Wedding gift

Wedding blessing gift
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Wedding gifts can be Daily Necessities , such as cooking utensils, tableware, tea sets, etc; Creative gifts, such as those rarely seen, have the meaning of love; The bride can be presented with clothes, clothes and complete sets of cosmetics. Many cosmetics are specially prepared for the wedding, with a complete range of products and appropriate prices. You can also make an appointment for the bride and groom to have a beauty salon before marriage to dress up the new couple.
Chinese name
Wedding gift
Foreign name
wedding gift
Daily necessities, such as cooking utensils and tableware
It has the meaning of love
Figure Geely

Wedding gifts from different countries

Wedding gift: Do you know what brides all over the world say to their husbands on their wedding night? German brides: "Honey, are you asleep?" French brides: "My husband, am I beautiful?" Japanese brides: "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of you. Please take more care of me." American brides: "How much is it worth tonight?" British brides: "Are our children going to Cambridge or Oxford when they grow up?" What did Chinese brides say to their husbands on their wedding night? The bride pointed to the bed in the room filled with bedding and blankets and all kinds of supplies (about 200 years old), and said anxiously, "How are we going to sleep tonight?" Not only was the new couple worried, but actually the relatives who gave things were also worried. What would be good gifts for the newlyweds?
In fact, the most important thing to give a gift is a heart. Give away what you need and what you lack. The most important thing is to get some internal information. Try to find a new person's list of needed items.

Chinese wedding gifts

Chinese people are lucky in everything, and the choice of wedding gifts is no exception. Bright red quilt cover and pillow; Tableware and accessories in pairs; Lily, a symbol of eternal love; The lovely doll is given to the newly married friends, and I wish them a baby soon. Although gifts are more practical nowadays, choosing gifts according to the old tradition can bring a lot of festive atmosphere to the newlyweds.

Gift Selection

How to give wedding gifts
Holding a gift giving party is one of the most thoughtful wedding gifts for the bride. It is both practical and pleasant for bridesmaids or bride friends to help the bride start housekeeping. Generally speaking, the immediate family members of the bride and groom do not attend the gift giving party, but the gift giving party can be held at their home. Gift giving parties attended by both male and female guests are also common. At the gift giving party, there are snacks, afternoon tea, a dinner in the garden or a small party with sweets.
Giving gifts to remarriers
Unless you are very close to remarriers, you don't need to give them gifts. After you get the news that they will get married, you can express your best wishes by writing a congratulatory letter. Remarriers already own most of the household appliances. If you know them well, you can ask them what gifts they need. Here are some suggestions: you might as well send a camera including film, a set of badminton rackets, a hardcover poetry collection, a hammock for two, or take the initiative to shoot wedding scenes.
Accept wedding gifts
Write a thank-you letter after receiving the gift. In the past, thank-you letters were often sent to women, even if the gift was from a couple. If the couple both signed on the card, the thank-you letter should also include the names of the two people. Both the bride and groom can write a thank-you letter, but the signature of the letter must be the writer himself, although you can add "We both like your gift very much." If someone gives money, you can mention in the thank-you letter how you plan to spend the money, but do not mention the amount of money. The letter must be written in a new pen. If you fill in your signature in the uniform format prepared in advance, it is disrespectful to the friends who have spent time selecting gifts for you.
If there are too many people who give you gifts or the time is not enough to write a thank-you letter to everyone in time, you can send a postcard to each gift giver at the end to show that you have received the gift. This is done as a last resort. You should still write a thank-you letter when you are free later.
If you expect someone will give a gift, arrange a table for the gift in advance and send someone to register it, but the gift should not be opened at the wedding.
If there is a local custom of displaying gifts, the greeting cards sent with the gifts should not be displayed at the same time. Gifts such as money, checks and bonds are also best not to be taken out. Even if they are taken out, let others see the giver's signature, and do not disclose the specific amount.
Return wedding gifts
If the wedding is not held, the gift should be returned to the giver with a simple explanation. The bride and groom are responsible for returning gifts from their friends. If the groom dies suddenly, people will send some consolation gifts to the bride and hope that she can keep them instead of returning them. If the wedding is only postponed, no gifts will be returned.
Gifts from newlyweds
Newlyweds usually exchange gifts on the eve of the wedding, which often have permanent value. Traditional choices include a watch, a heart-shaped ornament engraved with the initials of the other party's name and wedding date, heirloom jewelry, a string of pearls, exquisite shirt cuff links or pictures of the other party in the frame. This is also a special gift you always hope to get, such as a musical instrument, a set of printed materials that directly press leaves into a printing plate or a special suitcase. It is worth noting that one party should not give extravagant gifts so as not to put the other party to shame.
Give gifts to wedding participants
Those who take time to attend your wedding specifically deserve special souvenirs. The groom usually gives gifts to the wedding usher and the best man at the banquet to say goodbye to his single life. The bride can give gifts to her companions at a pre wedding party or at any convenient time.
As soon as you receive the wedding invitation or notice from the other party, you should prepare gifts. Although it is not necessary to send gifts to each invitation, you should send gifts as long as you accept the invitation. You can choose a special gift for them, or you can design a gift yourself. For example, you can make a bed sheet embroidered with the couple's names or a wedding commemorative medal. Other inexpensive and human gifts include the pocket Bible and the frames for wedding photos. Understanding the hobbies and lifestyle of newlyweds may inspire you to choose some special crafts, sporting goods, antiques, tea sets, double chairs, etc. Gifts such as antiques or heirlooms are more meaningful if they are accompanied by their history.
A gift giving party for the bride
These gifts are usually engraved with the initials of the bride and groom and the wedding date. Bridesmen and bridesmaids usually receive more elaborate gifts than others attending the wedding. Traditional souvenirs include gold and silver bracelets, shirt cuff links, tie clips, silver mirror frames, small mirrors, key rings, etc. More imaginative options could include a travel alarm clock, an exquisite letter opening blade or a special cassette tape. Other people attending the wedding, such as the little girl who delivers flowers to the door, cannot be ignored. For newlyweds, it is very imaginative to put their photos or the photos of the whole wedding scene into the frames after marriage.

