John Kennedy

35th President of the United States
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John Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963, full name John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also translated as John Fitzgerald Kennedy [43] /John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also known as John F. Kennedy/John F. Kennedy, Jack Kennedy/Jack Kennedy, JFK), was born in the United States Massachusetts Brooklyn Irish American statesman and serviceman, 35th USA president [1]
In 1940, Kennedy Harvard University Graduation; In the same year, he joined the US Army. From 1948 to 1950, he served as a member of the House of Representatives. In 1957, obtained Pulitzer Prize [2] In 1960, he was elected the 35th President of the United States.
From January 20, 1961 to November 22, 1963, during his presidency, Kennedy pursued the "new frontier" policy, expanded social welfare and developed education; Created the Peace Corps; Carry out a series of economic reforms [3]
On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was assassinated and killed; On November 25, Kennedy's body was buried in Washington National Cemetery [3] There are many memorial activities and buildings after death, including New York Kennedy International Airport USS John F. Kennedy Kennedy School of Politics, Harvard University John F. Kennedy Library etc. [4]
(Source: official website of the White House Historical Association [5]
Chinese name
John Kennedy
Foreign name
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy [43]
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Brooklyn, Massachusetts, USA
date of birth
May 29, 1917
Date of death
November 22, 1963
University one is graduated from
Harvard University
Roman Catholic Church
Key achievements
35th President of the United States (January 1961 November 1963)

Character's Life


Early experience

Kennedy studied at Harvard University
John Kennedy (hereinafter referred to as "Kennedy") was born in Brooklyn, Massachusetts on May 29, 1917.
In 1922, when he was five years old, he entered the Edward Devotion School, where he learned kindergarten to third grade courses.
In 1924, when he was seven years old, he was sent to Dexter School with his nine year old brother Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr. Later, he was sent to Canterbury Boarding School in Wallingford, Connecticut to continue his study and life.
In July 1936, he applied for entry Harvard University Study and be admitted successfully. During his study at Harvard University, he went to Europe visit.
In June 1940, from Harvard University Graduated with an honorary degree in international relations; September December, to Stanford Business School study [6]

Military career

In the autumn of 1940, it became the first group selected to join US Army Young people. Because he was Stanford University He was admitted to the course of 1940-1941, so he would not be recruited until the end of the academic year.
In the spring of 1941, Kennedy was unable to be admitted to the military reserve schools of the Army and the Navy due to back, colon and abdominal diseases.
In October of the same year, with the help of Colonel Kirk of the United States Navy Intelligence Unit, Kennedy worked as a second lieutenant in the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Navy Intelligence Unit and became an intelligence data transmitter. His job was to check and summarize reports from foreign intelligence stations for the compilation of data by the Navy Intelligence Unit; On December 7, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (i.e Pearl Harbor Incident )Kennedy's department began to work 24 hours a day. Kennedy's shift was night shift [6]

Political experience

In January 1947, he took office in Washington, D.C. In 1948 and 1950, he was re elected to the House of Representatives.
In 1949, after the end of China's civil war, Kennedy, as a representative, attacked the then president violently Truman "Lost" China [7]

the president elect

In 1960, he participated in the presidential election as a Democratic candidate and defeated the Republican candidate by a narrow margin Nixon , became President of the United States [8]
In 1961, a presidential decree was signed to re authorize Eisenhower The rank of five-star general, Eisenhower He gave up the rank of five-star general in order to run for president.
On June 26, 1963, I visited West Berlin And made a speech openly criticizing communism [6]

be assassinated

On November 22, 1963, Kennedy Jacqueline And the governor of Texas John Connolly Accompanied by him, he was shot at 12:30 when he was driving past Deli Square in Dallas, Texas in an open car. Kennedy died that afternoon, and then the Vice President Lyndon Johnson Succession of President [3]
On the 25th of the same month, Kennedy's body was buried in the National Cemetery in Washington. Representatives of more than 90 countries (including the Soviet Union) attended the funeral, including 8 heads of state, 10 prime ministers (prime ministers) and a large number of government officials.

