regional economic integration

international economic relations
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synonym Economic regionalization (Economic regionalization) generally refers to regional economic integration
Regional economic integration is also called“ Regional economic collectivization ”。 Two or more countries in the same region gradually transfer part or even all of their economic sovereignty and adopt a common economic policy And form exclusiveness The process of economic group. Its organizational forms are arranged from low to high according to the degree of integration, including Preferential trade arrangement free trade area customs union common market Economic Union And complete economic integration The most integrated regional economic group is European Union [1]
Chinese name
regional economic integration
Foreign name
Regional economic integration
economic globalization New features of in-depth development

brief introduction

region economic integration Has become an international economic relations One of the most striking trends in the, regional economic integration is the process of market integration between partner countries, from Product market Factor market Gradually deepen the unification of economic policies.
The term "economic integration" has been used in recent years. According to expert research, it was never used before 1942. By 1950, economists began to define it as a state or process in which an individual economy was integrated into a broader economy. Others describe integration as a multinational Economic region In this multinational economic region, trade barrier The factors of production tend to flow freely when they are weakened or eliminated. The so-called "region" refers to a geographical area where multilateral economic cooperation can be carried out, which is often larger than a Sovereign state The geographical scope of. According to the view of economic geography, the world can be divided into many zones, which are composed of regions with different economic characteristics. However, these economic regions are not always the same region as countries and regions. In order to reconcile the relationship between the two regions, advocate the special conditions of the same region different from those of other regions, and eliminate the obstacles in economic exchanges caused by the border, regions have emerged economic integration The assumption of. Economic integration is the basis of integration organizations, which fix the achievements of integration in terms of contracts and organizations. Since the 1990s, regional economic integration organizations have sprung up all over the world, forming a strong new wave. The new wave is advancing rapidly, the cooperation is deepening, the content is extensive, the mechanism is flexible, and the form is diverse, which is unprecedented. This wave of regional economic integration not only reflects economic globalization The new features of in-depth development reflect the world Multipolarization The new trend of tortuous development.

Reasons for development

(1) Area economic integration Development process of
The embryonic form of regional economic integration can be traced back to 1921, when Belgium And Luxembourg form Economic alliance , later Netherlands Join Benelux Economic Union In 1932, Britain and Commonwealth The member countries form the British Empire preferential zone, and the member countries reduce tariffs to each other, but maintain the original high tariffs on countries not members of the Commonwealth, forming a Preferential tariff zone
The rapid development of economic integration began the Second World War After that, three major development climaxes were formed.
1. The first climax occurred in the 1950s and 1960s.
Although the embryonic form of regional economic integration can be traced back to the establishment of the Belgium Luxembourg Economic Union in 1921 (the Netherlands joined in 1948 to form the Benelux Union). However, the real formation and rapid development of regional economic integration began after the Second World War. After the Second World War, world economy A series of major changes have taken place in the field, and the world's political and economic development is unbalanced developing country The first climax of the development of regional economic integration organizations occurred.
2. In the early 1970s and 1980s, the development of regional economic integration was at a standstill
Western countries in the 1970s National economy In the state of "stagflation", regional economic integration was also at a standstill. During this period, European Economic Community The original integration plan has not been fully realized, and none of the integration attempts of developing countries has been completely successful. Take the European Economic Community for example, twice oil crisis Bretton Woods system Collapse, global economic recession, Japan and the United States trade friction The rise and other factors have hit its member states hard, and they have implemented Non-tariff barrier Measures for trade protection, leading to the first stage customs union The effect of, European Community country Economic growth rate A sharp decline.
3. The second upsurge of regional economic integration since the mid-1980s
Since the mid-1980s, especially after the 1990s, world politics economic situation Profound changes have taken place in the West developed country In curbing inflation and controlling unemployment rate The region has achieved success in terms of economic development Economic integration The trend of regional economic integration has been significantly strengthened. This climax is based on the 1985 European Community's proposal to establish a unified market“ white paper ”As an opportunity, the "white paper" stipulates the unification in 1992 Big market Contents and schedule of construction. This breakthrough of the European Community has produced a powerful Demonstration effect , greatly promoting other Regional economic integration Construction.
(2) Area economic integration Main reasons for development
1. It is the direct cause of regional economic integration to unite and fight against powerful external forces.
2 、 World War II Later, science, technology and society productivity The rapid development of is the objective foundation of regional economic integration.
3. Safeguard the nation economic interest And development and Political interests yes Regional economic integration The internal cause of formation and development.
Whether it is the economic integration of developed countries, or developing country The fundamental reason for the economic integration of China is to safeguard its own economic and trade interests comprehensive national strength To create a better external environment.
4. Trade and Investment liberalization It is the result of regional economic integration sustained development Economic source.
5 、 Trade creation And other positive economic effects economic integration The important reasons for its emergence and sustainable development.

