management strategy

Operation management plan
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The business strategy is to realize the Business objectives , which is made in pursuit of long-term development Operation management Plan. It is related to the long-term interests of enterprises, as well as the success and failure of enterprises. Making business strategy is an enterprise Top management Responsibilities of. Its contents include: operation strategic thinking , which is operated by enterprises strategic decision Guiding ideology; Business strategy policy, which is the action program of business strategy; management strategic target , it is enterprise operation Achievements to be achieved. The business objectives announced by western enterprises generally include: shareholders' objectives (i.e., shareholders' Business performance Expectations), society Responsibility objectives (that is, business operation requires being responsible for social laws and ethics), industrial relations Goal (i.e. by raising wages Welfare level , adjusting labor relations); management Strategic measures , which is the specific guarantee for realizing the business strategy, including product development Market selection resource allocation Price determination, commodity promotion financial management And so on. The types of business strategies are classified according to the business situation of the enterprise: austerity strategy Stabilization strategy development strategy By strategic nature: Product strategy Market strategy Technology strategy , etc. Most western enterprises focus on product and market strategies and implement them Market penetration strategy Market development strategy Product development strategy Etc. [1]
Chinese name
management strategy
Foreign name
Strategic management
Strategic planning, implementation and management

Introduction to terms

The business strategy is carried out by the enterprise to seek long-term survival and continuous development in the face of fierce changes and challenges Overall Planning. Modern management education, such as MBA, 12 CEOs and EMBA They believe that business strategy should be divided into broad and narrow sense, and the broad sense of business strategy refers to the use of strategic management The tool manages the whole enterprise under the guidance of the business strategy, implements the strategic intention, and realizes strategic target In a narrow sense, business strategy refers to the management of the process of formulating, implementing and controlling the business strategy of an enterprise.
management strategy
More specifically, the business strategy is to meet and ensure the realization of Corporate mission On the basis of making full use of various opportunities and creating new opportunities in the environment, determine the relationship between the enterprise and the environment, specify the business scope, growth direction and competitive countermeasures of the enterprise, and reasonably adjust Enterprise structure And allocate all resources of the enterprise. From its formulation requirements, the business strategy is to use opportunities and threats to evaluate the future environment, use strengths and weaknesses to evaluate the current situation of the enterprise, then select and determine the overall and long-term goals of the enterprise, and formulate and choose the action plan to achieve the goals.
Concept and characteristics
Business strategy
Enterprise strategy is a plan to integrate the main objectives, policies and activities of the organization. Business strategy refers to the overall and long-term plan and strategy made by enterprises to seek survival and continuous development in the face of fierce changing environment and severe challenge competition. It is the business art used by entrepreneurs to command competition. 1. Operation strategic management In a broad sense, business strategy refers to the management of the whole enterprise by using strategy, under the guidance of business strategy, to implement the strategic intention and realize strategic target In a narrow sense, it refers to the management of the process of formulating, implementing and controlling the business strategy of an enterprise.
2. Characteristics of strategic management
(1) Whole process;
(2) Futurism;
(3) management environment Uncertainty of;
(4) High level refers to the work undertaken by the top management of the enterprise to formulate strategies and command the implementation of strategies Senior managers The main task of.
1. The formation of strategic thinking requires the formation of new concepts and new ideas to guide the formulation and implementation of strategies.
2. Conduct Environmental survey It mainly includes the internal environment investigation of the enterprise, understanding the various qualities of the enterprise, the business strength and the external environment investigation of the enterprise.
3. Develop, evaluate and select strategic plans, including strategic target , strategic priorities, strategic policies, strategic stages and strategic countermeasures.
4. The implementation of the strategic plan and its modification and improvement during implementation shall be carried out in time and space.
1. Strategic control refers to strategic plan In the process of implementation, timely find deviations and take Corrective measures Activities of.
2. Steps of strategic control
(1) Determine control standards;
(2) Check the implementation, measure the effect and find the deviation.
(3) Analyze the cause, take measures and correct the deviation.
(4) Continue to improve the implementation and complete strategic target
3. Select control mode , generally including:
(1) Avoid control;
(2) direct control , mainly including specific activity control, achievement control, personnel control, etc.
4. The control mode is divided into Prior control , process control and feedback control
5. When selecting the control mode, the control feasibility and control requirements, control quantity and Control costs




