linear relationship

There is a power function relationship between two variables
zero Useful+1
Two variable There is a power between Functional relation , it is said that there is a linear relationship between them. Positive proportional relationship It is a special case of linear relationship, Inverse proportional relation It is not a linear relationship. More generally, if these two variables are taken as the abscissa and ordinate of the point respectively, and the image is a straight line on the plane, then the relationship between these two variables is a linear relationship. That is, if a binary linear equation can be used to express the relationship between two variables, the relationship between these two variables is called a linear relationship. Therefore, the binary linear equation is also called a linear equation. By extension, the linear equation with n variables is also called n-variable linear equation, but it has nothing to do with straight lines.
Chinese name
linear relationship
Foreign name
linear relation
Positive proportional relationship
Basic expression
Y=kx+b (k, b is a constant, k>0, b=0 is a positive proportional relationship)
Mathematical Science
Nonlinear relation

General definitions

The prominent feature of the linear relationship is that the image is a straight line passing through the origin (without a constant term, such as: y=kx+jz, (k, j are constants, x, z are variables); When the image is a straight line without the origin, the function is called Linear relation
Linear relationship and linear relationship are different and often confused by everyone.
First of all, each item( Constant term Except) must be once (this is the most important)
For example: x=y+z+c+v+b
So they (x and y, z, c, v, b are variables) are linear relations, which can be said to be: x and y are linear relations, or y and z are linear relations, etc,
If square Prescription These are certainly not linear relationships
If the frequency If it is not once, it is not linear: x=y * z (here we assume that y and z are variable instead of constant ), then x and y, or x and z are not linear,
The constant has no effect on whether a linear relationship is formed (assuming that the constant is not 0). For example: x=k * y+l * z+a (k, l is a constant, y, z is a variable, and a is a constant), then x and y, z are still linear, because the term: k * y is once, and l * z is also once, Constant term A No impact
For example, x=7 * y+8 * z is linear, and x=- y-2 * z is linear. X=2 * y * z is nonlinear (because the term 2yz is not linear),
from 2D image In terms of (assuming that there are only two variables, y and x), the linear equation must be linear, not curved, and not inflectional.

Linear representation of vector

given vector group A α 1, α 2,… α n, Var and vector b , if there is a group of numbers k ₁, k ₂,..., kn, so that
Linear relation of vector
Is called vector b The vector group A Linear representation, also called vector b Is a vector group A One of linear combination , k ₁, k ₂,..., kn are called the linear combination of coefficient [1]
The vector b can be expressed linearly by the vector group A, that is Linear equations
Linear relation of vector
There is a solution
Set vector group A α 1, α 2,… α n, and B β 1, β 2,…, β n, If vector group B Each vector in can be represented by a vector group A Linear representation is called vector group B The vector group A Linear representation; If the vector group A And vector group B If they can be expressed linearly with each other, they are called these two Vector group equivalence , recorded as A B [1]