Rise reason

New round area economic integration There are profound political and economic reasons for the magnificent tide. The main economic reasons are:
First, the deepening market-oriented reform in the current global scope has laid the institutional foundation for the development of regional economic integration. Under the post-war new technology conditions, the division of labor and dependence between countries and regions are increasingly deepening, Production socialization . The degree of internationalization is constantly improving, making the production and circulation of various countries economic activity Go further beyond national boundaries. This inevitably requires the removal of obstacles Economic internationalization Market and institutional barriers to development. In today's world, more and more countries have realized through practice that there is only choice Market economy system In order to accelerate the speed of economic development, improve the efficiency of economic operation and International competitiveness Through reform, countries eliminated commodities production factors , capital and technology flow between countries economic system Obstacles on economic integration Development of.
Second World Trade Organization Multilateral trading system Limitations and recent years multilateral trade negotiations The setbacks and difficulties encountered have stimulated the development of regional economic integration. Although the WTO is promoting liberalization of trade and economic globalization However, due to its huge size and complex operation procedures, according to the "package acceptance" approach of WTO, its members' negotiations on various topics can only be conducted on the basis of consensus, which doomed all members to reach consensus and eliminate barriers in a short time. For example, in November 2001 Doha The first round of multilateral negotiations launched has been difficult. Prospects for multilateral trade negotiations Unpredictability , bilateral and regional trade agreement It provides development space and opportunities, and also provides a choice for participating in global competition. Also, the area economic integration Organizations are often geographical position Neighborhood and society political system Similarity, productivity Development level They are close and have similar cultural and historical background, so they have many advantages in economic cooperation.
The political reasons for this wave of regional economic integration are the peace, development and stability serving the region, which mainly include:
First, seek political repair, ease conflicts and stabilize the regional situation. World Bank Research shows that regional trade agreements not only promote trade flows, but also eliminate Political conflict It plays a significant role. The initial motive and ultimate goal of European cooperation is politics. After twice World War The Europeans realized that war could not happen again, and that only through cooperation, integration and union could Europe achieve long-term stability, security and development. Through economic cooperation, European countries have finally laid a solid foundation for the realization of regional peace and development and the dream of greater European unity. stay Asia , 1999 East Asia Leaders' opinions on East Asia cooperation joint statement And clearly put forward the topic of carrying out political and security dialogue and cooperation. In addition, India and Pakistan Between the easing of political tensions and the ongoing South Asia Free trade area agreement negotiation is inseparable. Africa The political situation of some countries has been unstable for a long time, and most of them National economy also underdeveloped These factors promote African Union It was launched in 2002 to try to promote regional stability and economic development through political and economic cooperation.
Second, promote domestic institutional reform. some developing country and Transition country Regard regional trade agreements as locks liberalization of trade Or the mechanism of domestic institutional reform process, that is, to promote domestic institutional reform through external treaty responsibilities and tangible and specific commitments. In the 1990s, Eastern Europe Countries in transition One of the purposes of signing a regional trade agreement with the EU is to promote market economy The transformation process of.
Third, seek political protection at the regional level to counter others regional group This is the result of the world's major powers stepping up their organization and consolidation regional economies An important driver of the Group. The United States participates in trans regional APEC , intended to counter the growing EU. The EU, as a stronger whole, hopes to fight with the United States, Japan and other major countries more forcefully in the international arena with a strong voice, not only to accelerate foreign economic expansion on its own doorstep Latin America Actively carry out economic cooperation with Asia and other places, and commit to European Free Trade Area ”The idea of. Japan strives to Asia Pacific Implement the "Wild Goose Array Model" to consolidate and expand the "Greater East Asia" Economic circle ”At the same time, take various measures to drive Europe and America Hinterland and hope to obtain Permanent members of the Security Council Status. Russia with CIS Some regional economic groups, such as CIS countries Economic Union Eurasian Economic Community To consolidate and strengthen Russia's position as a major country. By strengthening internal coordination and cooperation, ASEAN World Trade Organization , UNCTAD and other multilateral organizations economic organization China speaks with one voice to safeguard its growing self-interest.
Fourth, the main body of communication Political value idea. After September 11, the United States took counter-terrorism as its International strategy A core content of. May 2003 Iraq War After that, the United States offered to Middle East The initiative of regional countries to establish free trade zones before 2013. Public opinion generally believes that the real purpose of the US move is to free trade area The way to promote American style in the region democratic system

Development characteristics

Globally regional economic integration The rapid development mainly depends on three ways: first, continuously deepen and upgrade the existing form; Second, expand existing group members; Third, the conclusion of new regions trade agreement Or restart regional economic cooperation Negotiations.
East Asia Cooperation is the key to regional economic integration Asia Highlights. Since 1992, ASEAN signed the agreement on the establishment of a free trade area (that is, effective through implementation in 2008 Preferential tariff Completed ASEAN Free Trade Area )At the beginning, at the end of 1997, the first informal meeting between the leaders of ASEAN, China, Japan and South Korea (that is, the establishment of the "10+3" cooperation mechanism) was held to expand cooperation from ASEAN to East Asia, thus officially launching East Asia Cooperation process In 2002, China and ASEAN agreed to establish a free trade area in 2010 Framework Agreement The "10+1" model has been formed.
Areas on other continents economic integration The trend is also increasingly evident. Southern Africa The Summit of the Member States of the Development Coordination Conference signed a resolution on the establishment of the Southern African Development Community-SADC Treaties, declarations and protocol Three documents officially renamed the organization "Southern African Development Community"; The summit meeting of the "East and Southern Africa Preferential Trade Area" approved the treaty on transforming the preferential trade area into a common market in 1994, announcing that Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (referred to as "Common Market for South East Africa") was officially established. The birth of the "EU" euro The launch of the European Union and the largest expansion of the European Union in history economic integration Especially noticeable. North American Free Trade Area ”Since its formal establishment in 1994, the United States envisioned expanding its scope to Latin America to form the world's largest free trade area covering the entire North and South America region. However, not long ago Argentina The fourth session Summit of the Americas About this item motion The negotiations ended fruitlessly. Australia New Zealand And ASEAN trade ministers also signed an intergovernmental framework agreement to promote trade, investment and economic integration in 2001, and formally signed it in 2002.
Regional economic integration covers most countries and regions according to World Bank According to statistics, only 12 island countries and principalities in the world have not participated in any regional trade agreements( RTA )。 174 countries and regions have participated in at least one (up to 29) RTA, and each country or region has participated in an average of 5. Of course, there are great differences among regions, and the degree of development is also different. World Trade Organization All members are from different regions at the same time economic organization Members, some with multiple regions economic integration Membership of the organization. Nearly 150 countries and regions in the world have Multilateral trading system And regional economic integration. Northern countries have signed the most regional trade agreements, with an average of 13 per country. Considerable developing country Bilateral preferential trade agreements have been signed with northern countries. Most agreements occur in Eastern Europe North Africa and Latin America There are fewer agreements signed by East Asian countries South Asia There is no precedent for countries to sign agreements with northern countries.
The content of regional economic integration is extensive and in-depth. The scope of the new round of regional agreements has been greatly expanded, including not only goods liberalization of trade , and includes Liberalization of trade in services , agricultural trade liberalization Investment liberalization , Trade Dispute settlement mechanism , unified competition policy Intellectual property protection Standard, common Environmental standards Labor standards , and even proposed to have a common democratic concept. For example, North America , EU, South South and others Regional integration Many of the agreements involve standards, logistics, customs cooperation, services, intellectual property, investment, dispute settlement mechanisms Labor rights And competition policy.
The forms and mechanisms are flexible and diverse. First, most regional economies The Group adopts an open attitude towards membership to accelerate its expansion. Except for some regional economies that are clearly composed of both sides, such as the United States and Canada free trade In addition to the Agreement and the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Cooperation Agreement, the general regional economy has experienced a process from fewer members to more members. For example, after five large-scale expansions, the EU has now grown to 25 member states. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation ”Over the past 14 years, it has also experienced four expansions, reaching 21 members. Second, the form and level of cooperation have developed from low level to high level. Many countries have abandoned or established free trade zones based on the original preferential trade arrangements or customs union Some developed from customs union to common market. For example, in January 1995, Southern cone Four countries (Argentina Brazil Uruguay Paraguay )According to the“ Heijin City According to the Protocol, the Free Trade Area was upgraded to a customs union and officially started to operate, thus becoming the second largest customs union in the world after the European Union.
The rise and development of trans continental and trans regional economic cooperation. Since the 1990s, regional economic cooperation The composition basis of "has changed greatly, breaking the narrow concept of regional adjacency, and the trans continental and trans oceanic Regional cooperation Organization. For example, Japan and Mexico Singapore Signed free trade agreement. The cooperation between different regional economic groups has also been carried out. Southern Cone Common Market The EU, its second largest trading partner, began to explore the establishment of a free trade area, while ASEAN and the EU Foreign Ministers' Meeting The discussion on a wide range of issues in the political and economic fields has been institutionalized. NAFTA also intends to cooperate with the Southern Cone Common Market to establish a whole America Free trade zone within the scope. Tunisia Morocco And other members have negotiated with the EU to establish the "EU and mediterranean sea Free trade area, and become a partner country of the EU Associated countries South Africa And India, Australia Malaysia And other countries actively prepare to build“ the indian ocean Economic circle ”。


