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economic center

The concentration of commodity production and exchange in a certain economic area naturally formed according to the internal links of commodity economic activities
Economic center refers to the concentration of commodity production and exchange in a certain economic region naturally formed according to the internal links of commodity economic activities. It has a strong economic attraction and radiation to the surrounding areas. The economic center generally relies on the city, which is shown as the leadership of the city to the countryside. A city is usually the economic center of a region. As the spatial existence form of economic activities, cities have incomparable economic potential and advantages in surrounding rural areas. Cities enable the continuous evolution and unification of human production, living and living systems, ensure the concentration of wealth, production and wisdom, and facilitate the progress of science and technology.
Chinese name
economic center
Foreign name
economic centre
Places with strong economic impact
economic center
Shanghai Shenzhen Chongqing Tianjin Ningbo Nantong etc. [1-6]


They don't have to be local political center , but it usually combines transportation Trade Centre Materials Hub And industrial production center. economic center Rely on the city.
Economic center as a certain area economic activity The hub of the whole economic zone plays an important role in the direction, scale, speed and level of economic development.


① Have relatively developed economic strength;
② Have a certain scale of urban population;
③ Have considerable Scope of economic attraction


The economic center is the core of regional development regional economies It has the functions of organization, guidance, traction and promotion; The region is the basis for the survival and development of the economic center. The "center" and "region" restrict and promote each other. The regional distribution of economic centers is consistent with the degree of regional economic development. The more developed the regional economy is, the more intensive the economic centers are; vice versa.


The formation and development of the economic center is under the comprehensive effect of regional natural, historical, economic, social, technological and other layout factors. Many social and economic sectors converge in some favorable central locations and gradually become the social and economic center of a certain region.
along with Social division of labor With the development of commodity economy, people's production and exchange activities gradually concentrated in a fixed place, thus forming the initial economic activity Center.
These economic centers are also the earliest cities. However, in the pre capitalist social form, due to the low level of productivity of the whole society, the backward commodity economy, and the lack of extensive economic links between regions, departments, and urban and rural areas, the scale of the economic center is generally small, the structure is relatively simple, and its role is not prominent. In modern times, due to the formation of large machinery industry, Capitalist commodity economy And the emergence of advanced means of transportation and communication Economic power With the increase of the economic center, the influence and role of the economic center on the economy of the surrounding areas will become greater and greater.
capitalist society The social consequences of economic centrality are twofold. On the one hand, it has promoted the prosperity of the national economy, but also conducive to the development of the vast rural economy; On the other hand, the abnormal development of some economic centers has brought about a series of socio-economic problems and deepened various social contradictions.
stay socialist society Due to the development of commodity economy, the strength and role of the economic center have been constantly strengthened. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, after more than 30 years of socialist construction, many different types of economic centers have been formed throughout the country, such as Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Chongqing, and so on.
They are not only modern industrial production centers, with a strong material and technological foundation, providing the entire national economy with advanced science and technology, a large number of products and modern means of transportation and communication, but also developed circulation centers and financial centers, becoming hubs for economic links between urban and rural areas, between regions, and between inside and outside. They have driven the development of the vast rural economy and promoted the prosperity of the entire national economy.


There are various classifications of economic centers:
According to economic function, it can be divided into comprehensive economic center and professional economic center; It can be divided into international economic centers, national economic centers, regional economic centers, and local small and medium-sized economic centers. However, these divisions are not absolute, and there are no strict standards and boundaries.
Generally speaking, the economic center is multifunctional. The economic center is primarily commerce Trade Centre Under the condition of commodity economy, society economic activity Inseparable commodity exchange Most economic centers have gradually developed from the original commodity distribution centers and transportation hubs.
With the rapid development of modern industry, the economic center with industry as the main body relies on solid material and technical conditions Economic integration And other forms to drive the economic development of surrounding areas. Therefore, the economic center is not only an industrial center, but also a center of science and technology, culture and education, finance, transportation, information and service.

economic region

Each economic center has a certain range of Small and medium-sized cities It has a strong economic impact on the vast rural areas, often playing an organizational role economic activity Role of. At the same time, Economic central city In the process of its emergence and development, it also needs to develop and utilize the natural resources and Socio economic resources Therefore, in the long-term economic development, the economic center city and the surrounding areas have formed a whole that is economically interdependent, mutually reinforcing and closely linked, namely the economic zone. The economic zone is set up with the city as the center, so it is generally called Urban economic zone The economic center and economic zone are inseparable.
The economic zone is characterized by spatial and regional certainty and economic connection relative stability And the integrity of social and economic development. Unlike administrative regions, it has no expressly stipulated jurisdiction, generally does not promulgate laws, and does not set up administrative leading bodies. The economic zone is only the core organization of the economic center economic activity A form of.
stay Socialist country The organization of economic zones meets the requirements of the objective laws of modern economic development. It can effectively use various resources and establish reasonable geographical division of labor System, conducive to Professional collaboration and Socialized mass production Development of; It is conducive to the unified organization of production and circulation, the development of a unified socialist market, and breaking the division of regions and departments; It is conducive to giving play to the central role of the economy, strengthening the relationship between urban and rural areas, promoting the integration of urban and rural areas and narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas.