1. The business strategy of the enterprise is market economy The development conditions are first proposed from developed country 's enterprises
By the 1970s, enterprises in many countries had begun the era of "strategic victory". In the early 1980s, Chinese enterprises began to study Strategic issues
2. Importance of raising business strategy issues:
(1) demand structure And the demand has changed from low level to middle and high level, Convergence The demand has changed to personalized and diversified demand, which puts forward higher requirements for manufacturers.
(2) The increasingly fierce production competition requires enterprises to look far ahead and prepare for a rainy day in order to remain invincible in the future competition.
(3) The continuous progress of science and technology requires enterprises to constantly change the existing Technical products , strategic planning must be carried out from a long-term perspective.
(4) Resource supply is increasingly tight, especially resource based enterprises must consider the future in advance resource depletion When it comes to the problem of how to survive, enterprises should make long-term plans and carry out research and development step by step.
management strategy
(5) The society, government and customers have higher and higher requirements and restrictions on the enterprise, so governance“ Three wastes ”, protect the environment It is a major problem that enterprises must plan and seriously solve from the overall situation.
(6) industrial structure According to the changed situation, enterprises need to actively plan the adjustment of industrial structure to adapt to the external environment and improve their own competitive power


lie in:
(1) Adapt to our socialism market economy Complex requirements.
(2) Welcome international market The challenge of competition.
(3) Optimize configuration Enterprise resources Structure, seeking ideal economic benefits.
(4) Requirements for scientific arrangement of high-level work in enterprises.


Business strategy decision-making is an important work related to the future and destiny of enterprises business management China is at the core because:
Business structure strategy
1. The business strategy decision of an enterprise determines the most basic Business behavior , is the choice of the basic behavior of enterprises.
2. The business strategy decision-making work of an enterprise is the central link of the enterprise management cycle, including four stages:
(1) Strategy formulation preparation.
(2) The formulation, evaluation and selection of strategic programmes.
(3) Strategic programme planning;
(4) Strategy implementation and Control work
3. The strategic decision plan of the enterprise is the action program of all employees.


The business strategy of the enterprise mainly has the following functions:
1. By formulating business strategy External environment of the enterprise And the investigation and analysis of internal conditions to clarify the position of enterprises in the market competition, which has a clear direction for enterprises to enhance their own business strength.
2. With the business strategy, the enterprise has the general outline of business development. Giving full play to the overall benefits of the enterprise is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of the staff and workers.
3. It is convenient for the state and relevant departments to guide enterprises, which is beneficial to Macroeconomy and Microeconomy Of Organic combination and Coordinated development
4. It is conducive to comprehensive promotion Modernization of enterprise management




The business strategy of an enterprise is formulated based on the overall development of the enterprise and the needs of the overall development of the enterprise. What it stipulates is the overall action of the enterprise, and what it pursues is the overall effect of the enterprise. Although it must include local activities of the enterprise, these local activities appear in the strategy as an integral part of the overall action. This also makes the business strategy comprehensive and systematic.

Long term

The business strategy of an enterprise is not only a reflection of the enterprise's requirements for long-term development, but also an overall plan for the enterprise's survival and development in a long period of time (more than five years) in the future. Although its formulation should be based on External environment of the enterprise And the current situation of the enterprise's internal conditions, and guide the current production and operation activities of the enterprise Restrictive effect However, all these are also for the long-term development, which is the start of long-term development. For adaptation environment condition The long-term and basically unchanged action goals and action plans to achieve the goals determined by the changes of are both strategies. However, the methods that flexibly adapt to short-term changes and solve local problems are all tactics.


The business strategy of an enterprise is a plan of action on how to compete with competitors in the fierce competition. It is also a plan of action to meet these challenges against many shocks, pressures, threats and difficulties from all aspects. It is different from those action plans that do not consider competition and challenges but simply aim to improve the current situation of enterprises, increase economic benefits, and improve management level. Only when these works are directly related to strengthening the competitive power of enterprises and meeting challenges, and have strategic significance, can they constitute the content of business strategy. It should be clear that the market is like a battlefield, and the modern market is always closely related to fierce competition. The reason for the emergence and development of the business strategy is that the enterprise is facing fierce competition and severe challenges. The purpose of formulating the business strategy is to gain an advantageous position, defeat rivals, and ensure its survival and development.


The enterprise strategy stipulates the overall long-term goal, development direction, development focus and way forward of the enterprise, as well as the basic action guidelines, major measures and basic steps taken. These are Principle Of General The provisions of are of significance to the Programme of Action. It can become a specific action plan only through the process of expansion, decomposition and implementation. [2]

relative stability

As the business strategy stipulates the development goals of the enterprise, it is long-term, as long as strategy implementation The environment has not changed significantly, and even some changes are expected, so the strategic objectives, strategic policies, strategic priorities Strategic steps We should maintain relative stability and not change things day after day. However, there should be some flexibility in dealing with specific problems without affecting the overall situation.
The above characteristics of the business strategy determine the relationship between the business strategy and others Decision making mode Difference of plan form. According to the characteristics of the above business strategy, we can also say that the business strategy is a long-term, overall, aggressive, programmatic and relative stability The planning of business plan.

