Universitaet Wuerzburg

German public research universities
zero Useful+1
The history of the University of Vilzburg can be traced back to 1402, which has a history of more than 600 years Germany The fourth oldest university, only the oldest in Germany Heidelberg University Established in the late 16 years, U15 University Union of Germany Members, Coimbra Group Founding Member. [1-3]
There are 14 students in the school Nobel Prize Winners went to the world from the University of Vilzburg, including famous German physicists Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen , due to the Institute of Physics Found X-ray , became the first in the world The nobel prize in physics Winner. [4]
After centuries of development, the University of Vilzburg has been expanding and deepening Countries in the world Communication and cooperation University of Cambridge linguistics Discipline) Peking University The University of Tokyo and University of Texas at Austin Hundreds of universities have established partnerships and carried out academic exchanges such as intercollegiate exchanges.
Chinese name
Julius Maximilian Vilzburg University
Foreign name
Full name in German: Julius Maximilians University ä t W ü rzburg
German: University ä t W ü rzburg
English: University of W ü rzburg
Weida, JMU
Time of establishment
December 10, 1402
Nature of running a school
German public universities
School category
comprehensive university
School characteristics
U15 University Union of Germany member
Coimbra Group member
School motto
Latin: Veritati Be loyal to the truth
Sanderring 2,97070 Würzburg
major awards
Nobel Prize (14 bits)
Well known alumni
Roentgen, Emil Fischer, Jillian

History of school running

The full name of the University of Vilzburg - Julius Maximilian Vilzburg University, is the most famous university in Germany long One of the four universities in Germany Bavaria The first university of
The "Julius" in the full name of the university is to commemorate Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn, the manor bishop of Vilzburg who rebuilt the university, while "Maximilian" was not named the university until Vilzburg was permanently ruled by Bavaria, in honor of becoming the first king of Bavaria in 1806 Maximilian I (Maximilian I. Joseph) and his secularization reform. [6]
  • Establishment and suspension
In 1402, the University of Vilzburg in Rome the pontiff Boyi IX Was established under the authorization of. at that time Vilzburg The facilities of "Dechanteihof of Neum ü nster Church", "Zum gro ß en L ö wen" and "Zum Katzenwicker" are used as teaching buildings at the beginning of the university.
The first teaching building of Victoria Gro ß en L ö wen
In 1410, the bishop of the manor of John von Eglof Stein granted university privileges (including his own Jurisdiction )。 In 1413, Johann Zantfurt, the headmaster of Victoria University, was assassinated by his assistant. 1415 Universities began to decline due to lack of funds.
  • reconstruction
In 1573, Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn was elected as the bishop of Vilzburg, and immediately began to rebuild the Higher Education In 1575, Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian II Grant university privileges. 1576 Pope Gregory XIII The university was re granted papal privileges. From January 2 to 4, 1582, the University of Vilzburg was solemnly reopened under the auspices of the manor bishop Ulius Aichte von Mespelbrun. The granting of university privileges and the appointment of the Dean of the School of Theology, Philosophy, Law and Medicine have laid the foundation for the development of the "old university" and the university church.
In 1591, the University of Victoria, with its theological school, law school, philosophy school and consecrated university church, was officially completed medical college It is located in Julius hospital.
In 1631, when the Swedes conquered Vilzburg, university activities were interrupted for five years, and some valuable materials collected by the library were brought to Uppsala
  • extension
Although the university was almost completely destroyed in the bombing of Vilzburg in 1945, it soon recovered from the haze of war. After reconstruction, the university mainly expanded in the Hubland Campus in the 1960s.
College of Humanities
University logo
The expansion continued until 2011, JMU It is expanded to Hubland Nord, the newly completed north campus, which is located near the former Hubland Campus and covers an area of 39 hectares.

