Organizational environment

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The organizational environment mainly refers to the external environment, which refers to the social environment, economic environment, technical environment and political environment.
According to the degree of environmental uncertainty, the environment of the organization can be roughly classified as: 1. Stable environment, which means that the products or services are basically stable in the near future, and the relevant government policies and decrees are continuous and stable. The speed of technological innovation in relevant fields is stable. Both consumers and competitors maintain stability and social and political stability. Organizations in this environment are suitable for adopting a more standardized and centralized organizational structure; 2. The changing environment is characterized by continuous changes in products or services in the near future, changes in relevant government policies and decrees, but the trend can be predicted, the speed of technological innovation is accelerated but the continuity is strong, and the competitive situation in the industry can still be grasped. Although organizations in this environment are still basically applicable to the standardized and centralized organizational structure. However, it is necessary to pay more attention to the environment and appropriately enhance the flexibility of the organizational structure; 3. The turbulent environment is characterized by frequent changes in products or services, rapid changes in technological innovation, fierce competition, and rapid changes in the behavior and value orientation of new consumers in government policies and decrees. Organizations in this environment (such as household electricity enterprises) must establish smooth information access and adopt decentralized forms. The entire organization should have strong flexibility, In order to respond quickly to the changing environment. [1]
Chinese name
Organizational environment
Foreign name
organization environment
Main parts
External environment, internal environment
Main components
economic environment Social environment

Basic definitions

Organization environment refers to all potential impacts on organization operation and Organizational performance The factor or force of. Organizational environment regulates the relationship between organizational structure design and organizational performance, and affects the effectiveness of the organization. The organizational environment plays a decisive role in the survival and development of an organization, and it is the internal and external objective conditions of organizational management activities.


Type of organizational environment: generally speaking, the organizational boundary( System boundary )The environment can be divided into Internal environment And external environment, or work (specific) environment and social (general) environment; If divided according to the characteristics of the environmental system, the environment can be divided into simple static environment, complex static environment, simple static environment Dynamic environment And complex dynamic environment.

Internal environment of the organization

Organizational environment
It refers to the specific working environment of management. Organizations affecting management activities Internal environment Including: physical environment, psychological environment, cultural environment, etc. Physical environment elements include the air, light and lighting, sound (noise and noise), color, etc. in the workplace, which have a great impact on the work safety, work psychology and behavior of employees and work efficiency. Physical environment factors organization design Put forward the requirements of humanism, prevent the negative and destructive factors in the physical environment, and create a working environment that meets the physiological and psychological requirements of employees, which is the basic guarantee for the implementation of orderly and efficient management. Psychological environment refers to the internal mental environment of an organization, which has a direct impact on organizational management. The psychological environment restricts the morale and cooperation level of the organization members, affects the enthusiasm and creativity of the organization members, and then determines the efficiency of the organization management and the achievement of the management goals. The psychological environment includes harmonious interpersonal relationship, personnel relationship, sense of responsibility, sense of belonging, spirit of cooperation and dedication of the members of the organization. The organizational cultural environment has at least two levels of content. One is the organizational institutional culture, including the organization's process operating procedures and Workflow , rules and regulations, assessment and reward system, and a sound organizational structure; The second is the spiritual culture of the organization, including its values Organizational beliefs , management philosophy and the spirit of the organization. A good organizational culture is the foundation and power for the survival and development of an organization.

External environment of the organization

It refers to the organization social environment , the external environment affects the organization's management system The external environment of an organization is actually the external environment of management. The external environment can be divided into General external environment And specific external environment general external environment. The general external environment includes social population, culture, economy, politics, law, technology, resources, etc. These factors of the general external environment have indirect and long-term impact on the organization. When the external environment changes dramatically, it will lead to major changes in organizational development. Specific external environmental factors are mainly aimed at enterprise organizations, including suppliers, customers, competitors, governments and social groups. These factors of the specific external environment have a direct and rapid impact on the enterprise organization. The external environment is not easy to control on the whole, so its impact is considerable, sometimes even affecting the changes of the entire organizational structure. The purpose of analyzing the external environment is to find out what opportunities can be grasped in this environment, what risks must be avoided, seize the opportunities and develop healthily. All factors that exist outside the organizational boundaries and interact with the organization. As an open system, organizations must exchange material, energy and information with the environment at all times.