Measures for politics


political phase

  • "New frontier"
On July 15, 1960, Kennedy put forward the slogan of "New Frontier" in his speech accepting the nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate. While running for president, Kennedy began preparations for socio-economic reform. First of all, we should publicize to the voters the goals and policy lines of the social and economic reform of the "New Frontier" in the United States.
On October 12 and 31 of the same year, Kennedy delivered campaign speeches in New York and Pennsylvania respectively, explaining that he would take a series of reforms on economic and civil rights issues. In terms of expanding the "welfare state", he included "fair governance" and all relevant bills stranded in the National Assembly after the mid-1950s. Kennedy also announced his goal of catching up with and surpassing the Soviet Union in the field of space technology [9]

Economic aspects

  • Anti recession
In 1962, in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, Kennedy asked Congress to pass laws such as increasing unemployment allowance and social insurance, raising the minimum wage, providing emergency relief to farmers, providing funds for housing construction and slum clearance, and redeveloping depressed areas; By the end of June, these bills had been amended and passed by the Congress. In addition, Kennedy also instructed the federal departments to accelerate spending, ordered the new minimum wage law to increase the wages of government employees and government laundrymen excluded by the law, issued free food vouchers, reduced the loan interest of the Federal Housing Administration, and increased the government budget by $3 billion.
Kennedy's measures have played a role in accelerating the economic recovery of the United States. However, his efforts to solve structural unemployment failed. The "Law on Redeveloping Depressed Areas" passed on March 29, 1961 was praised by Kennedy as "an important step in the direction that everyone can find a job". The results can be implemented with little effect. Congress allocated only $170 million to train unemployed workers.
From 1961 to 1962, the federal and local governments only completed the training of 14000 workers, which is just a drop in the bucket for more than 5 million unemployed people. In order to make up for the shortcomings of the "Law on Redeveloping Depressed Areas", Kennedy sent the "Law on Force Development and Training" to the Congress, which was passed in the spring of 1962 and received the first appropriation in the autumn, but still had no obvious effect. After the economic crisis ended in 1961, the unemployment force did not decrease significantly, and the unemployment rate remained above 5.5% for a long time [10]
  • monetary policy
After the mid-1950s, due to the increase of short-term interest rates in the Western European financial markets, the United States could no longer freely reduce short-term interest rates, or it would accelerate the outflow of dollars and expand the balance of payments deficit. Therefore, the Kennedy administration decided to pursue a limited and cheap monetary policy of reducing long-term interest rates and raising short-term interest rates. The Federal Reserve reached an agreement with the Kennedy Government to purchase long-term bonds issued by the government, reduce long-term interest rates and stimulate investment. This agreement is called the "double interest rate" policy. It is the product of the contradiction between the US government's use of cheap monetary policy to promote economic growth and the use of tight monetary policy to reduce the balance of payments deficit in the 1960s. The "double interest rate" policy temporarily reversed the rising trend of long-term interest rates on US mortgages and bonds [11]
  • Tax Reduction Act
At the beginning of 1962, the economic situation showed signs of further deterioration. In the first quarter, the economic growth rate dropped to 1%, while the unemployment rate was close to 6%; From May 28 to June 3, New York stock market experienced the most violent slump wave since the world economic crisis. The economic situation shows that the compensatory fiscal policy aimed at anti crisis is not enough to ease the increasingly sharp contradiction between capitalist production capacity and the market. From June to October 1962, Congress passed the "accelerated depreciation method", "deferred tax payment method" and "investment tax preference method" proposed by Kennedy, which reduced taxes on industrial sectors by 2.5 billion dollars.
On January 24, 1963, Kennedy proposed to the Congress a special message on tax reduction of US $13.3 billion and tax system reform after multiple deliberation. In his message, Kennedy reiterated that the purpose of tax cuts was not only to deal with the possible recession, but more importantly to cure the long-standing slow economic growth and high unemployment. As the monopoly bourgeoisie opposed the reform of the tax system, the Congress delayed in accepting the tax reduction plan. In order to reduce taxes, the Kennedy administration decided to abandon tax reform. On August 12, Dillon, Secretary of Finance of the Kennedy Administration, proposed to the Congress to reduce taxes by 16 billion dollars, corporate profits tax by 2 billion dollars, and personal income tax by 8 billion dollars within two years. The tax reduction bill was passed in the House of Representatives on September 25. Kennedy was assassinated and killed during the deliberation of the Senate. On February 8, 1964, the tax reduction bill became law under Johnson [10]

