portal site

Websites providing information services
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synonym Comprehensive portal (Websites providing news, search engines, chat rooms and other services) Generally refers to portal websites (websites providing relevant information services)
The so-called portal refers to providing a certain type of comprehensive Internet information resources and providing relevant information service Application system.
Globally, the most famous portal is Google as well as Yahoo , while in China, famous portal websites include Sina Netease Sohu tencent Baidu Xinhua People's Network Fenghuang.com Etc.
Chinese name
portal site
Foreign name
Portal Web or Directindustry Web
Information service system
Service type
search Journalism
China Portal
Sina, Netease, Sohu, Tencent, etc
Global Portal
Google Yahoo

Portal Meaning

Here is a Web application framework , it will application system , data resources and Internet resources Integrated into one information management platform user interface Provide to users, and establish enterprise to customer, enterprise to internal employees and Business to business Of Information channel , enabling enterprises to release various information stored inside and outside the enterprise.
narrow sense
The so-called portal refers to providing a certain type of comprehensive Internet information resources and providing relevant information service Application system. The portal initially provides Search Engines directory services

Portal classification

Search Engines Style Portal
The main function of such websites is to provide powerful Search Engines And others network service , such websites are rare in China.
Comprehensive portal websites news information Entertainment information Mainly
The website is an integrated website focusing on news, supply and demand, products, exhibitions, industry navigation and recruitment.
Local life portal
This kind of website is the most popular one at present. It mainly focuses on local information, generally including: local information Intra city online shopping Classification information , dating, job recruitment, group buying, reputation businesses Internet navigation , life community and other channels. The network also includes electronic atlas, perpetual calendar, map channel Music box , online film and television coupon , discount information, tourism information Hotel Information And other very practical functions.
A personal portal is a website that usually provides personalized functions to provide visitors with a way to other content. It is designed to use Distributed applications middleware And hardware, providing services from multiple different sources. In addition, Enterprise Portal Is designed for Workplace Sharing and collaboration. Further business driven requirements, portal content can work on multiple platforms, such as personal computer Personal digital assistant (PDA), and mobile/mobile phones.
Portal websites in narrow and broad sense
In a sense, the portal websites that people understand mainly refer to some comprehensive websites, which are also relative to those vertical websites that are more professional and involve a single content. The difference between the two seems to be vividly understood as: supermarket (supermarket) and exclusive shop (Exclusive Shop). The former has many brands and types of goods, but the latter is relatively single. But if you strictly follow Internet Portal In terms of the birth of the concept and the literal meaning of the portal, all types of websites can become portal websites, because literally, the portal itself should be a means, medium, through which to understand the vast network world. In this way, the so-called portal should not discriminate in content type and quantity.

profit model

Mainly rely on Advertising expenses , subscription fees and Transaction fee etc.

Role of website

The purpose of the website is not to catch up with the trend or gain a good reputation, but to promote the enterprise and expand the market through the global network of the Internet, and at the same time, reduce the administration cost transaction cost and After sales service cost And gain more profits through a series of e-commerce activities, which are consistent with the business purpose of the enterprise.

Development trend

In fact, the portal we are talking about is the same as the original yahoo The portal mentioned at the beginning has been very different. At that time, most netizens had no way to deal with the vast internet yahoo This kind of website, which mainly provides search services, plays the role of guiding netizens to "get started" and becomes the "portal" for netizens to enter the Internet. The provision of news services as the main business and even the core competitiveness of the portal is only a later thing, which has nothing to do with the "essence" or "root" of the portal. Therefore, on the portal issue today, it seems that not doing news or even doing less news is a "betrayal" of the portal, which makes people a little confused. On the contrary, a brief review of the origin and history of the portal can clearly show that both search and news are just a stage of the development of the portal Search Service The evolution to news service does not necessarily mean that it cannot evolve from news service to other services. With the development of online media, the original portal does not necessarily regard search as its main business (such as Yahoo and Sohu ), while providing Search engine service It is not necessarily necessary for a portal (for example Baidu And Google); People today can look at the past in this way, but future generations may not be able to look at it in this way.
At the same time, this debate implies a question about the relationship between portal websites and mass media. The mode of mass media is mature, and its characteristics are mainly reflected in "one to many" Communication channels And news based communication content theoretical analysis Traditional media The history of hundreds of years has fully proved its traditional information environment Lower rationality and Effectiveness It has also fully proved that it can meet most of the general needs for news and information. The question is, is this model still reasonable and effective in the information environment? As Information exchange Will the network media of the platform not change this situation? Is news always the general demand of most people? Must Internet media be closer to mass media? These questions are not obvious and clear at a glance. The correct answers exist in constant trial, selection and evolution, while the "conclusions" of the "prophets" may not be so credible.
Internet media is different from mass media, and the Internet users and their needs in the information age are also different from the audience and their needs in the past. Do not underestimate the information exchange platform function of Internet media, and do not underestimate the growing number of Internet users' ability to provide news services Information needs By asking netizens Release the news Although it is a mode choice of portal website, providing information exchange platform for netizens to enable netizens to obtain diversified information from multiple channels (such as other netizens) (not limited to news) is also a mode choice of portal website. Perhaps, this is a better and more promising mode choice - websites that succeed in this mode are emerging.
along with China Internet In the past 10 years, several national large-scale portals have been born. Ninety percent of Chinese cities belong to small and medium-sized second and third tier cities. The popularity of computer terminals in China and the rapid growth of Internet users will make the future of Chinese cities Network development Is a trend, Market space It's also huge. At the same time Local Portal , what we usually say Local portal system Refers to "local portal" Website system ”, which consists of multiple websites Functional system Composition, mainly including Classification information System Community Forum System, local information system, business enterprise web page system, etc. It does not only refer to a certain local industry Vertical website System, such as a single forum system, a single classification information system, etc.