Boris Johnson

55th British Prime Minister
open 34 entries with the same name
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synonym Johnson (The 77th British Prime Minister) Generally refers to Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson, born on June 19, 1964 U.S.A New York , British Parliament conservative party Member of Parliament, former leader of the Conservative Party [80] britain 55th Prime Minister [1] [85]
Johnson graduated from Oxford University in 1987. In June 2001, he was elected as a member of parliament. In May 2008, he was elected to the UK London mayor [31] [37] From July 2019 to September 2022 British Prime Minister [1] [32] [83]
Completed under Boris Johnson Brexit , ending 47 years of British european union Membership [41] Johnson advocates Free market economy Strictly control the money supply, reduce public expenditure and keep inflation down; Restricting the rights of trade unions and strengthening law and order; It emphasizes safeguarding British sovereignty, opposes "Federal Europe", EU constitution making, and does not include the euro area. Johnson took a more liberal stance on individual issues such as climate change and race relations [51]
  • TA said
At noon on the 7th local time, Johnson, who was unable to withstand the double protests within the party and at home, announced his resignation from the post of Prime Minister, but still hoped to stay in office until the Conservative Party could elect a new leader this autumn. It seems that Boris Johnson's prime minister life is over this time. ... Details
Content from
Chinese name
Boris Johnson
Foreign name
Boris Johnson
one's native heath
U.S.A New York
date of birth
June 19, 1964
University one is graduated from
Political parties
conservative party [1]
Representative works
Churchill Spirit: How One Man Changes History [53] Seventy two Virgins: A Wrong Comedy [53] Dream of Rome [53] The Spirit of London: A Guide to London Life by Boris Johnson, Mayor of London [53]
Key achievements
55th British Prime Minister
complete Brexit

Character experience


Early experience

Boris Johnson (hereinafter referred to as Johnson) was born in the United States on June 19, 1964 New York , successively studied in British noble schools Eton College And universities Oxford [31]
In 1977, 13 year old Johnson passed the Eton College He won the King's Scholarship for only 70 places in the entrance examination, and began to build a network of classmates who later helped him enter the newspaper and political circles. It was also in this period that he began to call himself "Boris" (a common name in the Balkans) [35]
In 1983, Johnson won Oxford Balliol College Scholarship for classical studies, chairman of the Oxford Debate Club, known as the cradle of politicians, and blue blood students Bullingdon Club At the same time, the members of this club also David Cameron Michael Gove and Jeremy Hunt etc. [35]

Media experience

After graduating from Oxford University in 1987, Johnson was engaged in consulting work in a company. Because he felt bored, he resigned a week later and entered the media industry. He first entered through family relations《 The Times 》Internship, but was expelled for fabricating a quotation from his godfather in an article [35]
After being dismissed by the Times, he also made use of his contacts as the chairman of the Oxford Debate Press. In 1989, he entered《 the Daily Telegraph 》, go to Brussels Served as a reporter in the European Community. It specializes in European affairs. It was also during this period that Johnson wrote sensational articles to attract attention, and the European Community became a place where bureaucratic jokes frequently appeared in his writings, and Johnson's anti European ideas began to emerge. The eye-catching hot articles made Johnson famous. After returning to Britain, he was promoted to assistant editor in chief and chief political columnist [35]
In 1994, Johnson returned to the London headquarters and served as assistant editor in chief.
In 1999, Johnson was appointed editor in chief of the Daily Telegraph sister newspaper The Spectator [35]
October 28, 2023: Boris Johnson, the former British Prime Minister, will join the British GB News channel and become a news anchor. [93]
 Media experience Media experience Media experience Media experience Media experience
Media experience

