Zhongnan Mountain

Wang Wei's Poems of Tang Dynasty
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Zhongnanshan is a poet of Tang Dynasty Wang Wei A song created pentasyllabic regulated verse The first couplet writes about the prospect of Zhongnan Mountain, rendering the towering and continuous boundless weather. The couplet goes from far to near, describing the feeling on the way to climb the mountain: climbing in the mountains, looking back at the way, white clouds and blue mist are boundless, but there is no trace in it. The neck couplet goes down from high to write the feeling of climbing the mountain top, highlighting the vastness and depth of Zhongnan Mountain. The tail couplet outlines a map of asking the way in a deep mountain, and describes the sense of remoteness and seclusion that mountains and valleys bring to people's hearts. This poem depicts the scenery from far to near, changing shapes and sounds, and describes the thousands of shapes and forms of the scenery of Zhongnan Mountain. The whole poem is vigorous, vivid and fresh, just like a landscape painting.
Zhongnan Mountain
Alias of works
Zhongnan Mountain Tour Zhongshan Tour
Wang Wei
Creation era
Flourishing Tang Dynasty
pentasyllabic regulated verse

Original text

Zhongnan Mountain
Taiyi Jintiandu , connecting mountains and sea corners
White clouds look back at each other , the blue mist can't be seen
Middle peak transformer There are many valleys in sunny and cloudy days
If you want to stay , ask the woodcutter across the water [1]

Annotation translation


Word and sentence annotation

Zhongnan Mountain : In the south of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province Qinling Mountains One of the main peaks. The ancients also called Qinling Mountains Zhongnan Mountain. The Qinling Mountains stretch more than 800 miles Weishui River and Hanshui The watershed of.
⑵ Taiyi: also known as "Taiyi", it is the main peak of Zhongnan Mountain and the alias of Zhongnan Mountain. County Annals of Yuanhe County 》Volume 1: "Zhongnan Mountain is fifty miles south of the county (Wannian, Jingzhao Mansion). According to the scriptures, Zhongnan Mountain is also called Zhongnan Mountain, which is also called Taiyi Mountain." Near Tiandu, it is said that it is high and connected with the sky. Tiandu , where the Emperor of Heaven lives. This refers to the imperial capital Chang'an.
(3) "Lianshan" sentence: extreme words end in the vast Nanshan. Lianshan is a masterpiece of "Liantian". Then, make "to". Haiyu (y ú), by the sea. Zhongnan Mountain doesn't reach the sea, which is an exaggeration.
⑷ Looking back: look around as one.
Blue mist (ǎ i): The haze in the mountains. Southern Song Dynasty Bao Zhao Boarding the Great Thunderbank and My Sister's Book 》: "Green mist on the left and right, purple sky on the outside." Mist, cloud. Look closely.
Demarcate : Ancient astronomical terms. The ancients linked the stars in the sky with the regions on the ground, and divided a region on the ground into the scope of a star sky, which is called dividing line. Middle peak: Taiyi peak, the main peak of Zhongnan Mountain. This sentence means that only one mountain, the main peak of Taiyi, has belonged to different divisions, which highlights the size of Zhongnan Mountain.
(7) Gully (h è): valley. Difference: Different.
(8) Human place: the place where people live.
(9) Water separation: the first is "water separation". Woodcutter: A woodcutter. [2-6]

Vernacular translation

The towering Zhongnan Mountain is close to the capital of Chang'an, and the continuous peaks seem to reach the corner of the sea.
When I walked out of the mountain, I looked back and saw the white clouds close and the blue smoke in the mountain seemed to disappear.
The central peak is the dividing line between the two star regions, and the climate of each valley is different.
I want to find a place where people live to sleep. I ask the woodcutter across the shallow mountain stream. [7]

Creation background

tang xunzong Kaiyuan From 741 to Trimble During three years (744), Wang Wei once lived in seclusion in Zhongnan Mountain near Chang'an. This poem should be written during his seclusion in Zhongnan Mountain. Wang Wei is a poet with sharp ideological contradictions. He is very intelligent and entered the official position early, but he has been be born And Entry into WTO He lived a semi official and semi reclusive life, but he could not live a real reclusive life, so he had to "ask the woodcutter across the water if he wanted to put up with someone else". [4-5]