The most influential research on the theory of customs union is the American economics of Jacob Viner and K. G. Lipsey. According to Fanner's customs union theory, a complete customs union should have the following three characteristics:
(1) Completely eliminate tariffs among member countries;
(2) For those from outside the Member States countries and regions A uniform tariff shall be set for imports of;
(3) Distribute tariff revenue among member countries through negotiation. such free trade and Trade protection The combined structure makes the customs union Economic welfare The impact of Trade creation and Trade diversion coexist.
(1) The static effect of customs union
The so-called static effect of customs union refers to the assumption that Total resources Unchanged technical conditions Without improvement, the impact of customs union on the countries inside and outside the group, economic development and material welfare. The static effect of customs union mainly refers to Trade creation effect and Trade diversion effect
1. Trade Creating Effect
The trade creation effect refers to that free trade Later, the products were transferred from domestic production with higher costs to production in member countries with lower costs, and the import volume from member countries increased, and new trade was "created". In addition, a country's purchase from a foreign country at a high price to a member country at a low price also belongs to Trade creation
2. Trade Diversion Effect
Assuming that before the conclusion of the customs union, the customs union countries did not produce certain goods but took the position of free trade production efficiency Imported products from the country with the highest and lowest cost; After the establishment of the customs union, the high quality products of the member countries of the union were imported by the countries with the highest production efficiency in the union. If the most productive country in the alliance is not the most productive country in the world, then Import cost Compared with the establishment of the alliance, the consumption expenditure increased, which made the social welfare The level drops, which is Trade diversion effect
(II) Suboptimal theory Other static effects with customs union
1. Suboptimal theory
Fanner believes that the establishment of a customs union may increase or decrease the welfare of member countries and other countries in the world, which depends on the environment in which the customs union is created. This is the Theory of the Second best. According to this theory, if welfare maximization or Pareto optimality If all the required conditions cannot be met, it is unnecessary to meet as many conditions as possible, and this usually leads to suboptimal conditions. Therefore, the establishment of a customs union is not just to eliminate among member countries trade barrier , does not necessarily produce a suboptimal welfare state. Therefore, to make customs union more likely Trade creation effect To increase welfare, the following conditions must be met:
2. Other static state of customs union Welfare effect
First, the reduction of administrative expenses caused by the reduction of customs personnel and border patrol personnel of member countries due to the customs union;
Second, Trade diversion By reducing the import demand and export supply to other countries in the world other than the member countries of the alliance, the type customs union may make the member countries of the alliance Terms of trade Improved.
Third, any customs union, acting as a whole in the international trade vote, may have a stronger bargaining power than any country acting independently;
Fourth, after the establishment of the customs union, smuggling can be reduced. Because of the establishment of the customs union, commodities can move freely among the member countries of the union, eliminating the root cause of smuggling in the union, which can not only reduce the number of smuggling Expenses , which will also help to improve the Moral standards
(3) Customs union Dynamic effect
The so-called dynamic effect of customs union refers to the role of customs union in promoting the trade and economic growth of member countries. The dynamic effects of customs union are shown in the following aspects:
1. The establishment of the customs union made market competition Intensified, specialized division of labor expanded in breadth and depth production factors And more optimized resource allocation;
2. After the establishment of the customs union, the member states domestic market To a unified big market, free market Expansion, so that member states can obtain transfer and Economies of scale .
3. The establishment of a customs union, the expansion of the market investment environment The significant improvement will attract the manufacturers of member countries to expand investment, and also attract the capital of non member countries to transfer to the member countries of the alliance.
4. After the establishment of the customs union, because the factors of production can move freely among member countries, the market tends to be unified and competition intensifies, Investment scale Expand, promote research and development The expansion of, technical progress And accelerated the economic development of all member states.
The proponent of the big market theory believes that in the past, countries pursued narrow trade protection policies that only considered their own interests market segmentation It is narrow and lacks moderate flexibility, which can only provide a narrow market for domestic manufacturers and cannot be achieved scale economy and Mass production Interests.
The principle of negotiated international division of labor was established by a famous Japanese professor Kojima Proposed.
so-called Agreed international division of labor It means that one country abandons the production of a commodity and provides its domestic market to another country, while the other country abandons the production of another commodity and provides its domestic market to the other country, that is, the two countries reach an agreement on mutual market provision and implement a negotiated international division of labor. Agreed division of labor can not be expected to be passed together price mechanism Automatically, but must be achieved through some agreement of the parties, that is, through economic integration Our system organizes the agreed division of labor. as Latin America central section common market unified industrial policy The division of labor determined by the plan among countries is typical Agreed international division of labor
comprehensive development strategy According to theory, economic integration is developing country As a development strategy, it requires strong common institutions and political will to protect the advantages of less developed countries. So, effective government intervention It is very important for economic integration. The economic integration of developing countries is a change world economy situation , Establishment New international economic order Elements of.