academic research

There are 14 in total Nobel Prize The winner has carried out scientific research and teaching work in the University of Vilzburg, including famous German physicists Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen Because he was at the University of Vilzburg Institute of Physics Found X-ray , became the first in the world The nobel prize in physics Winner. Physicist with a doctorate degree from the University of Vilzburg Klaus von Klitzing , because I found Quantum Hall effect He also won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1985.
In 2008, Harald Chuer Hausen, a famous medical scientist, confirmed that the virus and cancer Is directly related to each other Nobel Prize in Medicine It was in 1969 that he began to carry out Related research Working.
Nobel Prize Winner
  • Roentgen (Wilhelm Conrad R ö ntgen), 1869-1872 Assistant of the Department of Physics, 1888-1900 Professor, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901: discovery of X-ray
  • Emil Fischer, Professor 1885-1892, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1902: the founder of biochemistry, discovered phenylhydrazine, and made outstanding achievements in the research of sugar and purine organic compounds
  • Eduard Buchner, Professor 1911-1917, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1907: clarified the chemical essence of fermentation process
  • Wilhelm Wien, 1900-1920 Professor, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911: discovered several thermal radiation laws such as Wien's displacement law
  • Johannes Stark, Professor 1920-1922, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1919: discovered the laws in ray research such as "Stark effect", "Stark Einstein equation", "Skank number", etc
  • Hans Spemann, 1894-1906 doctoral student, professor, won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1935: early development of salamanders and frogs
  • Klaus von Klitzing, a doctoral candidate and associate professor from 1969 to 1980, won the Nobel Prize in Physics: Quantum Hall Effect in 1985
  • Hartmut Michel, a doctoral student and postdoctoral fellow from 1975 to 1979, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1988: engaged in the research of important proteins in photosynthesis, and made outstanding achievements in photosynthetic reaction center, aerobic respiration, cytochrome C oxidase, etc. Breakthrough in the analysis of membrane protein crystallization and its three-dimensional spatial structure, and successfully obtained the first membrane protein in the world
  • Harald zur Hausen, a postdoctoral fellow and associate professor from 1969 to 1972, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008: short-term work in cervical cancer research
  • Svante Arrhenius, 1886-1987 student, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1903: the creation of ionization theory, the influence of temperature on reaction rate, the Arrhenius formula known as the exponential law, and the concept of activation molecule and activation energy
  • Ferdinand Braun, assistant in 1872-1874, won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909: the invention of cathode ray tube
  • Walther Hermann Nernst, a doctoral candidate in 1887, won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1920: the Third Law of Thermodynamics
  • Karl Landsteiner, 1892, researcher, 1930 Nobel Prize in Medicine: pioneer of immunochemistry
  • Max von Laue, 1916, cooperation with Wayne, 1914 Nobel Prize in Physics: X-ray diffraction in crystals
  • 2017: Professor J ö rg Vogel, Infection Biology
  • 2016: Professor Dag Nicola Hasse, History of Philosophy
  • 2014: Professor Laenens Molenkamp, Physics
  • 2009: Professor Holje Brubrick, Chemistry
  • 2001: Professor Ulrich Conrad, musicology
  • 1999: Professor Martin Loch, Pharmacology
  • 1990: Professor Bert Holdobler, Zoology
  • 1990: Professor Ingrid Grummt, Biochemistry
  • 1987: Professor Hans peter zenner, ENT medicine
  • 1986: Professor Otto ludwig Lange, Ecology
  • 1986: Professor Ulrich Herber, botany/physiology

School running conditions


Institutional setup

Catholic Theological College
Law School
School of Arts (arts, history, literature, culture and geographical studies)
College of Humanities
College of Biology
College of Chemistry and Pharmacy
School of Mathematics and Computer Science
College of Physics and Astronomy
School of Economics and Management
Scientific unit
Botanical Garden
graduate school
Martin von Wagner Museum
Museum of Mineralogy
Rudolf Filshaw Center
Infectious Disease Research Center
College of Professional Education
Media Teaching Center
Global Spiritual Counseling Center
Service Centre
university library
Information Technology Center
Sports and Sports Center
speech center