Political experience

  • enter politics
In 1993, Johnson expressed his desire to enter politics, hoping to participate in the European parliament The election, but Johnson did not participate in the election because he could not find a constituency. Later, he was sent to the Labour safe seat constituency in Wales, Nankluyd, as the Conservative candidate [51]
In the 1997 general election, Johnson won 9091 votes, only 23% of which were lost to the Labor candidate [51]
In June 2001, Johnson was elected Niujin County Henry District Councillor [51]
In 2004, the then leader of the Conservative Party michael howard Johnson was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party, responsible for supervising the party's election campaign and becoming the Conservative Party Front bench member May shadow cabinet In the reorganization, Howard appointed Johnson as the Deputy Minister of Arts of the Shadow Cabinet. In November of the same year, he was dismissed from the above positions because he was exposed to having an unfair relationship with a female editor of The Spectator for a long time [31] [51]
In 2005, Cameron Become a Conservative Party leader Later, he became the Conservative Party“ shadow cabinet ”Minister of Education, resigned from The Spectator later edit Title.
Boris Johnson
  • Mayor of London
In July 2007, he resigned as the "shadow cabinet" education minister in preparation for the election of London mayor, and the Conservative Party officially confirmed the candidacy in September of the same year [37]
In May 2008, Johnson Defeated the Labour candidate by an extra million votes Ken Livingstone Elected to the UK London mayor [31] [37] [51]
On May 4, 2012, Johnson defeated again with 51.53% of the votes the labor party candidate Ken Livingstone , successfully re elected as Mayor of London. [6-7] Johnson served as co chairman of the Olympic Committee during the 2012 London Olympics [51]
  • Before running for prime minister
In 2015, Johnson returned to Parliament as a member representing the northwest suburbs of London [31]
On May 7, 2016, Johnson stepped down as Mayor of London [51] On June 30, Johnson announced that he would not participate in the Conservative leader election [8] In July, Johnson became British Foreign Secretary. [9]
On July 9, 2018, the Prime Minister Teresa May There were huge differences on the issue of Brexit, and Johnson resigned as Foreign Secretary. [10-11] [51]
On October 3, 2017, Johnson, then British Foreign Secretary, Manchester, England
  • Run for prime minister
On May 26, 2019, Johnson confirmed his candidacy for the leadership of the Conservative Party. [12] On June 13 House of Commons In the first round of the Conservative leadership election, Johnson led by 114 votes [13] On June 19, Johnson led by 143 votes in the third round of the Conservative leadership election [14] On June 20, Johnson led by 160 votes in the fifth round of the Conservative leadership election of Britain's ruling party, Jeremy Hunt 77 votes followed [15-16] On July 23, Johnson was elected leader of the ruling Conservative Party [1] On the evening of October 23, 2022 local time, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that he would withdraw from the Conservative Party's presidential election. [87]
On December 1, 2022, according to the website of the Independent, Boris Johnson confirmed that he would participate in the 2024 general election as a member of parliament. [88]
 Johnson took office as Prime Minister Johnson took office as Prime Minister Johnson took office as Prime Minister Johnson took office as Prime Minister
Johnson took office as Prime Minister
  • Prime Minister's term of office
On July 24, 2019, Johnson officially took over Teresa May , becoming the new Prime Minister of Britain [32] On December 13, the British House of Commons election, the Conservative Party led by Johnson won more than 326 parliamentary seats, more than half of the total parliamentary seats. Johnson won the election and continued to serve as British Prime Minister. [17]
  • Announce resignation
On July 7, 2022, the current British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has agreed to resign, but hopes to stay in office until this autumn, when the British Conservative Party elects a successor [78] On the same day, it was officially announced that it would resign as the head of the British Conservative Party, but would remain as Prime Minister until the ruling Conservative Party elected a new leader as the new Prime Minister [79] On the evening of July 18 local time, Boris Johnson's government won the parliamentary confidence vote. Boris Johnson will remain caretaker prime minister until the Conservative Party of Britain elects a new leader in early September. [81]
On September 6, 2022 local time, outgoing British Prime Minister Johnson delivered a farewell speech at the Prime Minister's Office. [84]
On October 23, 2022 local time, local media reported that former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson withdrew from the Conservative Party's leadership election. [86]
On February 23, 2023 local time, Boris Johnson said that he intended to run for the post of Secretary General of NATO. [89]
On June 9, 2023 local time, Boris Johnson announced his resignation as a member of parliament with immediate effect. [90]

Measures for politics


Economic aspects

  • Cut stamp duty
Johnson plans to stamp duty Carry out thorough reform, including abolishing stamp duty on all properties with a value of less than 500000 pounds. Johnson believes that the stamp tax has led to the stagnation of the housing market, and the reform of this tax can reinvigorate the housing market [43]
On July 6, 2020, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Richie Sunak Economic stimulus measures such as employment support are scheduled to be announced on the 8th, including raising the threshold of property stamp tax from 125000 pounds (about 1.1 million yuan) in 2019 to a maximum of 500000 pounds (4.4 million yuan). This move will exempt most home buyers from paying stamp duty. [56] On July 8, Richie Sunak, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced on the property that the threshold of stamp duty on purchase would be raised from 125000 pounds to 500000 pounds. This policy will be implemented until March 31, 2021, and then extended to June [57]
  • Cut personal income tax
In terms of personal income tax, Johnson plans to raise the threshold for paying 40% higher tax rate from 50000 pounds to 80000 pounds; In 2019, 40% of the tax rate will be paid to the people whose annual income exceeds 50000 pounds. According to the new tax system of Johnson Plan, people who earn 60000 pounds a year can pay 1000 pounds less tax every year. People with annual income of 80000 or more may pay 3000 less tax every year [43]
  • Reduction of civil servants
In May 2022, Johnson will cut 91000 civil service jobs to free up billions of pounds for tax cuts [65]
Boris Johnson