Science and technology

  • Formulate moon landing plan
On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union successfully launched manned space flight, again challenging the United States; On April 20, Kennedy asked Vice President Johnson, who was in charge of the National Aeronautics and Space Commission, to formulate a space plan to catch up with and surpass the Soviet Union; On April 28, Johnson proposed the moon landing plan; On May 27, Kennedy delivered an emergency message to the Congress, announcing the Apollo plan of landing on the moon before 1970, and asked the Congress to increase the space development expenditure by 600 million dollars, which was approved by the Congress. In 1962, Kennedy asked Congress to increase space spending by an additional 1.1 billion dollars. In order to compete with the Soviet Union to dominate the world, the US government has tightened its control over the development of cutting-edge science and technology [12]

Social aspects

  • civil rights
As soon as Kennedy came to power, he announced that he would neither propose nor support any civil rights bill. He would rely entirely on the executive branch to take action and try to control the civil rights movement by moderate means. Kennedy ordered the Coast Guard Academy to recruit blacks, appoint blacks as senior government officials and federal judges, establish the Presidential Fair Employment Commission, and issue executive orders. It is stipulated that the houses built or sold by the Federation shall not be subject to racial discrimination. At the same time, the Ministry of Justice actively filed a lawsuit to the court on civil rights cases, urging the Commerce Commission to issue new rules: prohibit racial segregation on interstate railway and bus routes, and support the Southern Black Voter Registration Movement. In 1961, "free passengers" went deep into the south and were beaten by racist thugs. Kennedy sent six federal law enforcement officers to protect them. In 1962, Kennedy sent federal troops to protect Negro Megdis to attend Mississippi State University.
Kennedy's "Executive Action Strategy" failed to alleviate the persecution of blacks by racist elements, but intensified racial conflicts. In April 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. launched a large-scale march, petition and sit in demonstration in Birmingham, which was brutally suppressed by the Birmingham police led by the racist Eugene Connor. The black people were forced to fight with the police. On the evening of June 11, 1963, Kennedy delivered a televised speech, calling on the United States to fulfill its promise, take action, give equal rights to blacks, and solve the "moral crisis" facing the country and the nation; On June 19, Kennedy proposed a new civil rights bill to Congress, replacing the moderate bill he proposed in February, and adding three important elements:
① Stop allocating federal funds to programs and projects that practice racial discrimination
② Prohibit racial discrimination in public facilities that have a "significant" impact on interstate commerce
② Authorize the Attorney General to take the initiative to ban segregation when blacks dare not resist segregation in public schools.
However, the Bill of Civil Rights met with many obstacles in the Congress. It was not until November 20 that the Judicial Committee of the House of Representatives submitted it to all members for discussion. Two days later, Kennedy was assassinated. This bill was passed on June 10, 1964 during the succeeding President Johnson's term, namely the "Civil Rights Act of 1964" [13]
In 1961, Kennedy signed an executive order establishing the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women. Committee statistics show that women continue to experience discrimination. The Commission's final report on identifying legal and cultural barriers was published in October 1963, a month before Kennedy's assassination [14]
  • Establish wage price guidelines