World Economic Center

Wall Street, New York, USA
Charging Bull
New York City Manhattan From the south of the district Broadway The road extends to Donghe River The name of a big street in Beijing is only one third of a mile long and only 11 meters wide. It is a transliteration of "Wall Street" in English. The street is narrow and short, with only 7 blocks from Broadway to East River. In 1792, Dutch colonists built an earth wall from the East River to Hudson River The Hudson River forms a street along the wall, hence the name Wall Street. Later, the wall was removed, but the name of "Wall Street" remained. However, it is known as the "financial center of the United States". U.S.A morgan (Morgan) Chaebol Rockefeller The management offices of banks, insurance companies, shipping companies, railways and other companies set up by oil magnates and E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company consortia are concentrated here. famous New York stock exchange (Stock Exchange) is also here.
Wall Street 2
Under Dutch rule, a defense wall was built here. After the British drove the Dutch away, they tore down walls and built streets, hence the name. This is the location of the big monopoly organizations and financial institutions in the United States, where the New York Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange , investment banks, government and municipal Securities dealer , trust companies Federal Reserve Bank The headquarters of various public utilities and insurance companies, as well as the general management offices of banks, insurance, railways, shipping, mining, manufacturing and other large companies set up by Rockefeller, Morgan and other large consortia in the United States, have become the center of financial and securities transactions in the United States and the world, and Wall Street is often used as a synonym for monopoly capital. From here, monopoly capital dominates the politics and economy of the United States. Wall Street has become the symbol of American monopoly capital, high concentration of finance and investment. In its northeast corner stands the branch treasury building (now the exhibition hall) of the ancient treasury, which was built at the place where the inaugural address was delivered in Washington.
Wall Street 1
In front of the Trinity Church is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), and behind it is the American Stock Exchange (AMEX). There are towering office buildings on both sides. Only a small area around the Trinity Church still has 17th century gardens and cemeteries. Crossing in front of the church door Broadway Even if you officially enter the Wall Street - this street is short and narrow, with many roadblocks set at the corner, and the center of the street is being renovated, with potholes everywhere.
Several armed policemen stood in front of the New York Stock Exchange, with a huge American flag overhead. In addition, people on this street seem to be tourists, which can be seen from their clothes and demeanor. Instead of the famous names like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley or Merrill Lynch, advertisements for cafes and health clubs are posted in the roadside window. Apart from Deutsche Bank, I haven't found any names of investment banks here, let alone mutual funds or hedge funds.
As early as 20 years ago, many financial institutions have left Wall Street in the geographical sense to move to a place with convenient transportation and broad vision Manhattan I went to Midtown. Wall Street is crowded with old buildings and Historical and Cultural Block The road is also as hard to identify as a spider web, which does not really meet the needs of financial institutions to expand their business. The "911" incident fundamentally changed the pattern around Wall Street. Some institutions simply left New York, a dangerous city, and moved to a quiet and safe place New Jersey
except Federal Reserve Bank of New York Besides, no bank or fund has its headquarters on Wall Street. Among the famous "Wall Street giants", only Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch are still close to Wall Street, and other giants have moved to Rockefeller Center Times Square Or the prosperous business district around the Grand Central Railway Station; Even Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch have Manhattan Midtown has bought a new luxury office and will soon leave the old "Wall Street" completely.
However, people prefer to call it "Wall Street". In the office of Rockefeller Center, people still read the "Wall Street Journal"; In the congressional hearing, the chairman of the Federal Reserve is still concerned about the "attitude of Wall Street"; On the other side of the ocean, the highest dream of entrepreneurs is still "financing on Wall Street". No matter how far away from each other, people still belong to the same street in spirit. In this street, Solomon brothers once carried a basket to Stockbroker promote bond Morgan once called for rescue American financial crisis 's secret meeting, young Weinberg Once sounded gingerly Goldman Sachs Milken once spread his message to the whole world Junk bond Decades after the death of these mythical figures, their souls still reign over New York and attach themselves to any young banker, analyst Trader , brokers or fund managers can create the latest financial myths at any time. This is Wall Street

China's economic center



economic center
The Reply of the State Council on the Overall Urban Planning of Shenzhen (GH [2010] No. 78) issued on August 16, 2010 pointed out that Shenzhen is a special economic zone, a national economic center city and an international city. [2]


