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Statistical chart

Mathematical terminology
a sheet Chart (Chart), or also called Statistical chart , representing an image data , often named after the image used, such as Pie chart [1] , is the main use circular Symbol, bar chart or histogram , then it is mainly used rectangle Symbol. Line Chart , which means using line Symbol. The template on the right uses a cutting circle to represent data. It can also be used to interpret certain types of structures and provide different information.
Chinese name
Statistical chart
Foreign name

brief introduction

a sheet Chart (Chart), or also called Statistical chart , representing an image data , often named after the image used, such as Pie chart , is the main use circular Symbol, bar chart or histogram , then it is mainly used rectangle Symbol. Line Chart , which means using line Symbol. The template on the right uses a cutting circle to represent data. It can also be used to interpret certain types of structures and provide different information.
Chart The use of the word "statistics" may not always be preceded by the word "statistics". The following charts contain statistical meanings, but the name does not contain the word "statistics":
  • Data Graph It can be a group of diagrams or Mathematic figure (Graph), with quantitative data or qualitative information.
  • nautical chart or Aeronautical chart The map with additional guidance and other data is also one of the charts.
  • Musical notation in English (chord chart )Or Record chart )In the English world, it is also often considered as a kind of chart, but the Chinese use does not regard it as a habit of chart.
Charts, or statistical charts, are usually used to facilitate the understanding of large amounts of data and the relationship between data. Let people read the original data faster through visual symbols. Today, charts have been widely used in various fields. In the past Coordinate paper Or hand-painted on checkered paper, which is widely used in modern times computer software Generate. [1]

Consistent characteristics of charts

There are various forms of charts in the world, some of which are very large and some of which are very complex. But basically, charts have the following consistent characteristics. It is used to make data more meaningful and improve interpretation ability.
The first characteristic of the chart is that, written words The composition is very low, and it is usually not described in words, and the text presentation is the whole. The text in the chart is often only used to interpret or mark the data, source, etc. Or more important title
  • Title: The title of the chart is usually concise, so that people can clearly know what kind of data it is. The title usually appears above the main drawing.
  • Coordinate label: smaller text is used to indicate horizontal axis Data or classifications on the X axis or the vertical axis (Y axis), which are often referred to as Coordinate label , often with Company , such as "Distance travelled (meters)".
  • Data label: the data displayed in the chart, whether in point or line form, will also be marked with words in the grid, called data label. It is convenient for the viewer to interpret and compare its position and relationship between two coordinates.
  • Legend: If the chart contains more than two groups of data, legends (Legend or Key for short) are often required to explain the names of the two groups. And they often use different colors to distinguish. [2]

Four common charts

  1. one
    histogram (Histogram): It is composed of a group of block shapes. The area of each block shape represents the percentage of cases in the corresponding group interval.
  2. two
    bar chart (Bar Chart): used to compare the amount of each data in a single variable or multiple variables. The difference between histogram and bar graph is that histogram uses the measure of area Rather than height.
  3. three
    Pie chart (Pie Chart): In a single category variable, it indicates the proportion of some large sectors in the whole, rather than comparing different sectors. Using angles for comparison is not as accurate as using lengths. Pie chart uses area instead of length, which makes it more difficult to compare various data.
  4. four
    Line Chart (Line chart): in a single or small number of variables, it is used to compare the amount of each data, or to represent the deduction of data. [3]

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