After Kennedy came to power, he issued an executive order to establish the President's Labor Policy Advisory Committee composed of 21 members from trade unions, enterprises and the public to strengthen the government's leadership over labor negotiations. In January 1962, President Heller, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers of the President, proposed the wage price guideline, stipulating that the growth of wages and prices should not exceed the growth of the national average labor productivity of 3%. Although it is optional, the Kennedy government once restricted monopoly companies to raise prices arbitrarily when implementing this policy. From January to March 1962, the Kennedy Administration directly participated in the labor negotiations in the steel industry, which had the most severe price rise in the 1950s, and promoted the labor and management sides to reach an agreement according to the wage price guideline. However, within a few days after the contract was signed, the six monopoly steel companies led by the American Steel Company announced a price increase of six dollars per ton of steel. Kennedy took drastic measures to force these steel companies to cancel price increases. In 1962-1965, the wage price guideline was basically implemented, which played a positive role in the formation of price stability in 1961-1965 [11]
  • Expand social welfare
In December 1962, Kennedy instructed Heller, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers of the President, to study the problem of poverty in the United States and propose countermeasures. In October 1963, Kennedy instructed Sorenso and others to formulate a legislative plan of "extensive and consistent war against poverty", which was the core content of Kennedy's 1964 legislative proposal. Although the legislative achievements of the social welfare reform in 1963 were not remarkable, the measures taken by Kennedy showed that he planned to further advance the social reform and achieve the goal of expanding the welfare state with the slogan of "fighting against poverty" in 1964.
At the beginning of 1963, Kennedy submitted to the Congress a mixed bill containing 24 items of teaching funding. By the time Kennedy was assassinated, the "amateur education bill" and the "college bill" had been passed in the Senate; On December 16 and 18 of the same year, succeeding President Johnson signed the two pieces of legislation. On June 19, 1963, Kennedy also proposed in his State of Civil Rights address that illiteracy education and basic technical training should be included in the "Human Development and Training Act". In December, the bill was passed in the Senate and the House of Representatives [15]
  • Environmental protection policy
Between 1961 and 1963, Kennedy issued 19 administrative orders on environmental protection, including 3 relating to radioactive phenomena, 4 relating to public land use, 9 relating to national forests and parks, and the remaining 3 relating to ordinary environmental issues [16]
  • Immigration issues
Kennedy initially proposed a comprehensive U.S. immigration policy, which later became the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 Edward Kennedy launch. This policy dramatically pointed out that the origin of migrants was transferred from Nordic and Western European countries to Latin American and Asian countries, and the conditions for selecting migrants were transferred to "promoting family reunification". Kennedy hoped to break through the selection conditions that originally focused on the countries where immigrants originally lived. He also regarded this policy as an extension of the civil rights policy [17]
  • Civil liberties
In the face of communists Martin Luther King (Martin Luther King, Jr.), the Kennedy government agreed to let the FBI eavesdrop on some people, including Martin Luther King. The original accusation was made by no one but J. Edgar Hoover. He hated King very much because he thought he was a "trouble making upstart". Although Robert Kennedy, as the Attorney General, only allowed limited eavesdropping in writing Hoover The FBI, under the control of the forces, extended its power to monitor anything related to Kim's life, and they thought it necessary to do so. In his speech at the State of the Union address in 1967, Lyndon Johnson cited "snooping" and "eavesdropping" to describe the Kennedy administration, but Johnson himself continued to acquiesce in eavesdropping on Kim and others [18]
  • Federal and Military Death Penalty
Kennedy reviewed previous federal and military resolutions on the death penalty policy. The governor of Iowa, Harold Hughes, was an opponent of the death penalty. He contacted Kennedy in his personal name and asked him to treat Victor Ferguson, a criminal who had been sentenced to death in the Iowa state court, with leniency. However, Kennedy finally refused this request, and finally he was sentenced to death on March 15, 1963. On February 12, 1962, Kennedy commuted the sentence of Jimmy Henderson, a naval soldier sentenced to death by a military court, from death to life imprisonment [19]

