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Combinatorial optimization

Find the optimal solution from the feasible solution set of the combination problem
The combinatorial optimization problem is optimization problem Class of. Optimization problems seem to naturally fall into two categories: continuous variable The other is discrete variable Problems. A problem with discrete variables is called combinatorial. In the problem of continuous variables, it is generally to find a group of real numbers, or a function; In the combination problem, it is from a Infinite set Or look for an object in a countable infinite set - typically an integer, a set, a permutation, or a graph. Generally, these two kinds of problems have quite different characteristics, and the methods of solving them are also very different.
Source: Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms and Complexity, Higher Education Press , 1988, C.H. Papadimitriou, K. Steiglitz (translated by Liu Zhenhong and Cai Maocheng)
Chinese name
Combinatorial optimization
Foreign name
Combinatorial Optimization
Find the optimal solution from the feasible solution set of the combination problem

Concept definition

The goal of combinatorial optimization problem is to feasible solution Centralized solution Optimal solution , usually described as: let Ω={s1, s2,..., sn} be composed of all states Solution space , C (si) is corresponding to state si objective function Value, it is required to find the optimal solution s *, so that for all si ∈Ω, there is C (s *)=minC (si). Combinatorial optimization is an important branch of operations research, which often involves sorting, classification, screening and other issues.

Problem classification

Typical combinatorial optimization problems include:
traveling salesman problem (Traveling Salesman Problem- TSP );
Production Scheduling Problem (such as Flow Shop, Job Shop);
0-1 knapsack problem (Knapsack Problem);
Packing problem (Bin Packing Problem);
Graph coloring problem (Graph Coloring Problem);
clustering Clustering Problem;
The description of these problems is very simple and has strong engineering Representativeness However, the optimization solution is very difficult, the main reason is that the algorithms for solving these problems need very long Run Time And great storage space So that it is impossible to implement it on existing computers, namely the so-called“ Combined explosion ”。 It is the representativeness and complexity of these problems that arouse people's interest in the research of combinatorial optimization theory and algorithms.