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Naxi Tea Manual

Traditional drinks of Naxi nationality
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Naxi people have a long traditional history of drinking tea; Tea, called Le in local language, is an indispensable traditional drink of Naxi people every day. Morning get up I am busy gathering morning tea around the fire pool. The sun is close to the mountain, and I am busy making evening tea. Some people will hold their heads and hum their heads when they stop drinking tea. When asked why, he said that he was addicted to tea. This is the revelation of a special feeling of Naxi people for tea. Therefore, the Naxi people have a long history of taking tea as their traditional drink. In this long traditional recipe of tea drinking, they have accumulated a lot of tea drinking culture.
Chinese name
Naxi Tea Manual
folk custom
Naxi minority

Simmer a pot of tea

Take an earthen pot, place the tea in the pot, bake it by the fire pond, wait until the tea leaves smell, pour boiling water into the pot, and then pour it into the cup. This tea is called simmer pot tea. There are different drinking methods for simmering pot tea: some people pour half a cup of white wine into a teacup, and then pour the strong tea into the teacup. This is strong tea competing with white wine. It has the effect of expelling cold, detoxifying and clearing heat, and is one of the favorite tea recipes for Naxi people. Some strong tea contains salt. Drinking salt tea has stomach soothing effect. The tea is baked with wax oil and salt. It is called oil tea. Drinking this oil tea has the effect of passing hunger and thirst. Some boiled and roasted cans of tea with sugar cane in their cups; Then pour the tea into the cup, which is called sugar tea. Some people make tea. Besides, there are traditional noodle soup tea, fried rice tea, and hemp seed tea. Put wheat flour, rice seeds, and waxed oil into the tea pot to stir fry. After roasting, it turns yellow and smells. Then put tea, add salt, stir fry, and then put water to boil it. The tea with noodles is called noodle tea, the tea with rice is called rice tea, and the tea with hemp seeds is called hemp seed tea. This is the traditional tea soup of the Naxi nationality.

Ginger tea

This tea is used for weddings and funerals. The Naxi people have a folk song called Da Dan, drinking ginger tea to drive out the cold, and rice tea, which is a must drink tea on the first day of the first lunar month. Young men and women in the mountains offer snow tea when they fall in love. Snow tea is called "Gele" in local language, which means that high mountains love tea. Drinking this tea implies love. Therefore, young men and women call each other to find a spouse: "Ge Le Wu Ge Le, Ah Hu Hu Deng '. There is a culture of courtship.

buttered tea

Naxi people are yak breeds, and butter is regarded as holy oil, which is used to pray for gods; The bridegroom and bridegroom also take butter for their forehead; When there are guests in the Naxi family, they must use buttered tea to greet them; The butter tea of Naxi nationality is well made; Take butter, tea, walnut rice foam, hemp seed foam, eggs, etc., and then pour the boiled strong tea into the tea tube and stir it to make it blend well. This tea is a good treat for guests; Some boil tea with milk. This is milk butter.