John Archibald Wheeler

American physicist, physics thinker and physics educator
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synonym John Wheeler (John Wheeler) Generally refers to John Archibald Wheeler
John Archibald Wheeler, USA physical scientist , thinkers and educators. Born in the United States Florida Obtained in 1933 The Johns Hopkins University Doctor's degree later came to Denmark Copenhagen , engaged in nuclear physics research under the guidance of Niels Bohr; In 1937, Wheeler proposed Particle interaction The concept of scattering matrix; In 1939, together with Niels Bohr and Frankel of the former Soviet Union, he put forward the theory of the liquid drop model of heavy atomic nuclear fission; In 1957, he and Misner began to develop "geometric dynamics"; In 1965, he won the Einstein Science Award; In 1969, Wheeler first used the term "black hole" at a conference in New York; In 1968, he won the Enrique Fermi Award of the Atomic Energy Commission; In 1982, he won the Bohr International Gold Award; In 1983, he put forward the idea of participating in the universe; In 1993, he was awarded Matteucci Medal; Obtained in 1997 Wolf Prize On April 13, 2008, he died at his home in New Jersey at the age of 97 due to ineffective treatment of pneumonia.
Wheeler's main research areas are Quantum Theory relativity Research.
Chinese name
John Archibald Wheeler
Foreign name
John Archibald Wheeler
date of birth
July 9, 1911
Date of death
April 13, 2008
University one is graduated from
The Johns Hopkins University
Physicists, physical thinkers and physical educators
one's native heath

Character's Life

On July 9, 1911, John Archibald Wheeler was born into a librarian's family in Jacksonville, Florida, the United States. He was the eldest in the family, and there were three younger siblings.
In 1915, when he was 4 years old, Wheeler became very interested in the universe. One day, he asked his mother, "Where is the end of the universe? How far can we go in the universe?" Of course, his mother's answer could not satisfy his curiosity. So Wheeler asked for advice from books. John Arthur Thomson, a famous British biologist and popular science writer, once loved the Science Outline. Curiosity often made him forget himself. One time, in order to find out what it was like to have 11000V high-voltage electricity, he deliberately touched the high-voltage wire with his hands. Studied in early years Baltimore Baltimore City College
In 1933, The Johns Hopkins University (Johns Hopkins University), he came to Copenhagen, Denmark Denmark University of Copenhagen He was engaged in nuclear physics research under the guidance of the famous physicist Damney Boer, and later Princeton University and University of Texas teach. Participated in the United States“ Manhattan ”Plan.
In 1937, Wheeler put forward the concept of scattering matrix of particle interaction.
In 1939, he, together with Demeni Boer and Frankel of the former Soviet Union, proposed the idea of "heavy atom" Nuclear fission Of Droplet model Theory. In the 1950s or earlier, general relativity was still a branch of mathematics in general. Wheeler was mainly credited with introducing it into physics.
In 1957, he and Misner began to develop "geometric dynamics" Universal gravitation The electromagnetic field, mass and charge are all interpreted as the properties of curved empty space, attempting to completely geometrize physics.
In 1965, he won the "Einstein Prize".
In 1969, Wheeler used it at a conference in New York“ black hole ”Since then, the word has spread to the world.
On December 2, 1968, Lyndon Johnson, the then President of the United States, issued the“ atomic energy committee Enrico Fermi ”Award.
In 1982, obtained“ Bohr International Gold Medal ”Etc.
In 1983, he put forward the idea of participating in the universe.
In 1993, he was awarded Matteucci Medal.
In 1997, Wheeler won the award of“ Nobel Prize ”-- Wolf Prize.
On April 13, 2008, due to pneumonia He died at his home in New Jersey at the age of 97, which means Copenhagen era The end of. [1]
To explain the mass in the universe Supergiant Collapse Wheeler created a very concise, appropriate and general term "black hole". In addition, Wheeler Nuclear fission Creative achievements have been made in the field of research. Uranium-235 has been selected as the raw material for making atomic bombs. It is the first American to engage in theoretical research on atomic bombs. He was once engaged in the development of hydrogen bombs and made considerable achievements in unified field research. Wheeler Quantum Theory He has made great achievements in the research of relativity, and he has also created "wormholes" and“ Quantum foam ”And become an important term in physics.
In addition to swimming, Wheeler also likes to work in the woods. Even in his spare time, he is thinking about physical problems. In his nineties, Wheeler, who lived in New Jersey, still insisted on taking the bus to Princeton twice a week, and liked to mix with young people. He said that he got new information in his contacts with young people. [2]