Diplomatic aspects

  • foreign policy
Kennedy's foreign policy mainly focused on the following aspects: "Do not support and help the armed forces of countries that may harm the United States, do not provide weapons to communist countries, and do not provide nuclear weapons to countries in the Middle East."
  • Peace Corps
Main term: Peace Corps
On March 1, 1961, Kennedy signed a special decree establishing the Peace Corps. Three days later, he appointed his brother-in-law Sargent Shriver as the first administrator of the Peace Corps. According to Kennedy's vision, the Peace Corps is composed of well-educated technicians, managers, teachers and skilled workers who are willing to devote themselves to the development of the third world, which will lead to the establishment of a good partnership between the United States and the third world, and thoroughly bury the negative impact of the "ugly Americans" in the third world countries; This good partnership will also thwart the spread of communist forces in the third world countries and provide a favorable environment for the United States in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. By the end of 1962, the Peace Corps had become an effective institution and symbol of "New Frontier" diplomacy. Kennedy hoped to send the Peace Corps with the largest number of people in Southeast Asia to Indonesia. After the United States Peace Corps plan was put into practice, Kennedy also put forward an initiative to other western countries, calling on developed industrial countries to organize volunteers to help newly independent countries solve problems such as education, poverty and disease in backward areas. Japan, West Germany, France, the Netherlands and other countries have responded to build their own peace corps [20]
  • Bay of Pigs incident
On April 17, 1961, Kennedy ordered the previously trained resisters to start invading Cuba. In this invasion, known as the "Bay of Pigs Incident", 1500 Cuban reactionaries from the United States training camp "2506 Commando Brigade" were supported by the Central Intelligence Agency. However, when Kennedy gave the order, he asked the 2506 Commando Brigade to attack Cuba without the support of the US air force. On April 19, 1961, the Cuban government had arrested or killed these invaders, and Kennedy was forced to negotiate for the release of 1189 captured survivors [21]
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
On October 14, 1962, the US U-2 spy plane took a picture of the Soviet medium range missile silo under construction in Cuba. This photo was submitted to Kennedy on October 16, 1962. The picture indicates that the United States will soon be trapped in a serious nuclear threat, and Kennedy is therefore caught in a dilemma: if the United States attacks this missile silo, it may directly lead to a nuclear war with the Soviet Union; But if the United States does not take any action, it will always bear the threat of nuclear bombs at close range. Many military experts and cabinet members hoped to carry out air strikes on nuclear silos, but Kennedy sent the navy to monitor all ships arriving in Cuba and prepare to close the port. He began negotiations with the Soviet Union and asked the Soviet side to withdraw all defense weapons and equipment in Cuba. If they did not do so, the Soviet Union and the Cuban people would face port closures. A week later, Kennedy and Khrushchev, the chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, reached a basic consensus.
On October 28, 1962, Khrushchev announced that, in order to avoid war and maintain world peace, the Soviet government agreed to withdraw Cuba's missiles, while the United States government agreed not to invade Cuba; On November 11, all 42 missiles deployed by the Soviet Union in Cuba were withdrawn. On November 20, Kennedy announced that Khrushchev had promised to withdraw all Il-28 bombers from Cuba within 30 days, and Kennedy also announced the lifting of the maritime blockade against Cuba. At the same time, the Soviet government ordered the Soviet armed forces to disarm the highest combat readiness [22]
  • And Latin America
Kennedy adopted a "progressive alliance" approach to deal with communism in Latin America, including diplomatic assistance to regions where countries in difficulty are located and the establishment of a stronger human rights system in the region [23]
  • Independence from Africa
During the 1960 election campaign, Kennedy repeatedly accused Eisenhower The government ignored "the needs and aspirations of the African people" and stressed that the United States should stand on the side of anti colonialism and self-determination. In the political environment of the Cold War, President Kennedy realized that Africa was on the cusp of a historic revolution. Kennedy also used personal diplomacy to invite more than two African leaders to the White House during his brief presidency. In each case, Kennedy made it clear that he was committed to African nationalism and independence [24]