In general, this round of regional economic integration The rise and development of the tide is the same as that of the whole world economy and Political pattern Of Multipolarization In other words, the essence of current regional economic integration is Multi polarization of the world economy And the world Political multipolarity
regional economic integration
The new wave of regional economic integration reflects the trend of multi polarization of the world economy. from developed country Look, because this round Regional integration with economic globalization For the background, on the one hand, globalization With Scientific and technological progress And the requirements of great development of productivity, production system and Market system It is transnational corporations that continue to expand globally and act as the carrier and driving force. On the other hand, due to nation-state And the existence of interests, the global competition is intensifying; At the same time, in the economic development out-off-balance Under the action of laws, American economy In the middle of the last century, the monopoly situation no longer exists, thus forming the world economy“ One super and many strong ”Pattern. Therefore, developed countries hope to establish regional economic organizations to ensure their production systems and market size To strengthen its competitive strength and ensure an invincible position in the process of making more profits.
from developing country Look, with economic globalization In-depth, Newly industrialized countries And the economies of developing countries, including China and India, have gradually occupied their respective places in the world economy. In this situation, as the "pole" of the world economy, these countries participate in international competition and economic integration The desire of developed country Equality and mutual benefit Realize win-win The voice of. However, as a single economy, developing countries are still weak, so they hope to safeguard their own economic interests and economic security Although these regional economic organizations are often dominated by large countries, and know that the leading countries are also motivated by their "private interests", developing countries may still gain their own interests from participating in regional economic integration.
It can be seen that the essence of regional economic integration is that of the world economy Multipolarization Its meaning includes: First, under the influence of the law of unbalanced economic development, the world economy is getting rid of Superpower Control, which is conducive to equal cooperation and fair competition; Second economic globalization The regional economic organization under the background is not only the product of competition, but also the trend of the times.
The new wave of regional economic integration also reflects the world Political multipolarity The general trend of. On the one hand, since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the trend of world political multipolarization has strengthened. Eastern European upheaval The disintegration of the Soviet Union , proclaiming that the United States and the Soviet Union Bipolar pattern Disintegration; Although the United States has become the only superpower after the Cold War, it has economic, technological, military and international influence absolute advantage , but has been unable to establish Unipolar world European countries actively promote internal cooperation and strive to move towards politics military integration The direction of development; Japan still keeps the world Economic Powers And try to become a military and political power; Russia The resources and energy are abundant, and the scientific research foundation is also quite advantageous Nuclear power Is trying to revive the great power. Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly International politics It plays an increasingly important role on the stage. Against the backdrop of the trend of world political multipolarization economic integration Development is logical.
On the other hand, economy is the basis and premise of politics League of Nations Corresponding Economic Union For protection. As mentioned above, most regional cooperation or free trade Arrangements have obvious political implications. The purpose of European cooperation is to achieve long-term stability and security in Europe through economic cooperation and political unity. The United States is a typical country that uses free trade agreements to achieve political goals. Not long ago Cuba Venezuela and bolivia The "People" signed by the three heads of state trade agreement ”It is the embodiment of politics in itself, because it not only reflects the new changes in Latin American politics, but also shows that Latin American leftist governments are trying to replace those led and advocated by the United States Free Trade Area of the Americas Southeast Asia The cooperation process of impetus China and ASEAN established Strategic partnership , both parties Political relations It has been significantly improved. Japan in China ASEAN After the start of the free trade area process, we also accelerated the pace of negotiating the free trade area with ASEAN countries, and its political implications are also obvious.
Predictably, with the world Multipolarization Development, regional economic integration The trend will be further strengthened. In a sense, regional economic integration reflects international economy And politics are developing towards equality and democracy, which is conducive to promoting the establishment of fair and reasonable New international order , conducive to promoting Democratization of international relations


economic integration The forms of can be divided into different categories according to different standards. The famous American economist Balassa divided the process of economic integration into four stages:
(1) trade integration That is, the restrictions on the flow of goods should be lifted;
(2) Integration of elements, i.e. implementation production factors Of free flow
regional economic integration
(3) Policy integration, that is, achieving National economic policy Coordination and consistency;
(4) Full integration means the overall unification of all policies.
Bela Balasa (1973) first divided the degree of economic integration organization into five types, namely free trade area customs union common market , economic alliance and Full economic integration Later Richard Lipsey (1957)“ Preferential tariff zone ”(or Preferential trade arrangement )Economic integration is included as the first type, which is the lowest level of integration.

Preferential trade arrangement

That is to say, among member countries, through agreement or other forms, special tariff preferences are granted to all goods or some goods. This is economic integration It is the lowest and most loose form, typically in 1932, Britain and some British Empire former colonial country Between Commonwealth preferential system

free trade area

That is, signed by free trade agreement 20% of the countries form a trade area and abolish tariffs and other trade barrier To realize the complete free flow of goods in the region, but each member country still retains the original barriers to non member countries.

customs union

That is, the member states completely eliminate tariffs or other barriers, and coordinate their trade policy And establish a unified tariff for foreign countries. This is a further step on the basis of the free trade area, which has begun to have a supranational nature. Typical examples are European Economic Community

common market

That is to say, on the basis of the customs union, member states further eliminate restrictions on the flow of factors of production, so that not only liberalization of trade , and implementation technique Free flow of production factors such as capital and labor. Typical examples are the European Unified Market.

Economic alliance

That is to say, a further step has been taken on the basis of the common market. Member countries not only realize the free flow of goods and production factors, establish common tariffs for foreign countries, but also formulate and implement certain common economic policy and social policies , gradually abolishing the differences in policies, forming a huge economic entity , typical as European Union

Full economic integration

Full economic integration is the highest level of regional economic integration Histomorphology It means that a set of magnified Regional scale Of National economic system The supranational management institutions enjoy quite sufficient national sovereignty So as to have the legislative, administrative and jurisdiction
This is economic integration The highest stage of. Member States are fully unified in economic, financial, fiscal and other policies Economic decision-making China takes the same position, and commodities, capital, people, etc. in the region are completely free to flow, using the common currency.

economic integration

This is economic integration The highest stage of. Member States are fully unified in economic, financial, fiscal and other policies Economic decision-making China takes the same position, and the commodities, capital and personnel in the region are completely free flow , using the common currency.
Economic integration is about trade barrier And the establishment of various cooperative and mutual assistance relationships. The removal of trade barriers is called the "negative" side of integration, while the establishment of cooperative relations is called the "positive" side, because the establishment of cooperation often requires participants to change the existing system or institutions, or to establish new systems and institutions so that the market in the integration area can operate properly and efficiently. Among the various forms of integration, the more elementary forms, such as free trade area They are mainly negative, while higher forms, such as Economic alliance And so on, which fully reflects the positive side. The negative form is easier to achieve because of the elimination of tariffs and Quantity limit Easy to do, especially after long-term multilateral trade negotiations Later many countries Tariff level Already very low. The positive form is not easy to achieve, because it requires some form of joint action, and requires cooperation in areas other than tariffs, while financial, monetary and employment cooperation often involves national sovereignty Coordination and other deeper issues. However, the division of the form of integration can only be general. In fact, every organization cannot be a standard form.
In addition to the above classification, some scholars in recent years have classified economic integration Organizations fall into three categories:
(1) developed country Type, namely, an economic integration organization established by developed countries, such as European Union
(2) developing country Type, namely, an economic integration organization composed of developing countries, such as asean
(3) North South type, namely developed country Economic integration organizations jointly established with developing countries, such as nafta
Although these three types of organizations have similar forms, their goals operating mechanism , development history, etc.