Appreciation of works


Literary appreciation

The value of artistic creation lies in showing the general by individual, seeking perfection by incomplete, Liu Xie The so-called "less is always more", and the ancient painting theorists said that "meaning is more than image" are all in this sense. As a poet and painter, Wang Wei knows the mystery very well, so he can use just 40 words to portray the huge Zhongnan Mountain vividly.
The first couplet first outlines the general outline of Zhongnan Mountain with exaggeration. This general outline can only be obtained from a distant view, not from a close look. Therefore, this page is to write a vision. Taiyi is another name for Zhongnan Mountain. Although Zhongnan is tall, it is far away from the sky. To say that it is "near the capital of heaven" is actually an artistic exaggeration. Looking at Zhongnan from the flat ground, its peak is indeed connected with the sky, so to say that it is "near the Tiandu" is to exaggerate the truth. The same is true of "connecting mountains to sea corners". From Tianshui City in Gansu Province to Shanzhou District in Sanmenxia City in Henan Province in the east, it is far from the corner of the sea. To say that it "connects with the sea corner" is not true, and to say that it "connects with other mountains continuously until the sea corner" is not true. However, this is a vision. From Chang'an, you can't see the end in the west and the end in the east. Although it is exaggerated, the vision of Zhongnan is more and more true.
In the supporting couplet, a close up scene is written, with the sentence "white clouds look back together". Since "looking back" is antithetical to the next sentence "looking into", it means "looking back". When entering the Zhongnan Mountain, "looking back" looks at the road just passed. The poet was in the Zhongnan Mountain and looked forward. The white clouds filled the sky, and he could not see the road or other scenery. It seemed that he could float in the sea of white clouds after a few steps; However, as we continue to move forward, the white clouds continue to divide on both sides; Looking back, the white clouds on both sides of the road closed again, forming a vast sea of clouds. This wonderful realm is not unfamiliar to anyone who has experience in mountain touring, and the poet can express it so vividly in only five words. "Seeing nothing through the blue mist" and "Looking back at the white clouds" are Intertextuality , they are interlaced and complement each other. The poet walked out of the vast sea of clouds, and there was a misty blue mist in front of him. It seemed that he could touch the green mist if he continued to move forward; However, when I walked in, I could not touch it and could not see it; Looking back, the blue mist closed again. It was so dim and distant. This couplet is rich in implication, which describes the change of the smoke and clouds. That is to say, there are thousands of rocks and valleys, pines and cypresses, strange rocks and clear springs, exotic flowers and plants in the Zhongnan Mountain, and there are many things worth watching. Everything is covered in the vast "white clouds" and misty "green mist", and can't be seen or seen clearly. Because of this, it is more fascinating and eager to further "see". On the other hand, the beauty we have seen still makes us nostalgic. We cannot help but "look back". "Look back" and "white clouds" and "blue mist" are all "together". The scenery just presented in front of the eyebrows is either covered with green gauze or wrapped in ice gauze. It is more memorable from clear to dim, from dim to hidden. The poet didn't say all this clearly, but he left a vast world for readers to gallop their imagination in the "elephant" already sketched out.
The neck couplet is highly generalized, with a length of ten thousand li. The first couplet shows the height of Zhongnan Mountain and the distance from west to east, which is what you can see from the north of the mountain. As for the width of Zhongnan from north to south, it is expressed by the sentence "peak changes in the division". When traveling in the mountains, the poet has the understanding of "changing the peaks in the dividing line", so the poet has a foothold in the "middle peak", and the form of looking around has been vaguely visible. Zhongnan Mountain is as far from east to west as it is from north to south. Only based on the "Zhongfeng" of "near the Tiandu", can we have a panoramic view; The "difference between cloudy and sunny" is a panoramic view. The so-called "difference between cloudy and sunny" does not mean "the sunrise in the east and the rain in the west", but the thousand shapes and ten thousand states of thousands of rocks and thousands of valleys are represented by the sun's intensity or intensity, or presence or absence.
The tail couplet seems to have nothing to do with the whole poem, but it is a masterstroke. It describes the meaning of the wilderness and depth that mountains and ravines bring to people's hearts. You can learn more by playing with its meaning. First, the subject "I" is clearly omitted in the sentence "I want to throw myself into a place to stay". Therefore, it can be seen that "I" is touring the mountain, "I" is everywhere in every sentence, "I" is everywhere, and "I" is used to view things and express feelings according to the scenery. Second, if "I want to put people to sleep" and "ask the woodcutter across the water", then "I" will stay in the mountain and travel tomorrow. The mountain scenery is pleasing to the eyes, and the poet is quiet and quiet. Third, since the poet has reached the "middle peak", the "water" of "asking the woodcutter across the water" is actually a deep gully. The "woodcutter" must have woods and sound when cutting. It is easy to imagine the poet looking for his voice and direction, and happily finding the woodcutter in the "water separated" forest. Since there is a "woodcutter", we know that there must be a "place for people" in a place not too far away, so when we ask where we can stay, it is not difficult to imagine the scene where the "woodcutter" answers his finger and the poet looks away.
In general, the poet, from far to near, from outside to inside, from low to high, grasped different characteristics from different perspectives, and rendered the charm of Zhongnan Mountain with expressive language. The whole poem is good at "seeking perfection with incompleteness", thus receiving the artistic effect of "more with less" and "meaning more than image". [4] [8]