Social aspects

  • Transportation
At the end of July 2019, Johnson visited England And announced in Manchester that Leeds reach Manchester High speed railway line of British High Speed Rail 2 Line. The line crosses the Benning Mountains, reducing the travel time from Leeds to Manchester from 50 minutes to less than half an hour [43]
On September 4, 2020, the UK High Speed Rail Line 2 Company announced that the construction of the High Speed Rail Line 2 project was officially started, which will create 22000 jobs for the UK [58]
Schematic diagram of high-speed railway
  • Immigration
On July 25, 2019, Johnson made it clear that he would reform the British immigration system and use similar Australia To attract the best immigrants. It means that the Conservative Party will give up the goal of reducing immigration to less than 100000 per year [43]
On July 13, 2020, the British government announced the details of the new point system immigration scheme after the "Brexit". Scientists, engineers, scholars and other highly skilled people will be the key target of attracting immigrants in the UK. The immigration program will take effect from January 1, 2021, and will give equal treatment to EU and non EU citizens. Applicants will be graded in terms of labor skills, qualifications, salary levels, language skills, job opportunities, etc. Applicants can only be allowed to work in the UK if they earn enough points.
The new immigration scheme makes detailed regulations on the points requirements of applicants. Applicants with doctorate titles related to their jobs and certain English skills will be given extra points. In addition, the UK will provide a faster and more convenient medical and nursing visa application system for overseas medical staff, but the eligible applicants do not include nursing staff in nursing homes [55]
  • Pension reform
Johnson promised to pay an additional 350 million pounds a week to the post Brexit British universal medical system( NHS )。 In his first speech, the Prime Minister announced that 20 hospitals would be upgraded, including providing them with new facilities. In order to let the elderly not have to sell their houses for pension expenses, his team has developed a one-time plan to solve the social care crisis. It will solve the social pension crisis once and for all, and give every old person the dignity and security they deserve [43]
  • Recruitment of police
Since the coalition government began to cut expenditure in 2010, the number of police in England and Wales has decreased from 143000 to 122000 in 2019, which also indirectly led to London Increased violent crime [43]
On July 25, 2019, Johnson announced that he planned to recruit an additional 20000 police officers in the coming weeks. The move reversed the previous governments' practice of reducing the number of police officers and responded to some voters who were worried about the rise of violent crime [59]
  • New policy on weight loss
On May 15, 2020, Johnson told his senior consultant that he was determined to lead the public health cause because of his experience of fighting against COVID-19. He decided not to oppose the "nanny country" (a country that carries out too many protective policies for its citizens), and launched a nationwide slimming plan.
On July 27, 2020, the British government invested 10 million yuan pound Launched the "Better Health" campaign, and posted a statement issued by the British Ministry of Health and Social Security on the official website, and issued a series of regulations, including: TV or Internet advertising of high fat, high sugar and high salt foods is prohibited before 9 p.m; It is prohibited for catering stores to promote "three high" food and drinks at prominent locations such as the entrance checkout counter, and it is restricted for merchants to promote by the way of "buy one get one free" Three highs Food; Hotels, cafes and takeaway stores with more than 250 employees are required to indicate the calorific value on the goods sold; Encourage doctors to require overweight patients to ride bicycles when prescribing; Add more outdoor sports facilities, etc [46]
Johnson promised to invest 2 billion pounds to promote cycling and walking in England, aiming to improve national health and reduce driving. Related projects include the construction of bicycle lanes with a total length of thousands of kilometers in cities and towns, setting higher standards for infrastructure related to riding, promoting the course of learning to ride bicycles and using electric bicycles. In addition, the government plans to issue the first batch of 50 pound bicycle repair vouchers to support people to repair old bicycles [47]
  • Epidemic prevention measures
On January 19, 2022, Johnson announced in the House of Commons that the British government would no longer require people to work at home. The epidemic prevention "Plan B" ended on 26. In public places, people would no longer be forced to wear masks, and the "health pass" would be abolished. Johnson also said that he intended to revoke the rule of self isolation at home for those diagnosed in the coming weeks, which originally expired on March 24 [44]
On February 21, 2022, Johnson announced that all epidemic prevention and control measures in England would be phased out from February 24, and the plan of "coexistence with the new crown" would be implemented. The specific measures of the plan include: patients who are positive for the new crown test will not need self isolation; From April 1, the government will no longer provide free quick detection for the public [60]