Main impacts

region economic integration The fundamental feature of free trade , foreign trade protection ", so it Multilateral trading system and global economy The impact of "is necessarily dual, which has both positive and negative effects.". along with economic globalization With the continuous development of regional economic integration, the negative impact will become more and more prominent.
1、 Positive impact of regional economic integration
(1) Regional economic integration contributes to the development of free trade ideas.
Regional economic integration pursues the principle of free trade in the region, eliminating various trade barrier Free trade policy The various benefits brought by the implementation will help member countries enhance their awareness of free trade, and at the same time protect the restraint mechanisms It has played a certain role in curbing the domestic trade protection claims of members.
1. Area economic integration The economic effect of.
2. Demonstration effect of regional economic integration.
3. The restraint effect of regional economic integration.
(2) Regional economic integration can become the basis of the multilateral trading system
(3) Regional negotiations and Multilateral negotiations Important“ Synergy
(4) Regional economic integration can multilateral trade negotiations Provide experience and skills
2、 Negative impact of regional economic integration
(1) All regional economic groups are internally oriented free trade External protection Trade This policy of "internal and external differences" clearly deviates from the multilateral trading system Principle of non discrimination , forming Protectionism Of trade barrier
(2) Regional economic integration organizations have different degrees of“ Trade diversion effect ”, deviation Principle of comparative advantage , causing damage to countries outside the region, often leading to trade friction And conflict, so that World Trade Organization Often in a state of "emergency".
(3) Area economic integration Organization increased international market On monopoly power , curbing competition and weakening the role of the WTO system.
(4) Regional economic integration organizations set the goal of free trade pursued by countries from Multilateral trade agreements Turning to the regional integration organization arrangement is not conducive to the WTO system playing its role and further development.