Comments of famous experts

Southern Song Dynasty Liu Chenweng "Comments on Wang Meng's Poems": It is not necessary to have deep insight into the language, but to capture the beauty of all.
the Ming dynasty Li Panlong Ye Xiang's "Direct Interpretation of Tang Poems": Wang Mojie "asks the woodcutter across the water if he wants to throw himself into a place to stay"; Meng Haoran "asks the fishing boat under the flowers if he wants to get lost again", and can draw pictures. The last language is beautiful.
the Ming dynasty Lu Shiyong Tang poetry mirror 》: The phrase "different valleys in cloudy and sunny days" is very elegant.
Selected Tang Poems by Li Panlong of the Ming Dynasty: Yu Zhe said that the three characters of "entering and seeing nothing" are wonderful.
the Ming dynasty Weekly feedback Tang poetry selects pulse, meets general comment Lin 》Jiang Yimei said, "The third and fourth period really creates a wonderful scene.". Zhou Jing said: "Five or six straight in the mountain palace mirage.". Zhou Qiqi said: "The two poems of Mojie Zhongnan are very familiar and clear, and both hands and eyes are wonderful.".
the Ming dynasty Xing Fang Tang Fengding 》: You Cheng is not only leisurely, but also very beautiful. But once he speaks, he is naturally cold and not the best in the world.
the Ming dynasty Wang Fuzhi Tang Poetry Selection 》: The work is hard, and the arrangements are exhausted. Manpower is great, and the sky is the same. "Lianshan to Haiyu" is not just a poor language. I know it when I read Yu Gong. The conclusion is also in the form of broadness, and the beauty lies in unloading, not only in painting in poetry, but also in poetry in painting.
Wang Fuzhi of the Ming Dynasty《 Jiang Zhai's Poetry 》: "If you want to put someone to sleep, ask the woodcutter across the water", then you can see the remote border of the mountain, which is the same as the last six sentences at the beginning, and it is clear that the guest and the host are distinct, and it is not a single head consciousness.
the Qing dynasty Wu Qiao A poem on the enclosure 》:《 Ancient and Modern Poetry 》As the saying goes, "In the poem Zhongnan Mountain written by Wang Youcheng, Shi Zai was satirized. He said that Taiyi was close to Tiandu, and even the mountain reached the corner of the sea, his position was based on the imperial court; white clouds looked back and looked together, and the green mist entered into the sky, and his words were only outside but not inside; the peaks changed in the separation, and the valleys were different between cloudy and sunny, and the words of grace were not everywhere; if you want to put people to sleep, you should ask the woodcutter across the water, and there was no place to stand on your feet." I often think of this when looking at Tang poetry, There is no entry. The valley also said, "Those who like to pierce will abandon its purpose, but they think that all the people in the forest and spring have something to trust. If the world talks about argots, then the poetry will become a part of the land." This theory of the valley is not unknown.
the Qing dynasty Xu Zeng And An said Tang poetry 》: This always shows the depth of Zhongnan Mountain. At the beginning of the development of poetry, the style of writing was magnificent and magnificent.
the Qing dynasty Huang Picking banknotes in Tang poetry 》: The first word is high, the second word is big, the third and fourth words are high, and the fifth and sixth words are big. This column shall be replaced. Looking back, the white clouds have closed, but there is no blue mist when I look back. This method differs from inversion in that it rhymes without moving. There is no word "You" in the title, and the knot fills its meaning. However, three or four have hidden stitches.