Diplomatic aspects

  • "Brexit" affairs
Johnson advocated the route of "hard exit" and "exit without agreement". Johnson's father Stanley was once a member of the European Parliament. Johnson saw all kinds of drawbacks within the EU when he was a teenager with his father. As an adult, the experience of the EU correspondent also established his consistent anti European political tendency [51]
Before the "Brexit" referendum held in the UK in 2016, Johnson, as the mayor of London, said that the referendum was "a once in a lifetime opportunity, and his statement that he could cast a vote that could really bring about change attracted unprecedented attention. Soon after, he voted in favour of the Brexit referendum and became one of the leaders of the Brexit faction [51]
In the "Brexit" referendum, Johnson claimed in his speech that the UK, as a member of the EU, would pay "350 million pounds" to the EU every week, which aroused many British people's strong dissatisfaction with the EU. After assuming the post of Foreign Minister, he continued to advocate tough "Brexit", opposed the "Brexit" agreement reached between Teresa May and the EU, and made his position clear by resigning [38]
After the victory of the Brexit referendum, Johnson wrote his post victory speech in the column of the Daily Telegraph: "The Brexit referendum is the most extraordinary historical event in our lifetime. We should be extremely proud of Britain and remain optimistic. We can get everything. Our four kingdoms (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) work together." [51]
When Johnson talked about the necessity of "leaving Europe", he took out a pickled fish.
On July 24, 2019, Johnson officially took office as British Prime Minister. He said on the same day that the UK could reach a new and better "Brexit" agreement with the EU, but the UK would also be ready for "Brexit without agreement" [32]
Johnson has stated his "Brexit" proposition on many occasions: Britain must leave the EU before October 31, so it does not rule out the possibility of "Brexit without agreement"; In exchange for an agreement in favour of the UK, it is not excluded to replace the "backup agreement" set up at the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland with other options, and it is not excluded to detain the huge separation fee of 39 billion pounds payable to the EU [32]
On January 30, 2020, the EU officially approved the Brexit of the UK. On January 31, the UK officially "Brexit", ending its 47 year EU membership [41]
Johnson Announces Brexit
  • For the Middle East
Johnson supported Turkey's accession to the EU and promised to help turkey Joining the EU "in any way possible" also indicated that the UK continues to support Turkey's elected government.
Johnson also supported Saudi Arabia's Yemen And agreed with the British Saudi Arabia Selling weapons, saying there is no clear evidence that Saudi Arabia violated International Humanitarian Law
Johnson supports the framework of Iran's nuclear agreement. In May 2018, after Trump announced that the United States withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement, Johnson immediately went to the United States to try to persuade the U.S. government to remain in the Iran nuclear agreement [51]
On March 16, 2022, Johnson visited Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates [50] The purpose of Johnson's visit is to persuade the two major oil producing countries to increase production in order to ease the energy pressure that has suddenly intensified after the escalation of the Russian Ukrainian conflict. Crown Prince Mohammed of Saudi Arabia held talks with visiting British Prime Minister Johnson in Riyadh, the capital. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of an intergovernmental strategic partnership committee. Johnson said that Saudi Arabia would announce to invest 1 billion pounds in Teesside, UK, to produce green aviation fuel [52] 。”
On March 16, 2022, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed greeted Johnson.
  • Relations with China
Johnson once had a lot of negative comments on China and supported the British Prime Minister to meet with the Dalai Lama. However, due to various interests, his attitude towards China changed and he began to attach importance to Sino British trade relations. There are two main reasons for this change: First, the deepening of Sino British trade relations. Second, when Johnson was the mayor of London, he made great achievements in introducing foreign capital and vigorously promoting the transformation of old London. Most of the funds came from China, and he needed Chinese funds to promote the transformation of London.
In October 2013, Mayor Johnson of London visited Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, and introduced London to these regions to attract enterprises and investment. The visit yielded fruitful results: Chinese enterprises were allowed to invest in UK nuclear power plants, invest in UK infrastructure construction, simplify the visa procedures for Chinese people to enter the UK, and relax the restrictions on admission [51]
During British Prime Minister Theresa May's visit to China in 2016, Johnson, as the Foreign Secretary, said that he would work to strengthen the UK China trade relations and open wider channels for UK services exports to China and Chinese investment in the UK [51]
When China and the UK celebrated the 45th anniversary of the establishment of ambassadorial diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2017, Johnson also made a special video recording as a celebration. In this video, Johnson expressed his expectation of continuing to strengthen China UK bilateral relations [51]
 Take the subway Take the subway Take the subway Take the subway Take the subway Take the subway Take the subway Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson takes the Beijing subway
  • Support for Uzbekistan
On February 24, 2022, Johnson and Vladimir Zerensky He talked on the phone and advised him to leave Ukraine, saying that Britain would Ukraine Support from "government in exile" [42]
On February 27, 2022, Johnson said that Britain was willing to accept refugees from Ukraine [49] On the evening of March 9, Johnson talked with Zelensky on the phone. Johnson promised to further strengthen the sanctions against Russia and praised Zerensky for his discussion in the UK via video link on March 8 Speech delivered by the hospital. [45] On May 3, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered a speech via video in the Supreme Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine. In his speech, he announced the latest defensive military assistance package worth 300 million pounds provided by Britain to Ukraine. [64]
  • Sanctions against Russia
On February 24, 2022, Johnson announced that the United Kingdom will implement "the largest and most severe economic sanctions ever" against Russia: implement a comprehensive asset freeze on all major Russian banks, prohibit all major Russian companies from financing in the British market, and impose sanctions and prohibitions on more Russian individuals and enterprises Russian Airlines (Aeroflot) landed in the UK, suspended all "dual-use" export licenses, prohibited the export of high-tech products, further restricted the amount of deposits held by Russian nationals in British banks, and sought to close Russia's Association for Worldwide Banking and Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) access to global inter-bank payment systems, extending these measures to Belarus The Economic Crime Act was passed in advance before the Easter recess at the end of March [42]
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered a speech in the House of Commons on the 24th.
  • Visit Rwanda
According to the Russian satellite news agency on June 22, 2022, British Prime Minister Johnson said that he would visit Rwanda. [76]
  • Relations with Japan
On June 28, 2022, Johnson and Takeo Kishida held the G7 Summit Meet at. Johnson said that Britain and Japan are two "great democratic islands". They should unite in "values" and increase cooperation in technology, security and trade. British Prime Minister Johnson told Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Kishida The UK began to lift the import restrictions on some Japanese food after the Fukushima nuclear accident on the 29th. [77]