military phase

  • Vietnam
When Kennedy came to power Wu Tingyan The regime has become weak and may collapse at any time. In order to maintain the existence of the regime in South Vietnam, Kennedy launched a "special war" in South Vietnam, that is, he sent combat support troops, air force operations and helicopter teams, as well as more military advisers and instructors into South Vietnam, The South Vietnamese were trained and instructed in anti guerrilla tactics (the number of American military aid missions in South Vietnam increased from 685 when Kennedy took office to 16732 at the end of 1963). However, these practices of the Americans did not enable the Wu Tingyan regime to effectively shoulder the burden of the Americans' "anti communism". Therefore, the Kennedy government connived at the "coup against Wu" on November 1, 1963, and eliminated the Wu Tingyan brothers.
Kennedy's National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) No. 263 (October 11, 1963) issued an order to withdraw 1000 troops by the end of 1963. However, due to the need to overthrow Diem's regime, the opposite may actually have happened. However, since Kennedy made a speech on world peace at American University (June 10, 1963), he did generally follow the path of weak hawks in the Cold War.
After Kennedy was assassinated, the new President Lyndon Johnson immediately used his own NASM Document 273 on November 26, 1963 to overturn Kennedy's previous decision to withdraw 1000 troops by the end of 1963 [25-26]
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Kennedy promoted a "partial test ban treaty". The treaty prohibits nuclear tests on the ground, in the atmosphere and under water, but does not prohibit tests underground. The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union were the original signatories. Kennedy wrote the treaty into the bill in 1963.
In 1963, the Kennedy Administration supported a coup against the Iraqi government led by General Abd al Karim Qasim, who had overthrown the monarchy of Iraq in 1958. The Central Intelligence Agency helped the new Abdul Salam Arif Baath Party government eradicate leftists and communists [27]

Character honor

Pulitzer Prize [2]
Time Magazine's Person of the Year

Personal life

  • family background
Kennedy's father, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, was a successful businessman, but he always had a strong interest in participating in local politics. His mother, Rose, was the daughter of the mayor of Boston. Kennedy's parents were four men and five women, the eldest of whom was an air force pilot. He died in a plane crash when he was 29 years old. The other three sons entered the political arena. John Kennedy, the second son, first served as a senator and then became president. Robert Kennedy, the seventh, served as a senator and attorney general. Edward, the youngest, was also a senator [28]
Character relationship
full name
Year of birth and death
Joseph P. Kennedy
September 6, 1888 - November 18, 1969
U.S. Ambassador to Britain
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
1891-1995 January 22
The wife of the US ambassador to Britain,
Daughter of Boston Mayor John F. Fitzgerald
Jacqueline Kennedy
July 28, 1929 May 19, 1994
First Lady of the United States
Joseph Kennedy
July 25, 1915 August 12, 1944
younger sister
Rosemary Kennedy
September 13, 1918 - January 7, 2005
Catherine Agnes Kirk Kennedy Cavendish
February 20, 1920 - May 13, 1984
Marquise Hattington
Eunice Mary Kennedy
July 10, 1921 - August 11, 2009
Patricia Kennedy
May 6, 1924 - September 17, 2006
Joan Kennedy Smith [40]
February 20, 1928 June 17, 2020
U.S. Ambassador to Ireland
younger brother
Robert Kennedy
November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968
U.S. Attorney General
Edward Kennedy
February 22, 1932 - August 25, 2009
Caroline Kennedy
November 27, 1957-
U.S. Ambassador to Japan
John Fitzgerald Kennedy II
November 25, 1960 July 16, 1999
Founder of George magazine
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
die young
Lee Laziver [41]
March 3, 1933 - February 15, 2019
Princess of Lazyville, Poland
  • Emotional life
Kennedy's wife is Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, and they have a son named John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. After Kennedy was assassinated, Jacqueline left the United States and married Aristotle Sugradi Onassis [29]
  • Physical condition
In 1920, Kennedy suffered from malignant scarlet fever three days before his third birthday. At the beginning of adolescence, he got serious Addison's Disease, namely primary adrenal cortical hypofunction. Kennedy could only rely on a large number of antibiotics and painkillers to alleviate pain for a long time. Long term medication also brought him sequelae, which made him suffer from psychological diseases [30]

