antibiotics must be used by injection. Therefore, the use of fluoroquinolone is strictly prohibited in some hospitals to prevent Pseudomonas aeruginosa from developing corresponding drug resistance. [2]