Zhu Zhijing of the Qing Dynasty, "Adding Tang Poems and Picking Banknotes": At the end of the day, there are few people far away from the mountain.
the Qing dynasty Zhang Qianyi "On the Poems of Youzhai": here we can see the beauty of "accumulating health to be male". "White clouds" two sentences, see the mountain Samadhi, all in this cross.
the Qing dynasty Shen Deqian A genre of tang poetry 》: "Close to the heaven" means high, "To the corner of the sea" means far, and "Separation" means great. It includes everything in forty words, and the writing is not under Du Ling. Or the last two sentences seem to be incompatible with the overall style. Today, playing with its meaning, I can see that the mountain is far away and there are few people. It is unusual to draw scenery.
the Qing dynasty Li Yinpei Collection of Tang Poems 》: Qu Zhutianhuang is connected to the sea. And look down at a gas, to make smoke. One end is so slim that it can resist the wind with the air of emptiness.
the Qing dynasty Wang Yaoqu A Combined Interpretation of Ancient Tang Poetry 》: At the beginning, we always see the depth of Zhongnan Mountain. In the front, we write about it, and in the back, we write about it.
Gu An in Qing Dynasty《 Record of Summer Relieving in Tang Dynasty 》: All of them write the greatness of Zhongnan Mountain. It is full of white clouds and blue mists. One peak in the middle has changed its boundaries. It passes through many gullies, and it is cloudy and sunny again. How big is it when you have no shelter at all?
the Qing dynasty Huang Peifang Commentary on the Collection of Praising Tang Xiansanya: Divine State. None of the forty words can be changed. In the past, people called forty sages. A knot can be seen from a small place. It is the best way to absorb the intricate changes.
"Tang Poems Follow the Rope" written by Chao Fu in the Qing Dynasty: This tail couplet supplements the title. In the fourth sentence, it is said that this column should follow the law. Looking back, the white clouds have closed, but when I look at them, there is no blue mist, which is a complex sentence. This method is different from the inverted one, and it is not moving with verve.
the Qing dynasty Song Zongyuan Netmaster Garden Tang Poetry Notes 》: It is an unusual view (under the sentence of "green mist").
the Qing dynasty Prolong the life of a monarch a commonplace talk of an old scholar 》: The ending of the poem "Zhongnan Mountain" is slightly weak, because the first half is full of vigor.
the Qing dynasty Wu Ruirong "Notes on Tang Poetry": The conclusion is full of paintings.
the Qing dynasty He Wenhuan Textual Research on Poetic Tales of Past Dynasties: When the poem Zhongnanshan is called Wei Ji, this kind of attachment is hateful.
modern Gao Buying Summary of Tang and Song Poems 》Wu said: The painting is magnificent and delicate (under the sentence of "blue mist"). Wu Yue: Take over Xiongjun (under the sentence of "dividing lines"). [2] [9]

About the author

Wang Wei
Wang Wei (about 701-761) has the word "Mojie". Originally from Qi (now Shanxi), his father moved to Puzhou (now Yongji, Shanxi), so he came from Hedong. Kaiyuan Jinshi. Tired officials are in trouble. Anlu Mountain The rebel captured Chang Anshi, who was once appointed. After the chaos was settled, he was demoted to the crown prince Zhongyun. Later officials went to Shangshu Youcheng, so they were also called Wang Youcheng. After middle age, he lived in Wangchuan, Lantian, and lived a leisurely life of both official and private. Poetry and meng haoran It is also known as "Wang Meng". I wrote some poems about frontier fortress in my earlier period. But the main works are Landscape poetry , through the depiction of idyllic landscape, it publicizes the hermit life and Buddhist Buddhist philosophy; With fine body and vivid shape, it has unique achievements. Music, calligraphy and painting. Yes《 Wang Youcheng Collection 》。 [8]