  • Hydrogen strategy
On August 17, 2021, the British Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) released the National Hydrogen Energy Strategy. The strategy is based on the 10 point plan of green industrial revolution issued by Johnson in 2020. It is proposed that by 2030, Britain will become a global leader in the field of hydrogen energy, with 5 Gigawatt And demonstrate the ambition of promoting the overall decarbonization of the economy. Start the action plan for the development of the hydrogen energy industry at the beginning of 2022, including supporting the "dual track" method of multiple technologies to produce hydrogen, cooperating with the industry to develop the British low hydrocarbon standard, and supporting the deployment of hydrogen nationwide [54]

Character honor

In 2009, Johnson was selected《 times 》Top 100 People of the Year in the World [51]

personal works


Publishing books

  • Seventy-two virgins: wrong comedy [53]
    Author name Boris Johnson
    Work category Novels
    Work time two thousand and four
    A story about Islamic extremists assassinating a US president who visited Britain. The title comes from a terrorist who claimed that they would go to heaven after death and enjoy 72 virgins.
  • Author name Boris Johnson
    Work category Foreign works
    Work time two thousand and eleven
    He shows the readers the true face of London in his eyes: a future city where ancient traditions and current life are extremely mixed.
  • Author name Boris Johnson
    Work category Foreign works
    Work time two thousand and fifteen
    In 2015, on the 50th anniversary of Churchill's death, Boris published this biography of Churchill.
  • Dream of Rome [53]
    Author name Boris Johnson
    Work category Foreign works
    Work time two thousand and six
    In 2006, Boris produced the popular historical TV program Dream of Rome and published the book of the same name.

Participate in TV play

Premiere time Play title Play a role director Co actor
two thousand and six Dream of Rome [53] ---- Boris Johnson -
two thousand and eight After Rome: Jihad and Conquest [53] ---- Boris Johnson -

Personal life


family background

Johnson has a distinguished family, whose ancestors can be traced back to King George II. Both his father and grandfather held important positions in the European Commission [35] Kemal changed his surname to Johnson after his family settled in England in the early 20th century [51]
Boris Johnson
great-grandfather: Ali Kemal He was the Interior Minister of the Ottoman Empire.
Father: Stanley Johnson He is a senior member of the British Conservative Party and was one of the first EC commissioners in the early 1970s, responsible for pollution control [25] [51] , then divorced Charlotte in 1979 [72]
Mother: Charlotte Johnson Wall Charlotte Johnson Wahl was born in Oxford, England in 1942. Charlotte was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at the age of 40, and died in London on September 13, 2021. [25]
Stepfather: Nicholas Wall is an American scholar [51]
Stepmother: Jenny is the stepdaughter of Teddy Cheff, the former chairman of Marks&Spencer [51] [72]
younger brother: Joe Johnson [34] , Leo [72]
younger sister: Rachel Johnson [72]
Johnson's father Stanley and his daughter Rachel and second son Joe

