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Experience materials

written material
Experience materials refer to Party, government and army Words written by organs, mass organizations, enterprises and institutions to commend the advanced, spread deeds, exchange and promote various experiences Material Science It is one of the most frequently used styles in the practical material writing of the Party, government and military organs. It is used for speech, commendation, appraisal propaganda Issued or forwarded in document form. Experience material writing belongs to Applied Writing Category.
Chinese name
Experience materials
written material
Comprehensive experience materials, special experience materials, etc
Title - Introduction - Body - End


According to the nature, it can be divided into advanced empirical materials and empirical materials transformed from backward to advanced.
According to the content, it can be divided into comprehensive experience materials and special experience materials.
According to the purpose, it can be divided into the experience materials submitted by the lower level to the higher level and the experience materials forwarded by the higher level as official documents or printed and distributed at the meeting for promotion.


The title is divided into single line title and double line title. The single line title can be divided into direct narration, symmetry and questioning. The direct title directly indicates the theme and summarizes the content, such as Doing Ideological and Political Work According to Laws and Regulations; Symmetrical titles use symmetrical sentences to mark the theme and summarize the content, such as "Correcting the perspective of soldiers to keep pace with the times and cultivate talents"; Questioning titles indicate the theme and summarize the content in the form of questions, such as "How do we do a good job of competing for posts of section level cadres". The double line title is composed of a main title and a subtitle, such as "The Mystery of Economic Ascension of the" First County in China "- the Successful Practice of XX County Leaders in Developing Township Economy". The experience materials recommended, submitted or submitted by the unit for forwarding usually use double line headings.
Introduction, the content of the introduction generally includes three aspects. First, the basic information of relevant units or individuals. The second is to highly refine the experience introduced. Third, the achievements and honors obtained.
The subject, which is the concrete development of the first summary experience, is the main part of the experience materials. This part generally includes practice, effectiveness and experience.
-The end of experience material has no fixed requirements on writing and is optional. The end is a summary of typical experience, emphasizing to deepen people's impression. There are three different ways to write the end of empirical materials, namely, dialectical, experiential and revelatory. The experience materials used as oral presentations should generally have an end, and write about the future prospects and express determination. The end of experience materials should be short and powerful.

Main differences

In terms of content, the work summary should be comprehensive, both affirming achievements and pointing out problems; Experience materials not only focus on achievements, but also extract the most refined, shining and unique things from achievements.
From the perspective of reference, the reference of work summary is the work plan, arrangement and deployment at the beginning of the period, which is a comparison between yourself and yourself, and a vertical comparison; The reference of experience materials is the same industry and other groups of the same kind. It is a comparison between oneself and others, and a horizontal comparison.
In terms of function, the work summary is mainly written for yourself and the superior; Experience materials are mainly written for others and peers to guide future work. Experience material ratio Work summary Be more profound, unique and concise. (《 Applied Writing 》, Issue 9, 2008)

