Nazi Party

German Fascist Party in the 20th Century
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synonym nazi (political opinion) generally referring to the Nazi Party
National Socialist German Workers' Party German Na tionalso zi alistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, English: National Socialist German Worker's Party), old translation state socialism German Workers' Party , general name Nazi Party (German: NSDAP , English: Nazi Party), a German fascist party in the 20th century.
The former Nazi Party was founded in 1919 German Workers' Party , renamed on February 24, 1920. On July 29, 1921, Adolf Hitler Serve as the chairman of the Party and promote Nazism , anti communism Anti Semitism , on Great Depression The period won the support of many fanatics. In 1933, Hitler become German Chancellor And establish a fascist dictatorship. In September 1939, Nazi Germany provoke the Second World War In May 1945, Nazi Germany was defeated and occupied by the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France. Allied Control Council Declare the Nazi Party an illegal organization. On October 10, 1945, the Nazi Party was officially dissolved.
Chinese name
National Socialist German Workers' Party
Foreign name
German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)
English: National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party)
National Social Party, Nazi Party
Date of establishment
February 24, 1920
Time of dissolution
October 10, 1945
Party newspaper
Vlkischer Beobachter
Party Song
The Song of Horst Wiesel
Headquarters location
Munich Brown Palace
political stand
Extreme right wing
Nazism Fascism
Youth organizations
Hitler Youth League
Security organization
Stormtrooper SS
One nation, one country, one head of state (Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein F ü hrer)