Emotional experience

  • First wife
Aligra Mostin Owen (Allegra Mostyn Owen) was Johnson's college girlfriend and first wife. Their marriage lasted for six years (1987-1993). Johnson married his second wife (who was pregnant at the time) 12 days after their divorce [24]
Johnson and his first wife, Aligra Mostin Owen
  • Second wife
Johnson's Second Wife Marina Wheeler (Marina Wheeler) is a lawyer, writer and columnist. The two married in 1993, had four children, separated in 2018, and reached a divorce agreement in 2020. During this marriage, Johnson was reported to have had at least three extramarital affairs [24]
Johnson and his second wife, Marina Wheeler
  • Current wife
Johnson's current wife Kelly Symonds (Carrie Symonds), 23 years younger than him, is a senior public relations officer. After Johnson was elected British Prime Minister in 2019, Symonds accompanied Johnson to No. 10 Downing Street as the "first girlfriend". On February 29, 2020, Johnson and his girlfriend Kelly Symonds Engaged, girlfriend is pregnant [18]
On May 29, 2021, Johnson and his fiancee Kelly Symonds Westminster Abbey The wedding was held in secret [23] This also made Johnson the first British Prime Minister to marry while in office in nearly 200 years [22]
On July 30, 2022, British caretaker Prime Minister Johnson and his wife Kelly held a wedding ceremony in a Cotswolds manor in England. Former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak and current Foreign Secretary Trass did not attend the wedding ceremony. [82]
Johnson and his current wife, Kelly Symonds
  • Offspring
On July 31, 2021, Johnson's wife Kelly announced that she was pregnant [22] In September, Johnson NBC Six children were admitted in the interview of Today Show. [26]
On December 9, 2021, Johnson and his wife Kelly announced the birth of their second child. The mother and daughter are healthy. This baby girl is Johnson's seventh child A child. [27]
On July 11, 2023, Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie announced the birth of their third child, their second son. [92]


On March 27, 2020, Johnson reported on his social media that his body had "mild symptoms" in the past 24 hours and was positive for COVID-19 [2] On April 6, the British Prime Minister's Office said that Johnson's condition of COVID-19 worsened and he was transferred to the intensive care unit [3] On April 11 local time, Johnson expressed his gratitude to the medical staff of St. Thomas Hospital, "I can't thank them enough. I owe them my life." Chicks Manor Continue to cultivate [4]
On April 26, 2020, the spokesman of the British Prime Minister's Office confirmed to reporters that Johnson, who had been admitted to hospital for treatment after being diagnosed with COVID-19, would return to the Prime Minister's Office on the morning of April 27, 2020 to start working normally [5]
On June 20, 2022 local time, the British Prime Minister's Office said that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had successfully performed a small routine operation on the sinuses. Johnson is currently resting due to general anesthesia and is expected to attend the Commonwealth Government Summit in Rwanda later this week. During Johnson's convalescence, British Deputy Prime Minister Rabb will have a negative impact on major decisions Responsibility. [75]
Johnson applauded and cheered the medical workers at the gate of No. 11 Downing Street on the evening of April 2

Anecdotes of characters


"Suspended Mayor of London"

On August 1, 2012 London Olympic Games Rowing Women's double single oar In the competition, Helen Golovo and Sid Steining won the first gold medal of the Olympic Games for Britain. To celebrate, Mayor Johnson is in East London Victoria Park In China, when trying to fly in front of the giant outdoor TV screen specially designed for the Olympic Games, he was stuck in the 45 meter long rope, and he could not move. However, Mayor Johnson, who was in a "dangerous situation", remained calm in the face of danger, continued to raise the meter flag and shouted loudly for the British team to cheer on. Not only that, he also made a speech to the crowd on the ground, telling everyone, "This is the Olympic spirit, great, wonderful..."
The spokesman of the City Government of London joked that the mayor was safe in the "Olympic suspension rope project". The spokesman said: "Obviously, the judges will reduce his artistic impression. Unlike the British Olympic team, it is estimated that he will not win the gold medal today." [39-40]
Mayor Johnson, who was in danger, remained calm and continued to hold the British flag.