Writing Skills

1、 Complete structure
Typical experience materials In general, the structural form of
1. Title; 2. Preface; 3. The first part is subtitle.
preface. Some prefer to write one, two or three directly under the subtitle.
The first level; The second level; The third level; wait.
The second and third parts are the same structure.
The whole material needs more than three parts. There are four parts, and three parts are thin. It is necessary to write typical experience materials with such formal awareness, and also to think about the balance of components among various parts and levels. Some cannot be very large, and some cannot be very small. Of course, not only the typical empirical materials should have a complete structural form, but all other materials should consider the issue of structural beauty before writing.
2、 It is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation and master a lot of first-hand information
Mastering accurate and a large number of first-hand information is the premise of writing good typical experience materials.
When conducting investigation, we should first draw up the theme of experience materials, and dig and find materials around the theme. There are also surveys without themes. Before the investigation, there was only one general direction. For example, the leaders said that the relationship between officers and soldiers in a certain unit was good. Let's have a look and summarize. However, it is not clear what kind of subject experience is summarized, or there is no idea in advance. The idea of summarizing experience comes from the investigation. Or I was supposed to know something else, but I felt that the experience in one aspect was good, so a theme came into being.
Generally speaking, it is better to write typical experience materials and carry out surveys with purpose and theme. This is conducive to the investigation and can improve the efficiency of the investigation.
3、 Think deeply and set the theme
The theme should be focused and distinct. It can't be too big or too broad. For example, Party committees, branches or ranks of Party members should not be referred to as Party organization building in general; Whether to emphasize supervision or unity and learning, we should not talk about the construction of the Party committee in general; Whether to emphasize law and discipline education or ideological education cannot be generalized as political education.
The theme should meet the requirements. Summarize and refine what is needed at present, and do not repeat old themes. Different themes can be extracted from the same materials and practices. For example, 160 hospitals' deeds of introducing talents by entrusting personnel agents can be seen as both a way to solve the contradiction between talent supply and demand and a manifestation of innovation. Therefore, we should stand at the height of the times Refine the theme The extracted theme should guide the current situation.
The theme should be based on practical work. The theme must be extracted from the actual work, and it is not allowed to make false and empty things in order to extract new themes, divorced from the facts.
4、 Be careful in design and layout
After the investigation, the situation is known, the theme is clear, and the formal beauty should be known. Next, we need to design carefully, how to write the whole material, and build a good frame.
First of all, we should set the big topic and the topics of each part, and the big topic should clearly express the theme. Each part of the topic should be listed around the major topic to support the major topic, break down the major topic, and express the theme. In most cases, each part of the topic is a parallel relationship, that is, it supports and reflects the major topic and theme from different aspects. There is also not a parallel relationship, but a progressive relationship or a combination of several relationships. The big topic and each part of the topic should be novel, unique, reflect the characteristics of the work, be able to impress people, be simple, clear, and full of operability and universal guidance, not be far fetched, and make up their own words to harm the meaning of the text.
Secondly, what should be written in the big preface, what should be written in the small preface of each part, how many levels should be divided into each part, what should be introduced in each level, and what should be done should be carefully considered and an outline should be listed. The big preface is the collection of the whole material, which should be able to make people understand what the material is about. Therefore, there should be practice basis, practice effect and other contents. The small preface is the beginning of this part, which explains why we should do so. Lead to the role of the following, not the effect, but the goal and intention. Each part shall be determined according to the material capacity whether it is divided into different levels. Large capacity must be divided, while small capacity does not need to be divided. To be hierarchical, each level should have a subtitle and be basically symmetrical.
Third, the purpose of careful planning is to make the full text closely around the theme, and all materials are organized closely around the performance theme. It cannot be dissociated. Therefore, through design, we should ensure that the whole material has a theme; Each part has a relatively independent point of view. These relatively independent points of view are developed around the theme and represent the theme from different sides.
5、 To master the writing skills
When we usually look at some materials, we may have the feeling that the content is good, but it is difficult, awkward, and annoying. The reason is that some key points and skills of writing are not grasped. Writing skills are the carriers of theme ideas and experience practices, so we should pay attention to some writing skills.
First, language skills. ① Sentences should not be too long. If they can be short, they should be short. Instead of putting more punctuation marks, we should shorten the sentences by changing the way of expression. ② The language should be appropriate as far as possible, and should not be too large, such as revolutionary awareness, contributions to communism, etc. If used too much, people will easily feel divorced from reality. ③ The subject should be consistent before and after, and should not be changed too frequently. ④ Pay attention to the logical relationship between sentences. Sentences and sentences should be connected by a certain logical relationship. There is a parallel relationship, such as: unified thinking, improved understanding, and strengthened confidence. It is synonymous, used to emphasize, exaggerate, and create momentum, such as copper peas that cannot be steamed, cooked, smashed, or fried; If you obey orders, follow commands. There is a coherent relationship, which should be arranged in a certain order. For example, open the door, start the ignition, and shift to start. There is a progressive relationship, such as: the beauty of the world is like the state of Chu, the beauty of the state of Chu is like Mo Chenli, and the beauty of the minister is like the son of Mo Ruochen's master. There are explanations, such as Concorde plane crash, 113 people were killed, 100 passengers, 9 crew members and 4 hotel staff. There is a causal relationship. For example, because the responsibility system has been strictly implemented, various accident cases have been fundamentally controlled. If these relationships are properly applied, they will be smooth.
The second is the skill of transition, which is also a connecting link between the preceding and the following. We often see "our method is as follows". This method is stupid and useless, which is equivalent to nonsense. And "the following three methods have been adopted". Natural law should be used as far as possible. Mao Zedong In the poem "Biyuan Spring, Snow", "there are so many beautiful mountains and rivers, which lead countless heroes to bend down", which is a sentence connecting the preceding and the following, and the transition is very clever. Although it is difficult for us to write the transitional sentence seamlessly like Mao Zedong, we should try our best to be natural. For example, "although we have made achievements, we should continue to work hard. First, second," and so on are natural transitions.
The third is the skill to the point. It is also skilful to enter the topic from where to start. This can be divided into: from the reality of the problem to the point; From the ideological understanding to the topic; Inspiration from practice; The introduction is pertinent.
Fourth, the skill of concluding sentences. Conclusion is the key. If the conclusion is not good, it will give you a sense of unexpected, unexpected and irrelevant. There are many forms of concluding sentences. In terms of the effect of the experience and practice introduced in the materials, there are several kinds of concluding sentences: first, general concluding sentences, common expressions such as so that everyone has a unified understanding; Through education, we have improved our consciousness. This way of concluding sentences is the summary of the author, with the author's subjective color. Second, many comrades say that it is a declarative conclusion; Everyone unanimously expressed that; XXX talked about it in the discussion; So and so wrote, etc. The third is the action conclusion, such as speaking and writing Letter of determination , Advocacy Letter; Change a certain approach, increase the input of people, talents and materials; Carry out activities, etc. The fourth is the leader's praise sentence, such as the level of affirmation. But no matter what kind of conclusion, we should respond to the theme, reflect the theme, and strengthen the theme.