The Reply of the State Council on the Overall Urban and Rural Planning of Chongqing (GH [2011] No. 123) issued on October 15, 2011 pointed out that Chongqing is one of the important central cities in China, a national historic and cultural city, an economic center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, an important modern manufacturing base in China, and a comprehensive transportation hub in the southwest. [3]


The Reply of the State Council on the Overall Urban Planning of Tianjin (GH [2006] No. 62) issued on July 27, 2006 pointed out that Tianjin is one of the municipalities directly under the Central Government of China and the economic center of the Bohai Rim. [4]


In the Reply of the State Council on the Overall Urban Planning of Ningbo (GH [2015] No. 50) issued on March 18, 2015, it was pointed out that Ningbo is an important port city in the southeast coast of China, an economic center in the southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta, and a national historic and cultural city. [5]

Five transfers


Ancient China

China, Babylon, Egypt and India are called Four Ancient Civilizations in the World China is the only country that maintains a complete cultural tradition. If the scientific and cultural peak of the slave society was in ancient Greece and Rome, then the scientific and technological peak of the feudal era was in China. Since China's science and technology centered on agriculture has gained a leading position in the world, the science and education center of the ancient world has been in China for a long time since the 3rd century BC, namely the Qin and Han Dynasties; From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Middle Ages, there was a period of rapid development of science and education in China's feudal society, which reached a peak in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Three of the four major inventions (gunpowder, paper making, printing, and compass) were in the Tang and Song Dynasties. China's four major practical scientific achievements in agriculture, medicine, astronomy and mathematics have played a huge role in the prosperity of the ancient agricultural society and the Chinese nation. In ancient China, a group of outstanding scientists emerged. For example, Zhang Heng who studied earthquake prediction and invented seismograph; Zu Chongzhi, who studied the calendar and pi; Shen Kuo, a statesman and scientist of the Northern Song Dynasty who has done a lot of research on astronomy, the legal calendar and the Ministry of Medicine, is the author of Mengxi Bi Tan; Li Daoyuan, the author of (Shuijingzhu), who studies water control, and a monk who has made great achievements in astronomical observation and compiling the new calendar. The development of science and technology has promoted the economic prosperity and social development. In addition to political factors, the famous "Zhenguan governance" in history is also based on the productivity and science and education level at that time, and political factors to a considerable extent also adapted to the productivity and science and education level at that time. In the Tang Dynasty, the spectacular scene of China's scientific culture and economic prosperity attracted scholars from many countries to come to China. Only Japanese students studying in Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty had as many as 500 or 600 people, which was beyond the reach of the West. Since the Yuan Dynasty, most of China's feudal courts did not attach importance to knowledge and intellectuals. For example, the popular saying in the Yuan Dynasty is that people are divided into ten grades: one official, two officials, three advocates, four Taoism, five medical practitioners, six workers, seven hunters, eight people, nine Confucians, and ten beggars. Intellectuals ranked ninth, only one rank higher than beggars. Chinese feudal rulers in history never paid enough attention to science and technology, and craftsmen and technicians engaged in scientific and technological activities have always been at the lowest level of society. The imperial examination system implemented during the term of office objectively affected the intellectuals' attention to natural science and technological science, and seriously bound people's thoughts. Some Confucian moral concepts, such as the golden mean, affect people's exploration and innovation. In this political and social public opinion environment, the development speed of science and technology slowly slowed down. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, although there were some scientists such as Xu Xiake, Li Shizhen, Song Yingxing, etc., science and technology and economy gradually declined and were soon surpassed by Europe.


From the 5th century to the 15th century, there were dark clouds over Europe, churches and people riding on earth. People were ignorant, society was stagnant, scientists were imprisoned in cages, scientific discoveries were said to be slanders against God, and history books called this long history of nearly 1000 years the Dark Age. Since the 13th century, Four Great Inventions of China It was introduced into Europe in succession, which played an important role in the development of the Renaissance and even the capitalist society in Europe. Marx said: "Gunpowder, compass and printing -- these are the three great inventions that heralded the arrival of the bourgeoisie. Gunpowder blew the dirt riding class to pieces, the compass opened the world market and established colonies, and printing became a tool of Protestantism, a means of scientific revival in general, and the most powerful lever to create necessary prerequisites for spiritual development." During this period, capitalism began to sprout along the Mediterranean coast of Europe. In the West, represented by Italy, the emerging bourgeoisie launched the Renaissance movement, anti feudalism and anti theology, and there was a climax of ideological liberation. A group of thinkers, such as Dante, the author of Divine Comedy, called on people to liberate from the spiritual shackles of the Middle Ages. There also appeared a group of famous scientists who emphasized understanding nature and the world through experiment and observation, and opposed unilaterally relying on logical reasoning to understand things. For example, Copernicus opposed to regarding the earth as the center of the universe, and Galileo created experimental science. The scientific and technological achievements of the East produced modern western science, and the first center of modern science and technology was formed in Italy. The great development of science and technology has promoted the economic development of Italy. At that time, Italy's commerce and shipping industry have developed rapidly and become the center of the world economy.