Marriage blessing

Congratulations on finding a good home!
The sea is dry and the stone is rotten, and the heart is tied together forever. The earth is wide and the sky is high, and good things fly side by side. Good dreams come true
The family is happy and the two swallows fly together.
Flowers and Candles Smile to Meet the Biwinged Bird's Wedding Room, and the Plum Blossom Blossom Blossom
Today is your wedding day. On behalf of my family, I wish you both happiness and longevity!
The golden house is full of music and colorful phoenix, and the wedding room is full of flowers and candles
Best wishes for a long and happy marriage!
The highest level of mutual happiness is to be relatively insatiable. I wish a couple a sincere love and make an appointment to congratulate their wedding anniversary forever!
It's your turn to invite dinner
Men respect women, women respect men, men are equal, men respect women, women respect husband and wife for blind date
You are a pair made by heaven and earth. Now you are together. In the future, you need to be tolerant and take care of each other. Bless you!
You are a natural couple, and now you are finally married together. I wish you a lifetime of love!
In a thousand Xi years, we will become friends with each other for a thousand years. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.
Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you two always be in love and grow old together!
Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. I wish you happiness and love forever.
Three great joys in life, dear friend, on your wedding day, let me sincerely wish you a happy wedding!
After ten years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of cultivation, you can sleep together. Finding him/her in the vast sea of people is clearly a fate thousands of years ago; How could it not be the result of the elaborate engraving on the Sansheng Stone? Take care of this fate with your heart, you who really love you.
Bless you and laugh for you, because today, my heart is as happy as you! I wish you a long and happy marriage! reach old age!
Hello! man. I got married so soon. I can't come because of something. But I still wish you a happy new marriage! Be careful!
Phoenix perches on the branches of parasol trees, and flowers stand side by side
Love each other and be happy forever, and be happy together. May your love be deeper than the sea!
I have worked hard for half my life and contributed for decades. On this harvest and stability day, I congratulate you on your remarriage. It is the so-called "The sunset is infinitely good, and the day lilies come late".
Happy wedding, early birth!
With sincere friendship, I wish you thousands of gifts!
From knowing each other to loving each other, from loving each other to knowing each other more. People often say that the fairy couple is you! I wish you love and know each other every year!
May love permeate your sweet life, and let every day in the future be as glorious and joyful as today!
I hope you two love each other and have deep feelings. Love will last forever in this life and grow with each passing day!
May you two love each other, understand and care for each other, and share the pain and happiness in the future. Best wishes for a long and happy marriage.

