Green Bay Radio Astronomical Telescope

Green Coast Radio Astronomical Telescope
zero Useful+1
The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT), also known as the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, is the world's largest full motion radio telescope, named after the West Virginia Green Bank in the United States, which is a federal trusteeship zone that prohibits the use of radio. [1]
Green bank radio telescope It is 146 meters high and weighs 7700 tons. More importantly, the Green Bank Radio Telescope is one of the largest mobile radio telescopes in the world. Its dish antenna is 100m x 110m, which is unique in the world. Its asymmetric shape can prevent the support structure of the Green Bank Radio Telescope from blurring the mirror surface inlaid with more than 2000 aluminum panels. [2]
Chinese name
Green Coast Radio Astronomical Telescope
Foreign name
Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope
West Virginia Green Bank

Functional features

Green Bay Radio Astronomical Telescope
The "Green Bank" is the world's largest land-based mobile structure, with a height of about 43 floors and a weight of 7700 tons; The moving surface of the dish antenna is 110 meters long and 100 meters wide, and consists of more than 2000 small reflective plates. The amount of data acquired by "Green Bank" can reach nearly 1 gigabyte per second, that is, 1 G.
Green bank radio telescope It was put into operation in 2000 and named after Robert Bird, a senator and Democrat of West Virginia, in memory of the longest serving member of Congress who died in June 2010.

Main tasks

1235 potential objects discovered by researchers from NASA's Kepler telescope terrestrial planet 86 of them were selected as the observation objects of the Green Coast Radio Telescope.
Physicist Dan Wassemer introduced that "we selected these planets with suitable temperature", that is, the atmospheric temperature is between zero and 100 degrees Celsius, "because they are more likely to be suitable for the existence of life".

Observation results

Scientists search for molecular clouds in the Milky Way
In July 2008, American astronomers recently discovered the largest anion in the space so far. This is also the third negatively charged particle discovered by scientists in less than a year. The discovery is expected to have a significant impact on interstellar chemistry research. [2]
So far, scientists have found more than 140 molecular clouds in the Milky Way. All this is due to the completion of the largest Green Bay Radio Astronomical Telescope in the world, because the Green Bay Radio Astronomical Telescope can provide spectral line frequency scanning within 300HZ to 50HZ, which was impossible before. The frequency in this range is the most concentrated frequency band of molecules. [2]
On October 15, 2009, Shay Bloxton found a possible pulsar object in Green Bay. She and NRAO observatory One month later, 30% of astronomers observed the object again and confirmed that it was indeed a pulsar. Bloxton said she was very excited. She went to Green Bay in November to participate in tracking observation. [3]
Data will be collected 24 hours a day in the second week of May 2011.

world record

The world's largest mobile radio telescope: the Green Bank Radio Telescope (GBT) is the radio telescope of the National Radio Observatory in West Virginia, USA. The size of the telescope is 100 meters * 110 meters (328 feet * 360 feet), and its highest point is 146 meters (480 feet) high. It is completely mobile and can observe the whole sky above 5 degrees of the horizon. Guinness