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Chinese words
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Dominance is a Chinese word. It is unique to the ruler, and is the highest in the ruler's ruling field Jurisdiction
Chinese name
Unique to rulers,
Is the ruler
The highest level in their own domain Jurisdiction
Ruled field Domestic right
Ruling power is unique to rulers, and it is the highest level of their own ruling field Jurisdiction Ruling power is opposite to democratic power, which is autocratic symbolize , which means inequality and unfairness, and infringes the right Is the unlimited expansion of private power
"Ruling power" is a neglected constitution in modern Chinese constitutional history key word The term is used in Meiji Constitution It was created in the process of formulation and influenced modern China. The meaning of "ruling power" in modern Chinese constitutional texts can be categorized as“ Power ”、“ State power ”And“ sovereignty ”。 The frequent appearance of "ruling power" in the constitutional history, on the one hand, shows the value of the independent existence of a legal term, on the other hand, it has a special political function, that is, the process of politicizing the concept is the process of demonstrating the legitimacy of the regime. From the perspective of historical evolution, "domination" gave way to "sovereignty" and was gradually abandoned. [1]