Scholar career

It's a pity that the atomic bomb was not made earlier
Although he has spent his whole life conducting research and teaching activities in the top universities in the United States John Wheeler But his family background is very poor. At the age of 21, he got Johns Hopkins University Doctor's degree. After only three dates, he married his old friend Janet Hagner. However, only a year after his marriage, he left his family building industry and came to Europe by boat University of Copenhagen Become“ Quantum Theory Niels Henrik David Bohr. "We discussed many religious figures, Bodhisattva Jesus Moses, in the dialogue with Bohr, I believe they really exist. " He once recalled.
In 1939, under the influence of the situation in Europe, Bohr brought Nuclear fission The news came to the United States. At that time, Wheeler had become a young and energetic physics professor. Bohr told him that Nazi scientists had successfully separated uranium atoms. In the next few weeks, he and Bohr Draw nuclear explosion A sketch of the theory. In hindsight, Wheeler said that Bohr wanted to spend a lot of time arguing with Einstein about quantum theory, "but he still spent more time talking with me than with Einstein".
The relationship between the two physicists has gone a step further. In the mode of cooperative development between Bohr and Wheeler, Nucleus Including neutrons and protons, in the form of droplets. When the neutrons in another metamorphic nucleus are emitted and hit this "liquid drop", it will start to vibrate violently, and gradually pull up into a peanut shape, and finally split in two. This is what they developed“ Droplet model ”It laid the foundation for the later atomic bomb manufacturing.
Two years later, Wheeler went to participate in the famous“ Manhattan Project ”- Making atomic bombs. He became the first American to study the atomic bomb and decided to use uranium-235 as the material for making the atomic bomb. With the joint efforts of him and other scientists, the explosion of the most powerful weapon in the world at that time announced the Second World War End of. Different from Bohr's endless moral remorse, Wheeler did not regret the disaster caused to mankind by this powerful weapon. He regretted that he could not make the atomic bomb come out earlier, otherwise he could change the situation of the European battlefield as soon as possible - in this way, his brother Joe might not die in the Italian battlefield in 1944.
After the war, Wheeler continued to assist the government in some research. He put aside his research and began to help develop the hydrogen bomb. He also built a shelter for atomic dust. Unlike many liberal colleagues at the same time, he has always supported the policies of the US government, such as the Vietnam War and missile defense.
Wheeler was once attacked by the then President of the United States for losing a confidential document on the train Eisenhower Despite this, he was awarded by President Johnson in 1968 atomic energy Commission's Fermi Award In the 1960s, a new generation of relativistic researchers and cosmologists had appeared in Britain and the Soviet Union, but Wheeler did his best to promote the traditional Einstein's Theory of Relativity Become a course.
Black holes overthrow the laws of physics
In fact, Wheeler pushed Einstein's theory forward greatly on one issue.
In 1939, it became“ Manhattan Project ”Principal's J. Robert Oppenheimer (Robert Oppenheimer) and a student said that Einstein's equation made an apocalyptic prediction: a dead star with enough weight would collapse, and it would create extremely dense accumulations, so that light could not pass through. The star will keep splitting, and space will wrap it like a black cloak. In this accumulation center, space will be endlessly curved and matter will be infinitely dense, forming a dense and single contradictory scene, which is what we now call the "black hole center" with zero matter.
Wheeler was the first to oppose this conclusion. He confronted Oppenheimer at a conference in Belgium in 1958. Wheeler said that the collapse theory failed to explain the fate of matter in stars. He countered that matter could not even develop into immaterial. After all, how can the laws of physics develop against themselves to the point of "no physics"?
But soon, he and some other scholars were convinced when the mathematical formulas for explaining the interior and exterior of the collapsed planet appeared. In 1969, at a conference in New York, in order to convince the audience, he had a brainwave and came up with the word "black hole" to describe the terrible and dramatic fate of these stars. The word "black hole" has spread since then.
In Wheeler's autobiography in 1999, he wrote: "Black holes teach us that space can be kneaded into an infinitesimal point like paper, so small that time will be extinguished like a flame, and the 'sacred' immutable physical law we used to call it is no longer the same."
In 1976, Wheeler Princeton University Retirement, here comes University of Texas At the same time, he began to think about a question that had puzzled Einstein and Bohr: how to use quantum Strange rules of structure to observe reality. Quantum revolution ”Heisenberg put forward in 1927“ Uncertainty principle ”This principle imposes many restrictions on the understanding of natural matter. For example, it believes that even in theory, people cannot know at the same time Subatomic particle Of speed and position. Under such conditions, if we do not observe, the subatomic particles and their movement will be in a place that Wheeler calls "giant smoke dragon" particle In the cloud state, it is ambiguous. This idea once frustrated Einstein. He even asked Wheeler once if people would not look at the moon, would it still be in the sky?
However, Wheeler was thinking, quantum Whether the uncertainty principle can be applied to the whole universe and history is the key to understand all existing materials. "We are no longer satisfied with just observing particles, or gravitational field , or geometry, or even space-time, "he wrote in an article in 1981," today our requirement for physics is to understand existence itself. "
Educate young people to guide each other
Wheeler's achievements in science are as famous as his achievements in science education. Wheeler served successively as Princeton and University of Texas Professor at Austin. He paved the way for physical theory education and asked students one question after another to enlighten their wisdom.
Wheeler's students Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max Tegmart, a cosmologist from the University of California, said, "To me, he is a giant and a living physical superhero." Under the leadership of Wheeler, Princeton University It has become the leading institution in the field of American relativity research.
Hugh Everett is also a student of Wheeler. His doctoral thesis under the guidance of Wheeler proposed that quantum The structure is splitting endlessly. Wheeler called this idea "multi world", and this theory has become the favorite of countless cosmologists and science fiction writers.
Even after he gained great fame, he was willing to teach the first year of college. The reason is very simple. He thinks that young people's ideas are the most important. Young people are also more receptive to some new words that seem to go against tradition: black hole, worm hole Quantum foam The universe...... Wheeler has repeatedly expressed the importance of working with young people. Almost all of his works are co authored with students. 1973《 Universal gravitation 》More than 1000 pages thick, the book is full of wisdom and readable language, and even full of sidebar and personal physical sketches. Because it is so popular, this book has been republished several times.
In his autobiography, he specifically mentioned such a thing: "I once had a wrong conclusion that no matter how strong the surface gravity of the collapsing star is, the light perpendicular to the ground and shooting upwards can still escape and carry energy (and mass)." Later, several students proved that this conclusion was wrong, and he suddenly understood.

