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cell canceration

Biological concepts
Causes of cell canceration: Carcinogenic factors change the proto oncogene of cells from inhibition to activation, and normal cells change into cancer cells.
The Latin of cancer is cancer, which means Crab Crabs are fierce, strange and love to climb, which vividly reflects the ferocity and easy spread of cancer. No medicine can cure cancer, it can only be controlled.
in the light of Chemoradiotherapy The scheme has been relatively mature and most of them are effective. Research shows that it can be taken before, during and after radiotherapy and chemotherapy Malt selenium To help improve efficiency and reduce toxicity, shorten the healing cycle and prevent recurrence and metastasis.
Chinese name
cell canceration
Original intention
It reflects the ferocity and easy spread of cancer

essential information

The Latin for cancer is cancer , originally meant Crab Crabs are fierce, strange and love to climb, which vividly reflects the ferocity and easy spread of cancer.

Conceptual characteristics

Cells are affected by Carcinogen The function of cannot be completed normally cell differentiation And become malignant that is not controlled by organic matter and continuously splits Proliferating cell Process.
Basic characteristics: 1. Cell division and differentiation are out of control, and the ability to proliferate indefinitely is mainly due to the loss of growth Contact suppression At the same time, it can secrete growth factors that stimulate its own proliferation to promote its own division; Lost the mechanism of programmed decline; Lost Gap connection , which makes the cells lose communication and coordination in metabolism and division and differentiation.
cell canceration
2. It is easy to disperse and metastasize because cancer cells can synthesize and secrete some protease , degradation cell surface Some structures of Extracellular matrix in Fibronectin The intercellular viscosity decreased significantly; At the same time, due to Golgi apparatus Some are missing from Glycosyltransferase , make Membrane protein Synthesis is blocked. Cancer cells can pass in and out of capillaries and metastasize in the body over a long distance through the circulatory system.
3. Cells Morphogenesis The morphological characteristics of all cancer cells in the significantly changed individuals are similar, but they are similar to the surrounding normal cells They often differ greatly. This is due to the Cytoskeleton The composition is reduced, and the arrangement is disorderly.
four Cell plasma membrane New antigens are produced, and cancer cells are lost plasma membrane On Major histocompatibility antigen (MHC), by modifying the original antigen on the membrane, a new plasma membrane antigen, namely "MHC antigen" complex, is produced.

Cause prevention

Cause: Because Proto oncogene and Tumor suppressor gene Mutation of, normal cells Its growth and division are out of control and become cancer cells.
Virus carcinogenesis may be caused by the integration of viral genetic material (DNA or RNA) into Host cell The DNA strand of the cell will mutate, and the proto oncogene or tumor suppressor gene will mutate, which will affect the synthesis of protein and the change of cell function and structure.
Prevention: try to avoid contact with physical, chemical Viruses And so on Carcinogen At the same time, we should pay attention to strengthening our physique, maintaining a healthy mentality, developing good living habits, and actively taking protective measures from various aspects.

Canceration gene

one Proto oncogene Proto oncogenes exist in all normal cells and have the potential to cause cell canceration.
two Tumor suppressor gene Tumor suppressor gene Tumor suppressor gene It is a kind of normal "housekeeper" gene in cells.
three Oncogene Oncogenes can be divided into two categories in terms of their origin: one is the mutation of proto oncogenes, called Cellular carcinoma Gene (c-onc) is proto oncogene Allele The other is Viral oncogene (v-onc).

Canceration factor

Long term external factor stimulation, such as smoking, drinking, eating hot food (esophageal cancer), and long-term consumption Pickle Food (digestive tract tumor) Aflatoxin liver cancer Colchicine etc.
In addition, depression and other factors will make Apoptosis Systematic Immune surveillance Abnormal, leading to abnormal cell proliferation and failure to induce apoptosis in time, causing tumor.
Tumor is caused by abnormal proliferation of normal cells, not normal cells into cancer cells.


one Chemical carcinogen Some inorganic compounds such as asbestos, benzene carbon tetrachloride Tar , aflatoxin, organochlorine pesticides and other organic substances.
two Physical carcinogen Mainly refers to the emission of radioactive substances ionizing radiation X-ray , UV, etc.
three viral oncogen Including DNA tumor virus and RNA tumor virus