Modern England

The second transfer of science and technology center in modern times took place from the early 17th century to 1830, and the world science and technology center was transferred from Italy to Britain. This is equivalent to the period from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty. At the end of the 16th century, civil war broke out in advanced Germany, and advanced Italy split into many small countries, creating external conditions for the development of Britain. Francis Bacon, a British thinker and philosopher at the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century, emphasized the value of knowledge in The Great Revival, advocated scientific experiments, and advocated the study of natural science, which had a profound impact in Britain and even in Europe. At that time, the British government attached importance to science and technology and approved the establishment of academic activity centers such as the Royal Society. In the 17th century, Newton, a famous scientist, published《 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy 》His great work (1687), which is based on scientific experiments and observation of facts, is obviously influenced by the Euclidean geometry system. Newton's scientific thought became Britain scientific revolution The pinnacle of theory. The three laws discovered by Newton unified the laws of motion of celestial bodies and objects on the ground in a framework of classical mechanics. There is no place for God and heaven. The latest achievements in science have become the forerunners of the technological revolution. Specialized and large machine production has emerged. The development of the textile industry requires the mechanization of the textile industry, The mechanization of the textile industry has also driven the mechanization of all industrial sectors. The British government encourages people to engage in the invention and improvement of tool machines, and many inventions have emerged, especially the steam engine. Watt invented and improved the efficient steam engine on the basis of previous inventions, solved a series of process problems and supporting equipment problems, and promoted the steam engine to the market. Textile machinery technology and steam engine technology led to the first industrial revolution and changed the whole production and social life. Britain's capitalism has developed to a great extent. Britain's economy has entered a period of extreme prosperity. The development of science and technology has also created conditions for Britain's overseas expansion, starting the so-called "sun never sets" history of the British Empire. However, since the end of the 19th century, Britain's industrial advantage has been declining, which has led to a relative decline in Britain's investment in scientific research and development. In addition, the British academic community has paid too much attention to theory and despised application, and attached importance to science and despised technology. Britain's position in the international economy, science and technology has been declining.


(20th century)
The US Constitution after the War of Independence clearly defined the policy on science and technology. American leaders and previous leaders all attach importance to science and technology. Some people are scientists themselves, such as Benjamin, Franklin and the third President Jefferson. The United States government has long made it clear that education will drive scientific research, and has adopted special preferential policies for education. It has given a batch of university land to the United States, and each state will establish at least one traditional agricultural and machinery college. In this environment, Edison, the great inventor, came into being. After Siemens invented the motor and Bell invented the telephone, Edison invented the electric light and built the world's first power plant, which caused an electric power revolution throughout the world. During World War I and World War II, the United States got a very good development opportunity. The United States has adopted a policy of bringing in talents and immigration. A number of famous scientists have been attracted to the United States, such as Albert Einstein, who put forward the theory of relativity, and Fermi, a famous physicist. At the end of the 1940s, the United States left behind many scientific and technological talents from China, such as Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao. Qian Xuesen was able to return home after many efforts. People once attributed the practice of the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II to the United States robbing people and the Soviet Union robbing machines, which shows that the United States attaches great importance to talents. The US government used the funds obtained in the war to substantially increase its investment in science and technology. The investment in research and development doubled every four years. During the Second World War, it increased from more than 100 million dollars in 1939 to 1.5 billion dollars. This series of measures led the United States to complete and improve the three major European technologies of steel, chemical industry and electricity, develop the three major civilizations of automobile, aircraft and radio technology, and further lead the third technological revolution, including atomic energy (1942), computer (1940), space technology (1957) Microelectronics (1970). High tech research results led to the formation and development of high-tech industrial clusters? The impact of technological progress on economic growth in the 40 years from 1969 Contribution rate More than 60%, indicating that science and technology are increasingly becoming Primary productivity Since the 1970s, with microelectronics technology and gene recombination technology as its characteristics, it can be said that the United States has led a worldwide technological revolution, forming an information technology led, production technology led, including new materials New energy technology , aerospace technology and marine technology, and rapidly commercialized and Industrialization And win a lot of profits for the United States. Although the economic status of the United States has declined compared with that of Japan and Western Europe since the 1970s, the development of information technology in recent years has provided an opportunity for industrial restructuring. The implementation of the "information superhighway" has brought about the formation and development of a new global market, which has promoted Economic recovery It should be said that the economy of the United States is still the world economic activity One of the centers. This situation will continue for a long time.