Academic field

As an outstanding educator, Wheeler has a special understanding of education. "Why should there be students in the university?" Wheeler said, "That's because teachers have something they don't understand and need students to help solve it." In the early 1970s, Wheeler's students Bekenstein (Bekenstein) proposed that the event horizon area of a black hole is proportional to the entropy of the black hole Hawking The idea of "black hole hairless" is contrary. Almost all black hole physicists are on Hawking's side, and only Wheeler supports Beckenstein. He said, "This idea is crazy enough, so it may be right." And Beckenstein is indeed right. Premature Feynman Once said: "Some people said that Wheeler was crazy in his later years, but in fact, Wheeler has always been crazy."
As the most important achievement of physics in the 20th century, quantum theory and relativity have serious conflicts in their basic concepts and have not yet been unified. As Copenhagen School As a member of, Wheeler has a profound understanding of quantum mechanics and has also made important contributions. However, little is known about relativity, especially general relativity.
In the 1950s, Wheeler opened a seminar course in Princeton, General Relativity. Wheeler also said that if you want to understand a new field, you should open a course in this field. Later, he said that if you want to know a new field, you should write a book about that field. This is him and his students Kip Thorne Gravitation, the major book jointly written.
Wheeler has superhuman physics intuition and can gain profound insight from simple analogy. "Analogy leads to insight", which is his methodology. The profound reason is that these analogies seem to be very common after he said them.
Wheeler's most representative thought is the delayed choice experiment proposed at the academic seminar commemorating Einstein's 100th birthday in 1979. On this basis, he gave a conclusion that subverts our usual time sequence: "The decision we make at this moment has enough reason for us to say that it has an inescapable impact on the events that have occurred.", It affects and even determines the past of photons. Most importantly, this thought experiment is not only operable, but also can be operated on a cosmic scale. Hereby, Wheeler Repeatedly stressed: "There is no basic quantum A phenomenon is a phenomenon until it is a recorded (observed) phenomenon "; No past exists in advance unless it is recorded by present. So Wheeler put Copenhagen School Of Holism From space to time.
Wheeler objected that there is an external "where" of our objective reality. As a physicist, Wheeler likes to use diagrams, models and stories to illustrate his views. He often uses this R to represent reality. He points out that "reality is composed of some iron pillars of observation and the theories and imagination in between." However, he also points out that it is impossible to define terms first and then reproduce theories; It is impossible to have the reality first and then the observer's observation. Because theories, concepts, laws and measurement methods are inseparable and presented at the same time(《 The universe is carefree 》14). Therefore, even the observed iron pillar itself is also related to the theory. In this way, the real picture we see is almost entirely our construction.
He emphasized the significance of observation. What we observe depends (in part) on how we ask questions. By analogy, the world we see also exists because of observation. Furthermore, Wheeler put forward the concept of participatory universe, pointing out that the universe is a self-excited loop, and the present observation has participated in and even created the birth of the universe. So there is the idea that "everything comes from bits" (being born in micro). Pure objective observation is impossible, and the observer must become a participant. And the universe, or reality, we are seeing now, comes from innumerable observations from all ages - participation behavior.
These thoughts go deep step by step along the logic of physics, and have been pushed to a level that seems absurd and unacceptable. This way of thinking has become Wheeler's methodology.