path choice

Regional government cooperation: regional economic integration Of path choice
1、 Question raising and review of relevant literature
regional economic integration
economic globalization And regional economic integration are two major trends of the current world economic development. Since the reform and opening up, with the development of China's social economy, especially after the 1990s Market-oriented reform With the deepening of, China's regional economy has become more and more closely linked, the scope and fields of regional cooperation have been expanding, and the scale of cooperation has been growing, forming a Yangtze River delta , Pearl River Delta and other important Economic region meanwhile, planned economy The "administrative region economy" formed in the era, and the increasingly fierce Local protectionism , seriously hampering the region economic integration The process of transaction cost , harming economic growth.
According to the research of French economist Sandra Poncet, in 1997 merchandise trade The average tariff reached 46%, a full increase of 11% from 10 years ago. This tariff level exceeded the tariff level between EU member states, and that between the United States and Canada The trade tariffs between them are equivalent. That is to say, in 1987, Chinese consumers purchased 10 times more self-made products from their respective provinces than those from other provinces, and by 1997, this proportion had reached 21 times. Therefore, how to break the local protectionism and build the overall advantage of regional economy has become one of the focuses of the current Chinese government and academia.
Existing Literature pair Regional economic development and local Intergovernmental relations The research of
everything regional economics Research. Contemporary China Region In terms of problem research, regional economics The research of theoretical analysis And provided abundant empirical materials, especially around the Yangtze River Delta region in recent years economic integration A series of problems Empirical analysis And theoretical discussion, which greatly promoted the in-depth research in this field. In the view of many economists, the smooth development of contemporary China's regional economy can only rely on the development and improvement of the market economy, because the market force will break through sooner or later administrative division To promote the rational division and cooperation of the economy and the rational allocation of resources Economic Cooperation Organization As the protagonist of regional economic cooperation, a country has stepped into the fast lane of prosperity and modernization.
Second economic geography And regional geography. Since the 1990s, the study of economic geography and political geography in China has also constantly touched on regional administrative issues. Scholars in this field often cut into this research topic from the perspective of administrative regional reform Management range And Management level Based on the principle of moderation, this paper examines various problems existing in China's current administrative divisions, and focuses on some hot issues such as "changing counties into cities"“ Municipal leading county System "," Cancellation Regional Administration Establishing a real city ", launched a fierce debate and proposed some reform countermeasures. A common idea of these countermeasures is to adjust the administrative division so that the administrative division can economic region As consistent as possible, this has also been recognized by many scholars in regional economic research.
Economists and geographer For China economic integration The development of constructive Theoretical guidance and policy recommendations. However, it must be noted that under the current system background of China, there are obvious defects in the above two ideas. First, from the perspective of regional economics, relying on the development and improvement of market economy to promote the realization of regional economic integration should undoubtedly be the best way to solve the obstacles to China's regional economic development.
However, China's social transformation from a planned economy to a market economy is by no means overnight. The market mechanism is mature and unified Big market There is no doubt that the formation of developed country , its inherent Market Failure Of objective existence It also makes it impossible for us to place the hope of solving the problem of regional economic development on the myth of market omnipotence. In addition, as many economists have pointed out, market forces The role of the government tends to increase rather than reduce regional differences. Therefore, even a society with developed markets tends to implement the coordination model of government intervention. Secondly, according to the reform ideas of economic geography and political geography, that is, readjusting administrative divisions seems feasible in theory, but in practice it is somewhat divorced from contemporary Chinese politics and social reality We talk on paper. As we all know, many administrative divisions are formed by history, have considerable stability and rigidity, and cannot and should not follow economic activity It is adjusted at will due to frequent changes. At the same time, the economic zone takes the economy as the main criterion or even the only yardstick, while the administrative zone should take into account comprehensive factors, not just the economy. The readjustment of the existing administrative divisions involves political, economic, cultural and other aspects. It is likely to be a more difficult and complex project than the problem itself that needs to be solved. If it is not done well, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.
To study China's regional economic development and regional cooperation at this stage, we need to start from political economics The dimension of decision-making process And Micro foundation To promote the solution of problems. Because the implementation area economic integration The main obstacle, namely local protectionism, lies in the existing system and structure. stay market mechanism In the case of imperfect and extremely imperfect rule of law, it is obviously difficult to break through this institutional barrier only by relying on the bottom-up market power of private economic exchanges. By building a strong regional government cooperation mechanism and relying on intergovernmental cooperation to actively promote regional economic integration, China's regional economic integration development is realized under the current system rational choice
2、 Area economic integration The Institutional Obstacles of Regional Government Cooperation Logical starting point
Regional economic integration refers to Regional economy Internal connection Commodity flow , Nationality Cultural tradition And social development needs to form a regional economic consortium. Regional economic integration is also based on Regional division of labor On the basis of cooperation, promote the whole regional economy through the regional flow of production factors Coordinated development Process.
include Changjiang delta Pearl River Delta Inside Economic region The biggest problem is that each does his own thing market segmentation And local protectionism economic resources Free flow and cross regional economic cooperation. Although with Economic development level and Market development With the improvement of the level national legislation The content and manifestation of local market segmentation and local protectionism are also changing, but the institutional root of this phenomenon is still deep-rooted. In the process of institutional transition power structure , "Achievements Legitimacy ”Local cadres under the leadership Assessment system . The government is huge and Local finance Predicament, and the legacy of the planned economy era Industrial layout , jointly creating a regional economic integration Institutional barriers.
New Institutional Economics Think: "For a long-term centralized market underdeveloped In terms of countries, supply oriented Institutional change Will play a major role ". In China, a government led developing country Only through government marketization Institutional innovation To break the traditional system Institutional balance So as to promote the development of regional economy towards integration.
(1) The power structure between central and local governments under administrative decentralization
Since 1978, the following governments, tax authorities, investment and financing rights and enterprises Jurisdiction The administrative decentralization at the core has effectively mobilized local enthusiasm and promoted China's economy However, this system with administrative decentralization as its core has serious defects, which directly led to the emergence of local market segmentation pattern.
from Fiscal and taxation system Look, several reforms in the 1980s highlighted the characteristics of "package", focusing on implementation and strengthening Lump sum system And expanded. The financial responsibility system is obviously inclined to local revenue, and local governments often Enterprise tax reduction Then, through extracorporeal circulation Tax burden Incorporated into the treasury of local governments, resulting in the decentralization of national financial resources. In particular, due to the implementation of the financial responsibility system, local governments are increasing Fiscal revenue at the same level Of Motivational inducement Next, it is often easy to ignore scale economy And technical upgrading Blind investment Repeated construction leads to inter regional industrial structure Convergence, thus reducing Resource allocation Efficiency.
From the actual place of the enterprise Ownership Look, the so-called localization of property rights is formed when enterprises are put under the jurisdiction of the local government or newly built by the local government. As per Enterprise affiliation Taxation, local state-owned enterprises become an important source of local finance. The localization of property rights leads to State owned enterprise reform Relatively slow, the reform measures of separating government from enterprises can not be implemented, which makes it difficult for enterprises to become independent market subject At the same time, it also strengthened the role of local government as the first level Stakeholders Identity of.
(2) Local Cadre Assessment System under the Guidance of "Legitimacy of Political Achievements"
In the economy Decentralization In the process of marketization, the legitimacy foundation of local governments has also undergone corresponding changes. In this new Institutional environment Next, economic development has become one of the most important indicators for assessing the performance of local officials. Leaders of local governments promote the development of local economy gross domestic product The growth of social welfare And can also obtain the support and recognition of local people Political domination The foundation began to change, forming the so-called "legitimacy of political achievements".
Some scholars pointed out that in China political system There is a growing tendency that the promotion of local government officials is proportional to the local economic development. Stanford University Of Zhou Li'an The doctor used a Entrusted agent The model of Tibet and Hainan )The results show that Economic performance And the promotion of local officials relevance Because the current cadre assessment system, especially the evaluation and assessment of local cadres' political achievements, overemphasizes the direct connection with the local economic development performance under its jurisdiction, and this performance is mainly measured and compared by the number of projects, enterprises, economic growth rate and other indicators. In this way, it will inevitably lead the heads of administrative regions or department cadres to strengthen the localization and protection of resource allocation Local market In addition, the frequent inter regional transfers of local officials make local governments eager for quick success and instant benefit in economic competition and seek short-term economic behavior, thus national economy Lack of development Sustainability
(3) Huge government institutions and local financial difficulties
Another important reason for the segmentation of local markets and the lack of impetus for intergovernmental cooperation is that the government institutions are huge, while local finance is difficult. At present, the number of personnel in Chinese government agencies is very large and overstaffed government finance Very nervous, Wage arrears The phenomenon is very common. At the end of 1996, the population supported by the government was 36.73 million, an increase of 82.3% over 1978, which was much faster than the population growth in the same period. Among the financial population, there are about 11 million Party and government cadres. 1993~1997, national revenue The annual increase is about 100 billion yuan, but the annual increase of the financial population over the same period is more than 1 million people. With the increase in wages, the financial expenditure needs to increase by more than 60 billion yuan every year, accounting for more than 60% of the country's new financial resources.
In many regions, more than 80% of the new fiscal revenue is used for Personnel expenses Government finance has become typical“ Dining Finance ”。 Especially for many underdeveloped regions, the financial difficulties have led local governments into a dilemma. On the one hand, if we want to invigorate the local economy, we need to communal facilities Investment, reduce local Economic entity The burden of; On the other hand, all kinds of finance Rigid expenditure Forcing local finance to continuously expand or maintain fiscal revenue, the result is that the tax burden of local economic entities does not decrease but increases. The financial difficulties of these regions and the level of local economic development form a pattern of mutual containment. Once the local government lacks its own motivation to carry out institutional innovation to break this pattern, it will often turn to local protectionism to increase local fiscal revenue in the form of market segmentation.
(4) Legacy under traditional system Industrial layout
Under the traditional system, the central government emphasizes the establishment of independent industrial system In addition, it also emphasizes the establishment of independent industrial systems in large regions and some provinces, thus forming a closed or self-contained industrial layout. We can learn from the traditional system of China's two typical Decentralization The operation characteristics of the planned economy, which is dominated by, have been more strongly confirmed.
During the "Great Leap Forward" period, in order to achieve the development goal of catching up with Britain in 7 years and the United States in 8-10 years proposed by Mao Zedong at the second meeting of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the central government, considering its limited financial resources, had to decentralize its power and give full play to the participation of local governments in economic construction Initiative So, in order to Economic Cooperation Zone While organizing economic construction for the unit, it is agreed that each province, municipality directly under the Central Government and autonomous region should establish its own independent industrial system, thus contributing to the trend of decentralization and fragmentation of economic development.
During the "Cultural Revolution", due to the influence of extreme "Left" thinking and the crisis of Sino Soviet relations war situation The central government has once again delegated power to encourage all localities and even enterprises to be self reliant and self-sufficient, so that when war occurs, they can "save for themselves". This kind of closed or self-contained place left over from the planned economy era Industrial layout It seems that it has actually become a market oriented region economic integration Of Obstacles to development
In short, this artificial Stripe segmentation The process of economic decentralization and segmentation has encouraged the "big and all inclusive", "small and all inclusive" and redundant construction, and has hindered the development of regional division of labor and exchange. National economical operation It is in this way that they are divided into many unrelated and isolated local economic units. Australian scholar Audrey Donnithorn published in 1972 London, UK In an article in the Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies economic phenomena Figuratively“ Honeycomb ”The analogy of Cellular Economy is quite appropriate.
3、 Thoughts on the Construction of Regional Government Cooperation Mechanism