Chinese gift preference

In China, you have to choose what Chinese people are willing to accept, willing to accept, and like to accept. It's just the so-called "go along with what they like". Although many people don't mind giving gifts, it is very taboo for married couples to give wrong gifts or say wrong words. So I suggest that friends read the above words about blessing carefully, and don't make a fool of themselves when they get married. Generally speaking, grasp two points: 1. atmosphere; 2. Joy and good luck.
Big red has always been a symbol of happiness and good luck in the eyes of Chinese people. Especially on wedding occasions, red indicates that it will bring good luck and auspiciousness to the married couple. In addition, when giving wedding gifts, it is very important to say some words of blessing. A good wedding blessing can better show the gift giver's blessings and wishes. When giving wedding gifts, it is better to choose a pair of gifts, which also indicates that a couple can have the best of both worlds in their future life, and life is becoming more and more prosperous.

Common wedding gifts

1. Give away wedding scrolls
Wedding presents wedding couplets and scrolls, which are more elegant and suitable for those who have broad friends and large wedding scenes. Generally, calligraphy and painting clubs can choose to buy or mount the festive scroll on behalf of the giver. Just write down the names of the giver and the recipient and their relationship, and explain that it is a festive occasion; But if you can write with your own hand, of course, it is more meaningful.
2. Letters and telegrams of congratulations
When relatives and friends get married in a different place, they can't congratulate in person. It is very convenient to use congratulatory letters and telegrams. The congratulatory letters can be accompanied with cash gifts or sent gifts. The congratulatory telegram can be sent by festive telegram.
3. Free bouquet and flower basket
The bouquet and flower basket are suitable for modern weddings, and they are more contemporary. Their disadvantage is that they have no practical value and must be suitable for the object. The Chinese are generally more economical.
4. Give away practical items
Suitable for close friends and relatives. Before purchasing, it is better to know the needs of the recipient and inform them in advance, so as to avoid repeated purchases by the recipient. This is not a faux pas.
5. Free cash
Give cash for the convenience of the giver and for the benefit of the recipient. It is customary to count the gift money in even numbers, no matter how much it is. From a practical point of view, at least don't make the recipient lose money. Give gifts and eat wedding wine, and everyone will have a good time. In recent years, this practice has become so widespread in many places that it has become wasteful and should not be advocated. In a word, we should not only economize on each other, but also pay attention to the etiquette, and do not force ostentation.
6. Gift seal
In October 1923, writer Zheng Zhenduo and Gao Junzhen became friends with Qin Jinzhi. According to the "civilized marriage" ceremony at that time, the marriage certificate must be stamped with the seal of the witness, the introducer, the marriage leader, the groom and the bride on the spot. On the wedding day, Qu Qiubai, a good friend, sent three seals engraved by himself: one for Zheng's mother, and the other for the groom and bride. These two chapters are respectively engraved with one word of margin, which is read together as "Changle". It turns out that both of the newlyweds are from Changle, Fujian Province, and the simultaneous publication and engraving of Zhang Zhi also means to wish them a hundred years of life together. In this way, the witticism pun and "Changle" will add a festive atmosphere to the wedding ceremony.
Modern people can also learn this practice. When relatives and friends get married, they should choose high quality gemstones such as Shoushan Stone, and ask someone to engrave or personally engrave the names and congratulatory statements of the groom and bride. As a gift, they will be loved.
7. News gifts
Influenced by modern consciousness, some news media, such as radio stations and newspapers, have launched "matchmakers in the air", "bosom friends" and other marriage columns, and then successively launched special topics and columns to celebrate weddings, which can be called news greetings.
Family and friends spend tens of yuan to broadcast a congratulatory message and a few congratulatory messages, which not only express their kindness to the new couple, but also make a scene after signing their names. It's fun and enjoyable. For example, 'today we are married, tomorrow we will share the world,' 'every blessing, every voice exhorts',' only wish you two happiness to the far water ',' perfect union, youth forever ', etc. Reading these sincere words of wish, while feeling the true feelings between people, does not it also make people have an artistic enjoyment? You can also order songs for newcomers in the "song ordering" column of radio and television stations on a daily basis to share good times.
8. Other gift giving methods
In addition to the above various gift giving methods, there are certainly many others, such as souvenirs, photo albums, handicrafts, silk embroidery, etc., which can be given according to actual needs. In ancient times, there were poems and words to celebrate, but in modern times, it is rare. This method is worthy of praise.

Implications of wedding gifts

Traditionally, as a wedding gift, we should pay attention to the best wishes for the couple in the moral sense, such as traditional blessings such as "eternal love", "gracious love", "like-minded", "early birth", "eternal marriage" and "long life together".