Strategic content

1. Strategic thinking: guiding operation Strategy formulation And the basic idea of implementation is that enterprise leaders and workers Production and operation All major relationships and Major issues The sum of our understanding and attitude Business operator And the staff and workers Production and operation activities It plays a commanding, soul and guiding role.
two strategic target : It refers to the overall level that the enterprise should reach in the strategic period under the guidance of strategic thinking and according to the analysis of subjective and objective conditions. It is a strategic operation Substantive The content is the core of the strategy, and the correct strategic goal is to evaluate and select the operation Strategic programme The basic basis of.
3. Strategic focus: refers to those aspects that play a key role in achieving strategic objectives but have development advantages or need to be strengthened Enterprise funds The focus of labor and technology investment is the implementation of strategic direction Focus of.
4. Strategic policy: refers to the implementation of strategic ideas and thoughts strategic target Strategic focus, the determined production and operation activities should follow basic principle , guidelines and action strategies, which play a guiding, guiding and guiding role, including comprehensive and individual policies; Purposiveness Policy and means policy.
five Strategic phase : It refers to several stages divided according to the requirements of strategic objectives within the specified strategic period.
six Strategic countermeasures : Also called business strategy It refers to the important measures and means taken to implement the strategic objectives, which are phased, policy oriented, specific Multiplicity Characteristics of.

strategy implementation

Implementation principles
one Goal decomposition The principle of reasonable tasks;
2. Unified leadership Organization and coordination Principle of;
3. The principle of highlighting key points and giving consideration to the overall situation;
4. The principle of adaptability and flexibility.
The implementation of the enterprise's business strategy is strategic management The subject of the work.
concrete work
1. Establish corresponding organizations.
2. Reasonable configuration Strategic resources , make budget and plan.
3. Mobilize group strength to realize strategic plan
4. Establish administration support system , to achieve effective Strategic control [3]
Strategic control is to return the pre established strategic objectives and feedback Strategy implementation The process of a series of activities to check the deviation between the strategic plan and the actual implementation and take measures to correct the deviation.
Generally, it consists of three activities: first, formulating strategies evaluation criterion The second is to conduct a comparative analysis of actual results and standards; Third, take corrective action against deviation.
Strategic control Effective standards and abandoned standards, if the strategic deviation falls into the scope of abandoned standards, the original strategy should be abandoned.
Three basic elements of strategic control:
(1) The strategic evaluation standard refers to the predetermined strategic target Or standard is the basis of strategic control. Generally, it consists of quantitative and qualitative standards.
(2) Actual results are strategic Implementation process The actual level reached in.
(3) performance appraisal : Compare the actual results with the predetermined goals or standards, and there are three situations: exceeding the goals or standards, exactly equal, and below the goals. If it is lower than the target, it indicates that the strategic target has not been achieved, and corrective measures should be taken or Strategic adjustment
The methods of strategic control are divided into Prior control , in-process control and Post control
Major relationships and systems
1、 Leadership of business strategy
1. As a senior leader of the enterprise, the main responsibility of the entrepreneur is to determine the mission and strategic objectives for the enterprise, guide the enterprise to seek the direction of development, that is, control and implement the enterprise's business strategy,.
2. What enterprise strategists should have basic quality : High moral character and lofty ambition; Quick thinking and profound knowledge;
mental health Excellent personality; Resourceful and capable; Healthy and energetic.
3. Strategic management and strategic leadership, that is, the enterprise needs a united, capable and efficient strategic leadership to manage the enterprise. The principles to follow are:
(1) The principle of selecting the first leader.
(2) The principle of leading the formation of a cabinet.
(3) Capability matching optimization Organizational principles
(4) The principle of cooperation and harmony.
2、 Business strategy organization
one organization structure Relationship with business strategy
The organizational structure of an enterprise refers to various Division of labor The summation of the mode of cooperation and the mode of cooperation stipulates the tasks, responsibilities, powers and interrelationships of the various components of the organization. The organizational structure of the enterprise should be subject to the enterprise's business strategy and serve the realization of the business strategy.
2. The organization structure types available include:
Difficulties in decision-making
(1) Strategy Decision object The complexity of.
(3) Decision conditions And results Risk
(4) Programme evaluation Difficulty.