Professional settings

After several centuries of development, in addition to the original four classic disciplines of medicine, theology, philosophy and law, the University of Vilzburg has also added various modern disciplines, such as nanostructure Technology Functional materials Technology, biomedicine China's economy With business and space strategy, it provides students with a wide range of academic courses.
JMU offers more than 250 professional courses. Major bachelors and Master's degree , as follows:
Art education, Art History , Aviation and Spatial information technology biochemistry biology biomedical science , business administration, business information technology, business mathematics, Catholic theology , Chemistry, Classical Studies, Computational mathematics computer science cultural landscape Digital Humanities , Education, Anglo American Studies, Europe ethnology /Ethnic Studies, Evangelical theology , food chemistry, functional materials, geography, German research, history human factor , India/ South Asia Research, life science, linguistics, mathematical physics , mathematics, media communication, China Studies , China's economy and commerce, Museology , music education, musicology , nanostructure technology, philosophy, philosophy and religion, physics, political and social research, private law, psychology, public law , Romantic Language and Literature, Russian Language culture , science and technology, special needs education and sports science.
The students of Weida have almost reached the top level in the national examinations of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law and teacher training in Germany.

Teaching construction

More than 28000 students, including 2300 young students from all over the world, have registered in 10 colleges. It is mainly distributed in the humanities, law and economics, life science, natural science and technology. The university and its affiliated hospitals provide about 10000 positions in total, of which about 3000 are academic positions and more than 400 professors.
humanities Law and economics, life science, natural science and technology are the four most advantageous disciplines of the University of Vilzburg. The academic status of the University of Vilzburg has always been at the top position of German universities, maintaining international standards in the fields of biology, medicine, physics, psychology and other disciplines. The outstanding academic status of the university also shows that DFG, the German Research Foundation, sponsors a large number of cooperative research centers, research training groups and research units of the University of Vilzburg, and the competition for funding from the foundation is very fierce. stay German elite universities In the selection, the Graduate School for Life Sciences of the University of Vilzburg was selected as the elite project and the only project selected by the University of Vilzburg.
  • Continuing Education
In addition, medical science, European law and other research fields Experimental courses and Parallel courses And graduate programs. The university also offers some further educational courses, such as psychotherapy, procurement and supply management, and MBA (MBA)。 The Continuing Education Center coordinates part-time education courses for professionals, which are still developing.
  • Doctoral research
As an important element in promoting young talents, JMU provides doctoral degrees in all research fields, and even in interdisciplinary fields, provides intensive coaching and supplements Subject courses The University of Vilzburg has also specially set up a graduate school to support doctoral students in all disciplines.
  • Cooperation and exchange
Origin with China
As early as the 17th century, the University of Vilzburg established a profound relationship with China. Jesuit friar Jilian (Kilian Stumpf) completed the philosophy, ethics and Religious law After studying, he went to China to become Tang Ruowang's successor, then Qing Ting Imperial College main.
international exchange
As its international relation Part of the University of Vilzburg and a large number of International University Keep Partnerships Its partners are mainly distributed in Europe Asia North America Central America and South America Encouraging students to communicate is Vilzburg international co-operation An important part of. For this reason, the University of Vilzburg specially grants "partner scholarships" to qualified applicants.
  • Coimbra Group Cooperation College [7]
  • European Erasmus Exchange Program
University of Vilzburg and hundreds of European universities Well known universities Establish a cooperative relationship, mainly by sending exchange students to universities, colleges and departments.
  • School level partnerships
Asian (school level) partners
Baku University (2010)
Zhejiang University Hangzhou (1986)
Hong Kong, China
Taiwan, China
Chinese Pickup University of Nada (2005)
University of Mangalore (2009)
Madras Institute of Technology, India (2013)
University of Taizbull (2016)
Banaras Hindu University (2017)
Sharif University of Technology (2014)
Tokyo Central University (1987)
Osaka Samyo University (1988)
the republic of korea
Korean Diplomatic University (1986)
Catholic University of Korea (2015)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
European (school level) partners
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ilia State university (2017)
Samara National Research University (2010)
National Research University Higher School of Economics (2017)
Salamanca University (1981)
Salamanca Zongzuo University (1988)
Umeo University (1981)
Catholic University of Lviv, Ukraine (2014)
National Technical University Kharkov College of Science and Technology (2017)
Bogomole National Medical University (2017)
Odessa National Medical University (2017)
Kiev Taras Shevchenko national university (2018)
(School level) partners in the Americas
Maria National University (2013)
Federal University of St. Louis (1981)
Malinga University (2010)
Federal University of San Carlos (2015)
Federal University of Goyas (2016)
University of British Columbia (1997)
El Salvador
St. Louis Potosi Autonomous University (2013)
State University of New York Albany Buffalo And Oneida (1968)
Oceania's (school level) partners
Africa's (school level) partners
reach Pomeranian University of Calavi (2009)
burkina faso
Ouagadougou University (2009)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Graben Butembo Catholic University (2010)
Lumbach University (2013)
Bukow University (2012)
Bukavu Catholic University (2012)
Helwan University (2015)
Niamey University (1983)
South Africa
The above list only includes some colleges and universities that maintain school level partnership with the University of Vilzburg and carry out student exchange projects. The colleges and departments of the University of Vilzburg have also established partnerships with many of the world's top universities. For example, the majors of linguistics, mathematics, economics, etc. in Victoria University are similar to those in Britain University of Cambridge Warwick University York University University of Liverpool Such famous schools have long maintained the tradition of exchanging students between departments.