Fundamentally, the purpose of regional government cooperation is to eliminate administrative barriers, promote the flow of internal factors in the region, achieve effective allocation of resources, and finally form a unified regional economic organization, namely, the regional economic community, through administrative forces based on consensus on market norms. This cooperation mechanism is different from the regional cooperation and development under the traditional system. It must be a cooperative behavior based on sharing common interests. Under the institutional background of the in-depth development of the market economy and the independence of the interests of local governments, the cooperation between local governments in the region is a kind of Benefit driven The regional government cooperation framework must be based on the common interests of all regions, and make local governments in the region realize that there are only options Cooperation strategy To promote and share common interests. Therefore, from the pursuit of regional common interests cooperative principle Starting from, the construction of regional government cooperation mechanism should reflect the following ideas:
(1) Regional government cooperation must build a unified and coordinated Market competition rules
region economic integration The key to market competition Integration of rules. European Community The practical experience of the establishment and operation of the EU shows that a unified and coordinated market competition rule is crucial to the establishment of the development mechanism of regional economic integration. Without its support, it is impossible to coordinate the Government action It is impossible to limit the impulse of blind and repeated construction led by the local government, to enable the market players in the region to conduct full, effective and fair market competition, and to prevent market competition from being affected by various regions administrative power and Monopoly power Distortion, unable to realize the effective allocation of resources within the region. Therefore, all governments in the region should implement unified Principle of non discrimination market access The principle of transparency The principle of fair trade, clear up all kinds of laws and regulations, and gradually eliminate all obstacles Regional market Integrated System and policy Regulations, remove all regional barriers and discriminatory regulations that hinder the free flow of commodities and factors, and promote the development and improvement of the market.
(2) Regional government cooperation must have inter administrative institutional organizations coordinating body
Due to the Chinese region economic integration It is built on the basis of cross administrative regions. In order to eliminate the erosion of local interests on regional common interests, it is necessary to form a common internal mechanism on the basis of separate administrative regions, and on the basis of ensuring common interests binding force Common policy and Institutional norms And realize the coordination and management of super administrative regions within the organization system. There is no unified cross administrative region Regional coordination It is difficult for the management organization and regional cooperation to enter the real substantive stage; Without a clear agreement or system, it is difficult to ensure that local governments will not have a negative impact on common interests while pursuing local interests. But it is worth noting that such a framework Institutional structure It must be based on the voluntary cooperation of relevant regions, and it is a clear binding mechanism for all regions. Such institutions should have clear functions and powers, and the decisions made can constitute effective constraints on the actions of local governments at all levels in the form of legislation.
(3) Regional government cooperation must strengthen the overall planning and management of regional transportation, ports, communications and other infrastructure to achieve the integration of infrastructure construction.
The integration of infrastructure is Regional integration The basic structure, transportation, port and communication are the important basis for promoting regional integration, and should also be the core of the overall regional planning. The lack of integration of infrastructure not only makes the existing resources and facilities vacant and wasteful, but also greatly affects the free flow of production factors between regions and increases the transaction costs within the region. Due to the influence of the fragmentation system, it is difficult to achieve "seamless" convergence of cross regional infrastructure, and even regions compete to pursue large and comprehensive, small and comprehensive, which seriously affects the overall image of the region and restricts economic efficiency Improvement. Taking the Yangtze River Delta as an example, there are many problems in the overall planning and management of infrastructure construction in this region. Such as inter regional and various Transportation mode The cooperation between them is relatively poor, and seldom Comprehensive transportation From the perspective of Transportation facilities
(4) Regional intergovernmental cooperation must build regional economic characteristics and give full play to Industrial competitiveness
In the final analysis, the overall competitiveness of the region lies in the competitiveness of the industry, and the key to the competitiveness of the industry lies in the formation of the regional characteristic advantages of the industry. Therefore, all regions in the region must Comparative advantage And competitiveness, and formulate unified Regional industrial policy Local governments should fully respect the wishes of enterprises, and strive to create more relaxed conditions and environment for enterprises to expand and compete across regions Industrial integration , forming reasonable Industrial division and Regional advantages In China, there is generally no unified Industrial development coordinating mechanism , each region is developing or planning its own pillar industry At that time, most of them started from the interests of their respective administrative regions or immediate interests. The phenomenon of industrial isomorphism was serious, which was very unfavorable Regional industry Coordinated development and regional economic integration , reducing the overall industry of the region cohesive force And pioneering power. Therefore, regional economic integration must form a unified regional industrial policy, strengthen coordination among local governments, create good market conditions for competition among enterprises, achieve integration through competition, and gradually form a regional nature based on division of labor and cooperation Industrial network To form an overall advantage and network.
4、 The Rational Choice of Constructing Regional Government Cooperation Mechanism in China at the Present Stage
According to China's existing institutional structure, drawing on foreign practices and combining regional government cooperation basic principle We believe that, at this stage, to establish a regional government cooperation mechanism and ensure its effective operation directly depends on whether a good institutional environment, reasonable organizational arrangements and perfect regional cooperation rules can be built. The institutional environment is the basic guarantee, and the organizational arrangement is the structural guarantee, Rules of conduct It is a specific incentive and constraint guarantee. In the process of building the regional government cooperation mechanism, the key to the problem is that the central government and local governments carry out effective institutional innovation within their respective scopes.
(1) Good institutional environment: improvement of institutional basis and institutional reform
Press L E. Davis and D C. North understands that the institutional environment "is a series of political, social and legal basic rules used to establish the basis of production, exchange and distribution". The central government, as the general representative of the interests of the people of all ethnic groups in the country, dominates all kinds of Political resources Is the main force to maintain the stability of the political system, and is responsible for providing constitutional order Basic laws and Mainstream ideology etc. Institutional arrangements Main responsibilities of. Therefore, the good institutional environment required for the establishment of regional government cooperation mechanism depends to a large extent on the system of the central government innovation ability
1. We will actively promote the rule of law and improve the corresponding legal system.
market economy yes Rule of law economy The regional government cooperation mechanism based on market economy cannot be separated from the regulation of legal system. In the western developed countries, the law is very important for anti-monopoly and promotion free market The formation and development of has played an extremely important role. Therefore, for the central government, first of all, we must improve the authority of the Constitution and strengthen the unity of the Constitution domestic market Role in. The Constitution clearly prohibits local governments from market segmentation, and the core of its provisions is "no restriction on domestic free trade in any form"; Clear and detailed Unconstitutional review Procedures and practical establishment Unconstitutional review system , with Constitutional litigation administrative proceedings To prevent and punish the behavior of dividing the unified market, especially Abstract administrative act Secondly, improve the corresponding competition law to prevent local protectionism. The establishment and maintenance of competition law market order Plays a vital role, which mainly includes anti restrictive competition law and Anti Unfair Competition Law The Anti restrictive Competition Law belongs to anti-monopoly, including anti-monopoly Administrative monopoly Of Fundamental law
China has only issued the Anti Unfair Competition Law, but has not yet issued the Anti Restrictive Competition Law, namely Antitrust Law Therefore, the central government must, in accordance with the reality of China and drawing on the relevant experience of developed countries, issue an effective Anti restrictive Competition Law as soon as possible, which should include legal provisions on anti administrative monopoly and local protectionism. In addition, a law on regional relations should be promulgated to clarify the region in the form of law Intergovernmental relations
2. Reform the relationship between the central and local governments to deepen Financial and tax system reform , improve Tax sharing system
The fiscal and taxation system is the core issue of the relationship between the central and local governments financial power It is directly related to the formation of the national unified market order. Therefore, in view of the series of adverse consequences brought about by the "chaos control cycle" between the central and local governments for a long time, we must deepen the reform of the fiscal and tax system and improve the tax sharing system: first, further rationally define the governmental powers, clarify the expenditure responsibilities of governments at all levels, and divide the tax system on this basis. Secondly, establish a standardized central local Transfer payment system Generally including: general subsidies Tax refund Special grants; Special factor subsidies, etc. Thirdly, the relationship between taxes and fees should be adjusted and standardized Government revenue , and further improve local tax System. to develop Market economy countries An important principle of government financing is the integrity of the budget, that is, the government departments rely on the administrative authority of the state Asset ownership Or various incomes collected from enterprises and individuals for providing certain special services should be regarded as fiscal revenues.
Therefore, China should adopt“ Fee to tax ”Expand existing tax categories tax base Or set up new tax categories and other measures to standardize and establish national budget We will establish a fiscal revenue operation mechanism that focuses on taxation, supplemented by fee income and coexists with taxes, and also establish a stable tax base for local governments.
3. Establish scientific local government officials Performance evaluation system
As previously mentioned, in the Focus on economic construction The economic development of a place often directly determines the political Economic benefits Therefore, under the guidance of such a performance evaluation system, local government officials tend to ignore the overall interests in order to maximize their own interests, so that local government behavior shows alienation characteristics, leading to inter governmental Interests Of uncoordinated Local protectionism and local market segmentation prevail. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a scientific performance evaluation system for local government officials, and standardize their behavior orientation and Behavior mode And realize the normalization of local government behavior, so as to achieve the purpose of coordinating and improving the intergovernmental interest relations. We believe that the establishment of a scientific local government performance evaluation system should reflect the following ideas: First, the evaluation of the performance of a local government should consider the social and economic development of the local area, its historical situation and long-term development Organic combination , especially the ability of the local sustainable development; Second, the assessment and evaluation of local government officials should be integrated Indicator system Should not be limited to the ability to develop the economy. We should design a set of scientific, standardized and quantifiable cadres performance appraisal Index system, including economic quantity Growth rate Indicators, more attention should be paid to economic growth quality index social results Indicators and environmental protection indicators, focusing on compliance with national laws and regulations In terms of performance, right Direct intervention Market operation or Enterprise activities The economic losses caused must be borne by the corresponding laws and Economic responsibility
4. Realize the separation of government and enterprises, so that enterprises can truly become the main body of the market.
Local protectionism and local market segmentation are actually administrative relations resource allocation The result of gaining the upper hand in the process is due to the local government's influence on the microeconomic subject control power One of the cores of establishing a unified national market and forming a regional market mechanism is to form an independent market body, so that enterprises can become real Legal entity And market competitors. Therefore, the region economic integration The most important thing is to make local governments withdraw from micro economic activities and reduce unnecessary administrative intervention For enterprises Regional market Create conditions to realize the free flow of production factors and the optimal allocation of resources in the regional market. Specifically, we should focus on the following two tasks: first, actively promote the property rights transformation of local state-owned enterprises state-owned economy Implement strategy Layout adjustment , do something and do nothing. Second, speed up Management of state-owned assets The pace of institutional reform is independent of administrative system Of State owned assets operation Institutions to accelerate the denationalization through sales and other means.
5. Rebuild the competition order of local governments and promote governmental functions Change.
stay the West Government competition is to produce property rights protection mechanism, limited government system and entrepreneurs Innovation system The core of Institutional competition , via competitiveness To provide high-quality public service , shaped Effective government And promote economic growth. Since the implementation of the decentralization reform in the 1980s, local governments have focused on economic growth The competition as the primary goal, on the one hand, has promoted the rapid development of China's economy; on the other hand, in order to achieve rapid growth and full employment in the region, local governments often ignore the efficiency of overall resource allocation and are keen to promote local protectionism Policy measures , resulting in duke economy Rise Localism Overflow. Therefore, to rebuild the competition order of local governments, we must shift from closed competition based on local protectionism to open institutional competition based on institutional innovation, and attract resources, innovate technology and promote growth through institutional innovation, rather than maintaining growth through local protectionism.