The business strategy of an enterprise can be based on its level, situation, scale and industry market competition Characteristics and so on.
According to business decisions Hierarchical classification
The business strategy of large enterprises is a huge and complex system, which can be broken down into different levels of Subsystem Generally speaking, for large enterprises, business strategy includes three levels: the first level is company level strategy; The second level is Division level strategy The third level is the functional level strategy. The company is developing overall strategy Consider the situation of the next level; The strategy of the next level should obey and reflect the strategy of the upper level Strategic Intent
Press enterprise operation Situation classification
According to the environment of the enterprise and the future of the environment Development trend And determine the general direction of action of the enterprise. It has three basic types:
one Stabilization strategy This strategy emphasizes the investment of small or medium resources to maintain the existing production and marketing scale and Market share , stabilize and consolidate the existing competitive position This strategy is applicable to enterprises that have good benefits, have no further development opportunities for the time being, and have large barriers for other enterprises to enter. According to different situations, it can be divided into:
(1) unchanged Strategy, that is, operate according to the original direction and mode without major adjustment;
(2) Profit strategy is to try to make more profits in the short term on the basis of the obtained market advantages;
(3) Suspension strategy , that is, to consolidate the existing advantages, slow down temporarily Development speed
two development strategy This strategy is suitable for enterprises to have the opportunity to develop and expand themselves. Its characteristics are: invest a lot of resources, expand the scale of production and marketing, improve the competitive position, and improve the Market share Or use new products to open up new markets, which is an offensive trend. It includes:
(1) Vertical integration strategy, that is Business field On the basis of, respectively, forward or backward development;
(2) Horizontal integration Strategy, that is, technology economic nature Horizontal expansion and development in similar business areas;
(3) diversification strategy That is, to expand and develop into a completely different business field.
three Austerity strategy Also known as "retreat strategy", this strategy is applicable to situations where both the external environment and internal conditions are very unfavorable. Only by taking retreat measures can enterprises avoid greater losses. It includes:
(1) Reduction strategy, that is, gradually reduce production or recover funds, but not completely give up to wait for the opportunity;
(2) Abandon strategy , that is, transfer irretrievable products and other business areas, and make other plans to recover funds;
(3) Liquidation strategy That is, when the enterprise is unable to make up losses and increase profits, it will be liquidated and transferred as a whole when it is on the verge of bankruptcy.
Press Enterprise scale classification
1. Small and medium-sized enterprises management strategy With the full development of the market, Market transaction cost The number of small and medium-sized enterprises has been continuously reduced, and they are highly specialized and easy to manage national economy It plays an important role in development. The business strategies suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises are: small and specialized, small and refined strategy. That is, through Segments Select the strategy that can give play to the enterprise's own professional advantages to carry out production and operation; Drill the gap strategy. That is, through investigation, it is found that Market supply The vacant place, relying on the advantages of small and medium-sized enterprises' quick and flexible, enters the gap market; Business characteristics Strategy. Because SMEs are easy to Approaching customers , can attract consumers by making their products or services have distinctive features, so as to achieve success. Contracting and pooling strategy. That is, SMEs are closely attached to a large enterprise or enterprise group, take their long-term orders, and become a processing contractor or Associated enterprise
two Business strategy of large enterprises Large enterprises generally have Economic scale The production or processing process must reach a certain scale to display its economic performance formulate Enterprise Strategy It should consider its large scale Management level Many information transfer Slow and market oriented environmental change Relatively slow reaction and other shortcomings, give full play to its Economies of scale Equal strengths and avoid weaknesses.
enterprise Basic competitive strategy , the development strategy of the enterprise Corporate culture strategy
Classified by strategic level
1. The overall strategy refers to deepening the internal and external environment of the enterprise Research On the basis of market demand After comprehensive analysis of the main factors such as competition, the plan and strategy determined to guide the overall situation and long-term development of the enterprise.
two Functional strategy , also known as sub strategy, refers to Professional functions Implement and specify the overall strategy.

Relationships in the enterprise

Strategy of Diversification
1. Relationship between enterprises and investors. 2. The relationship between enterprises and customers, where there is a customer, there is a market, and the market is an enterprise operation Marketing activities The starting point and destination of, target market That is to say, it is important for the enterprise to determine those customers as the service objects of the enterprise strategic decision The topic mainly includes: the relationship between service and served, the relationship between selling and buying, the relationship between choosing and being chosen, and the relationship between competing and being contested.
3. The relationship between the enterprise and the supplier refers to the source unit of various elements needed to ensure the production and operation activities of the enterprise.
4. Enterprise and competitor The relationship between Anti control Relationship.
5. The relationship between the enterprise and the dealer is the relationship between production and circulation, the relationship between the seller and the buyer, the relationship between service and being served, the relationship between selection and being selected, and the relationship between competition and being contested.
6. The relationship between the enterprise and the government, that is, the relationship between management and being managed.
7. The relationship between the enterprise and the community, enthusiastic about the society Public welfare undertakings To protect the community ecological environment , which is conducive to establishing a good image of the enterprise and improving its popularity and Reputation And win wide support from the community.
8. Relationship between the enterprise and other parties.