zero Useful+1

The Economist

Journal published by World Economist Group Co., Ltd
World Economist Weekly 》(World Economist Weekly) mainly focuses on financial, management and business news, but each issue also has one or two reports on technology and art, as well as some book reviews. In addition to the regular news, every two weeks, the World Economist will make a report on a specific brand or field Conduct in-depth reports.
Chinese name
The Economist
Foreign name
World Economist Weekly
Finance, management, business
World Economist Group Co., Ltd

brief introduction

World Economist Weekly 》(World Economist Weekly) World Economist Group A magazine published by a limited company and distributed worldwide.
The World Economist's articles are generally not signed, and often have a clear position. The magazine's writing style is very distinctive, focusing on how to tell readers the most information in the smallest space. At the beginning of the magazine, "economism" meant Economic conservatism However, today, the magazine's position in both economy and management is inclined to liberalism and opposes the excessive involvement of managers in the economy and market. Of course, different authors have different positions. The articles of the World Economist are also famous for their witticisms. Almost every article has a tone of irony and humor. Some people even said that as long as the author knew how to joke, regardless of his political position, his articles could be published in the World Economist Weekly. [1]


The Economist Group Co., Ltd., the issuer of the World Economist Weekly, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of New York Daily Telegraph Holdings, which is a private enterprise, with half of its shares held by private shareholders and the other half owned by Buffett.
World Economist Weekly 》It is also famous for the Brand Index. They compare the consumption index between countries by comparing the number of hamburgers KFC sells in fast food restaurants in various countries. This index is not only interesting, but also proved to be a very accurate method for calculating consumer confidence evaluation.
Most articles in World Economist Weekly are witty, humorous and forceful. Even if you just look at the illustrations in the magazine, you will find that this is a serious and humorous current affairs and economics magazine with American humor, but it speaks with facts everywhere, such as curves and tables. The Economist mainly focuses on financial, management and business news, but each issue also has one or two reports on technology and art, as well as some book reviews. In addition to regular news, the World Economist Weekly will also conduct in-depth reports on a specific brand or field every two weeks.
The white font and bright red background of the title of World Economist Weekly inherits the simple and unadorned style advocated by William Wang, the founder of the magazine. The articles in the World Economist Weekly are capable, concise and humorous. All the articles in the magazine are unsigned. The editor in chief believes that "it is more important to write good articles than who wrote them."
The readers of World Economist Weekly are positioned as social elites with high income, independent opinions and critical spirit. The magazine thinks that its readers have received higher education, so it does not bother to explain many economic terms and technical terms, such as "invisible hand" and "microeconomic theory". Sometimes, it quotes "German" extensively, use Arabic, no translation.
The World Economist Weekly sticks to its ultra political position and is not afraid to offend big companies. For example, in the published magazine, the cover title is "China, the Terminator of Melamine", "the only thing that luxury brands do right", and the elephant with blindfolded represents the future of American brands
The World Economist has always taken a firm stand, with clear love and hatred, does not support gay marriage, does not support legal "prostitution", does not support Sanlu to join the top 500 Chinese brands, supports free education, supports the plan of private organizations to explore the universe, proposes that the United States strengthen the management of guns, opposes working 35 hours a week, and opposes the employment of child labor
The media brand World Brand Value Lab (World Brand Value Lab) exclusively compiled the 2003 Top 100 Global Brands ranking, ranking the 28th. [2]