historical background

At the beginning of 1919, Anton Drexler The German Workers' Party was founded. Early autumn 1919 Hitler Become a member of the German Workers' Party. On February 24, 1920, the party announced that he and Drexler jointly drafted 25 point program , and renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party, that is, the Nazi Party. 1923 Beer Hall Putsch After the defeat, the Nazi Party was banned and rebuilt in February 1925. After reconstruction, the German people《 Treaty of Versailles 》's discontent was instigated Germanic nationality The number of Party members increased sharply, from 100000 in 1928 to 1.4 million in 1932. In the parliamentary elections from 1930 to 1932, the party's seats increased from 12 to 230.
The opening ceremony of the new headquarters of the Nazi Party "Brown Palace" in 1930
1929-1933 World economic crisis [1] , provided the soil for the development of the Nazi movement, and more and more monopoly capitalists supported the Nazi Party. In November 1932, the big bourgeoisie and the big landlord jointly wrote a letter Weimar Republic president hindenburg , asked to appoint Hitler as Prime Minister, and finally pushed Hitler to power on January 30 of the next year, and the Nazi Party became the ruling party. When Hitler came to power, he advocated Pan Germanism , cracking down on and banning other political parties, and establishing the one party dictatorship of the Nazi Party.
In addition to Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party Gregor Strasse Rudolf Hess Hermann Goering , subordinate organizations include Stormtrooper SS Gestapo , Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Nazi Party hitler youth German Girls' Union German Labor Front , Nazi Women's Federation, etc. Party newspapers and journals are《 Vlkischer Beobachter 》, Attack, National Socialist Communication. The programmatic reading is Hitler's《 My struggle 》。 The party flag has a red background with a white center and a swastika in the middle. Meaning: Red symbolizes socialism, white symbolizes nationalism, and the party emblem also has this pattern.
Development overview
In the German parliamentary election on September 14, 1930, the Hitler Nazi Party won 6.4 million votes, accounting for 18.3% of all votes, and 107 seats in the parliament. On July 31, 1932, the National Assembly held an election, and the votes of the Nazi Party doubled to 13.7 million, accounting for 37.3% of the total votes. The number of seats in the National Assembly increased to 230. Although the Nazi Party lost 2 million votes in the November 1932 election, it still won the support of one third of German voters - 11 million people, mainly the German petty bourgeoisie and some workers.
Nazi Party
All previous election results of the Nazi Party
Vote winning rate
May 20, 1928
September 14, 1930
one hundred and seven
Great Depression
July 31, 1932
two hundred and thirty
Hitler becomes a presidential candidate
November 6, 1932
one hundred and ninety-six
March 5, 1933
two hundred and eighty-eight
Hitler Becomes Prime Minister
In the first 10 years after the establishment of the Nazi Party in early 1919, it was always a small and insignificant party. In the 1928 parliamentary election, only 2.6% of the votes were obtained, totaling 810000. In the next two or three years, the Nazi Party developed rapidly and became congress The second largest party, which became the largest party in the Congress in 1932.
The social basis of the Nazi movement was mainly the urban and rural petty bourgeoisie and some workers. Famous leader of German labor movement Cai Tejin At that time, it was pointed out that the impoverished petty bourgeoisie, small farmers and intellectuals tended to turn to the fascist camp. She said:
"Thousands of people flocked to fascist Camp, it became a shelter for the politically homeless. Obviously, according to the social composition of the fascist army, they are people who have lost their foothold, lost their ability to survive and disappointed in society, including those who make capitalist society extremely uncomfortable and dangerous. "
Nazi Party - Hitler
The large number of petty bourgeoisie members participating in Hitler's movement is related to the large number of urban and rural petty bourgeoisie in Germany. Germany is a "kingdom" of petty bourgeoisie, which accounts for more than 40% of the total population. According to statistics in 1907, Germany had 5.247 million small business owners, businessmen and small and medium-sized farmers, and 6.775 million staff and officials.
The main reason for the large ranks of the petty bourgeoisie is the advanced form of German industrial monopoly Kang Caien Concentrated in the heavy industry sector, light industry and food processing sectors have also appeared monopoly organizations, but they are mainly low-level monopoly forms that maintain independence in production and are united by small and medium-sized enterprises Cartel In the textile, food processing, paper making, leather and other sectors, there has always been a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, including factory handicrafts, traditional industries and peasant household handicrafts of early capitalism. According to statistics, from 1882 to 1895, the number of large enterprises (more than 50 people) in the German food processing industry increased from 1125 to 1826, and the number of employees increased from 148512 to 246490; Small and medium-sized enterprises (small enterprises with no more than 5 employees) increased from 244161 to 268145, and the number of employees increased from 595369 to 775000. 8 In rural Germany, due to Prussian Road , agricultural capitalism develops slowly and exists Junker landlord At the same time of large manors, there are also a large number of small and medium-sized peasant economies. According to statistics in 1925, there were 3046302 small farmers' manors operating less than 20 hectares of land, accounting for 47.2% of the total area of agricultural operations; There are 199825 large agricultural manors operating 20-100 hectares of land, accounting for 26.4% of the total area of agricultural operation; There are 18671 Junker landlord manors operating over 100 hectares of land, accounting for 20.2% of the total area of agricultural operations. However, it was after 1928 that a large number of petty bourgeoisie elements in urban and rural areas flocked to the Nazi movement. This is mainly because the economic crisis from 1929 to 1932 had a serious impact on the German petty bourgeoisie, which was fully utilized by the Nazi Party.
Nazi Party posters
economic crisis
When the capitalist world economic crisis came in 1929, Germany was hit hard. During the relatively stable period of capitalism from 1923 to 1928, the rising trend of German industrial production was based on short-term loans provided by the United States. At this time, the loan of about 20 billion marks was recovered by the United States, which triggered the deepest and most lasting economic crisis in German history.
During the crisis, industrial production plummeted. From 1929 to 1932, coal output decreased by 32.7%, pig iron output by 70.3%, steel output by 64.9%, machine manufacturing output by 62.1%, and power generation by 23.4%. Gross industrial product The production of means of production decreased by 53%, the production of consumer goods decreased by 25.3%, the total export volume decreased by 69.1%, the total import volume decreased by 70.8%, and the national treasury Gold reserves Sharply reduced by 4/5. At the same time, the average reduction of working hours was about 47%, and the number of working hours in the construction industry was reduced by about 66%. The number of employees in various industries has been greatly reduced, including about 64% in the steel, machinery and power industries, and about 47% in the hard coal mining industry.
The economic crisis has had a disastrous impact on the lives of the working class. Unemployment has increased rapidly. In September 1929, the number of unemployed people was 1.3 million, reaching 3 million a year later, rising to 4.35 million in September 1931. In February 1932, the number of unemployed people reached 8 million, except for several million temporary workers. Unemployment benefits fluctuate between 16.44 marks (in large cities) and 13.14 marks (in small cities) per week. Only 82% of unemployed registrars can receive unemployment benefits.
The economic crisis also hit the urban and rural petty bourgeoisie heavily. During the economic crisis, the economic status of urban small businessmen, small business owners and handicraftsmen was volatile. Many factories closed down, and a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises went bankrupt. According to German official statistics, from 1928 to 1931, the total number of annual factory closures rose from 10595 to 19254, almost doubling. During the same period, the total number of annual consolidated factories increased from 3147 to 8628, almost doubling. Among them, the situation of individual traders was very difficult. In 1931, 6664 stores closed down and 3581 were forced to merge. When the economic and social status of the petty bourgeoisie was seriously threatened, he was disappointed in the republican system, and gradually separated from the traditional bourgeois parties to find a way out, and he was full of hopes for petty bourgeois socialism, Hitler seized the opportunity. He purposefully lobbied the petty bourgeoisie to bring them into the Nazi movement and become the main social foundation of the Nazi movement.
Activists from Nazi Party organizations at all levels also played an important role in the election campaign and in recruiting Party members. In many cases, they talked face to face in bars, clubs and workplaces through informal channels to win votes and attract many Party members. The number of them is as large as the number of people who joined the Party through attending Party meetings or reading propaganda materials.
Nazi German Army
Take control of political power
Before 1933, the Nazi Party did not become the ruling party, and it was difficult to take measures directly beneficial to the petty bourgeoisie. However, on the way of seizing power, it did not ignore measures in this regard. The Nazi Party used part of the funds funded by monopoly capital to provide people with some specific material benefits. For example, "food almsgiving houses" have been set up for the unemployed, demobilized soldiers and the homeless, "providing housing, clothes and food". These actions left an impression on the petty bourgeoisie and the unemployed: Hitler's Nazi Party did represent their interests in action, and they should work together with the Nazi Party for a common cause.
Nazi German military parade
It can be seen that the reason why Hitler's Nazi Party developed rapidly during the crisis was that it understood the hearts and minds of the people and knew how to meet the needs of the people. When the petty bourgeoisie was deeply hit by the crisis, faced with the threat of falling into the proletarian situation and hesitated and depressed, deeply feeling the bleak future, the Nazi Party woke up their "nationalism" thought, put forward programs and policies that cater to their wishes, and aroused people's enthusiasm with powerful speeches, rallies and marches.
Consolidate political power
On June 22nd, 1933, the Hitler government used a fast cutting method to outlaw the German Socialist Party, and removed the last major party against Hitler from the cabinet. It also abolished the results of the March elections, when the influence of the Socialists was second only to that of the Nazis.
Nazi German Parliament
Hitler could not control Stormtrooper The street violence is regarded as a threat to power, so we want to remove the stormtroopers and their leaders Ernst Rohm He also wanted to appease the senior officers of the National Defense Forces who were afraid and disgusted with the stormtroopers, especially when Rom tried to include the National Defense Forces under his own stormtroopers. From June 30 to July 2, 1934, the Nazi Party launched“ Night of Long Knife ”Take action to liquidate the political enemies of his regime, especially those loyal to the Vice Premier Patpong Our people and horses. At least 85 people died in liquidation, but the final death toll may reach hundreds. More than 1000 opponents were arrested, most of whom were involved in the action SS and Gestapo This action strengthened and consolidated the support of the National Defense Forces for Hitler.
Race and the Holocaust
The Nazi regime was characterized by its political power to mainly control all aspects of the whole society - integration, to narrow and eliminate the gap between the rich and the poor as the goal, to reorganize Germany from top to bottom, and to incorporate party organizations into various social systems, such as German Labor Front With other national and local associations affiliated to the Party organization. Moreover, in order to pursue the "pure purification" of race (Aryan, Nordic), society and culture. The Nazi Party achieved its goal by persecuting what it considered impure, especially against Jews gypsy , homosexuals and politicians (such as Weimar Republic, Communist Party, etc.).
Nazi Party Member Certificate
This persecution peaked in the last years of the regime. About six million Jews, ten million Slavic And various other races were killed in an organized way. This act of genocide is called Holocaust in English, Shoah in Hebrew and euphemism in German“ Final solution ”(Endl ö sung, generally speaking, killing Jews is called "final settlement").
Poster of Nazi Germany: Hitler Saving the German People