Relationship between the two

The organizational environment has a significant impact on the formation, development and demise of organizations. The organizational environment has played a positive role in promoting the establishment of some organizations, for example, the emergence of steam engine technology led to the birth of modern factory organizations. Some environmental changes have provided favorable conditions for the development of the organization. On the contrary, some organizations have failed to adapt to the changes in the environment, so they no longer exist. In the present and future, the objectives, structure and management of an organization must become more flexible to meet the changing requirements of the environment.
The relationship between the organization and the environment is not a unilateral adaptive response of the organization to the environment. The organization also has a positive reaction to the environment. The main manifestations are: the organization actively understands the environmental situation and obtains timely and accurate environmental information; By adjusting their own goals, avoid the adverse environment and choose the environment suitable for their own development; Through their own strength Control environment To adapt to their own activities and development without changing their own goals and structures; We can create and develop new environment through our own active activities, and actively reform ourselves to establish a new interaction between the organization and the environment. In addition, the reaction of organizations to the environment also has a negative side, that is, the destruction of the environment. This negative reaction will affect the normal activities and development of the organization. Organizational environment is relative to organizations and organizational activities. Only external materials and conditions relative to organizations and organizational activities have the meaning of organizational environment. Before human beings came into being, nature existed objectively. Only when human beings formed their own social activities through division of labor and cooperation, and thus also produced the management of these activities, part of the nature was associated with such human activities, and became the organizational environment. Therefore, the nature and content of the organizational environment are closely related to the organization and organizational activities: Economic management activities What is related is the environment of economic organization; The military organization environment is related to the military management activities of a certain military organization; The educational organization environment is related to the educational management activities of certain educational organizations. These organizational environments correspond to certain organizations and organizational activities.


Environment is the soil for the survival of organizations. It not only provides conditions for organizational activities, but also inevitably restricts organizational activities. Therefore, the type of organizational environment affects the type of organizational structure that should be adopted. Different departments or undertakings in the organization must adapt to different environments. The organization should adjust its strategy to adapt to the environment. How to adjust depends on the adverse degree of the environment. In short, the organizational environment regulates the relationship between organizational structure design and organizational performance, affecting the effectiveness of the organization. 1. Classification of environment
No organization exists in isolation. The organization and the external environment are exchanging information all the time. The organization develops and grows in the process of constantly exchanging information with the outside world.
Organizational environment
The organizational environment is relative to the organization. Before human beings came into being, objective nature existed. When human beings form organizations through social activities Organizational system The aggregate of all materials and conditions outside becomes the organizational environment. The organizational environment is a complex complex, a system composed of various things and conditions. A single thing or condition is only a component unit or subsystem of the environment. Only the aggregate of all external conditions related to an organization can be called the environment of the organization. The organizational environment is the environment in which an organization is located, and is a part of the objective world associated with the organization. The nature and content of the organizational environment are closely related to the organization.
Any organization cannot survive without the organizational environment. The organizational environment is an organizational part of an organization and also an element of an organization. However, the entity composition of an organization does not include the organizational environment, but consists of Management subject and Management object Composed of. The organizational entity communicates with the outside world through the organizational environment. There are boundaries between the organizational entity and the organizational environment, but the boundaries between the organizational environment and the organizational entity are relative. Only when the organization is determined, the boundary between the organizational environment and the organizational entity will be relatively certain. This boundary separates the organizational entity from the organizational environment. The inside of the boundary is the organizational entity composed of the organizational structure and its activities. The outside of the boundary is the organizational environment composed of all things and conditions related to the organization. They are connected and interact with each other through the boundary, constantly exchanging information, materials, energy, etc, However, this boundary is not strictly defined and is constantly changing.


The organizational environment is the external condition for an organization's survival, which affects the management of an organization achievement Aspect has a very important influence. In the contemporary era, due to the impact of globalization, the external environment on which organizations rely for survival is becoming increasingly changeable and dramatic controller We must attach great importance to the understanding of environmental factors. Modern management generally divides the organizational environment into natural environment and social environment

natural environment

The natural environment is the sum total of various natural conditions for the existence and development of organizations. It includes mineral, air, water and other natural resources, as well as geographical location, geological landform, climate and other factors. These natural conditions mainly refer to the geographical location of the organization and the terrain, climate, soil, mountain forests, water sources, animals and plants, mineral deposits on land and water and other natural objects in this geographical location. These natural objects are connected and interact with each other to form a holistic structure.
The natural environment is a specific part of nature. From this point of view, it is an objective existence independent of human beings. However, as the natural environment of an organization, it is always connected with certain social activities of human beings, which are various social activities of human beings, especially Production activities The material basis and source of material data. In the process of labor, man and nature play a role at the same time. With the progress of social productivity and science and technology, more and more natural things have entered the scope of human practice, becoming the environmental factors of organization and management.
Organizational environment
The natural environment mainly determines the resource advantages or disadvantages of the organization. The organization can tend to benefit while avoiding its disadvantages according to the characteristics of the natural environment. For example, Gulf countries have advantages in oil resources. The natural environment is important not only for mining companies, farms and water transport enterprises, but also for some manufacturing and service industries.
Today, with the development of environmental science, organizations have more means to predict and prevent sudden changes in natural conditions. However, changes in the natural environment should still cause controller We should pay full attention to seize the crisis or opportunity we are facing. Relatively speaking, the natural environment changes slowly, social environment The change cycle of is much faster and the threat to the organization is greater.