Physical contribution

Relativity and quantum theory, two of the greatest physics theories in the first half of the 20th century, have not been able to integrate, which is also a paradox in itself. As one of the few physicists who have in-depth research on quantum theory and (general) relativity at the same time, Wheeler is thinking at several levels at the same time, not only considering the second-order nature of physics, but also conceiving the possible basic factors of future physics. He raised "three questions" about the future physics: how to exist, quantum How, observe how to create? And put forward the "four no" principle and "five clues" to solve the problem. Although these thoughts have formed a huge system, and each part is closely linked, they have not yet formed a complete system, and still contain many conjectures and possibilities. Its charm may come from these possibilities. Wheeler did not give the answer, but asked us questions. Here are some examples:
  • Variability
From the physical structure, Wheeler constructed a ladder of variability. At the bottom of this ladder is the oldest law of elasticity, which assumes that the density is a constant. After we can generate enough pressure, density becomes a variable. Chemical valence was once considered to be an inherent property of atoms, which can be used to sort atoms, so Mendeleev periodic table of ele ments however Nucleus The transmutation has also changed this one. Each Laws of physics , are broken through and surpassed in the extreme state of some physical conditions. By analogy, Wheeler believes that all laws have mutability and cannot be immortal, and the universe itself has birth and death.
  • Physics of Matter and Law
Wheeler believed that physics in Maxwell's time was the physics of matter. At that time, the purpose of physics was to find the composition Material world Of Basic unit , based physics on more basic particle above. Since then, physics is the physics of laws, and specific physical particles become the construction result of the theory itself, which is no longer fundamental. Wheeler tried to transform more matter into laws, and the aforementioned "matter without matter" and "charge without charge" are both manifestations of this idea. Of course, it can also be used Occam razor To explain.
  • Ejection time, quantum and continuity
Since both matter and charge can be given from the structure of physics itself, Wheeler boldly conjectured that the time given now from outside physics can also be derived from physics in the future, from absolute quantity to approximate quantity, from basic quantity to derived quantity. Just as the speed of light was once an external and absolute quantity, it later became derived and approximate. In fact, Wheeler hopes to base all external quantities, even physics itself, on observation, and hopes to give quantum The definition of time, and solve the contradiction between mathematical continuity and physical separation. This is the so-called simplicity of physics.
  • From physics to philosophy
In 2000 Quantum Theory On the 100th anniversary of its birth, Wheeler wrote an article "What is quantum? - The glory and shame of quantum physics" to commemorate it. He said:
This is one hundred years after Planck quantum Physics, all chemistry, biology computer technology The theoretical basis of astronomy and cosmology. However, such a proud foundation still cannot know its own foundation. We can believe, I do believe, that the answer to the question of "what is quantum" will also be proved to be the answer to the question of "what is existence".
At the beginning of 2001, Wheeler pointed out in an e-mail to the author: "The future physics should come from our deeper understanding of quantum theory, rather than from the evaluation of quantum theory."
In thinking about these basic problems, Wheeler went from physics to philosophy.

Character works

Chinese literature
Before 2000, there were only two kinds of Chinese literature that could focus on Wheeler's thoughts.
First, Physics and Simplicity: Wheeler's Lectures( Anhui Science and Technology Press , 1982), which was delivered by Wheeler in Beijing, Hefei and Shanghai when he visited China in 1981. This book is directly published in Chinese, and there is no other language version. Most Chinese scholars began to understand Wheeler from this book.