The Nazi Party vigorously promotes national socialism and anti Semitism, arousing the German people's concern for Marxism At the same time, they tried to promote the theory of race superiority and inferiority, the theory of individual dictatorship and the theory of living space to create a theoretical basis for their land expansion and war policies.
Nazi Party posters


(German: Nationalsozialismus) The term comes from the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialissche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). "Nazis", NAZI, is the abbreviation of the main letters extracted by German national socialism: NA Na Rational) ZI (Socialist So zi Alismus). As its name implies, the Nazi Party is a racist national socialist party divided by ethnic groups. National Socialism (German: National Socialism) is consistent with the German spelling of Nazism, that is, the German original meaning of national socialism. The official name in the world is regarded as Nazism. The national view of Nazism advocates the absolute centralization of state power, that is Totalitarianism , but it is not completely equivalent to fascism in the traditional sense, but nazi And Italian fascist rulers Mussolini And finally become a clear ally.
Nazi Party posters
Nazism is not a strictly defined ideology, but a national ruling policy and concept pursued by the Nazi Party, including some political views and extreme thoughts with religious color: racism, anti communism, totalitarianism, theology, anti Semitism, extreme nationalism, anti homosexuality Anti laissez faire capitalism and restriction of religious freedom contrary to its ideology. It emphasizes the principle of "leader" in all fields, and claims that "leader" is the representative of the overall will of the nation, and the rights of the country should be controlled by one of them. The government, which is managed by a huge bureaucratic system from top to bottom according to the principle of leadership, advocates racism and anti Semitism as the ideology of Germany's national socialist movement, emphasizing the collective and valuing force.
National socialism advocates taking the nation as the "basic unit" of human group life, and advocates Ethnocentrism He believes that the Aryan people are the most outstanding people who have contributed to human progress. He believes that the "superior races" have the right to enslave or even eliminate the "inferior races" as the conceptual basis for shaping specific cultural and political propositions. In terms of ideology, define the nation on the basis of clear guidelines, and advocate the difference from other nations Social Darwinism , discriminate against different nationalities. Declare Aryan Nordic germanic people It is the race endowed with the "dominant power" by God. It advocates that the world is a jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle of the jungle.
Nazi Party posters
In the 1930s, the national ideology of Nazism gradually formed and became a capital form of extreme countries in politics and economy. Its extreme form is reflected in Militarism and Racism Two kinds of extreme fascism and extreme autocratic rule are both reflected in politics, which is a state ruling system based on a high degree of monopoly. In essence, the ideology of national socialism is national hegemonism and fascism.
The German word "Staatssozialismus" is used to refer to the economic policy of Nazism, although the economic policy of national socialism during the Nazi period is very different from that of the state-owned socialism during the German Empire.
Since the Chinese translation of the words "nation" and "state" in German is the same, Nazism is often translated into "national socialism", but the meanings of the two are quite different.