Social evaluation

  • Soft Branch
In 2003-2011 Academic Ranking of Soft Science World Universities In China, the University of Vilzburg ranked 6-11 in Germany and 101-150 in the world for 9 consecutive years.
ARWU comprehensive ranking
two thousand and three
two thousand and ten
two thousand and eleven
World ranking
In 2009-2015, the University of Vilzburg Chemistry The specialty has been ranked 30-37 in the world, and the physics specialty is ranked 101-105 in the world.
ARWU Professional Ranking
World ranking
two thousand and nine
two thousand and ten
two thousand and eleven
two thousand and twelve
two thousand and thirteen
two thousand and fourteen
two thousand and fifteen
U.S. News
2021U. S. News World University ranked 12th in Germany and 186th in the world [10]
Natural index
two thousand and eighteen Natural index Academic institutions ranked 4th in Germany and 84th in the world [5]

Campus environment

The University of Vilzburg is located in one of the most beautiful towns in South Germany. Universities are distributed in every corner of the town, and the colleges in the old campus are hidden among the ancient and gorgeous buildings. And Hubland's new campus Big lawn The library and modern research center are also beautiful scenic horizon
Old Town of Weirzburg
The campuses of the University of Vilzburg have spread all over the city, and have gradually formed a number of campuses, including the medical school campus in Gromb ü hl, the botany department in Dallenberg, and the Hubbland Campus and Hubbland Nord in Hubbland. Victoria University has a long history, so many university buildings are historic sites. Among them, listed the United Nations UNESCO World Heritage List Of Vilzburg official residence Part of is still used as the teaching building of the University of Vilzburg.
However, this does not mean that Vilzburg is just old. In the new Hubland campus, buildings such as the art center, the computer science and technology building, the sports center and the biological center, which are full of modern structures and facilities, make history and modernity coexist harmoniously again. Therefore, the school has become one of the most attractive places in Germany. What played a decisive role in the development of the school was that at the end of the 1960s, a series of departments were moved out of the narrow urban area and new research institutes and research centers were established. For example, in 1969, the Department of Mathematics moved to Hubland, and the climax of development occurred between 1993 and 1995. A biological research center adapted to the needs of cutting-edge science and technology, a highly modern micro structure laboratory, and a world leading hospital were successively established. In 2005 alone, the hospital received 66.5 million euros (about 600 million euros) from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) RMB )Financial support for biomedical science Research center and infection molecular biology Expansion of the Institute.