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Giulio Natta

Italian chemist
open 7 entries with the same name
synonym Nata (Italian chemist) generally referring to Curio Nata
Giulio Natta, Italy chemist He made great contributions to the research of polymerization catalyst, so he was jointly awarded with German chemist Carl Ziegler in 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Chinese name
Giulio Natta
Foreign name
Giulio Natta
date of birth
February 26, 1903
Date of death
May 1, 1979
Key achievements
Nobel Prize in Chemistry


Natta, Giulio, Italian chemist. Born in Port Maurizio, Imperia, and died on May 1, 1979. In 1924, he graduated from Milan Institute of Technology and obtained a doctor's degree in engineering. In Milan Turin And universities in Padova and Rome. In 1938, he returned to his alma mater as a professor and director of the Institute of Industrial Research. In 1978, he became a retired honorary professor. [1]

Main research

Nata has been engaged in the research of synthetic chemistry for a long time, and is one of the first researchers to use X-ray and electron diffraction technology to study the structure of inorganic, organic, catalyst and polymer. In 1938, he was appointed by 1-butene Dehydrogenation to butadiene further developed the earliest synthetic rubber method. His more important achievement is in the research of catalytic decomposition process Heterogeneous catalyst The adsorption phenomenon and kinetics. In 1954, he was engaged in the research of regular polymerization (see directed polymerization), and successfully obtained good properties from cheap propylene, which can be used in plastics and fibers Isotactic polypropylene Later, this method was successfully applied to general olefins and diolefins. The catalytic system he first used for ethylene propylene copolymerization is called Ziegler Natta catalyst It can be used to make polymers and copolymers with various stereo regular structures. Programmed polymerization is a milestone in the development of polymer science. It marks the first time that humans can synthesize polymers from olefins, dienes and other monomers in the laboratory that were only synthesized in organisms in the past. Nata and his assistants have published 1200 scientific papers, of which 540 were published in his personal name. About 500 patents have been obtained. His research on the structure and synthesis of polymers in the field of plastics earned him the title of 1963 jointly with K. Ziegler Nobel Prize in Chemistry He has also won many gold medals and various honorary titles at home and abroad. [1]

Achievements in Chemistry

Born in Italy on February 26, 1903 Imperia
Graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Milan Institute of Technology in 1924
In 1927, he obtained the qualification of lecturer of Milan Institute of Technology.
From 1932 to 1935, he became a full professor of Pavia University and director of the Institute of General Chemistry.
Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Rome, 1936
1936-1938 Professor of Turin Institute of Technology and Director of the Institute of Industrial Chemistry
In 1938, he was the full-time professor of Milan Institute of Technology and the director of the Institute of Industrial Chemistry
In 1963, he shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Carl Ziegler for the study of polymers and Ziegler Natta catalysts [2]
Died on May 2, 1979 [3]

Outstanding contribution

Curio Nata's outstanding contribution is that in 1954, on the basis of the great discovery made by German chemist K. Ziegler that ethylene was polymerized at low pressure to produce polyethylene Titanium trichloride And alkyl aluminum as catalysts, propylene is polymerized in high yield under low pressure to generate highly regular three-dimensional molecular structure Directional polymer - Polypropylene, with high strength and high melting point, has created a new field of stereospecific polymerization. In 1957, Curio Nata directly participated in the establishment of the world's first polypropylene production plant in Italy. His discovery led to synthetic resin And plastic. In addition, Curio Nata further successfully applied his catalyst to 1-butene and 4-Methyl-1-pentene Firstly, poly-1-butene and polymethylpentene with highly regular molecular structure were prepared by stereodirectional polymerization. In 1957, he initiated the copolymerization of ethylene and propylene to produce random structure EPDM The world's first ethylene propylene rubber small-scale production plant was built in Italy. [3]
The coordination catalytic polymerization and stereospecific polymerization initiated by Curio Nata and Ziegler are applied to the polymerization of olefins, dienes and vinyl units, which has opened up a new field of polymer science and technology and become a milestone in the history of development. They are called Ziegler Nata catalysts and Ziegler Nata polymerization. For this reason, they won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. [3]

Nobel Prize

Award reason: research on polymer and Ziegler Natta catalyst
Research on polymers: Polypropylene (PP for short) is a semi crystalline Thermoplastic It has high impact resistance, strong mechanical properties, and resistance to a variety of organic solvents and acid-base corrosion. It is widely used in industry and is one of the common polymer materials. Australian coins are also made of polypropylene. [3]
Structure: The repeating unit of polypropylene consists of three carbon atoms. There are two carbon atoms in the main chain, one carbon atom and one branch chain.
Properties: Polypropylene is similar to polyethylene in structure, so many properties are similar to polyethylene. However, due to the presence of a methyl side branch, polypropylene is more easily oxidized.
Classification: Polypropylene can be divided into random, isotactic and syndiotactic according to the position of branched chain atoms. Random conformation
The branched chain atoms of the atactic polypropylene are randomly distributed on both sides of the main chain.
Isotactic polypropylene: isotactic polypropylene branch chain atoms are distributed on the same side of the main chain.
Syndiotactic polypropylene: Syndiotactic polypropylene branch chain atoms are symmetrically spaced on both sides of the main chain. Commercial polypropylene is usually a mixture of more than 90% isotactic and a small amount of atactic.
History: In 1954, Giulio Natta synthesized polypropylene. Subsequently, different polypropylene synthesis technologies were "invented" many times in different countries and regions. A large number of intellectual property lawsuits are involved in the development of polypropylene. [3]
Ziegler Natta catalyst: Organometallic catalyst , also called Z-N catalyst, is used to synthesize unbranched high stereoregularity polyolefins. Typical Ziegler Natta catalysts are two-component: Titanium tetrachloride - Triethyl aluminum [TiCl4-Al(C2H5)3]
Initially, olefin polymerization was carried out by Free radical polymerization The adoption of this mechanism requires high pressure reaction conditions, and there are many kinds of reactions Chain transfer reaction , leading to the production of branched products. For polypropylene, the problem is particularly serious, and it is impossible to synthesize polypropylene with high degree of polymerization. In the 1950s, the German chemist Carl Ziegler synthesized this catalyst and used it in the production of polyethylene High density polyethylene Italian chemist Curio Nata used this catalyst in polypropylene production and found that polypropylene with high degree of polymerization and high regularity was obtained. [3]
From the perspective of production, the emergence of Ziegler Natta catalyst eliminates the need for high-pressure production of many plastics, reduces production costs, and allows producers to control the structure and properties of products. From the perspective of scientific research, Zieglernatta catalyst The study of polymerization mechanism was promoted. With the deepening of mechanism research, some organometallic catalyst systems with better product control are emerging, such as metallocene catalyst, Keminsky catalyst, etc. Based on these contributions, Carl Ziegler and Curio Nata shared the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. [3]

Related friends

Karl Ziegler, a German organic chemist. Born in Helsa on November 26, 1898 and died on August 12, 1973 Milheim In 1920, he received a doctor's degree in chemistry from Marburg University. He served as a professor at Heidelberg University in 1927. In 1936, he served as Dean of the School of Chemistry of Halle Salle University. In 1943, he served as the director of the Coal Research Institute of the Royal William Society (later known as the Max Planck Society) until his death. Ziegler's research work in organometallic chemistry has always been in the leading position in the world. In 1953, he successfully used aluminum organic compounds to catalyze ethylene polymerization at normal temperature and pressure to obtain polymers, thus proposing the concept of directional polymerization (see Ziegler Natta polymerization). because Synthetic plastics Their structures were studied with high scores, and they won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with G. Nata. [3]