The original national socialist German Workers' Party is called "Nasos" for short. The word "Nazi" comes from a Bavarian word, which means "simple mind", and has been used by journalist Conrad Hayden (1901-1966) as a derision for a long time.


The social composition of the Nazi Party is very complex, including retired veterans who experienced the First World War, vagrants who had no fixed residence after the First World War, rich upper middle class bourgeoisie, general shopkeepers, staff, workers and simple farmers.
Nazi Party leaders except Hitler Besides, there are Gregor Strasse Rudolf Hess Hermann Goering , subordinate organizations include Stormtrooper SS Gestapo , Foreign Affairs Bureau hitler youth German Girls' Union German Labor Front , Women's Federation, etc.

instrument of propaganda or publicity

The Party newspaper is《 Vlkischer Beobachter 》, Attack, National Socialist Communication. The programmatic reading is Hitler's autobiography《 My struggle 》。


The party flag has a red background with a white center and a black swastika in the middle. The red background symbolizes the sociality of the party movement and the white circle symbolizes nationalism The swastika on the party emblem symbolizes fighting Aryan The mission of a victorious struggle. In My Struggle, Hitler wrote: "Red symbolizes the social significance of our movement, while white symbolizes nationalism. The swastika symbolizes the mission of striving for the victory of the Aryan people." Later, Hitler also designed the swastika armband and the swastika banner for the stormmen and party members.
Nazi Party logo
Nazi Party emblem
The "Nazi Party" is the "National Socialist German Workers' Party", whose political propositions are mainly national socialism, nationalism and anti Semitism The Third Reich of Germany The ruling party of. In German, the initials of "state" and "society" are both "S". The two initials overlap and interlace to form the shape of "swastika". In the Vikings' rune letters, "S" represents the sun, justice, and victory over the devil. Using this symbol as a symbol is just in line with Hitler's idea of victory and the strong complex of Western Europe.

Party Song

The Horstwassel Song, led by the stormtrooper Horst Wessel The march "Wiesel Falls Down", composed by Goebbels (Joseph Goebbels, October 25, 1897 May 1, 1945), The Third Reich of Germany During the period, the propaganda minister decided to use it as the Nazi Party song, and after 1934, it was used as the unofficial national anthem of Nazi Germany.


full name
Adolf Hitler, the head of Nazi Germany
Adolf Hitler
The leader of the Nazi Party and the head of the "Third Reich of Germany"
Marshal Goering, the second leading figure in Nazi Germany
Hermann Goering
Second Head of Nazi Germany, Commander in Chief of the German Air Force
Rudolf Hess, Assistant Head of Nazi Germany
Rudolf Hess
Deputy Head of Nazi Germany
Nazi SS Commander in Chief Himmler
Heinrich Himmler
The Nazi SS and the Supreme Leader of the Gestapo
Nazi Party Propaganda Minister Goebbels
Paul Josef Goebbels
Minister of National Education and Propaganda of the Nazi Party

Armed groups


Neo Nazi party

Mongolian neo Nazi party
Entering the 21st century, with“ globalization ”With the intensification of the process, new Nazi party organizations that believe in Hitler's ideas and Nazism began to appear in Europe, the United States, Russia, Mongolia and other countries and regions. Some small parties that had little influence and influence began to rise with the support of the people. These parties strongly advocated against the idea that immigrants insisted on being the best nation. Russia and Mongolia“ Skinhead party ”It has gradually become a force that besieges, beats and expels foreigners and ethnic minorities with a swastika symbol and advocates force and extreme nationalism, which has been repelled and rejected by more and more people. The governments of Russia and Mongolia also began to suppress this extreme Nazism force.