One is Structure in Science and Art( Tong Shijun Chen Kejian Translation, East China Normal University Press , 1989), which is also a collection of speeches. In 1979, in Kroenberg, Germany, more than 20 people from the world's fields of science, philosophy and art gathered together and held a thematic discussion on "Structure in Science and Art". There were four special speeches at the conference. The first three speakers were psychologists, biologists and novelists, and Wheeler was the fourth. The participants were all outstanding at that time, including domestic familiar scientific philosophers Karl Popper , art historian Gombrich , and three Nobel Prize winners. Taken together, these two kinds of documents have generally included Wheeler's basic ideas on the real problem and the direction of science.
Physical works
Wheeler also published many books on physics, and only one traditional Chinese version of Gravity was published in Taiwan.
In 2000, Wheeler's biography Geons, Black Holesand Quantum Foam Quantum foam )Chinese translation from Taiwan Shang Zhou Publishing House Published under the title of "The Autobiography of John Wheeler: Witness of Physical History and Future" (translated by Cai Chengzhi), in 2004, the simplified version of this translation was published by Shantou University Press Publication. This biography was co written by Wheeler and Gao Zu Ford.
Cosmic Ease
The most concentrated expression of Wheeler's thoughts as a philosopher and scientist is his anthology, "The universe is free". This translation was suggested by Mr. Gog. The book consists of six parts and 24 articles. The first part, "Smile of Science", and the sixth part, "Beyond Black Holes", discuss the basic problems of physics and the nature of reality, which is the most incisive and difficult part of his thought.
The second part, "Enthusiasm and Morale", is relatively short. It talks about education University spirit The understanding of "The Cooperative Spirit of Princeton" is worthy of "deep thinking" by domestic university administrators. The six articles in the third part "Bohr and Einstein" are all related to these two masters. It involves several major issues in the history of physics, explains important physical ideas, and also talks about the social responsibility of scientists, the social significance of science and other issues. The fourth part "Remembering the Great Man" is similar to the previous part, but the object has become Madame Curie Weyl , Kramers and Hideki Yukawa wait forsomeone. The fifth part, "Half Life", discusses Sociology of Science Question.
Works on social risk issues
What surprised me most was that Wheeler once led the scientific social risk Research on the problem. Of course, compared with today's Sociology of Science and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge For example, Wheeler's views more reflect a scientist's default understanding of scientific and social issues. Among these parts, there are also some contributions from Wheeler Copernicus The hymns of Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein and others show us the talents of a physicist in many aspects.
Dream of Ultimate Theory
Wheeler's thought is novel and magnificent. As Wheeler said in the preface of the Chinese version, people should be able to cross their narrow professional vision. In the first article of the book, Wheeler emphasized the concept of unification and the integration of different fields. This is the dream of physicists for a long time( Weinberg Called“ Dream of Ultimate Theory ”)Another performance of. Wheeler's thought has transcended physics and become the common wealth of human culture.
Our Universe: Known and Unknown
Wheeler said that miracles in the vast universe are better than the most brilliant fireworks people can imagine in the wildest dreams (Our Universe: Known and Unknown). For me, Wheeler Theoretical physicist Unrestricted thought revelry, passionate reason and rational passion are also like fireworks in a wild dream!
Wheeler Books
《Wheeler, John Archibald》 (1962)
《Misner, Charles W.; Kip S. Thorne, John Archibald Wheeler》(1973)
《Some Men and Moments in the History of Nuclear Physics: The Interplay of Colleagues and Motivations》(1979)
《A Journey Into Gravity and Spacetime》 (1990)
《Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity》 (1992)
《At Home in the Universe》 (1994).
《Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics》 (1998)
《Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity》 (2000)