Character evaluation

Kennedy's presidential inaugural address is a classic with a reasonable layout and clear logic. In Kennedy's whole speech, there was no direct analysis of the international situation, not to mention the name of a country or specific examples. Everything was euphemistic and vague. Kennedy skillfully used language to achieve the purpose of clarifying political positions and inspiring the masses. He made short language units exert amazing persuasive power [31] (Review of the journal Educational Modernization)
Kennedy was an inscrutable figure. Like all politicians, he tried his best to highlight his endearing characteristics and cover up his weaknesses. Kennedy has an outstanding personality strength, but also has an irrefutable romantic side [32] (Robert Dalek, American, commented on the biography of Kennedy)
During his 1000 days in the White House, Kennedy has shown his prudence and responsibility in handling international relations and his calm and decisive attitude in the face of major crises [33] (Report and review of Sanli Life Weekly in 2003)
Kennedy exudes the flavor of "illuminating intelligence and high rationality", has the judgment of "penetrating a large forest", is good at cross examination, and has a sharp, thorough and clear mind [34] (Thinker Isaiah Berlin Comment)
Among American presidents, "in terms of intelligence, if you Ronald Reagan On one end, Kennedy must be on the other end [35] (Economist Galbraith Comment)
He (Kennedy) made Americans dream [33] (Commentary on the 40th Anniversary of Kennedy's Death by American History Channel Scholar Steve Giron)

People Memorial

  • John F. Kennedy Space Center
In November 1963, the Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral was renamed John F. Kennedy Space Center [36]
  • John F. Kennedy International Airport
On December 24, 1963, in memory of Kennedy, New York Idleweld International Airport was officially renamed as John F. Kennedy International Airport. Most people used to call it JFK for short.
  • Cape Kennedy
At the end of 1963, Cape Canaveral, located on the east coast of Florida, was renamed Cape Kennedy, but in 1973, it was restored to its original name.
  • Kennedy Half Dollar
In 1964, the United States Mint issued Kennedy half dollar, also known as 50 cent coin, to commemorate the assassinated President John Kennedy. It was authorized by the Federal Congress just one month after his death. However, because people wanted to treasure it as a souvenir, it could not maintain its regular circulation in the market.
  • John F. Kennedy University
In 1964, an adult education college opened in Pleasant Hill, California, was named John F. Kennedy University.
  • USS John F. Kennedy
USS John F. Kennedy (English: USS John F. Kennedy, port number: CV-67) It was named in memory of former US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It was started in 1964 in Newport News Shipbuilding and Docking Company, launched in 1967, served in 1968, retired in 2007, and then sealed up.
  • Kennedy School of Politics, Harvard University
In 1966, the Harvard School of Public Administration was renamed Kennedy School of Politics, Harvard University [4]
  • John F. Kennedy Center
The United States World Rehabilitation Fund donated money to build it and opened it in 1967. A school for physical disability located in Shawan, South District of Hong Kong was named The John F. Kennedy Centre [37]
  • John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
In memory of Kennedy, the American National Cultural Center, located in Washington, D.C., which is still under construction and was officially opened to the public in 1971, was renamed John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts [38]
  • John F. Kennedy Library
On October 20, 1979, John F. Kennedy Library And the museum. The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum were built with private donations from 36 million people around the world [39]
  • Space burial
In the early morning of January 8, 2024 local time, the first commercial "space burial" of mankind will set sail, including the former President of the United States Kennedy Hair samples will be sent to the moon [44]

Assassination documents

On December 15, 2022, the National Archives of the United States released 12879 confidential documents related to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, the largest number of documents since 2018. Nearly 16000 records are still being revised, and more than 70% of them are approved for publication. [42]