To sum up, the regional government cooperation mechanism is central government Under the guidance of good policies, relying on regions
regional economic integration
The consensus reached among local governments on the overall interests of the region Institutional resources To promote the region economic integration So as to shape the overall regional advantages. As a realistic choice to realize China's regional economic integration, it was reformed by China initial condition Determined. China is a government led, modern, latecomer country. On the one hand, the government deeply intervenes in the economy under the planned system, and the government has a lot of power and ability to manage and directly operate the economy. on the other hand, market economy It is still very immature Civil society The power of the central government also needs to be developed and strengthened. Therefore, unless the governments reach a consensus, through intergovernmental cooperation, rely on the consistent administrative power, the central government's policy resources and legal system To achieve integration, otherwise there is hardly enough power and institutional channels outside the government to achieve this Institutional change Of course, government cooperation is used to promote regional development economic integration It does not emphasize the power of the government to replace the market, but attempts to try and carry out market-oriented through the joint action of local governments in the region Institutional innovation , within the region Socio economic resources The optimized configuration of the system provides an integrated institutional platform. At the same time, we must be aware that, in the absence of universal rule of law rules market order And perfect Regional policy In our country, it is not an overnight thing to really build an effective regional government cooperation mechanism and achieve regional economic integration. from developed country From our experience, even the integration of Europe has gone through a difficult course of half a century. But the prospect of regional economic integration is attractive. And in recent years Yangtze River Delta and Zhujiang delta Represented by Economic region Passed by governments at all levels Substantive The performance of the regional economic integration shown by the cooperation of the Utopia