"Alternative" elites

According to British custom, people with prestige and status in society, especially political figures, are usually called by surnames, such as the former Prime Minister David Cameron He is called Cameron in public, but Johnson is a maverick. He usually uses his middle name Boris to claim that he doesn't care even if others laugh at him [51]
In the face of the Queen's smiling question, Boris played his power of facial expression pack
Johnson is often outspoken and outspoken. Those who have offended include the British Queen, former US President Barack Obama, US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, etc. He once lost his job because of lying, and also lost his position as Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party because of extramarital affairs. These have made many people question his seriousness and credibility. However, those who like Johnson believe that his informal and passionate personality helps him to improve his popularity and show his affinity to the people to a certain extent [32] [38]

British version of Trump

The former mayor of London, the former Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, and the competitor of the British Prime Minister are Johnson's most conspicuous labels. The most impressive label is the British version Donald Trump The disheveled blond hair and too smart demeanor contributed a lot of facial expressions to the people. The reason why the two leaders are so similar may be due to the common "political personnel" they created intentionally or unintentionally [35]
Johnson and Donald Trump

Hang up Trump

June 9, 2019, comprehensive UK《 The Sun 》And the United States《 Newsweek 》Reported in the UK《 Sunday Times 》In the interview released on the 9th, Johnson told about a "small episode" with Trump [36]
According to Johnson's description, he received a call claiming to be from the switchboard of the British Prime Minister's Office. After answering the phone, he heard a person with a slight Irish accent saying, "This is the switchboard at No. 10 Downing Street, and we will connect you with the President of the United States.". But Johnson hung up before he could get through. He explained that he thought it was a prank. To verify whether Trump really tried to call him, Johnson called No. 10 Downing Street. "It's definitely the President," Johnson told the Sunday Times. He got a positive answer from No. 10 Downing Street [36]
Johnson's suspicions also have some reasons. Newsweek 》He said that he received a prank call in 2018, and the other party lied that he was the new president of Armenia Sarkiyan Johnson chatted with each other for 18 minutes [36]

Car stolen

During the quick question and answer session of the debate on the British Conservative Party's presidential election held on July 16, 2019, the host raised a question: When was the last time they cried. Johnson replied that the last time he cried was because of a stolen bicycle. Then he explained that the bicycle was given to him by Olympic cyclist Chris Bodman. When he found that his bicycle had been stolen for eight years, he "shed tears" [48]
Johnson and His Bicycle

Sanctioned by Russia

On April 16, 2022, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in the sanctions statement that because the British government has taken unprecedented hostile actions against Russia, including imposing sanctions on Russian dignitaries, the Russian side decided to include Johnson in the "prohibited list" of Russia [66]

Character evaluation


Positive comments

"Very talented people" [32] Donald Trump Comment)
There is a cold face under his friendly mask. He is highly intelligent... The leader of the Conservative Party will belong to him sooner or later [32] (Comment by Matthew Paris, then Conservative MP and columnist)
Boris Johnson, from a reporter to a local councillor, from the mayor of London to the foreign minister, from the leader of the "Brexit" to his accession to No. 10 Downing Street, his path of advancement has confirmed his ambition and strength, and is also full of bright and controversial personal colors [32] Global Network Comment)
Boris Johnson

Negative comments

Johnson was Britain's "least successful" foreign secretary since the end of World War II [31] (The Royal Institute for International Studies, a British think tank)
Although Johnson won the support of the Conservative Party, he "did not win the support of the whole country". If Johnson leads the UK to "leave Europe without agreement", it will lead to job loss and rising prices [33] (then Britain the labor party leader Corbin Comment)
I used to be Boris Johnson's boss. He is totally unfit to be Prime Minister [52] (Johnson in《 the Daily Telegraph 》Hastings, the boss at work)
Boris Johnson

Character influence

Johnson's achievements still affect London and even Britain. For example, his street bike rental project is called "Boris Bicycle", and some people even London Olympic Games It's called "Boris Olympics" [32]

