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Joseph Black

British chemist and physicist
Joseph Black (April 16, 1728~December 6, 1799), UK chemist physical scientist Blake's main contribution to chemistry is to first study chemical changes with a balance, creating Quantitative chemical analysis method He also used this method to find that this calcined limestone did not gain weight due to the absorption of phlogiston, but lost weight due to the release of gas "fixed gas". He also studied the properties of this gas in many aspects, especially its non combustion supporting property and its ability to be absorbed by caustic soda to reduce its corrosion, which shook the popular phlogiston theory at that time and created a new era of gas chemistry. [1 ]
Chinese name
Joseph Black
Foreign name
Joseph Black
Ethnic groups
date of birth
April 16, 1728
Date of death
December 6, 1799
University one is graduated from
University of Glasgow University of Edinburgh
Key achievements
Discover carbon dioxide
Propose the concept of latent heat
Invention of quantitative chemical analysis method
one's native heath
Bordeaux, France

Personal life

Born in Bordeaux, France, on April 16, 1728.
Entered in 1746 University of Glasgow Study medicine and natural science.
Obtained in 1754 University of Edinburgh doctorate.
In 1756, he was professor of medicine and lecturer of chemistry at Glasgow University,
He was professor of chemistry at Edinburgh University in 1766.
Participated in the establishment in 1783 Royal Society of Edinburgh
From 1788 to 1790, he was the Dean of Edinburgh Royal College of Medicine.
Died on December 6, 1799 Edinburgh

give great contribution to

Chemical field
In chemistry, Blake studied the mutual conversion process of limestone - quicklime - hydrated lime in detail. In the process, Black weighed the solid substances generated in each intermediate link, and then found "fixed air" in the limestone calcination experiment( carbon dioxide )。 Through the combustion supporting experiment of "fixed air", it is determined that it is not combustion supporting gas, and then it is concluded that air is composed of multiple gases; By Caustic alkali Compared with whether the weak base releases "fixed air" in the chemical reaction, the conclusion that "the corrosiveness of alkali is not the result of the presence of combustibles" is reached.
Physical field
In physics, Blake clarified the two different concepts of heat and temperature. He proposed Specific heat capacity The theory of. Created a method for measuring heat Calorimetry He also found and explained the "latent heat" in the phase change of the state of matter, and quantitatively determined the latent heat of ice melting and estimated the size of the latent heat of water vaporization, which gave J. Watt great enlightenment on his technical transformation of installing a condenser on a steam engine.
Steam engine manufacturing
Blackie James Watt They are 6 years older and have been good friends all their lives. In his experimental research on steam, Watt helped him. Watt made instruments for Black, and Black's latent heat theory improved Watt's steam engine( Newcomen For steam engine, the thermal efficiency of Newcomen steam engine is low, which has left a lot of room for later Watt improvement; But in the subsequent scientific development, the mistakes in Newcomen's design are far more important than its correctness. Scientists provide a theoretical basis by deeply distinguishing and analyzing examples that are familiar to others and drawing scientific conclusions that later people marvel at. This is the earliest example of scientific research and technological invention in human history.