Social posts

Wheeler was a member of the American Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Arts and Sciences American Physical Society chairman.

Character evaluation

On Wheeler's 90th birthday in 2001, Dr. Dyson praised Wheeler as a "master craftsman" who decoded nuclear fission and a poet. "The poetic Wheeler is a prophet, just like Moses standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, knowing that his people will be a little like him."
Wheeler said to himself, "If I feel more obligated physically, it is how to connect various things. I hope I have some discrimination. I am willing to go anywhere, talk to anyone, and ask any questions that can promote progress." "I admit that I am an optimist, especially willing to believe that one day all the truth will be solved. So many young people are forced to delve into a field, and can't undertake the task of solving the truth. Only an old scholar like me can do it. If I don't do it, who will do it?"
Wheeler is a famous American physicist, physics thinker and physics educator. Compared with his contemporary physicists, his reputation is far from that of his postdoctoral co tutor Bohr Einstein, his colleague, is also far inferior to his student physics urchin Feynman stay Hawking After the popularity of the world, many people know the strange celestial body "black hole", but few people know that the name "black hole" came from Wheeler.
Although Wheeler did not win the Nobel Prize that the Chinese valued, he is undoubtedly one of the most important physicists in the United States. As a physicist, Wheeler's most important work was to cooperate with Bohr, jointly revealed the nuclear fission mechanism in 1942, and participated in the development of the atomic bomb Manhattan Project He was also one of the main designers of the first hydrogen bomb device in the United States. As a physics educator, Wheeler has cultivated several generations of American physicists, and he has supervised as many as 50 doctors. At present, many front-line figures in American cosmology or astrological theoretical physics are Wheeler's students.

Wheeler students

Richard Feynman
Demetrios Christodoulou
Jacob Bekenstein
Robert Geroch
Bei-Lok Hu
John R. Klauder
Charles Misner
Milton Plesset
Kip Thorne
Arthur Wightman
Hugh Everett
Bill Unruh