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Joseph Fraunhofer

German physicist
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Joseph von Fraunhofer (March 6, 1787 June 7, 1826) Germany physical scientist , the main contribution is focused on the spectrum.
Chinese name
Joseph Fraunhofer
Foreign name
Joseph von Fraunhofer
date of birth
March 6, 1787
Date of death
June 7, 1826
physical scientist


Orphaned at the age of 11 Munich As an apprentice in a glass workshop. In 1801, the house of this workshop collapsed, and the Bavarian Elector Marquis Similian I personally led people to rescue it from the ruins. Maximilian I took great care of Fraunhofer and provided him with books and learning opportunities. Eight months later, he was sent to the Academy of Optics of the famous Benedictine monastery of Boyon in Benedictine for training. This Benedictine monastery attaches great importance to glass making. By 1818, he had become the main leader of the Academy of Optics. Thanks to Fraunhofer's efforts, Bavaria replaced britain It became the production center of optical instruments at that time Michael Faraday I can only bow to the wind.
In 1824, Fraunhofer was awarded the Blue Max Medal and became a noble and honorary citizen of Munich. Fraunhofer died at the age of 39 due to heavy metal poisoning caused by his long-term engagement in glass making. [1]

Scientific research achievements

Fraunhofer's scientific research achievements mainly focus on spectrum. In 1814, he invented the spectrometer. In the spectrum of sunlight, he found 574 black lines, which are called Fraunhofer lines