Character events


Party door

Main term: Party door
  • cause
On May 20, 2020, Johnson's private secretary Martin Reynolds towards 10 Downing Street More than 100 employees sent an email invitation. He said in his email: "After a busy period, I hope you can enjoy the good weather in the garden at No. 10 Downing Street tonight and have a drink without social distance. It will be a very nice thing. Please come at 6 p.m. and bring your own drinks." [28]
On the afternoon of June 19, 2020, Carrie, who was Johnson's fiancee at that time, organized a surprise party in the Cabinet Room of the Prime Minister's Office to celebrate Johnson's birthday. Up to 30 people attended the party. The night before the party, Johnson hosted relatives and friends at his residence. However, the epidemic prevention regulations at that time prohibited indoor gatherings, and the number of outdoor gatherings should not exceed 6 [29]
A gathering in November 2020 took place a few days after the British government ordered England to enter the second NCAA epidemic prevention and control. At that time, the Downing Street News Office was still holding the Friday cocktail party as usual. From 4 p.m., dozens of people gathered in a room. A security guard tried to stop the party but was laughed at [70]
In April 2021, the Prime Minister's Office held a party the day before the funeral of Prince Philip of the United Kingdom. About 45 people attended the party, and the last one did not leave until 4 a.m. the next day. Meanwhile, the swing in the garden for Johnson's young son was damaged by people attending the party [70]
Johnson drinks in the play at the Prime Minister's residence (May 2020)
  • result
On January 12, 2022, Johnson admitted that he had violated the regulations of COVID-19 epidemic prevention in 2020 to attend the cocktail party, and apologized for this [28] On February 11, a spokesman for British Prime Minister Johnson confirmed that Johnson had received a questionnaire from the London Police Department [30] In mid April, British police confirmed that Prime Minister Boris and Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak had met during the epidemic prevention blockade in violation of the law and were fined [67] On April 12, British Prime Minister Johnson paid the fine for the illegal party and apologized, but he said he would not resign [61] On April 19, Johnson issued a statement in the Parliament, formally apologizing for his violation of epidemic prevention regulations to attend the meeting of the Prime Minister's Office. [62] On April 21, the House of Commons of the British Parliament passed the Labor Party's motion to investigate whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson misled the Parliament on the "Party Gate" incident. The motion was passed without a vote on the same day. [63] In May, Johnson secretly met with the author of the investigation report on the "Party Gate" incident to discuss the contents of the report. [68]
On May 25, 2022, the full report of the British "Party Gate" was released, exposing the ugly appearance that the Prime Minister's Office and the Cabinet Office organized a dinner party in violation of the epidemic prevention ban, and the participants drank and vomited, involving 16 parties from 2020 to 2021; [70] On the same day, Johnson responded in the British Parliament that he "took full responsibility" for the violation of epidemic prevention regulations at No. 10 Downing Street, and said he would not resign because of this [69] [71]
On June 19, 2023 local time, the House of Commons of the British Parliament voted on the final investigation report of the former Prime Minister Boris Johnson's "party gate" scandal, and supported the report with 354 votes to 7 votes. This means that Johnson's former congressional pass qualification will be canceled. [91]
Johnson arrived at a polling station in London to vote

Be summoned by the court

On May 29, 2019, Johnson was summoned by the Westminster District Court in London on suspicion of misconduct by public officials. Johnson was accused of misleading the public in the campaign before the 2016 Brexit referendum. The BBC reported that before the "Brexit" referendum in 2016, some British people who advocated Brexit were dissatisfied with their own financial burden. Johnson, then the mayor of London, repeatedly stressed in the campaign that the UK would contribute 350 million pounds a week to the EU, but this figure was regarded by opponents as exaggeration. [19]

Decoration event

On April 28, 2021, at the strong request of the British opposition Labor Party, the British Election Commission decided to investigate Johnson's suspected use of secret political donations to decorate the residence of the Prime Minister. Previously, Johnson's former senior adviser Dominique Cummings It was reported that Johnson was suspected of using secret political donations to decorate the residence of the Prime Minister. The Labour Party asked the Election Committee to intervene and find out the donors, the amount of donations and the source of decoration fees. On the same day, the relevant British regulators launched a formal investigation into the funds used for the renovation of Johnson's Downing Street apartment. According to British media reports, this cost is about 200000 pounds (about 1.8 million yuan). Johnson and his fiancee Kelly Symonds hope to overhaul the apartment and replace the furniture brand used by former Prime Minister Teresa May during her tenure. They call it "John Lewis Furniture Nightmare". [20-21] [24]

Vote of no confidence

On the evening of June 6, 2022 local time, members of the Conservative Party in the British House of Commons voted against Boris Johnson, the leader of the party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. In the end, 148 of the 359 Conservative MPs voted for Johnson to step down, failing to reach the 180 votes required to pass the no confidence motion; 211 Conservative MPs voted for Johnson. Therefore, Johnson will continue to serve as the head of the British Conservative Party and the British Prime Minister. Johnson's winning this vote also means that he will not face a vote of no confidence in the next 12 months. [73-74]

Agree to resign

On July 7, 2022, according to the British Guardian, the current British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has agreed to resign, but hopes to stay in office until this autumn, when the British Conservative Party will elect a successor. [78]