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Johann Bayer

German astronomer and lawyer
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John Bayer (1572( Ren Shen March 7, 1625) Germany astronomer And lawyer, born Bavaria Lei (place name). [1 ]
Chinese name
Johann Bayer
date of birth
Date of death
March 7, 1625
one's native heath
Bavaria Mine of
John Bayer (1572-1625, March 7), a German astronomer and lawyer, was born in Ley (place name), Bavaria. He began to study philosophy in Ingerstar in 1592, and soon moved to Augsburg to work as a lawyer. He became interested in astronomy when he was in Augsburg. His greatest achievement was that he became the legal adviser of Augsburg City Council in 1612 and died in 1625. His most famous work is to compile a star map: Uranometria, which was published in 1603 and is the first star map covering the whole celestial sphere. He introduced the new star naming system, which became known today Bayer designation He also named some constellations that are still in use today. On the moon, there is a hole named after him, called Bayer Pit.