social environment

Organizational social environment It is the sum total of various social relations related to organizations, which is mainly composed of economic environment, political environment and cultural environment.

economic environment

The main factors of the economic environment are market conditions, economic conditions and competitive situation. Market factors are the environmental factors that enterprises pay most attention to under the conditions of commodity economy. The larger the market capacity is, the more conducive to expanding production scale and adopting automation technology to reduce costs; The more intense the market competition, the greater the pressure on enterprises to improve quality, increase varieties, reduce costs and improve services. The prosperity of the economy has a significant impact on enterprises. For example, during several overheated periods in the 1980s, almost all enterprises felt bright prospects. When entering the stage of national austerity and adjustment, a large number of enterprises were shrouded in the shadow of market weakness and triangular debt.

Political environment

The political environment has a profound impact on organizations. Whether the political situation is stable, political system and Economic management system Conditions, laws and policies are all environmental factors that enterprises pay close attention to. as Gulf crisis Not only did many foreign enterprises located in Iraq stop their business activities, but also Turkey Jordan Saudi Arabia Foreign enterprises in countries such as the United States, Japan and Western Europe are worried. The stock prices of the United States, Japan and Western Europe have plummeted, and the rise in oil prices has affected countless enterprises. However, when the political situation is basically the same, enterprises are more willing to Enterprise development Areas with relatively loose and favorable environmental conditions. This is also the main reason why many developing countries, including China, have introduced various preferential policies and measures to attract foreign investment.

Cultural environment

Culture is an extremely broad concept, which mainly refers to the overall cultural conditions that affect the organizational system, such as education, science and technology, morality, psychological habits, and people's values and moral standards. We call it the cultural environment.
Although people divide the organizational environment into natural environment and social environment However, the natural environment and the social environment, which are the main factors of the organizational environment, are not completely separated. In fact, they are also interconnected entities established on the basis of human social practice. Although the social environment can not be separated from the natural environment, the natural environment is not purely natural, it is also closely linked with human social practice.


The organizational environment is Organizational system The environment, which is the unity of all materials and conditions related to organizations and organizational activities outside the organizational system.
Organizational environment is relative to organizations and organizational activities. Only external materials and conditions relative to organizations and organizational activities have the meaning of organizational environment. Before human beings came into being, nature existed objectively. Only when human beings formed their own social activities through division of labor and cooperation, and thus also produced the management of these activities, part of nature was associated with such activities of human beings, and became the organizational environment. Therefore, the nature and content of the organizational environment are closely related to the organization and organizational activities: the economic organization environment is associated with the economic management activities of a certain economic organization, and the military organization environment is associated with the military management activities of a certain military organization; The educational organization environment is related to the educational management activities of certain educational organizations. These organizational environments correspond to certain organizations and organizational activities. The organizational environment has the following properties:


The organizational environment is objective, which does not change with the subjective will of people in the organization. Whether you want to or not, the organizational environment is objective, and its existence objectively restricts the activities of the organization. The natural and social conditions that are the basis of the organizational environment are material entities or material relations. They are the material conditions on which the organization relies for existence, and are objective things for the organization.


The organizational environment is a whole composed of various external things and conditions related to the organization, and it is also a system. We can call it organizational External system The various elements of the system, such as natural conditions and social conditions, are interrelated to form a certain structure, showing the integrity of the organizational environment. The society where the organization is located is a large system, and the external environment and Internal environment It constitutes subsystems at different levels. Any subsystem should follow the movement law of the larger system in which it is located, and constantly coordinate and operate. People's management activities are carried out in this overall environmental background.


Organizational environment
The various factors of the organizational environment are constantly changing, and the various organizational environmental factors are constantly re combining to form a new organizational environment. Organizational system It is necessary not only to input materials, energy and information from the organizational environment, but also to output various products and services to the organizational environment. The results of this input and output must make the organizational environment change more or less, making the organizational environment itself always in constant motion and change. The movement of the environment itself is the dynamic nature of the organizational environment. The organizational environment is in constant development and change, which often breaks the balance between internal elements of the organization and various environmental factors, and often forms changes in the organizational structure. Therefore, the organization must revise its business plan in time to adapt to the changing environment Organizational system The results of input and output will promote the organization environment to be more orderly and move in the direction conducive to the survival and development of the organization system. The characteristics of the organizational environment, such as objectivity, systematicness and dynamics, indicate that the organizational environment itself is a moving system with a complex structure. Correctly analyze the various elements and conditions of the environment the organization faces controller The indispensable prerequisite for successful management activities.